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Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > THE NEW STAR WARS
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I don't know if you guys heard, but THERE'S A NEW STAR WARS OUT! I haven't seen it... yet! But i'm totally stoked, how about you guys!?!? Whaka whaka whaka! - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:42am
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It rules!! - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 7:05am
Masturbating The War God
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I hated most of it until the last 40 minutes. But it was 12:15am, and I had been up since 6am. Going to see it today at noon.

Though it made me want to watch to originals, then I did, and I hated the new one even more. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 8:30am
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WHAT! The new one RULES. Its better than the old ones!! - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 9:50am
princess p
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I liked it, it was the best of the first three. But nothing beats the orig! - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 9:56am
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I think it is one of the best in the series. Amazing effects, great action, and little drama/dialogue. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 10:15am
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and it has Sam Beam from Iron and Wine! - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:20am
Nik Olaz
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i havent seen it. and i probably never will until it comes out on dvd and it's under 3 dollars to rent. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:25pm
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haha iron and wine is sweet. so are beards. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:53pm
Masturbating The War God
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Platoon, do you mean in the new 3, or the entire 1-6 series?

I just got back from seeing it again for the second time. I did like it better than when I watched it for the first time. But the SG work was still shit, I just haven't liked any of it from the begining. Though sometimes they really nailed down things, like Yoda, and at other times it's just looks so fake and airbrushed(how about that lizard Obi is riding). The dialogue was still extremely weak with little chemistry between the characters. I know the original series was not well written either, but everything flows better, is more believable and the chemistry between the cast is awesome.

I'm a stuborn die-hard 3-6 girl though...
I did like this the best of the new series, it patched the damage made, mostly, by Episode II.

Anyone for a game of Trivial Pursuit? 3-6.

I'm a loser. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 1:18pm
Adrenaline Animal
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some of the "airbrushy look" is because the film is shot in a digital format, and victoria dosen't have a digital projector in any of the theaters as of the last time I checked, it will look much better when you see it on dvd - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 2:08pm
Masturbating The War God
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See, I don't know these things, but...
I've seen the other 2 on dvd, same crap imo. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 2:58pm
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MTWG: I think it is easily the best of the new three. I haven't seen 3-6 in a long time but I think Revenge is one of my favorites period. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 5:31pm
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amen to that.

but, really, the sweetness of this movie comes in the way that it gives new context to 3-6. I watched jedi the other night, and it was even more enjoyable now that the characters of vader and the emperor have so much more history. it also makes 1 and 2 seem a little less pointless. turns out that star wars is really all about vader -- who knew? - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 6:51pm
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Judging by Pubert posts, I was his age when the damn things were in the theatres originally.

I'm more upset by the redone editions of ep 4-6 than I am the new movies. Its sad that one can no longer purchase the theatrical releases but only the Special Editions (Read: totally fucked) Within 15 minutes of opening, the fact that Greedo fires first is the most distasteful modification to a movie I have ever witnessed. It completely demeans the original character of Han Solo forever!

After the remakes of Ep4-6, I was turned off the whole franchise. I'll see EP3 in the theatre, but sadly the whole thing has run dry for me... - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 8:37pm
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I don't know much but I know Star Wars and I've heard almost every argument in both directions for the new three movies. Though I'm a fan of 5 out of 6 of the Star Wars films I think the more recent three were missing one solid thing:

Han Solo.

Think about it, all six movies had good acting mixed with bad acting, cheesy dialogue, and plot holes galore. But Episode IV, V and VI had that one redeeming, charismatic, comic hero who was NOT a Jedi. Han Solo made the romance interesting, not boring and he took no bullshit from anyone. Not only that but he was inexorably attached to the best ship in all of Star Wars (The Millenium Falcon) and the best Alien (Chewbacca the Wookie), not to mention his ties with Jabba the Hut. Han Solo is truly a great character to which there is no parallel in the more recent series. So let's hear it for Han and his lovely Wookie and in his words "Let's blow this thing and go home".

