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Message Board > General Chitchat > WANTED: Drug-related stories |
Dan Conner User Info... | These are always the best. Share! - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 2:08am | ||
JJ User Info... | Drugs are bad MMM KAY - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 2:32am | ||
Dan Conner User Info... | stories are great though! - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 2:42am | ||
Troutbreath User Info... | When I was guiding at Stuart Island the RCMP used the dock at the resort to land their helicopter. One day they came in with a load of Pot they had found on a fly-over. They stashed the crop in the engine room of the RCMP patrol boat that was accompanying them. After a couple of days in the warmth of the engine room the Pot started to smoulder due to spontanious combustion. The whole boat filled with smoke and smelled like some hippie's tub and I suspect that the boys on board got a bit of a buzz going. - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 3:54am | ||
Pooetry User Info... | A long, long, long time ago, a bunch of us thugs used to squat above KFC on Douglas and Yates. It was a pretty awesome squat. The space was huge and we were able to store the bulk of our pot and acid upstairs as we sold small quantities downstairs. One night I did mushrooms with some of the kids I was squating with. Somehow I wound up by myself, so I decided to go upstairs and call it a night. As I walked up each stair, I heard a note to a song. Confused and slightly freaked out, I slowly continued to the top. When I reached the top of the stairs, I opened the door that lead into the main area of the squat. Over in the far left corner of the large room there was usually a pile of garbage. This time there was not. The garbage pile had formed into a little village type thing of elves running some sort of water wheel and gold mining operation. They were all whistling the song that I'd heard coming up the stairs. I yelled, "Holy fuck!" and ran to the next room where there were other people hanging out. Hans Fear used to hang out at this squat and there was a shitload of his art around up there. I figure that's what this crazy little land was inspired from. - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 1:38pm | ||
The Grim Reefer User Info... | Island Style 2: 6 beers, 4 caps of E, pinch of mush, point of jib, and weed 2 hours, then sum fucker slipped me sum GHB...figure it out for yourself. - Mon, 1 Sep 2003 9:33pm | ||
FeLiXtheCaT User Info... | once i was on mush and i thought my head was going to explode! - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 1:05am | ||
EVDAWG User Info... | rip hanz fear an amazing artist on with the ghost tales - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 6:02pm | ||
FANGU User Info... | i went with a friend of mine to see THE WALL at the cinecinta after eating copious amouts of mushrooms. we were on this 5 day bender. so anyways, we get in the theater and everything's ok, the designs on the chairs are fun too look at but thats about it. about 20 minutes into the movie i was sweating really bad and breathing heavly. then i thought "i'm going to freak out" and waves of terror hit me. i actually felt as though my brain and body were being phsycially fried, and the contents of that movie we NOT helping any. i somehow made it to the bathroom , looked in the mirror and passed out. i woke up, went outside and sat in the fog where neon pink bunnies were bouncing around. i haven't done mushrooms sice, and i don't care to. - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 8:50pm | ||
greg User Info... | Pooetry - What a weird and scuzzy drug tale. - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 9:27pm | ||
DEATH User Info... | Heres my drug stories, I toked with Gene Hoglan and he was suprising polite, and like 2 weeks ago I toked with the guitarist*And drummer I think* from Infernal Majesty*Steve I think*, that dude kicks ass, gotta burn another with him sometime. All the rest of my drunk/drug stories I can't remember at the moment... *wonder why, tee hee* BUT! Hopefully thursday I can add another bandmember name to the list! Oh I smoked one with Ron Jeremy's best friend too. Oh right and 2 cops ehhee. *Fuck I'm bored* [EDIT:] Heres another story, I'm sitting here like a bored moron listening to Anaal Nathrakh and smoking up a j. Did I mention I'm bored? - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 9:30pm | ||
lorralien User Info... | infernal dude is named kris..... :p - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 9:50pm | ||
