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Free Kittens Wanted
Message Board > General Chitchat > Free Kittens Wanted
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Charles the Clown
User Info...
I can take those cute little kitties that your beloved pet cat has burdened you with free of charge. Full litters not a problem. Can find a good permanent home for 10 to 12 kittens every 4 to 6 weeks throught the next 6 months and this number can increase as needed. - Sat, 23 Aug 2003 11:53pm
don't do it
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What's this about? You got a snake, fucknut?

If there's animal cruelty going on, it should be reported to the SPCA and poilice. In my books, animal cruelty is just as horrible as sexual abuse in kids. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 6:51pm
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ROSS,you like to flush things don't you? - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 7:01pm
Charles the Clown
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Lucy is a 17 foot red tail boa that has swallowed full size cats and large rabbits. I'm running out of resources for these larger animals. My vet suggested kitten litters for 3 reasons: 1. there are way too many cats having kittens that end up being put down anyway. 2. I dont have to worry about Lucy getting scatched by the claws of a full grown cat. 3. There is less chance of disease from a litter than from strays. Lucy needs to eat once a month. I love dogs too much so they are way out of the food chain here. Cats are legal. I feed and give the cats a bath. they are very well treated by me. Lucy is the only one doing the killing. Most of the time it's silent but they are screams from the larger tom cats esp if they get away after the first sqeeze. Other than that Lucy is very healthy. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 8:33pm
Charles the Clown
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SPCA and police have no business on my private property. I use humane live animal traps for the adult cats. If they have no collar, they get their nails trimed (if I can) and go in with Lucy. If cat owners were humane they would keep their cats away from cars and the outdoors. I have even found that it is $100 legal to breed cats for this purpose, which I may do if I get other large snake owners involved and/or I get more snakes. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 8:46pm
The Lurker
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Maybe bring Lucy over to my house. I got a bigass deepfryer that she'll fit into perfectly.You think those tomcats were screaming, ya aint heard nothing yet.Yep, snake tastes like chicken,it's been awile since I sank my teeth into a good ole' boa. Yum!!! - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 8:46pm
The Grim Reeper
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I'm 100% against animal cruelty...But i understand that your snake needs to feed, but kittens? Thats sad. Can't you feed it rats? - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 8:48pm
Charles the Clown
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I love rats too much and cried every time when Lucy was smaller and that was all she could eat. I asked my vet about breeding rabbits for this purpose. During that conversation was when the subject of over population of cats came up. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 9:00pm
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Well, I'm guessing this guy's probably just trying to get a rise out of people, so after this post of mine, I'm not paying attention to this anymore. As for anyone who knows this guy and if it's true, I HIGHLY doubt it's legal - though I'll check with the SPCA. Fuck knows it's not moral. If anyone knows about this and especially if you have a problem with it, why haven't you done anything about it? I'd steal the snake and take the cats.

Clown- Who is your vet? Seriously. I've been involved in animal rescue. I've placed between 20-30 cats and about 10 dogs. I've dealt with a lot of vets and would really like to know what vet this is that suggested this to you.

You kind of sound like Hitler with the "Too many cats, so why not just kill them" bit. Reminds me of Hitler's philosophy of "Too many Jews, so let's make lamps and mattresses out of them."

Get stuffed, you psycho fuck. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 9:04pm
Charles the Clown
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it is %100 legal to feed cats, sorry for the $ mistake. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 9:06pm
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17 feet long eh? how many pairs of boots do ya think that bitch'll turn out? - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 9:48pm
The Lurker
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More than enough to stomp Charles' sick ass into dust, methinks - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 9:57pm
Charles the Clown
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Poo: I'd steal the snake

Are you admitting you are a criminal?

Poo: Clown- Who is your vet?

Why would I tell you, of all people?

Poo: You kind of sound like Hitler with the "Too many cats, so why not just kill them" bit.

You have a reading and comprehension problem; I didn�t type anything even close to that statement. I don�t kill cats. I am feeding a very large snake with her preferred food.

Pooetry? Are you vegan? If so, do you talk out of your ass like this to all your steak loving friends? Your ignorance and stupidity proven by your post is alarming to say the least. I would like to think you are of average intellect and could possibly learn from a husbandry course in caring for exotic animals. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:00pm
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it's inhumane to let pet cats run around outside??

i think it's inhumane to keep them cooped up inside. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:06pm
Charles the Clown
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One pair of boots size 11 and 2 guitar cases lined with cat skin inside.