-k. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 9:46pm
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Exactly my point. Lucas' dialog simply sucks and always has. Charisma provided by Harrison Ford made the originals come to life which is why I focused on the whole remade Greedo incident.

Rumour says that Harrison Ford had insisted on allowing his own modifications (or improvisions) on what must have been a lame-ass script.

No doubt Harrison Ford ruled the character universe of the first series. Only Return of the Jedi started to wear his wonderful edges off.

Heard a great quote the other day from geekdom within the internet:(General phrase)

"Thats more fucked than Jar-Jar Binks"

(In the voice of Apu): "What the hell were they thinking?"
. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 10:10pm
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fuck you, kc, pull your head outta yer mamas ass slit and get with the mofo'n program. As if you've never watched the original movies until your girlfriend left of boredome. You know the chronology of the first three and hans solo are way out of whack. all things considered the dialogue sucked. It would take an army of chevey chases to make this movie remotely interesting. George lucas is a hack.

Whaka Whaka Whaka mmmmmm i say to you - (yoda voice) - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 10:43pm
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To be honest, I haven't even seen the movie yet. But I think that this guy's got the right idea. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 1:25am
The Box Drone
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I loved Episode 3. I hated episode 1, and I thought episode 2 was still a big mess but was headed in the right direction.

I was gonna go off about the original trilogy vs the new, but there's no point... so I think I'll just leave it at that. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 7:58am
Masturbating The War God
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I totally agree that Lucas fucked up 3-6 when they were re-released, and the sceen with Geedo shooting Han is absolutely sickening. And when Jabba is at the MF and Solo sticks his finger at him. And I think lucas added the scream to Luck falling from Cloud City when he choses death over life with Vader.

I heard that on the DVD versions they've changed the end sceen in ROTJ with Anikan, when he is standing with Yoda and Obi, so that he looks more like Hayden Christianson...please tell me it's not true.

My personal favorite has always been R2. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 10:34am
The Box Drone
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This is a retarted thing to point out because everyone knows what everone is talking about, but it's the obsessive compulsive in me...

3 out of 4 people in this thread have referred to episodes 4-6 as episodes 3-6!

And for the record, I think the majority of the changes to the rereleases of SW are pretty cool, but I hate the Greedo thing, there's definately some problems with the Jaba scene (although I kind of like it), and I hate the fact that he totally raped the ending of Jedi.

And yeah, the new one sucked in the same way that the other new ones sucked, but in my opinion this was the first time in the new trilogy that the atmosphere, special effects and sheer action movie awesomeness was so cool that I didn't give a shit about how bad the rest of it was. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 11:36am
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Ep. I clearly sucks. They could have done it all in a 5 minute montage in Ep. 2. The whole shameful thing could have been avoided. That being said, I still love everything that Lucas has done beside Ep. 1, including the CLone Wars cartoons and the Ewok movies.

Another reason for the shitty dialogue in the new trilogy (aside from the fact that Lucas sucks at writing) is that all of the actors are FULLY acting against a blue screen.

I still think the best part of Ep. 3 is seeing Yoda, Obi Wan, and Bail Organa walking through Organa's ship. So awesome. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 3:53pm
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Box Drone: I think the point of calling them 3-6 is that 3 is good enough to stand up to 4-6, and therefore can be included......

And I LOVED Episode 3..... Almost as good as 4-6.... There were onyl a few nerdy points of plot that annoyed me (#1: in Jedi, Leia says her Mom died when she was "very young", not in fucking childbirth).... The cute droids and cheesy dialogue bugged me at first, but then I remembered Ewoks and the shitty dialogue in 4-6...... A few shots looked really obviously digital, but that was a very few... Unlike Episode fucking 1......

Shawn, word up on seeing Organa's ship.... Tied the movies very much into 4-6.....

