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I'm fucking choked!
Message Board > General Chitchat > I'm fucking choked!
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ty stranglehold What a pisser. I got home pissed last night to find my hard drive toasted. The goddamn thing is only a year and a half old. I'm over at Mr. Brown's posting this, so I'm guessing that I won't be around here for awhile.
Remember to come and see the Hoosegow play on the 8th and 9th at Logan's and Lucky respectively. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:09am
Anonymous that's waht you get when you trade your gigabytes for heroin! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:17am
ass coddle is there going to be a night of debauchery?
sounds fucking rad - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:37am
Geek with a doob Chances are if its 1.5 years old its got a 3 year warranty on it. Just goto the website of the manufacturer and get and RMA on the drive. dont worry, you'll find it. then simply send er in and get it replaced. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 2:32am
cunty cunt warranty? that's rich! got another one? Hahaha - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 6:34am
User Info...
Just call the shop you bought it from Ty, they cover your waranty so you don't have to deal with RMA's. Although I'm sure you've lost a lot of data on the hard drive you didn't want to (mp3's, gig posters you've worked on, lyrics etc). - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 9:55am
Geek Most any hard drive made before 2003 has a 3 year warranty. Some Western Digitals from 2002 started switching to 1 year warranties. As of 2003 , all leading hard drive companies have a 1 year warranty, as hard drive sizes grow and prices drop they had to make ammends on warranty policy. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:26am
Geek Ive RMA'd approx 10 drives in the last year for various clients and freinds.

TY, pray you dont have a Seagate, cuz if ya gotta RMA that sucker it'll be a few months till ya see it.

A Fujitsu however, you will recieve within 10 days of mailing it out. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:28am
King Bong
User Info...
What a PC crashing???...Buy a fucking Mac Ty and enter into the world of WORKING computers!
Kola - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:07pm
Geekinator HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh you Mac heads are FUNNY.

King Bong. Mac use the SAME hard drives as PC's. EXACTLY. If a hard drive pooches out it doesnt matter what computer is running it. Its a mechanical issue in the drive.

PS: New pc's running XP are faster and more reliable than any Mac, any day, and you arent limited in what software you can use.

A dual 2ghz PC box can be setup for less than $1200, with loads of Ram.

a dual 1.25 ghz Mac is running you about $3200 with a meager 512 mb Ram.

And it will clock slower than the PC, and takes twice as long to boot up. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:12pm
Justin hahahhaha... mac... yeah the worst cpu for crashing... i've never had a mac that hasn't fucked up in some way. I must dis-agree with the mac fact. Although, they are superior to a p.c. in terms of audio and video editing. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:14pm
King Bong
User Info...
Better all around....I don't know what you're doin to your Mac dude but they are 10 times more stable and reliable than ANY crappy PC.
Kola - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:16pm
King Bong
User Info...
Oh, and geekanator you forgot to mention that you will replace the crappy PC twice as often because the hard drives are generally made by numerous manufactures that sell to the million pc manufactures at the LOWEST price! Lets face it, the PC is a crappy amatures rig, they crank em out like model T's and if you buy your gear cause it's cheep and you have to replace it every year PC is the way to go, Bill Gates is the Henry Ford of the Computer game..anyone who is serious uses a Mac ..get real..mac is in a different pc losers are all the same...And as far as running the same hard drive're full of shit dude..which PC are you talking about anyway...... - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:18pm
Computer Tech Geek Slut I tell ya Bong, you are wrong. Gone are the days of Mac superiority. yes , they were superior until about 1.5 years ago. But the price ISNT right, and any cheap gigabyte/asus type motherboard is just as , if not more so, reliable than any proprietary money grabbing mobo that Mac uses.