They are both evil animals that would eat humans if bigger than us. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:08pm
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Why are you comparing "Too many Jews, so let's make lamps and mattresses out of them."
with a small mammal? Jewish people are human beings! Your morals and values are very Nazi like. piss off! - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:24pm
don't do it
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Steve Burrows is the guy. He also calls himself Stalker, Jedi, and Charles the Clown on this message board. Notice how wherever Stalker or Jedi post, Charles the Clown posts too. He also goes in and out of Eric Martin. Can someone stop him from killing these animals for the snake? Dave Noisy, you out there? What can be done? He also calls himself Ratman which makes sense with his post about loving rats too much. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:07pm
Charles the Clown
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hahahahahaha hehehehehe

Only RSBF can stop me with her mute spells. hahaha

Eric Martin might be my home but Lucy is my best friend. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:23pm
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Can someone stop him from killing these animals for the snake?

Now cmon, I never killed. Remember Charlie never killed either? Ride the snake and you will see.....hehehe - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:29pm
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Leave me out of this. I love my cat very much and he is an outdoor cat. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:31pm
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Erica Martina is the love of my life. Please leave her alone. She has a full house these days and is too busy for sanity to visit. - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:39pm
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I counted 9 posts of people saying how boring this message board has gotten since you have to sign in now. I start the first interesting post and some of you are down my throat already. I am truly sorry if this posting disturbed anyone. I actually only have one pet which is a male black cat that is an outdoor only cat because he freaks out within walls. There is no snake anymore. I sold her about 4 years ago after she attacked me. The information I posted about size and feeding as well as the vet info is all true, just another time. Again, I am sorry if any of this disturbed any of you. I have never posted anything I thought would hurt anyone. I am guilty of thinking some of you are actually entertained by some of this. I am not really in Eric Martin Pavillion either. I have no criminal record nor have I ever injured any animal ever. My sick sense of humor is only funny if it doesnt hurt anyone. I am sorry.

Stephen Burrows - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:07am
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If you havent noticed, which i find remarkably coincidental! All the above names, which someone accused someone of being, Jedi, Charles the CLown, Stalker etc etc, THEY ALL MAGICALLY HAVE NO EMAIL ADDRESSES NOW. 10 minutes ago they all did, because i investigated the names to see a connection. Jedi, my friend, you are busted! Hate Email coming your way? Good reason to withhold email addresses


Charles the CLown, Stalker, Jedi, SSguitar and who else i dont know????? I am sure someone in this message board knows you personally, and if i find that person, i will track you down and see into this cat killing thing. If this stuff isnt true, come online and say so. I guess alot of people here feel the need to check in on it even though it seems way to far fetched to be tru, i am sure there is a law against feeding snakes kittens - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:11am
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Actually several people know me personaly and think it's funny I post the way I do. All of you must take note on one other thing here please. Under the general chitchat it says "talk about whatever you want, anything goes" and I never post strange stuff anywhere else. Seriously, look back for yourself. I have different names for other reasons. Jedi, Stephen, Ratman all represent me and my music for the most part. The clown thing was more sick humor, and you all know about the Stalker origins from about 18 months ago. I thought everyone would know me because all e-mail addresses have been on ads starting over two years ago and I've posted my phone number many times too. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:30am
don't do it
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He finally admits to his multiple names. Now you really look like the sick fuck that you are. Embarassed yet Steve-o? - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:58am
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HAHAHAHA You re that short fat long blonde haired thing??? WHo are your friends, and which of them find this amusing. Steve-O time to maybe lay off the wanna be musician bandwagon, and concentrate on keeping personla things in your life personal. See ya Steve Burrows, Ratman, Charles the CLown, Jedi, Stalker etc etc. Do you play in a band? I hope not! - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 1:12am
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Not yet but your getting warmer. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 1:13am
Cat Lover
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Notice all the email addresses are back again - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 1:15am
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there is no need to feed your snake live cats. that is totally cruel. when i worked at a zoo we feed the large snakes and tigers road kill that we got from the highways dept. if you really do have a snake please try this. cats are pets and the ones you have trapped (if its true) are someones very beloved pet. please stop talking about this it is very disturbing to most of us. and it is NOT legal to adopt animals without the owners knowing that you are intending to have the animals killed talk to the spca im sure they'd love to hear your sob story - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 1:17am
Arnold Horshack
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This Stephen fellow sounds like he's one fucking messed up dude. I hope someone stabs him in the eye. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:16am
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Why someone else other than yourself? - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:21am
Arnold Horshack
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It's just plain easier that way. I'm sorta lazy, that's all. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:27am
Charles the Clown
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So far I've gotten 2 offers for litters, 4 in one and 7 in another. Not a single e-mail saying anything negative. Lucy is very happy now. Thank you for your support. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:31am
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Hey Arnold