JJ User Info... | I got some really bad acid years ago when I was about 16. My friend and I dropped the acid and then right about the time it shoulda kicked in I looked at at my friend and said I think I'm gonna... and proceeded to puke the hugest amount of puke I have ever seen. We got on the bus and I made it about 3 blocks and ran off the bus and puked again for the rest of night I tripped out and puked literally every five minutes. People tried to get me to go to the hospital but I wouldn't go. Fuck was that ever scary though. Puking and tripping really don't go together!!! - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 10:32pm | ||
Troutbreath User Info... | Fangu's story reminded me of going to see 2001 a Space Odyssey when it first came out. My friend and I had done mescaline to enhance the experience. Just before the intermission there is the trip to the Moon sequence. They are wieghtless and the stewardess walks up this curved aisle and across the ceiling using these velcro shoes. When I got out of my seat at the intermission the aisle in the movie theatre looked like it curved up the wall and I found myself walking soooo slowly and clutching the backs of the seats to keep my balance. I got out to the lobby and immediately leaned up against the wall to catch my bearings. When i looked around there were all these other people looking just as stoned hanging on to the wall for dear life. - Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:47pm | ||
DEATH User Info... | Lorralien, the black haired one? [edit] oh sorry , I re read my post, I was guessing the guitarist's name, not the drummers. - Wed, 3 Sep 2003 1:50am | ||
some girl... User Info... | If I smoke pot I'll refuse to talk but if I do any other drugs I wont stop talking... I can't find a happy medium so I'm giving up on all drugs. - Wed, 3 Sep 2003 6:40pm | ||
DEATH User Info... | Hahaha Mission accomplished!!! Add Kataklysm's Drummer to my regin of terror! :D - Thu, 4 Sep 2003 5:36pm | ||
pserah be User Info... | did you suck his dick too? - Thu, 4 Sep 2003 8:26pm | ||
DEATH User Info... | You wish "Sssara - Beeeee"... Incase you can't read, this is about drug related stories, not your homo-erotic fantasies. Now act civil or shut up. *FACT: Trolls lash out behiend the cover of their computer at un-suspecting people to make up for their cowardess/ugliness/self esteem problems or under-sized genitalia* The More You Know ----* - Fri, 5 Sep 2003 6:15am | ||
pserah be User Info... | you totally did. - Fri, 5 Sep 2003 1:16pm | ||
frank User Info... | ended up in a walled compound in le linea, "the asshole of europe" instead of barbwire they break bottles and stick em in cement on top the walls . went and scored too much chong and red wine. the spaniards were nuts and the carny had a blim of hash the size of a grapefruit. all night and way too much of it all and i ended up in gibraltar "the piece of shit coming out of the asshole of europe" started sweating and rushing .... had to hide in a bathroom half naked and shitting while dousing in cold water. paranoia fear and loathing of hunter s. magnitude.... only way i could survive was to close my eyes and keep them closed ... had to get some one to lead me around like a blind man ... the punch line is that people thought i really was blind and started to give me food and money and it would have been hillarious and cool if i was not pinned by the impending sense of doom. names changed to protect the guilty. - Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:50pm | ||
lorralien User Info... | So I went in, and sure enough the creepy guy was hovering over the sink eating from a bag of grapes he'd found in the garbage. I washed my hands to make it look as if that was the reason why I was there, and the guy spoke to me. It was a garbled sound that I couldn't understand, but when I went for the paper towels, I realized that what he had said was, that there wasn't any left. I looked over at him... he was foaming at the mouth, looking like Dr. Jekyll, but the dispenser behind him was full, and it seemed as if my hands were leaking water. I went to go dry them, but I had to reach over the guy as he was hunched atop the sink. I noticed he had a butter knife down the back of his pants as if he was going to pull it out if he had to. I laughed out loud and left... hands dripping wet. thanks! i needed to laugh for 10 minutes straight today. - Mon, 15 Sep 2003 2:25pm | ||
