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Message Board > General Chitchat > So NEv, when you rebuild the board... |
Anonymous Loser With No Freinds | Can you do something to ditch all these anonymous posts? And how about assigning a few moderators that can keep the immature posts, the legit slag posts and the racist remarks in check.. sometimes it'd be nice to just reach out and start deleting shit that doesnt have anything to do with MUSIC. - Fri, 9 May 2003 12:55pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | Hey I don't like it either, but you can't say someone can't talk just because you don't like what they say. Censorship doesn't belong here. My opinion of course.... - Fri, 9 May 2003 12:58pm | ||
The Ref | I agree there RB, sensorship does not belong. We can all pass on the crap and go directly to the meat if need be! - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:01pm | ||
Anonymous Loser With No Freinds | I dont mean full-on censorship. Im talking getting rid of the BULLSHIT. ie: a band posts a show date. Some loser comes on and says "your all gay and pack fudge" have a moderator delete it. SOmebody comes on to debate racism, ok debates are cool, but if someone comes in here just to say "Niggers all suck" or similar, delete that shit. People that slag other people should be shut down. This is not a place for soap operas, its a connection for the live music scene in Victoria. All these bullshit kids and idiots that post all this crap here make our scene look ridiculous to people that dont understand that "its just a message board" . When was the last time anyone from jazz band posted on Livevic, or somebody from the local media, radio DJ's, reporters, etc. VERY RARELY because many of them dont want to be associated with this board. I know THAT first hand as Ive been told this by people in the media. This board is fun, funny and helpful, but it can also be hurtful, insulting and bitter. I think that even though many of us have the ability to laugh most of the BS away here, alot of other musicians and local scenesters are put off by all the garbage they have to sift through to find something of interest. It makes our scene as a whole look bad. - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:04pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | Yeah that's true too. Bottom line is we just have to learn to deal with the shit. The best way I think might be to have a sign up thing, so at least everyone knows where to find you to discuss things personally if need be. I never understood the pussies who never use a name when they speak. Wimpy little mouthy shitheels. If you wanna see real stupid bullshit, check out a major city site like this. This is nothing. - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:18pm | ||
Anonymous | This site is da bomb - Fri, 9 May 2003 6:36pm | ||
XY-SATAN | Don't expect anything to change around here, anons and trolls are abound in this message board . I agree with you totally, yep, ask yourself if you were a promoter or band would it be worth poting with the onslaught of shit talking , ignorant slaggers ? Who haven�t got the balls to register, but got the time to spew negative comments on every thread ! One simple thing to just know who's slagging, like register to the site before being able to post . That's not censorship that's just taking out the garbage ! - Fri, 9 May 2003 7:17pm | ||
XY-SATAN | Poting should be posting ! LOL! Sorry, I got to go do some potting now ! - Fri, 9 May 2003 7:43pm | ||
anonomous asshole | I am against censorship of livevictoria in anyway. The reason is this: In my public life, I am a fairly well-known, mild-mannered, friendly and unassuming Victoria musician. But on this message board, I am an assholic, rabid, flaming idiot. I really enjoy my anonymity on livevictoria because it allows a healthy catharsis for all the negativity stewing around inside my veryaverage little head. If you bring on censorship of livevictoria, I don't know how I will deal with my asshole alter-ego. I might implode. On secondthought, maybe you SHOULD bring on censorship.... - Fri, 9 May 2003 7:48pm | ||
anon and loving it | Maybe there's a way that only people who register can post to the board, but along with posting with your name you also have the option of posting anonymously if you wish too. That would at least screen out those who're too lazy/scared to register, and allow those of us who just have to regress to our childhood state... to continue. - Fri, 9 May 2003 8:16pm | ||
moron User Info... | A good portion of the "anon" posts are caused by a bug in the board code that does not correctly record your identity even if you are logged in. My hunch is that there is a problem with the session handling since I often get unsubstantiated object errors that look like they are expecting a session file to be still around. I am logged in right now in fact (and this will probably be missing my id after post it). - Fri, 9 May 2003 8:22pm | ||
Anonymous | Virtually all these posts are anonymous. It's just that a lot of people are using nicknames - they may as well use no name. - Fri, 9 May 2003 9:00pm | ||
Anonymous | You sed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Fri, 9 May 2003 10:57pm | ||
XY-SATAN | To funny , what's so wrong with putting a name to a comment ? No one knows who you are anyways, we all use made up names . At least we know who is posting and get a feel for who you are , not from 5 lines of anon . Most boards start to feel like family after you get to know who's posting . Anyways , it doesn't really matter . Cheers , I need a drink ! - Sat, 10 May 2003 12:47am | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | Made up names? What? Hey that's a good idea..... - Sat, 10 May 2003 6:14am | ||
