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Best drummers in Victoria
Message Board > General Chitchat > Best drummers in Victoria
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who do you feel are the best drummers in Victoria?

by genre?

by achievements as a drummer?

by experience? - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 8:15am
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I'm not into categorizing who's better than who, but these guys are my favourites in the Vic scene:

Jake: Within a Vision
Lincoln: Pariah
buddy from Allfather

Never heard that Death Metal Dave guy play, but i'm looking forward to it. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 8:22am
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Kent Kynasty SONIC DOOM - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 9:27am
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Helonwheels. She is *my* favourite drummer.

And she looks so cute back there getting all sweaty, too!

BangBang, Helly! - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 10:09am
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solid time, great groove, and spans multi-genre's. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 10:14am
Mr. Hell
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Some that I am familiar with and who's style I enjoy hearing in no particular order:
Aubrey Trotter (ex-Belt, ex-Anthem)
Death Metal Dave Krull (Gorilla Monsoon, Meatlocker Seven)
Terry James (Zola Bud, ex-Punish)
Lincoln McCulloch (Pariah, Self Inflicted, ex-Grump, ex-Black Belt Jones)
Craig Stewart (Acorn Hell, Ruiner, ex-Goat War, ex-Allfather {kinda})
Loren Werrun (Zappnin Black, ex-Rollie Fingers, ex-Punish, ex-Conviction)
Stefano Pasta (Dizzy)
Jake Cox (Within A Vision)
James Munro (Desensitized, ex-Meatlocker Seven)
Paul Jacobsen (Allfather)
Jay Brown (AWT, Hoosegow, ex-Fuckpig)
Jeremy (Moneyshot)
Tim Sweeting (ex-Explosive Rage Disorder, ex-Oppresion)
Skip Threedinks (24 Doors Of Trouble)

Mostly metal and rock oriented as that is where my allegiance lies...a little biased maybe but completely founded opinions. I am sure there are many greats that I haven't seen or are just in hiding. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 2:04pm
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That Skip Threedinks is the shit man ! - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 3:01pm
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brendan from jet's overhead (and the brickyard...) - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 4:11pm
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the dude in armchair cynics..ive seen them twice and man, that guy is killer! - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 9:09pm
Criss Crass
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Lincoln hands down. Second choice Dustin Schwam. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 11:18pm
Colin Sick
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Hey Mr hell its not who are your favorite bands, its who are your favorite drummers. You might like a band, but that doesn't mean they have the "best drummer" in victoria. In my opinion though rob gretsinger is the best drummer in victoria, its unfortunate that its being wasted on a lousy cover band. If you ever see him down at LM ask him to show off his kick, I like to call him victorias virgil donati - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 5:25am
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For sheer versatility combined with good taste (something a lot of the note bashers lack) I would pick my buddy Luke Burgess with piercing fetishist Jesse Cahill a close second. Hardcore punk/ reggae and hardcore punk/jazz (real jazz, that is, not fusoid crap) respectively. - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 8:12am
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Kent Muthafuckin Kynaston can drum circles around any drummer in vic with one hand down his pants and bouncing his baby on his knee. You better recognize!!! - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 10:40am
Japanese Air Force
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And now for something completely different....

okay, not so much, but the drummers in town who inspire me when I see them live, in no particular order:

The Stefano - Dizzy (chops chops chops)

Luke - Grace Nocturnal (feel)

Ryan - Armchair Cynics (showmanship)

the drummer from T.B.A. (sorry, don't remember his name, but he's the most solid, straight ahead, no-bullshit drummer I've seen in this city)

There's probably others that I don't see as much, so they're not coming to my head right now.

