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Logan's new policy...?
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Logan's new policy...?
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Hi folks. Buddy of mine tells me he headlined a busy show there recently and got LESS THAN 50% of the door.

Is this new or am I just out of it?

Thanks for any info,
G - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 4:09pm
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Why can't your buddy answer your questions? He's the one who did the show and got paid right?

One of the last shows I did there our band got about 25% of the door. We set it up, booked the bands and headlined and was sold out before 10pm.

Does that mean that Logan's kept 75% of the door? Of course not.

Don't start shit. - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 4:48pm
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Key word: headlined. This indicates to me that there was more than one band there (routinely Logan's has at least 3 acts per night). On a busy night the soundman's wage (normally $75) and the door person (typically $40, I think)come out of the door take, although I have seen many occasions where the bar ate this dough if the door take was anemic. Band members also seem to get something like 3 drinks each, which is pretty normal in this biz. So assuming there were 3 bands and the sound guy and door person came off the door then, yes, the "headliner" would get something like 40-45% of the door, with the other bands getting slightly less. It all depends who puts the show on; in most of the shows I play there we simply add up the number of bodies that played and split the dough by that number; seems to keep everybody reasonably happy. I have played Logan's literally dozens of times and have never had the slightest complaint about how the door take is distributed, something that I sadly cannot say for any other venue in this town, which is why I so seldom ever play any of them. one thing's for sure; if you pack that bar you will make good dough. - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 4:59pm
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I think it must have been his first headliner, if he thinks 50% isnt good. Fuk - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 6:42pm
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Hey BBJ: Take it the fuck easy chap. 1) I did ask my buddy. And now I'm asking the broader community. 2) I also emailled Logan's. 3) I never insinuated that Logan's took the rest of the door. 4) I'm not a 'shit-starter' unless by shit you mean rad partying with the funnest folk at the bestest places. I don't think you meant that.

What, you the scene cop?

Anyhoo, thanks for the other opinions as well.

G - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 7:15pm
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The title of the thread and the question in the first post certainly looks to me like you are in fact insinuating something nefarious is going on at Logan's. At any rate, IMHO there isn't so relax everybody. - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 7:51pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Logan's has ALWAYS been super fair when it comes to distributing the money at the end of the night. I hope that your friend realizes that the bar splits up the money for the bands and put the money is seperate envelopes for each act. If your buddy's band got 50% of the door for headlining, I'd almost guarantee that the other 50% went to the soundman, door person and the remaining acts. Sounds like they got a good cut to me. - Tue, 23 Nov 2004 8:42pm
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Okay, suppose I changed "LESS THAN 50%" to "WAY LESS THAN 50%" and added "and did all the promotion, lined up the other acts, etc."

Oh, and Scott, as long as you're there, there's *always* something nefarious going on at Logan's, hmmm?

G - Wed, 24 Nov 2004 11:02am
Chris Logan
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Hey all -

Our standard policy is to take a flat fee from the door - usually $125 - and then hand the rest of the dough to the bands. We NEVER take a percentage, no matter how many people pay, so the more bodies through the door, the more the bands take home. I don't know which show you're talking about, Gman, but if it's the one I think it is, the opening act on that particular night actually had a guarantee, so, perversely, they made more than the headliner. If a band does have a guarantee, and there isn't enough made at the door to cover it, we pay the difference, and the sound/door out of pocket.

In general, we try to let the bands divide the money amongst themselves, because sometimes people want to divide it equally, sometimes certain people have extra expenses, etc. etc.

Short answer, we haven't changed our policy in the 7-8 years we've been doing this. Hope that clears things up. Feel free to email or post any other questions you might have. - Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:50pm
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I'm going to assume that your buddy is in a local band (and that he can't operate a calculator) which modifies the "headliner" thing just a bit. Let's say your buddy's band got 35% of the door, band #2 got 30% and the openers got 25% with 10% being eaten up by the various expenses (which is a likely breakdown at a packed show; I don't know about "busy"). Would you say that's fair or not? I would (provided all the bands are local and each played roughly 45 minute, 60 minute and 75 minute sets which is a typical ratio). Or does your buddy feel that, since his band were the "headliners" (and did all the "organizing" and "promotion")that they should be entitled to, say 60% of the door while the other bands battle for the leftovers? And if, in fact, his band did all the organizing, wouldn't it be up to them how the money was split up? (it certainly is that way at every show I've played at logan's that was independantly booked and promoted). At any rate I would have to respectfully submit that the magic word "headliner" doen't actually mean much when all the bands are local; me, I hate playing last and much prefer playing in the middle. The perception that the headliner is entitled to the lion's share of the door take is a leftover from the good old days before punk and is one that I have always taken issue with. Naturally this all changes if the band is from out of town, or has a guarantee or is some massive 10 piece monstrosity while the support acts are solo artists or whatever. But with all things being relatively equal the 35/30/25% breakdown isn't unfair IMO. Oops, looks like Chris beat me to this anyways. Selah. - Wed, 24 Nov 2004 1:02pm
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As Chris says, a guarantee changes things a bit. In fact, in practical terms the openers were the "headliners" I guess which left the remainder to be divvied up between the other bands. Did your buddy not know that there was a guarantee? i mean, you say he organized this show. - Wed, 24 Nov 2004 1:24pm
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Thanks Chris. Dunno if we're talking about the same folks. They have no interest in me talking about this and would probably rather not be associated with this convo.