The Athlon XP processors clock as near as fast as any Pentium 4 chip, which clock faster than the current Mac processors today, for a fraction of the price. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:21pm
Troutbreath Here we go AGAIN. I work with computers as part of my JOB. If I want to get the work done on time it needs to be done on a Mac. Windows boxes are good for Gamers people that actually use a computer to make money use a MAC. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:25pm
Anonymous And it's not the Mac's themselves that are better from video and sound editing... it's the programs that are only made for them. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:27pm
Troutbreath That's really not true. Just getting the Video or Audio into the Computer is way easier on the Mac. It has to do with the hardware being integrated in a way PC makers just can't emulate. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:29pm
Mac Man Despite the fact that Gates STOLE his whole concept from Mac and then fucked it up to boot!...things simply don't work right on PC's's like tryin to put a Ford engine in a Chevy can make it work put it will never work right! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:31pm
Troutbreath Remember those ads for Intel that were done by the Blue Man Group? They actually use Macs for their stage shows both on the road and in Las Vegas. Check out
to see what is possible with the latest technology. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:34pm
Anonymous macs = Overpriced.

I can buy good PC's for the cost of one MAc.

MANY top notch music recording studios in the states have moved FROM Macs to PC's. For 3 main reasons:

Overall cost is less

Overall power is more now

Software is upgradable.

MOST MAc software isnt upgradeable from OS to OS, which means $1000's of dollars spent with each OS upgrade. Sure when windows went from 98 to XP a few software titles werent compatible, but not the expensive stuff, which MAc loves to do.

XP is solid, quick, easy to maintain and use.

OS-X is slow, buggy, and a pain in the ass, with waaaaay to much pretty stuff to slow down your resources.

granted OS-9 vs Windows 98, OS-9 wins HANDS DONW

But OS-X vs. XP? Sorry Mac, OSX SUCKS - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:38pm
Mac man It's like Bong said PC's are for the masses, the great unwashed, they are the model T of the computer world and as Troutbreath pointed out any one who uses computers to make their living uses Mac, sure you pay a little more ,but in the end it is totally worth it for the peace of mind I have and for the time I save serching out a downloading PLUGINS!
Fuck Bill Gates and fuck PC! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:39pm
Cheese Fuck ease of use and software compatibility issues. Fuck loads of free software for every function known to man on a computer. Fuck every single program being available on both with the exception of Final Cut. Fuck the fact that a dual 2ghz PC is twice the speed and 1/3rd the price of a new MAC. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:45pm
Mac God Can't afford the Mac ..not suprised..get a will all work out ..
Poor PC day you will wake up! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:45pm
Mac God Remember speed isn't everything..just ask your girlfriend - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:47pm
ilikemac Half the price andyou will re[place it TWICE as often...which do you think is cheeper in the end? - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:48pm
Anonymous Windows XP has too many security issues. And M$ makes you pay for patches to fix those mistakes. Upgrades to OS X are free. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:56pm
Anonymous Check out OS X Server. Very good hardware, very competitively priced and you don't have to pay for the number of users. In the long run it's way cheaper. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:00pm
Geek Squad Supreme XP Upgrades are free you dummies~! All Windows upgrades are free with the exception of new OS's. Unlike MAC who charge huge for each new OS and you need to replace ALL your software to match each new OS. And whats with this cheese ass Linux Kernel on the new OS X? NTFS kicks its ass. Gone are the days of the lowly FAT32.

And the security patches for PC come out as soon as they are available, for FREE and if you are online, auto load EVEN ON PIRATED COPIES of XP. You MAC users are living in the stoneages. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:06pm
Dr Hardware. New PC technology simply put CRUSHES new Mac Technology. For one thing, Mac are using the same processor technology they were using 4 years ago. A cheap PC mobo these days runs at 8x AGP and with an 800 mhz FSB. Thats a board you can get for about $120, name brand too with warranty. And no need for proprietary RAM. All PC Ram works with eachother next to flawlessly nowadays, unlike MAC ram which is iffy at best unless you buy the MAc approved ram which costs like $300 per stick of 256!

Mac users always think their shite dont stink, but the future is grim indeed unless Steve Jobs grabs a brain and lowers prices.