Nev (The Webmaster) User Info... | There are some good points being made here and I definatley do want to make some changes. I am overall disapointed with the way the board has turned out. I agree that lots of people won't use the board because of the amount of bullshit that is on it and it really bothers me. I don't have time to moderate the board and when I tried to set it up to be self moderating alot of people complained. By self moderating I am refering to a system like I originally had when I built this board where people had the option of flagging a post as worthless so that it could easily be deleted if it got lots of complaints. I've been in thailand and on tour with one drop for about the past 3 months and was busy with school before that but I am actually going to get down to work on this site now that I am back. What I am considering are two options. 1) separating the board into moderated and unmoderated sections. 2) Setting up a system by which people can flag posts that they think are pointless and can have the option of filtering out posts that have been voted as worthless by other members of the board. You would have the option of viewing a unmoderated or democratically moderated version of the board. Thoughts? PS I'll get to work on the issue with posts being posted as anonymous when they shouldn't be. - Sun, 11 May 2003 1:39pm | ||
Anonymous | I think it might be best to leave it alone. The only things I would change might be to not allow anon posts in the gear buy and sell, show's wanted, and musicians wanted sections. Chat option could be nice for registered users only but that is the extent that I would take it. Of course it is your board and so you would know best. - Sun, 11 May 2003 1:54pm | ||
Olde School | Why not follow the examples of many proven boards. Have registered and guest accounts. Guest accounts dont need to register, but can only post in Seeking Musicians, Gear For Sale and Shameless Self promo, also MAYBE for Show Reviews as these should be available to anyone. People who register to use the General ChitChat need to have an email sent to their account, which contains a "verification" link which they click to confirm their account. All IP addresses should be logged, for access only by the king of moderators. Choose 3 or 4 MATURE and Intelligent individuals to moderate the board. Keep their identities in strict confidence. If people break the rules, have their threads removed. If they persist, delete their account. If they make a new account and break the rules, ban their IP. It isnt completely fool proof, but its enough to keep a good 90% of the 'trolls' under control. Have a disclaimer. Not sure Nev if youve looked into the legalities of running amessage board, but it seems to me that all the bigger ones have legal disclaimers. Dont forget, racist remarks, slander, threats etc are all ILLEGAL. People break the law 'technicaly' by coming to the board and doing such things. The fact that your site doesnt have a leash on such activity, may in fact make Nev liable for suit, for providing a place for people to make such remarks/posts etc while not providing a method of tracking such people should the need arise. Dont forget, if Joe Blow comes online, threatens somebody's life, he has broken the law. If that person gets murdered the next day, the police will be all over the situation. If you cannot provide them with an IP, you may be up the creek for running an illicit message board. Dont quote me, Im not a lawyer, but one should always look into these matters. A new law came through over the last few years. It states that even email can be used in court. If Joe Blow threatens you via an email, its evidence that does stand up in court, unless the purpetrator can prove otherwise ( ie: who else uses his account.. ) The same goes for message boards. Be careful Nev. Anyhow, just some thoughts for ya. - Sun, 11 May 2003 1:57pm | ||
Anonymous | Registered users is the way to go. This board has gone to hell with all the slagging, Victoria has come across as an immature biggot. I have a registered account but just to damn lazy. People will still have an Alias and that is fine but atleast its a start. Even better would be a few moderators. But do something and do it soon! - Sun, 11 May 2003 3:45pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | I think if this board reflects that Victoria are bigotted idiots if left unmoderated, then maybe that is a true representation of Victoria. Too bad those who are not bigotted idiots choose not to represent themselves by posting. People must learn to stand up for themselves and represent what they believe. I think those who dont post that push for a policy to not allow people to post anon are just as chicken shit as the anons themselves. Fuck censorship, get some backbone and stand up for yourself - Sun, 11 May 2003 4:32pm | ||
sue | What about having the board so that you need to register to post, but not to read. I think that having your email available should be optional, as people need some protection against unstable users. Just my 2cents - Sun, 11 May 2003 5:00pm | ||
Anonymous | most large boards have an option to hide r show your email addy. Its usually contained in your profile. Most large boards are readable by everyone, but you must be registered to post. - Sun, 11 May 2003 5:30pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | a: Register if you want to be heard. Freedom of speech does have a it or not. b: Moderators you can trust. Mod starts pulling personal vendetta bullshit? Buh bye Mod status. c: BAN assholes,that start useless flame threads etc, by IP. If any outsider to Vic's "scene" came here to see what it was like, and used this site to make that decission, Vic would be a ghost town. This site used to be damn cool and a great place to post your views. Unfortunately it's devolved to a cesspool of flaming, racism and general bullshit. - Sun, 11 May 2003 6:16pm | ||
