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Street Issues
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Corporal Jigsore Quandary
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Regarding the girl who was pushed in front of the bus, I agree this is sad and I don’t know the circumstances surrounding this or what led up to this, I pay my respects to her family and friends. Regardless of what led up to it, it is not ok that she died and I’m really hoping that people don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way. I feel that people try to make examples of homeless people when tragedies like this happen and there is a lot of pointing fingers, but what no one stops to realize is that people are approached by panhandlers and drug addicts on the street everyday, some are aggressive and threatening some are harmless. I was attacked downtown last year just after walking out of a theatre with my girlfriend. I had some dude come up to me obviously high and asked me for a smoke, I said I didn’t have any and he asked my girlfriend and she said the same. He proceeded to follow us and make yuppie comments, like go back to your condo fag and so on. I was trying to ignore him but as soon as I saw the scared look in my girlfriend’s eyes I turn around and said if he didn’t take a hike there was going to be a problem (not in those exact words). He then proceeded to tell me I should be shot and that he contributed more to society than I do, so I turned around and said I doubt that, had a few choice words for him and he took a swing at me, I took him down I didn’t know if he had a needle on him, I was protecting my girlfriend and myself. The point is we shouldn’t’ be so quick to judge people for their actions, if someone is attacking you or threatening you, you may find yourself in a situation that is heated and in the spur of the moment goes too far. I could have killed that guy or vice versa. That being said, in this situation there were two guys and a young girl, not a fair fight. Anyway this all came out because someone said they hope this makes people more aware of the homeless situation, oh we are all very aware it’s kind of hard to escape it in this city. Her death should not be an example of the homeless situation but of not enough care funding for drug addiction, the reason she was on the streets in the first place, very sad I hope she is at peace. - Tue, 17 Feb 2009 4:42pm
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A good point and well stated. - Tue, 17 Feb 2009 6:25pm
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"The point is we shouldn’t’ be so quick to judge people for their actions, if someone is attacking you or threatening you, you may find yourself in a situation that is heated and in the spur of the moment goes too far. I could have killed that guy or vice versa"

you're still held accountable for your actions. And I understand completely what you're saying and agree for the most part. But when I read articles about these guys' friends saying how they wouldn't(the guys in question) hurt a fly nor kill anyone and this is a complete accident... big fucking deal; they killed somone, they are held accountable for their actions!
And as for finding your/myself in a situation, heated or not, you still have to find a way to keep yourself level headed EVEN if you think there's going to be a fight! Because even the slighest push could kill someone; as was evident in this case.
I strongly agree that this shouldn't be an example of the homeless situation, and could only hope that she is at peace and wish/hope nothing but good things for her family and friends in this tragic event. - Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:44pm Edited: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:46pm
Menace to Sobriety
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Homeless or not, she died, does it make a difference whether she was homeless or not? This could have been anyone walking home form the bar, why do they have to point out that she is homeless? Are we supposed to feel worse? I don’t, I feel bad for her family and friends but not for the Homeless Community which is a great community by the way.