I have a close freind who uses his MAC Dual 1.25ghz for Final Cut usage. He watches me go on my lowly 1 ghz PC and he almost cries at how fast my computer is in relation to his. And my PC is ancient! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:21pm
Anonymous "Unlike MAC who charge huge for each new OS and you need to replace ALL your software"
You make it sound as though Mac changed their OS once a month. OS X is the first new OS on the Mac for years. The Wintel crowd used to slag Mac cause they were using such an ancient OS. Now they're slagging them cause they have the most advanced and backwardly compatable OS. And no you don't need to replace your software, upgrades are available for all the major programs. Unix programs can be made to run on the Mac with a minor amount of tweaking. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:29pm
Anonymous No Upgrade fro Protools or Final Cut - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:32pm
Compudumb MAC is cool but only for the ultimate power users. Unless you are editing movies or recording expensive albums and such there is no need for a MAC. In fact the headaches caused by MAC issues and their slow resolve can be the death of a project. Windows gives a prob, especially XP its almost always fixable. Need that new piece of software, dont have $500? Get it for free offline ( pirated , yes ) And what with Mr Jobs at the frontline of killing the free mp3 industry and with rumors of MAC implementing mandatory licencing for listening of mp3's.. getting a little intrusive dont ya think?

The MAC Power users I know wont even TOUCH pirated software with machines that go online for fear of being busted by Macs prying eyes. PC's have no problem with Microcrap spying into their computers for pirated software.

No sir, Macs are overpriced and overhyped and too damn slow in relation to the newest PC technology. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:33pm
Anonymous M$ will go into schools and bust them if they don't have all their M$ software properly licenced. Just ask the poor old IT guy at your local High school what he thinks of M$. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:47pm
Anonymous Compare PCs and Macs feature for feature and I think you'll be surprised. Macs come with standard features that cost money on the PC, the Superdrive being just one example. No one has brought up the subject of notebooks and portables. The new Mac notebooks are very good and are becoming a large part of Apples business. PCs just can't do the same things because of CPU size and heat generation. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:56pm
METALHEAD!% Geek Squad Supreme - you have said the funniest thing I ever heard a try hard geek say "NTFS is better then the Linux kernel" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is the dumbest pile of shit I have ever heard. And just to prove you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about, OSX is based of UNIX not LINUX, similar in GUI design and stability (perfect) but completely different OS's with different kernels. Do you know what a kernel is?
PC's are great for gamers as some games come out only on Microsoft. PC's are cheap to buy and easy to maintain.
Mac�s are expensive but are superior in many ways for development of software, video, and music. This is not worth the extra coin to some people. The OSX is more stable then any Microsoft platform. ANY. It is the same price as XP. The hardware in Mac�s are more efficient, but all the hardware can break just as easily in a PC as in a MAC. Mac�s have the small problem of lots of security vulnerabilities.
Microsoft servers suck ass compared to MAC servers BUT Linux, Unix, Novell, etc servers kick the shit out of both of them put together and you should be running Linux if you are doing any kind of hosting.
XP is more resource consuming than OSX because of the hardware compatibility. OSX has set hardware that it uses and the hardware is designed solely for OS 9.x and X. PC hardware is designed to run about 50 different OSs and henceforth has a lot of extra shit. Linux runs more efficiently then either system, as it does not require drivers to communicate to the hardware since it runs directly from the modules. Problem - only a computer geek who knows what he is doing and not talking out of his ass (see 80% of posts above) can locate modules for newer hardware.
Back to Geek squad, you do realize that NTFS and FAT32 are file system formatting for your hard drive right? I just reread your post and it is clear you are using the fancy geek terms, but incorrectly. No offense to any of you, it just seems you all use only your own computer or played very little on the other OS's. As a test, someone here please tell me how to instantly switch your resolution up and down in the enlightenment GUI. This is one of the most basic commands that you need to know in the geeking world and anyone who has installed and played with a few OS's would know this. If you can answer it without looking it up on the Internet, I will verify that this person is not talking out of his ass.
I use PC's at home because I can build old crappy PC's for virtually nothing and use them as test boxes for fucking around with OS's and for network compiling and what not. I played with many Mac�s in both video editing and programming at college, work, and friend's homes and I have always wanted to buy a laptop but I am too broke to drop $4000. I use Linux and Unix a lot, as they are the most superior OS's and have been for a long time. Most real geeks I know use Linux with a Microsoft dual boot on their main machine. They also usually have a Mac for editing and this usually takes the form of a laptop as you can work on video anywhere and do not need manuals or the Internet all the time. Video work is tedious and involves countless hours of just changing shades, frames, etc, and so laptops are perfect.
No matter how much you disagree, no matter your geek terminology, no matter how much you threaten and slag me, no matter what your credentials are, I am right and you can't change it.
I left out the benchmarking stuff since I have not found any person or website that is accurate. I can not give you the to-the-second off the line benchmark results but I will gladly give you approximate (within a tenth of a second) benchmarks for OS's and their specific hardware if you give me the details and I will give you the links to show you how I got the information.