Knoblin User Info... | One time I went to visit a friend of mine when I was living in England doing an exchange type program the year after high school. She was also with the same program and had been assigned to a different school near Manchester. Anyway...I'd smoked pot with her once before in Canada and nothing but giggles and munchies, right?. Well, this time around, I was entering into a phase of "getting-so-stoned-you-drool-and-that's-exactly-what you-wanted-to-happen" usage of cannabis. In keeping with my zeal, I devised a "plunger toke" type bong for us to get high with. Its a two-litre pop bottle with the bottom cut off, abowl on top and a bucket. You can figure out the physics. We had hash so maybe I was a bit too enthusiastic but I made a couple of bowls for us and we smoked. I lay on the bed in her room and generally tripped out and she muttered something about making supper and went into her kitchen. A few minutes later I peeked into the kitchen and saw her cutting zuchinni and (rather thoughtlessly) said that I hated zuchinni. I went back to her bed and lay down. Less than a minute later, she moaned really wierdly, shouted "Don't kill me!" and ran out of the apartment into a snowstorm with no jacket on. She went to the headmaster of the school's house, her boss' house, and rang the bell, told his entire family that she was losing it "on drugs" and that I, who'd given to her, was at her place. So, the whole family goes to her place to check to see what kind of state I'm in and the frist person to enter the apartment is the amazingly beautiful 18 yr old daughter of the headmaster. She speaks so gently and warmly to me, "Are you allright?" and I respond (thinking that she maybe wants to hang out and smoke some more hash), "I don't think I've ever felt so good before." Fuck, long enough story? It was all good in the end. We didn't get sent home. - Sun, 21 Sep 2003 2:19am | ||
FANGU User Info... | i fell into the k-hole a few weeks back. i don't really remember anything, except i'll never do it again. - Sun, 21 Sep 2003 4:33pm | ||
Mr.Edwards User Info... | I was on ket. a few weeks ago and the ceiling had turned into water, and I was listening to NIN, and all the words made perfect, perfect sense, it was such beautiful music. So there was a buch of wall paper in the room I was in and the flowers were dancing and dancing and just so happy, I could feel how happy they were, flowers are the happiest plants.There were bumblebees too, and they winked at me and I was sure they were hitting on me, so I was yelling at the wall to SHUT UP and stop it, then it felt as if the ceiling, which was water, just kept going up and up and up then I passed out. - Sun, 21 Sep 2003 11:09pm | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | about 1987 or so, I went to Iron Maiden Somewhere In Time tour, in Vancouver, I did a huge Amanita Pantherina cap.. puked once like those shrooms make you do, and then tripped severely till about 5am. Lost all my freinds, except the ones that I could see but nobody else could.. One thing I remember is that english sounded like gibberish to me. Fun stuff! Err.. dont try those shrooms on my account though, they can poison you to death if you do it wrong.. stick to magic shrooms, they are much easier on the body.... - Mon, 22 Sep 2003 10:59am | ||
four big strings User Info... | a bunch of years ago I scored some acid from some weird lady at the keg room (yes i am old) the bastion and my 4 buddies and i took it. we were gently tripping and just coming up , when we decided to go for a walk to the beach. we ended up at the ross bay cemetary my one buddy and I were getting a little too high so we were a little freaked out, so we said we will walk around and meet them at the beach. When we came around the corner we were so high all we saw were demons running for us and they were screaming in really high pitched voices. so like little bitches we ran, but the further we ran the closer they got (or so we thought) we ran about 5 blocks when finally we decided to hide in someones back yard. We sat in the grass between some houses and tripped out massively for the next 2 to 6 hours (who knows) the houses around us were melting and morphing over and over and the grass was crawling up my arms and legs. And the sound or lack of sound was unreal We were so high we couldn't even speak finally after it became a little light out, we stealthed our way home so THEY would't get us... our friends laughed at us for a couple of days after that.. And yes I did do acid again but was alot more careful about were i got it .. don't buy drugs from people you don't know - Tue, 23 Sep 2003 1:42pm | ||
S.V. User Info... | Most beautiful vision.... Playing darts one night at a friend's house in Van (long ago). The mushrooms that I forgot I took slap me in the face. I'm focusing intensely on the black and yellow dart board, only to have everything turn into a giant checkerboard. I step out on the balcony to clear my head (and vision) and behold the sky filled with a zillion flying white ankhs, all with giant feathered angel wings. It was truly one of the most beautiful hallucinations I've ever experienced. Nearly brought me to tears. Mmmmmmmm fungus! - Tue, 30 Sep 2003 4:40pm | ||
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