Why an eye instead of simply cutting off my head and feeding it to the crabs? - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:34am
Charles the Clown
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How did you get these snakes at the zoo to eat dead flesh? - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:37am
Charles the Clown
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Did any of you mean people that like to attemp to rip me apart consider that maybe I want to die but am too much of a coward to do it myself and that by posting disturbing things might get one of you to do it for me? I was actually considering some gruesome way my body would be found in a public place so my band would get recognition. They said "do it dude" - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:39am
Charles the Clown
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I do love you all. Not the way Charlie loved his victims but in a more sincere way. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:43am
Lucifer's bag
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Wow....the dude really is fucking nuts....isnt he? - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 4:01am
Charles the Clown
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I was just sitting here writing music and speaking in tongues with Lucy�s psychologist about the type of movements a has that from bee to bee. They say yes. One more bridge before dawn. Still my soul with hunger for eternity. Lightning strikes twice when stars fall before wisdom. Simulated vastness echo�s through past time and death.

They hung me from my intestines and attached a heart in full view of the mice people. I have done nothing, I am nothing. It is what you seek, not where I stand. I am flying away from this place forever. This is my last piece with you all. You cruel ones diminish me indefinitely.

Ssss - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 7:12am
korn koiler
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I have A litter or two of kittens for you and your snake, but you have to let me do the feeding, and I want to hear screaming kitty so lets cuddle them for a few weeks till the get bigger and more trusting.. - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 8:42am
Dan Conner
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Ok, did you, or did you not sell her? If you didn't breed rebbits for that. when she starts swallowing the first (live, or was live) have a frozen-then-thawed rabbit ready, and have the head right and the rear of the other, so it will go in RIGHT after the first. This is a commonly used trick, and there is no need to feed kittens. How could you even love rats more than kittens, especially feeder rats! If you want more good Ideas, please visit . If you are SERIOUSLY running out of recources for food for her, SELL HER.

Don't know if I'm taking you too seriously, but still.
Dan Conner - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 1:10pm
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Insert Sandler-esque voice over:

"I gotta snake maang." - Mon, 25 Aug 2003 2:34pm
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You are seriously fucked up. - Tue, 26 Aug 2003 4:12pm
the treatster
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I've had pet rats, cats, and dogs but snakes?? What kind of love is there between us and snakes?? I just don't think they make realistic pets for city folk cuz they have NO FOOD SOURCE outside of selfish minded people who think that keeping snakes is wicked cool. Dumb-ass. - Tue, 26 Aug 2003 9:13pm
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Dumb-ass. - birds, fish and snakes dont bother people with alergies. - Tue, 26 Aug 2003 9:51pm
Charles the Clown
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Would you think it odd to masturbate while watching Lucy eat? Waves of ecstasy exploding with every scream from the cats. (not that I or anyone I know does this)

And what about people who cum while watching large fires, tornado�s and lightning storms?
Are these things normal? (not that I or anyone I know does this) - Tue, 26 Aug 2003 10:06pm
k.k. downing
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do unto others - all pet owners should spend their lives in cages. were do we get off thinking we are superior or have any right to ruin their lives? - Wed, 27 Aug 2003 1:13am
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I would really like to know what band you play in Steve - Wed, 27 Aug 2003 1:31am
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Whoa... That was some weird stuff... Whoa - Wed, 27 Aug 2003 6:03am
Dan Conner
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Uhh... Proparly cared for snakes and other herps usually live 3x as long and stay MUCH healtheir and happier in captivity than in the wild (not to mention safer). Also, the majority of herps in captivity are now captve bred.

Let me tell you something. Most of the commonly kept snakes don't need a lot of space! They hae almost no need or desire to exercise. Taking them out a couple times a week to mvove around is MORE than enough excercise for them. A snake in a cage that is about half its length long, by a quarter of its length wide, by half its length high, is comparable to a cat confined to the average house/inside the yard.

I don't agree with people who keep herpetology for the "shock value" or because they're "cool". I keep a mini zoo of bugs and lizards... Not because I want to show them off to look cool. In fact, I hate people always wanting to see them. They are interesting animals. You keep them cause they're different, and you're curious.
Dan Conner - Wed, 27 Aug 2003 1:37pm
Charles the Clown
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I would really like to know what band you play in Steve

Why? - Fri, 5 Sep 2003 8:19pm
Dick Splint
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If you need help you should ask someone to help you. - Fri, 5 Sep 2003 9:33pm
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