~JAF - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 11:08am
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Yeah stepheno is a good drummer, especially when his tourettes kicks in, then he is a monster - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 12:24pm
Luci Fur
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Mucus&Bile by far - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 1:03pm
Danny Silverfish
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Lincon, he cheats he plays to click tracks - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 1:31pm
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Death Metal Dave
The Stefano
Ryan from Armchair Cynics - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 2:07pm
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Hugh Moody (ex destiny impaired)
Aaron Berg (ex gallows end)
Look at Aaron go, that kid is going to be a god in a few years. He has barely been playing and he is fast, damn fast.
Death Metal Dave is damn good - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 3:19pm
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Drummers who have impressed me:

- Damian Graham
- Pete: ERD
- there was a dude called James Birkett who was good, but ran into elbow problems and stopped playing.
- and the drummer for SentencedToBurn for metal.

No such thing as the best when it comes to music, but for difficult patterns, only a handful of local drummers would be able to play this: - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 4:05pm
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Tubs from the Fine Options...... - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 7:14pm
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Best drummer?!? Well short of Gary Brainless, and the drummer from Micky Christ, I'll put my money on Jay Brown, guy rocks, and totally made me laugh at the B-Day shindig over at Logan's the other night, But I must also give a mention to Stephano from Dizzy. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 12:04am
Mr. Hell
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Maybe that afro is tainting your vision, Colin.
I listed drummers. The bands these drummer belong in aren't necessarily my favorites. I listed which bands they were in so people who may not know could go and check out their playing sometime.
Shouldn't need to explain that. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 3:14am
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LUKE BURGESS?!!?! Wow, that name is a blast from the past. even though i was still in elementary school, i was allowed to play in the junior highschool band and that's where i met Luke. is he currently in a band ZippGunn? would love to go see him. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 4:42am
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I play with Luke in People's War and he also plays in the Beaumonts. He is also a sex machine ladies (just kidding, I think) - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 7:16am
Old Goat
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In MY not so humble opinion:Only 2 drummers are REALLY any good in this town.
John London is GOD

Jason Bonneau is SATAN

I never said I was the best drummer in town.....
I said I was the best LOOKING drummer in town !!! - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:01am
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The best drummer in town? Well, Calvin Dick of Fracas and Mansmell is probably one of the best drummers in the world...Doug from Repulverizer has got to rank up there too: no one plays as hard and as fast as Doug. Honourable mention goes to that Johnny Friendly guy from the Sensitones; he does more with just a snare and a hi-hat than most folks do with a full kit. I've seen them a bunch of times, and that guy keeps time like a robot. He's not very friendly, though. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 1:23pm
jay brown
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Wow I think it's pretty damn cool I got mentioned on this list at all. But all righty heres my picks.... John London, Jason Benoit, Stefano, I agree Arron has some serious speed and that kid is gonna be an amazing drummer in a few years, quite a sight to see. Dan Beer, cant remember his name.. the drummer from Punish... wow. The drummer from Zapplin Black, man he's fun to watch. Hmm, this list could go on for a long time.... - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 2:24pm
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Kevin Steeple from Micky Christ.
Dustin Jak.
Big Rick from LID & Sweathogz.
John London, ex.Lummox. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 2:28pm
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There is only one drummer worth mentioning and that is Hugh Moody. Unfortunately i doubt any of you will ever hear him. Oh, and Berg sucks donkey balls. I have pictures. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 3:56pm
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That kid from Machine Gun Kelly. And Blind mark, especially in his Drunktank days. - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 4:14pm
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If you want to see drumming from a different world check out Leon, the conga player from 'Son de Cuba'. He's right out of Havana and has Afro-Cuban in his blood stream. - Wed, 26 Nov 2003 5:35am
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Someone should take a gun to Hugh's head and make him join another band. This "I prefer playing alone" bullshit is bullshit. I haven't seen him play with a band for like 2 years and only a handful of times on stage. - Wed, 26 Nov 2003 7:54am
Hero Of The Day
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My drummer is the best dammnit.......GOOOOOOOO Drew - Wed, 26 Nov 2003 12:28pm
jay brown
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Heya Donnie, the old drummer for Pigment Vehicle was Jason Benoit, who is now playing keyboards, and now John London is the drummer. Both of whom are on my list. I have to agree with you about Pete Locker, and I also forgot to add Dustin Schwamn to my list as well. I dont think anybody could ever argue about No Means No, not only a couple of the finest musicians to ever come out of this city but as far as I'm concerned out of canada as well. - Wed, 26 Nov 2003 1:44pm
Rain Storm
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For metal I'd say:

-Death Metal Dave
-Paul Jacobsen (Allfather)
-Doug (Repulverizer!)

and that drummer from Iskra is pretty damn good!! - Wed, 26 Nov 2003 5:18pm
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i'd have to say that for solid timing and showmanship, not to mention HOLY FUCKING abilities my 3 picks would be:

The Stefano from Dizzy as mentioned before he has Tourettes and still pulls it off flawless with the hands of God and the endourance of a porn star, fucking trooper.

D.M.D. Metal has never sounded so good and those blast beats
keep getting faster and more punishing. He plays for Gorilla and Meatlocker now, not an easy task for anyone, simply amazing.

Terry James a seasoned vetarin, with all the speed of any metal hero and the versatlity of the best studio musicians in the bizz. He always seems to suprise me with the styles he is able to transform into, very convincing and very nice guy.

SS. - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 7:15am
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how can he be practicing by himself if your're there listening? Anyway, enough of being a smart ass.... i went to the Jobe (or Maurice or Carpet or whatever they're calling themselves now), Fully Loaded and Habitat show on friday..

the drummer from Jobe absolutely blew my mind, i've never heard someone not on a huge label go that fast on a snare drum... nice ass kit too - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 1:19pm
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connor is my choice.
if you have not seen the kid, do yourself a favour... - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 5:06pm
Japanese Air Force
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It would a appear that punk and metal are the genres of choice around here.

~JAF - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 7:22pm
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yeah, i think it's due to the fact that most punk and metal is all about speed and/or intricate combinations/time changes. other styles of music don't shout out "holy shit look at the drummer" even if they are amazing finesse players. - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 7:41pm
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i played with terry james in punish for a while and i must say he is all around a very good drummer and a pleasure to know !!!
he has alot of training and uses it to the max
i felt we really clicked when we really jammed things out
the only other drummer i clicked with as well was loran werrun when we were in conviction and later in punish for a short stint
he has great feel and always does the riff justice
brings the best outa me as a player...if there were more drummers like these in vic there would be alot more great bands in all genres
also lincoln mcCulloch was the first drummer i played with
we were to young and inexperienced to get it together but hes definitely still got it
and tim sweeting was solid as a rock when he joined conviction and recorded with us
too bad our producer/engineer didnt know what the fuck he was doing to bring out tim's best sound wise .....but he played like a big ol MF
ive got a knew mostly un-known drummer now and i cant wait to play live with him
cheers CC - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 8:08pm
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Lincoln has progressed very well hasnt he.

DMD is amazing too, all kinds of neat tricks.. Similar to CC's decription of Loran or Terry in that he really brings out the riffs, brings them to life with his playing.

A dude named Ken jams down the hall from us.. he has amazing double bass. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 7:11am
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"other styles of music don't shout out "holy shit look at the drummer"

That depends on the audience. In the technical drumming world, punk/metal drumming is not taken seriously for the most part. Which is dumb when you see a guy like Gene Hoglan play. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:03pm
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that kid from Yeknob. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 2:05pm
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Holy fuck. O.K., now you're grasping at straws. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 9:00am
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Right on Tony, you've got that right and I would go as far as saying one of the best in the world also . - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 12:44pm
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best drummer I ever played with was a guy named bill cinar!!