I think I just let on that I am a computer geek. Don't tell anyone OK? - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 2:20pm
W of H way to go stranglehold. Look at this nerd forum you started!!!! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 2:42pm
King Bong
User Info...
Ya! like he said.... - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 4:59pm
some girl... I used to use a Mac at work, but then good ol' daddy took it away replaced it with a crappy PC (since I have to use Simply Accounting and all that office crap). I miss my Mac. Macs don't freeze: the program may, but the computer itself wont. Also, I can't use Aquisition on my PC (the free mp3 program, I'm sure you geeks know what I'm talking about). I guess that I shouldn't complain though, considering the fact that I should be working right now! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 5:16pm
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What Metalhead said, but also... NTFS is indeed a type of format, but also much more. It also adds some enhanced security features to keep files safe, or block them completely from view (unless of course the account you use upon login is allowed to view/edit/delete etc those files). - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 5:23pm
Ogre NEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRDS!!! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 5:36pm
Mac nerds unite Dont forget that OSX doesnt properly support the dual CPU technology of the new Macs without re writing almost every software title. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 8:41pm
Stevie Handjob OK, so we all know MACS are more stable than the PC platform and have slightly better hardware. Other than that, who gives a rats ass if they're slightly better when they only run 5 to 10% of the worlds software. More companies are writing for Linux than MAC's so who cares! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 10:56am
Whatever Funny, I have been running a 1 ghz PC for a year and a half now, with a measly 900 mb of Ram, and windows XP. I do everything from Adobe Premiere, Photoshop 7, to games like Unreal Tournament 2003 and other resource hogging entities. Ill be playing games, listening to my mp3's, and when Im dead, I minimize my game and work on Photoshop stuff till the next round, then I maximize my game window, play another round till dead, and so on and so forth. meanwhile Im running a software firewall, Norton Anti Virus, MSN, ICQ, and a few other random applications all in the background. Ive NEVER had problems. Ive NEVER crashed or frozen up. Worse comes to worse, I just ctrl alt delete anything that acts up, out of commission. My machine boots quicker than my freinds Power Mac Dual 1 ghz straight out of the box and all my high rez photoshop images render just as quickly and efficiently as his.

Seeing as how I can get a 2ghz PC fully loaded with 512mb of ram right now, brand new for $550 , I know my old 1ghz is worth about $100.