Lonemonk, my favourite phrase in reference to Lucas's revisionist idiocy is "that's the worst idea I've heard since Greedo shooting first".... Courtesy of Kevin Smith.... - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 3:46pm
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I'm sad. I've seen it 6 times already... - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 4:44pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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You could have bought so many Lando action figures with the money you wasted on EP. III. shame. - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 6:47pm
The Box Drone
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Knifeghost: good point about 3-6 I never looked at it this way. I looked at the leia's mom dying thing as Leia not yet knowing that she was adopted - which she didn't at the time. Admittedly, it takes some of the poigniency out of the lukes living through her memories, but it makes sense in that context.

One thing that got me though, was when Obi-Wan gives luke his lightsaber, he says "your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your unkle wouldn't allow it" which would imply that Anakin & Unkle Owen had arguements over whether or not luke should have the lightsaber.

Jesse: Screw figures, you could buy two or three life sized Lando standups! - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 6:57am
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Lando rules because he is the only character that can legitimately wear a cape!!!!!!! Plus it's Billy D. FUCKING Williams.

I loved the use of the old trilogy music interspersed throughout. Like little hints of the Emperor's March as Anakin became progressively evil. Also, Leia's "theme" kicks in at the end of the movie when Bail Organa (sorry I just think he's a sweet fucking character, it must be the capes!!) and his wife are holding Leia and Luke is dropped off at Tatooine. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 7:42am
The Box Drone
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I was half expecting Bail Organa & Padmé to have an affair and get married or something... that guy seemed to spend an awful lot of time on Naboo... - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 8:20am
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yes, in the DVD at the end of Return of the Jedi, it is Hayden Christiansen instead of the old Anakin. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 9:11am
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Also in teh DVD's in Ep. 4 the Emperor's image is updated to look MUCH better. The old image didn't look a thing like him. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:33am
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Mr. Drone: In Ep. 4, Obi-Wan also said that Darth Vader killed his father... He's glossing the truth -- surely Anakin Skywalker would have wanted Luke to have the lightsaber, if he was still Anakin.... But it fuels my suspicion that George Lucas didn't bother to watch 4-6 again before writing 3 (if he wrote 3 himself)... - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 3:08pm
Masturbating The War God
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so who wants to nerd out and play a game of Trivial?

and opps on my part, I meant 4-6!!! - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 4:22pm
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ok I'm game . . . I'll probably suck but I have the ultimate source for star wars info - my little bro. I'm convinced he knows more about Star Wars than anyone knows about anything else. - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 8:44pm
Japanese Air Force
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Condensed version of EP III. Damn funny read.

~JAF - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 1:18pm
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Hey Chinese Bath-house Soldier, you're a silly geeky poofter. You pinko fag, quit with the Star Wars shit. Whaka whaka whaka! - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:52pm
Masturbating The War God
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When you lose, you must dress like Jar Jar at your next show.

Damn the picture is too small, but it says...

"Help me - I am a disabled clone war vet. Need $$$ to build Death Star." - Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:10am
Masturbating The War God
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JAF, that was hilarious...

One of my favorite lines " Wow, you really can absorb force
lightning with a lightsaber. Someone
really, really needs to tell Luke

but the whole thing was great. - Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:22am
Chris Logan
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My favorite:

It's over, Hayden. If you jump over
to me, I will cut your shit off.

You underestimate my power to
decide not to jump to the low ground
in front of you where I will be able
to safely continue duelling, but to
instead try to jump all the way over
you and get my shit cut off!



I'm leaving, Hayden! Even though
you are writhing in agony, I won't
do the humane thing and put you out
of your misery. You're the dick,

Sorry for the long post - just too funny. - Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:24am
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I'm in for Trivial.... 4-6 only..... - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 8:43pm
Masturbating The War God
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Of course. When I got it for christmas, a month or so before Episode I came out, they threw in some Ep I cards as well, but I'm having none of that mess.

If you are both serious, I'm so down, we can do it at a public place, so people will mock us. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 5:24pm
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I'm even sadder... 8 times... I have a sickness. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 9:53pm
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