rock solid,,,great singer!! just a total talent!! - Tue, 16 Dec 2003 10:11pm
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Well I've been the luckiest son of a bitch in the world when it comes to drummers I've played with. John Wright, Cal Dick, Ken Kempster, Luke Burgess, Ed Dobek, Garth Johnson, and Aaron Mogerman are all monsters in so many ways; power, precision, taste and the ability to learn difficult music without undue strain. I can't pick a favorite, they all have their strengths. But I can tell you the worst drummer I ever played with: Steve Simard (Atlas Strategic) by a mile. The guy could no more get on the one than he could lead a Gamelan ensemble. Kinda worked for the band though, I will concede. - Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:10pm
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london/brainless/bonehead/wright/kemster/terry groom/sean ross/duane/brown/siska/moist/o'brien/pees/ware/dick/burgess/benneau/hlady/mculloch/locker/newman/...give me another line and ...oh yeah my boss gary! - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 1:00am
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x pet is dustinjak.....balls deep willy is niel peart! - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 1:06am
Dick Splint
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Most impressive drummer (to my ears) I have seen in this town was the guy that toured with Daniel Lanois. Not too busy but totally creative and tonally perfect.

I have been impressed by a few local drummers. Tom from Johnny Action Figure is tight and has good dynamics.

The guy from Fatline has killer energy.

Saw Foreshadow at Steamer's a couple of weeks ago and their drummer was throwing in some killer bongo riffs.

In original music, nobody is the best. Just different. Some may be shitty, but no one is "the best". - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 4:08pm
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"In original music, nobody is the best. Just different. Some may be shitty, but no one is "the best". - Wed, 17 Dec 4:08pm" - Dick Splint hit the nail on the head.
With legends like Cozy Powell, Keith Moon and John Bonham now gone and living legends like Neil Peart, Terry Bozzio, Tommy Aldridge & Jerry Mercer, along with the new guard of thrashers like Gene Hoglan, Nick Barker, Daniel Erlandson and just about every Death Metal Drummer going today I'm just treading water. With a world full of great talent already I never set out with the intention to be the best, just do the best I can. - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 4:52pm
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Paul from allfather.

nuff said. - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 7:09pm
el fuckface-o
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had to go and cry about some criticism and have my pick for lamest drummer removed, eh spencer?
how will you stay alive in the brutal world that is european death metal if you can't laugh at some troll who is getting your handicapped goat on a dinky messageboard?
if you can't take, don't bother giving it - under any name you might have. - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 5:36am
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coward - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 9:08am
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The threads were deleted at the discretion of the board moderators. Your ip's have also been logged. Please refrain from malicious personal attacks on the Livevictoria board. - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 11:25am
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gimme a break. and best drummer? me when I'm 3 sheets. BBJones knows wummsaynnn... - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 11:56am
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Yeah... and I've got the video to prove it! - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 12:17pm
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what's that? royalties? oh thanks man.... - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 12:41pm
el fuckface-o
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a coward.
that's me.
and you are banging on tupperware.
click my name. there's a message for you. - Fri, 19 Dec 2003 4:55pm
Truth By Trial
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El frickface-o, you're such a bummer.
Click on my name, there's a picture of you and me. - Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:43am
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heh. so any O' youz remember some emotype band from like 4 years ago... played with Hudsonmac afew tymes... didn't think the drummer was great 'er anything, but he stopped to piss every 3 songs. hehe. my brain hurts - Sat, 20 Dec 2003 12:12pm
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Doug - Repulverizer

Horns to the deathblast \m/ - Sat, 20 Dec 2003 6:13pm
Mr. Choad N. McFly
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Rab McRabs - Sun, 21 Dec 2003 12:02am
el fuckface-o
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your knees must be sore from giving me that rimjob, truth by mucus and bile. maybe you can use dudsangers face as knee pads next time. - Sun, 21 Dec 2003 4:45pm
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who do you feel are the best drummers in Victoria?

Well I would like to respectfully submit that I am the best.

by experience?
I have played before a few times so there is my Experience

by achievements as a drummer?
My achievements as a drummer are I hit things repeatedly.

by genre?
I can play rock & roll so I have them both covered.

I answered all the questions I win, I am the best.

Plus on top of that I am very modest. - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 8:41am
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