Those new Power Macs are nothing to brag about, my buddy spent like $3000 on it and my 1ghz performs on the same level at the extremes we are using them. Im sure there are more taxing software titles, Maya or Final Cut or something, but its not like we are Disney animators here. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 11:44am
some girl... Honestly, computers are just like cars: we brag about them and have cool fancey features that we never use (like the direction N,E,S,W on the rear view mirror) but in the end, most people just get wrapped up in hype. My brother is an animator, (his own web/animation company) so he needs a Power Mac. I, on the other hand, use my crappy PC for posting on LiveVictoria, downloading mp3s and doing office work: so I basically don't need a mac, I just want one. Just like the guy who wants some crazy yuppie 2-seater Lexus car when all he needs it is to pick his kid up from hockey practice. We may be able to speak geek-o-nese, but it all comes down to what you need (and can afford) to get around in. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 12:04pm
Mac Man Typical gamer old are you boy?
When you finish playing GAMES and you want to make a living with a real'll move to Mac..
see ya gameboy - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 12:11pm
Whatever Oh I didnt mention how when Im not Photoshoping I also build flash and HTML websites and such. I do all of my online video clips with Adobe Premiere. You dont address my point about my 1ghz machine doing all these things in a similar timeframe to my pal's dual 1ghz. So go fock yerself.

PS: No I dont game and run premiere at the same time, but Photoshop, any HTML editor and new games, all in a days work.. Die, work, play, die , work , play, whats the matter? The new Power Mac cant play games while running big applications in the background?
maybe it has to do with OSX's horrible interface with the new Power Mac motherboard. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 12:28pm
Anonymous HAHAHAH My PC 1.5 with a GeForce Ti-4200 benchmarks quicker than my freinds MAc with an ATI 9700? All in wonder, and his Mac is supposd to run twice as fast as my PC. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 12:42pm
Troutbreath About 80% of the work on a computer involves typing. Typing text for business reports, business letters, resumes, school papers, typing into spread sheets etc. I have an old Mac Classic II with 10 megs of RAM a 250 meg hardrive. I've used it to write a book, a play, set lists for the band. When we videotape the play then we'll be using a G4 to do the editing. I mean, how fast can YOU type. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 1:28pm
Ty Stranglehold Wow, I really started a shitstorm here! I took it in and there is a 3 year warranty in place. As long as I didn't do something to fuck it up. I can't see how I did that since I just came home and it was pooched.
Thanks to those of you who offer suggestions