Oh, and never mind the email as you've been totally clear!

Probably see you around when I've worked off all dese tour debts, hmmm?

G - Wed, 24 Nov 2004 4:51pm
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Hahaaa,Go Gman !

I'd give my 2 cents for an opinion , but alas that goes towards smokes, beer and drugs . - Thu, 25 Nov 2004 7:45am
Chris Logan
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Hey G - say no more. That other show I was talking about turned into a total cock-up because of too many 'promoters.'

If you need to pay off some debts, why not book a show at Logan's? Our terms are fair! - Thu, 25 Nov 2004 11:08am
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In my experiences with logans, you get a pretty fair deal from a pub. I think that's where a lot of the misconception comes in about band pay outs, this isn't a bar downtown, this is a Pub on Cook St. It's much harder for Logan's to fill up on a wednesday/thursday night with local bands then say, steamers or lucky. I think the majority of the time Logans is a local pub with a relaxed atmosphere for social drinks, It very hard to suddenly transform into a live music niteclub.
kudos to logans for supporting the local scene - Fri, 26 Nov 2004 9:02am
Vegas J
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Mr Chris have class! Nicely explained and the "You have debts? Come play Logan's" was awesome! Way to go! Hell, I had fun when I played there, we got paid's great! On a personal note...I'd love to see "Captains of Industry" (I think that was their name) play there again soon! - Fri, 26 Nov 2004 1:03pm
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i hope your not in this business to make money, that is why you get a job on the side.
don't get me wrong it's nice to receive some cash to pay the show expenses but how mush is that stings/sticks gas in the car a music gear rental or two. how much money do you need.

Question to the people in the know.
if you sold out logans at five bucks a head and paid the door man and sound man what would be the total take for the night and how should it get devided? - Fri, 26 Nov 2004 2:46pm
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"but how mush is that stings/sticks gas in the car a music gear rental or two. how much money do you need."

The educated at their finest. - Fri, 26 Nov 2004 11:12pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Yeah, that was kinda tricky.
If anyone - OTHER than W:), obviously - can be give me a valid explanation as to what was meant, I will reward a single brownie point. - Sat, 27 Nov 2004 2:26pm
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if you want money for your music get a record deal, don't expect night clubs to pay your rent.
sorry about the typo didn't realize dis is engrish class. FAG! - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 1:10pm
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According to a recent article in Rolling Stone even the big name acts are having a hard time making money. Record deals don't really do it, recording is expensive and retail sales are down. People are downloading and swapping music more and more. Concerts and live appearances have not been covering the bands travel, equipment and venue expenses. It seems the way to make money these days is....are you ready for it? Merch! T-shirts, hats, what have you, it seems that merchandise is paying the way these days. So, not only do you need to have a working band but you also need an in-house design team. And you want to be a Rock Star because.........? - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 1:25pm
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It isn't english class. What you said had nothing to do with english class. It had alot to do with not making any sense what-so-ever. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 1:28pm
Colin {Sic}
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I heard that a new policy at logans is you have to go visit John Logans casting couch. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 7:04pm
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I thought that was the old policy.

G - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 7:24pm
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My ass got sore just thinking about it! - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:21pm
The One After Two
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Troutbreath is so right on. Look how many "big" bands there are. Look at how many shows come to our humble little burgh. In the big towns there are many shows a week for marque acts.

Those guys in Good Charlotte were really onto something with their Made Clothing. Its so punk!

someone mighta aready linked this: - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 12:04am
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Good Charlotte? hahaha. Who the fuck are they? And thats punk? I am old :( - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 6:20am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Hey W:) you fucking goof - if you were actually literate enough to read (AND UNDERSDTAND) my post you shouldn't have responded to it because I was curious to see if ANYONE ELSE (which means NOT YOU, you douche-hat!) would actually decipher your pathetic fucking excuse for handling the English fucking language. How about YOU perhaps try getting a handle on how to express yourself before coming on here and sounding like such a "FAG"!

/dude - I NEVER give a flying turtle's fuck about typos, but that post of yours was just plain F-U-C-K-E-D-U-P. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 8:14am
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really! so fucking what!
don't tell me not to post, who the fuck do you think you are?

come pick up your sister we're done with her. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 2:47pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Don't worry - that's o.k.
She doesn't mind being felched by dweebs. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 4:47pm
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My old bands used to play around a lot, and Logans is one of the fairest places to play. We used to play a place called The Queens in nanaimo that is like nanaimo's version of steamers and they would charge us $100 out of the door to pay the door person so eventually we started running 3 band shows where each of the 3 bands was resopnsible for doing the door for about an hour. It worked out great we all made way more money, and we were shocked at the number of people who came up to the door and said, "where's Jim? he never makes me pay cover." So we not only gained the $100, we also didn't have all the friends of people who worked in the bar coming in for free. On another topic, the band that does the promotion should get paid more. Lots of people want to split the money equally but give credit where credit is due. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 4:13pm
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Yo odb,

Serious conversation is over. Only sexual/goof comments remain to be posted.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
G - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 5:31pm
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you sexy fucking goof!!! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 5:47pm
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Just shut up and drink your free booze. If you get money be happy. If you don't. Keep your day job. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 12:24am
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life is unfair!! - Fri, 17 Dec 2004 5:51pm
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