Is this a lesson don’t beg for money or you may get pushed in front of a bus? Yes I’m a heartless asshole I feel sorry for the individual regardless of social standing, but I have NO FUCKING SYMPATHY for homeless people. - Wed, 18 Feb 2009 1:25pm
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i didn't know that ANY homeless person was asking for your or my sympathies/pity... And its not like your life should be in danger cuz you asked someone for spare change; and you also said yourself, regardless of social standing you feel sorry for the individual. Well; a homeless person is also an individual who's rights are EXACTLY the same as you and I. I understand how you feel and quite frankly I dont see eye to eye with homeless people either; but at the end of the day, if you really dont care about social standing; then you shouldn't have a problem in feeling sorry for every single homeless individual as you dont care about their social standing so much as them as a person(not every homeless person is a meth-head degenerate waste of skin to society... but we like to think most are) - Wed, 18 Feb 2009 3:46pm
Menace to Sobriety
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I think my point was not clear, I feel sorry for a person when tragedy happens I feel bad for the family, etc. I don’t however feel sorry for the homeless community as a whole and I feel that her being homeless is completely irrelevant to this issue. The media is trying to bring attention to this as a homeless issue much like they did with the woman who lit herself on fire in Vancouver trying to keep warm. I agree with Corporal, we should be focusing on why these people are homeless in the first place. New facilities for addiction, counseling for abused kids. Not just more beds in a shelter making it more comfortable for people to be lazy and wasting away on our streets. - Wed, 18 Feb 2009 4:07pm
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ok, i see what you mean; and i totally agree. It is certainly a shame that something like this(or the lady who lit herself on fire) has to happen before "we" step up and try to help/fix the problems. And we also have to remember that, while we suggest all these "programs" for outreach etc... the person also has to want to change for these programs to work; otherwise it'll be another drain on societies pocketbook. - Wed, 18 Feb 2009 5:08pm
Comrade Black
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normally I try and keep away from these livevictoria forums, I don't need the arguments... however it really saddens me and disturbs me how this girls death is being used to make points. I knew her, I was not close friends with her, but I knew her, and we did have some mutual friends. I met her years ago in edmonton, she was a good kid, and had been fighting to clean up for years coming close many times. The fact people are using this as examples for all kinds of different arguments really pisses me off. she only died last week. And most the people don't even know her, and most don't even seam to have looked much into the case or her life. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:33am
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Who cares if she was homeless, she was a person remember, and there's no reason for someone to push someone in front of a moving vehicle, regardless of whether or not the person who pushed the victim felt threatened. That's sad if ya ask me. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:40am Edited: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:41am
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From what I saw on check news is that,she was not homeless.
She had an apartment with a roommate and was trying to get herself back on her feet. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:47am Edited: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:52am
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She was living in a suite in a house with another guy who had rented it. Its too bad she was unable to get her life turned around. I really feel for her family, I know they loved her. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 8:40am
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The news paper describes the lifestyle and circumstances surrounding the victims life…they do that in every death in the paper…they always point out how beautiful they were or they point out what a good person they were. When a friend of mine was murdered the Times Colonist pointed out that the victim was known to police…that pissed me off…what does that have to do with the fact that he was murdered…oh he was known to police so one less criminal? How do the people reading know what it was for… it could have been a shoplifting charge when he was young or something stupid...what about the good in his life…I guess it sells more papers when there is controversy…and the murderers are out on bail…again…Go Canadian justice system go…no wonder we have so many people moving here and committing crimes cause they know they can get away with murder… literally. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 9:37am
J. Peatman
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The fact that this was a 20 year old girl definitely plays in favor of the attention-seekers too.

If It was just another hooded thirty-five year old dude with a bag of empties slung over his shoulder, the outcry from all sides would have been considerably less. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 3:25pm Edited: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 3:26pm
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I'm with Comrade on this one. don't use this girl's death to make philosophical points or whatever. she was special and unique, and something as cheap as an argument just devalues her life. why don't you respect her and talk about her life? you can't say she's a stereotypical example of anything because nobody is. - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 4:24pm
Corporal Jigsore Quandary
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Gotcha! feel free to tell us about her life i'm interested. - Fri, 20 Feb 2009 4:52pm
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i went to highschool with ariana. we were never best friends, but she was in a bunch of my classes and we had a lot of mutual friends. she was the kind of person who seemed like she had a lot of potential and just didn't give a fuck. really bitingly smart and witty, super sarcastic, and she seemed really angry, though i don't know enough about her personal life to know what about, more than likely family stuff. she had an amazing smile, as cheesy as that sounds, and she was a talented artist. my friend jill was really good friends with her when we were still in highschool, and she told me ariana went really weird and basically decided to be homeless, though at the risk of sounding too much like school-yard gossip keep in mind that is second hand information. i remember seeing her a couple times downtown, just fucking out of it, around the bus stop on yates and broad. it was really sad, because even though you can never really imagine people you know ending up on the street when you're growing up, seeing this really pretty girl who i knew was really smart living on the street as a junkie just seemed like such a waste. anyone who wants to turn this into a crusade for the homeless can pound salt up your ass. from how i knew her, i very strongly doubt she would appreciate being made an example of. this is a genuine tragedy. leave it at that. - Sat, 21 Feb 2009 1:05am Edited: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 1:13am
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