Resume the debate! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 2:19pm
Mac man I don't play games you silly litle boy, play, die ,play die, what a loser..hey FUCKHEAD GO OUTSIDE AND BREATH SOME FUCKING AIR! you play games and you're proud? please how old are you? fuck off gameboy you're a loser..and your shitty cheep PC sucks!
bang bang you're dead!
Fucking punk - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:36pm
Hey Macman I don't wanna get in the ford/chevy debate over computers, but games fucnin' rule, both on PC's and consoles. I make a living on computers professionally (sp), and I spend way more time outdoors than most, but there are times when weed and games are a lot better than TV or whatever other mindless thing people do. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:41pm
Whatever You fucking asslicker, when Im not playing live with my band and building websites which pay all my bills, and designing company logos on photoshop and cutting video on premiere, I play some games you piece of shit, you wanna see how tough this geek is? name your time and place and Ill show you what a 225 lb 30 year old game playing PC geek with fists of steel can do to your asslicking face! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:47pm
Whatever PS: I gaurantee my hand eye coordination makes your's look like an 90 year old lady trying to drive a rig for the first time. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:50pm
Mac man You're a pussy little game boy hiow big do youi think you are boy...come on down to Steamers tonight anytime after eight and first I'll teach you a lesson about being a tuff guy ..then you're gonna take me to you're house and I'm gonna feed you your crappy pc...
Big tuff 230 lb guy ...I'm gonna eat your fucking face you little gamer bitch..
I doubt I'll see you tonight but I'll be wearing a DOA t-shirt and black boots, if your mommy gives you the car come down with a couple of friends and I'll kick all of your asses..bitch - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:53pm
Whatever Steamers? HAHAHAHAHAHAH Fag. Go splash some Patchoulie in that mouth. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:18pm
Mac man I named the place and the time pussy..what wrong Steamers is as good a place a any for me to kick your pussy ass...
like I said you won't show up ..I wish you were 230 with"fists of steele" WAS IT? but I KNOW you are a little boy What a loser...
I'll be waiting for you bitch... - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:22pm
J.J. Steamers? HAHAHA. I didn't realize that was were all the tough punks hang out? Shit. I guess I've been going to all the wrong places. Wow computer nerds sure are deffensive. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:23pm
Anonymous DOA suck and so do Macs you stupid poser. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:24pm
Anonymous Tell us JJ where do all the tuff punks hang out in Victoria? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:25pm
Anonymous does Steamers and I'll bet your faggy boots do too! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:26pm
Onthefence HA HA HA looks like the PC guy is a little kid! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous "tuff" like the outsiders or tough like the apple muscle man? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:27pm
PC fan I like PC's myself but that idiot who seems to be representing us PC uses should fuck off you really have no idea what you are talking about.PC are cheeper but not as good as a MAC that's why all PC dream of one day being able to afford a Mac. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous "tuff" like the PC 230lb "fists of Steele" guy - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:31pm
thisisfunny me thinks the gammer with "fists of steele" has been watching too many Japanese cartoons.
watch ok mac man he may morph into a sacred prawn! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:34pm
Anonymous Gentlemen, gentlemen, there's no need for fistcuffs. People are entitled to their opinion no matter how wrong they are. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:35pm
User Info...
Dear god Macman, take a fucking downer dude. It's just preference for christ sakes. Who really gives a shit about someone elses preferences in a comp? Some like Mac's, some like PC's, some like mainframes, some like PDA's. Who really gives a rats ass who thinks what's better for personal reasons. And wanting to mix it up over it? The question might be asked... How old are you? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:35pm
Anonymous Poor Tyler....look what the idiots have done to your post. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:37pm
Anonymous oops sorry man, I'm sure someone will tell you about it. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:38pm
Anonymous well said shaggy. Can I get you a rooby rack? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:39pm
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Frackin non logged in comp, can't edit. And Whatever yer no fucking better. What the fuck is wrong with you 2? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:39pm
King Bong Hey, I agree with Shaggy here!
I like Mac , you like PC, that's all good, there is room for both in the world despite what many would physcial violence please.. although the idea of two pale , skinny, malnourished, geeks meeting outsdide of Steamers to fight is rather funny but please don't do it for the laughs...
Sticky Kola - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:41pm
Anonymous huh? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:41pm
User Info...
"but there are times when weed and games are a lot better than TV"

That's a great statement, and I agree completely. But then I'm an MMOG junkie so I'm probably somewhat biased ;) It's fun to piss around gaming rather than sit in front of a TV that lowers your metabolism, and generally has no intellectual value at all (can't recall where I heard that, but was a study on kids that were overweight and watched too much boob tube). Games have communities, just like music communities. Games can teach strategy, eye hand coordination and patience. Not all gamers are d00dz or anti-social boneheads. Bad apples come with every comminity. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:48pm
some girl... Ironically, I am now typing on a Mac because my PC just quit on me. It says that it's missing the system disk... I shit you not, I'm not making this up.

By the way, I thought that only hippies hang out a Steamers? (not punks) ???? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:54pm
Anonymous sooooo true shaggy and some of these postings prove that very well - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:57pm
Anonymous Hey Shag,
did you see that report on TV? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:58pm
King Bong
User Info...
Hey Somegirl, where do punks hang out now that soundgarden and the cambie are no more? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 5:04pm
Troutbreath Just for idle chitchat, the Principal at Claremont Secondary did his Masters thesis on the effects of Role Playing Games and the subsocieties they create amongst teenagers. It has repercussions in the way kids align themselves in High School and the identities they share with their peers. Silly kids! Isn't that right Wreaker, Sticky, ROSS B AY? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 5:04pm
Kola So what the hell are you saying you fishy old bugger?
you talk big word me not get you mean......
Sticky - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 5:16pm
READ THIS Type MAc Vs PC into a google search engine.

As you see, the dual Athlon is still the fastest PC we've tested, but the single Intel P4 2.53 GHz machine runs a close second, and even beats the dual Athlon on some of the tests. And, as expected, the Mac dual 1GHz G4 could not even come close to keeping up with these two PCs. Even though the P4 machine has only a single processor, it was easy for it to leave the dual-processor Mac far behind. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 6:07pm
Get a Life People! Bigger... Faster... Better...
They all get the job done for crying out loud!

McD's vs A&W?
Coke vs Pepsi?
Tea vs Coffee?
Cream of Mushroom vs Vegetable?
Player's vs Du Maurier?
Sprinkles vs No Sprinkles?
Pampers vs Huggies?

Live and let live... everyone has an opinion... but you don't have to fight about it like a bunch of idiots!!! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 6:22pm
Oh My Read any reviews these days of Mac Vs PC. Mac users get soooo mad because they spend so much money and now a $1000 PC out benchmarks the most powerful Dual Processor Mac G4!

Do it. Type in Mac vs Pc on any search engine. Enjoy your redundancy :) - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 7:57pm
Whatever Ill be at Steamers tonight too. you better watch out MAc punk. I have a joystick built into my crotch and Im gonna RAM it into your Firewire hole. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:03pm

Look at the Mac Dual G4 hehe. It does less than a now obsolte Athlon 1600! You can get Athlon XP 1800's fully loaded at for $450! And MAYA is a top industry program is it not? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:07pm
Anonymous Except Geo-Cheese doesnt allow remote linking so:


here the G4 does quite better, but no as fast as the new Pentium 4 3ghz. Still, its barely better than an Athlon Dual 2ghz which is less than half the cost of a G4

Mac G4 dual 1ghz sits at the bottom.

The Now Obsolete Athlon 1500 does better than the top of the line Mac G4.

Anyhoooo. Mac freaks , enjoy your $3000 machine, Ill be quite happy with my $1000 PC.

And Dont forget about HYPERTHREADING! New Pc technology that will almost DOUBLE the speed of the already faster Pc Architechture.

Sorry Again Mac Freaks. Your days are history. Yes, for many years you dominated the pack when it came to processor power and speed. But those days are gone. Watch XEON dominate us all.

Steve Jobs is the wool king, and he pulled it well. You didnt think it would last did you? I mean, as soon as Athlon ( remember American Micro Devices? ) broke away from designing chips for Pentium years and years ago, and after their embarrasing attempt at continuing the Socket 7 technology ( K6-2 ) and their subsequent Athlon pocessors that meet and beat Peniums mspeed monopoly, it has been a never ending battle between the two companies to outdo eachther. MAC on the other hand have no direct competition for their market, and with so many Mac heads lost in a cloud of Mac blindness, they have no need to invest the millions it takes to come out with a new processor every month. Athlon and Pentium have been doing it non stop for 3 years now, and they have surpassed MAC real fast. Now as they leave them in the dust and break into hyperthreading.. well, lets just say WHY WERE THERE NEVER MAC COMMERCIALS BEFORE like the ones we have now? hehe. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:09pm
geeksupreme wow......i couldn't be bothered to read all the above ...but shit ..i can't believe people take this shit soooo seriously.....get lives people...fuck - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:51pm
PC Graphic Designer! BINGO!!!

I've been a PC user for 13 years. As a graphic designer, MAC snobs have always looked down their noses at me! However, I accomplish just as much, just as fast and just as professionally with one mega graphics package (CorelDraw - $1,000) than any MAC. I am able to make use of my clients' files because they are all generated on PC's and this saves them money and me time!I am also able to save virtually all my files in MAC format to forward to other designers or print shops that are MAC based. Too bad they can't do the same for me!!! A client of mine who has a MAC is constantly sending me files that she can't open so that I can convert them into a format she can read!

CorelDraw has been acclaimed in many trade publications as being far superior, much more versatile and all encompassing than any of the MAC based programs. Yet still I get looked down upon. However, my service bureau and printshop, which service both MAC and PC files have never had any problems with my files. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:53pm
Anonymous its just fun to rile up the mac heads, especially now that the PC's are faster and cheaper, something Jobs promised them would never happen :) - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:57pm
Anonymous Hey you PC guys..........ahhh........Black! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:17am
PC Guy Don't be ridiulous it's white! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:18am
Anonymous fucking geek central or what - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:39am
User Info...
"Hey Shag,
did you see that report on TV?"

LOL nope, prolly one of the many news sites I read daily. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 1:56am
Anonymous I said it's black! Ya wanna make sumthin' of it? - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 2:02am
User Info...
Fuck all this. If my Commodore 64 had internet capabilities I'd still be usin' it. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 2:15am
some girl... hey King Bong!

You asked me where do all the punks hang out now that Soundgarden is no more? Come on, that's easy: punks hang out where ever King Bong plays (heee heee hhheee! I just said that to make your morning even more special).

I hang out at home: dress up like a slut, contemplate getting drunk and usually end up at the Garricks' Head Pub. Unfortunatly, everyone knows me there (because of the scenes that I make) so I have to tame down. So sometimes I alternate the Garricks with the Old Baily. I still have to give Thursdays/Logans a lot of credit for providing a decent place to go to. Unfortunatly, I can't think of any extreme places to go to.

Lucky=house music, Thursdays=hipsters, Hush=very bad bad heathenism, evolution= ummm, I don't go there anymore since it brings back bad memories/black outs... Steamers= bongo drums and hippies (usually not so much in the day though: I actually timed their appearance to 8:37).

I guess there isn't any place dedicated to punk??? May be I'll be cool and hang out at Subway or the City Hall? I dunno... (I'm obviously being sarcasitic about Subway etc.) - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:06am
Some girl oh, hey: an epiphany: punks aren't supposed to have a place to hang out, are they? Isn't old school punk "not belonging"?? hmmm, I guess that's a can of worms. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:20am
Anonymous Are you saying gay boys are heathens?

And, why havent any of the Mac Geeks come back into thsi thread since they were proven to BE SLOWER AND MORE EXPENSIVE THEN THE NEW PC's?

Whats the matter MAC GEEKS? GOnna Try And Sell That Grey Spaceship? - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:45am
Old Punk mmmmmmmmmm..........worms! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:47am
Anonymous Just Byte me PC people! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:48am
Mac Rules PC's have been proven to SUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!! You hear me? SSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:52am
Anonymous And by the way Macs Haven't been grey since 1997. Who's living in the Stone Age? - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:57am
Anonymous this thread is as gay as shaggy's rasberry beret. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:57am

DAMN YOU MAC GEEKS ARE COLOR BLIND TOO?? - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:59am
some girl... When I started going to Hush I never considered it an actual "gay bar." I don't know why this is. I usually have more fun there than any other place, but when I called the actual bar basically a den of heathenism (not the sexual preference there) I was saying that b/c it's packed full of kids high on drugs that they found under the kitchen sink and such. I used to love going to the Limit though... - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:09pm
King Bong
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Well somegirl we are playing Steamers on the 20TH of June..Hippies and punks alike beware cause the bong show draws no lines, makes no separations, defies gerefication, all are invited ..Mac heads or PC heads, punks, metal heads, freaks , and stoners....all monkeys are welcome!
Sticky Kola
PS Macs are better! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:37pm
Anonymous Can you say , Bong, Dayglos or ML7? - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:44pm
King Bong
User Info...
I know, I know!!!!
But the Dayglos are on early and ML7 is...well great, but hey we give away cookies and many of our band members would have sex with you so..what do ya want...
Bong - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:48pm
Chuckles the Klowne Your guitar player looks like the old Gallows End guitarist only bigger. Id call him Fat Matt. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:51pm
Bong Now now his name is Craig and he is very sensitive...and anyway,he is not fat just short!
Bong - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:57pm
making a choice shit that's a night for tunes! Self Inflicted/Christ Complex at Logan's that night too! Holy sheepshit.... - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 1:24pm
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