EZBOARD! | Why doesn't Live Victoria have an ezboard already. I will make one myself maybe then. - Sun, 11 May 2003 6:52pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Cause EZboard sucks maybe? I think we all enjoy not having ads crammed down our throats. And only way to get rid of ads on EZ is to pay. Nev and Scott allready pay for the bandwidth this site uses, I'm sure they don't need any more added expense. - Sun, 11 May 2003 7:26pm | ||
Anonymous | EZ board is cheap. There could be an annual gig to pay for it. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:13am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | It's still nowhere near as customisable as many bulletin board software packages, and the servers EZ are hosted on are crap, even if you do pay the fee. phpBB would be one of many choices better than EZ and they can still host it with their current host. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:23am | ||
Anonymous | and make images easily postable already.. 3/4 of the time html images dont show up here, but sometimes they do.. weird.. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:26am | ||
SweetGrass | The most problematic site is: general chit chat. Why not separate that site from live altogether and focus again on the music. At least the slagging would remain about the scene itself? - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:14am | ||
mark morr User Info... | as with other punk boards in Western Canada, guests are able to view posts and members can read and contribute. LiveVic is the only one I have seen that allows you to post anon. - Mon, 12 May 2003 9:37am | ||
Anonymous | it all good the way it is, why fix it if it aint broke? Most of the BS is in the chit chat area where it belongs. Is this Anon person people talkin about the same Anon that wrote the satanic bible? Anon LaVey? - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:40am | ||
Shaw | Best way to get rid of the bullshit is to have the persons IP address come up right next to their post. That would slow down the nonsense dramatically. Would it would be difficult to do in the coding? Those who claim to know how to change their IP address slightly will still be easily recognizable as they can only change part of the digits. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:14pm | ||
crow33 User Info... | I think this boards biggest problem is people being able to post using other peoples nicks.Once you get a nick thats it nobody else can use it.Know what i mean ross.And please please dont say eeww what....(well you know).If you want multiple nicks you should have to register them all. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:21pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Don't think it's legal to publically post someones IP addy, although I could be wrong. Admins should have that avaiable to them though, for banning purposes. And even if you do mask your IP it's still traceable, in worse case scenarios (public threats of violence that are followed through on, stalking etc). And in a worse case scenario, if it does originate here, law enforcement can and will subpoena the site admins (Nev and Scott) for logs etc. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:25pm | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | Shag's correct.. I do beleive its illegal to post ip's as it is pretty much free reign for hackers. What most sites I use do is have a small message beside each post that says "ip logged" but they can only be seen by the site owner or top moderator. There may be some other moderators who's job is just to remove garbage threads, and they would refer the repeat offenders up to the top dog. They may see the first three sections of an IP, without seeing the last digits. this would enable them to see patterns in offending posts, without seeing the offenders full IP. These would be referred up to the top dog, who would verify the fourth section as being one and the same and he would delete the account. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:55pm | ||
Anonymous | I have seen boards that show the persons IP address. It would make people a little more responsible I think. Shaggy is right that if someone is posting questionable shit on the board that the admins and the host company can legally be required to show logs of IP's etc. and the perputrator can be sued. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:57pm | ||
King Dork | It is perfectly legal to show your IP address as all computers have an IP addy assigned to their NIC. Just type netstat in MS CMD or in linux you have a million great ways of tracking active connections with others. DHCP servers are common place know and they are easy to set upo. It took shaw almost a year before they were able to block my pc for serving as my IP changed literally every 5 minutes or active connection. Know the thing that most people I know are doing is to just use any program (even telnet will do) to connect to a computer that is in a third world country. (easy to find with all the chat programs (icq, etc) Once you have that connection use their IP addy and you can do anything you want since not even 10% of the worlds countries have servers that log their users connectivity. You can even cheat and and dl programs for linux, mac, and I think maybe even MS, that will do everything I just said for you. So although those of us dorks will always remain free, 15 year old high school kiddies with chips off their shoulders will probabl;y not be bothered just to get in an anon hack at some band. It is completely legal to display your IP addy at any time though, it is like you DL number for a computer. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:12pm | ||
King Dork | Oh yeah, and knowing how to hack does not in any way reflect ones ability to accurately type. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:22pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Big difference between netstat and posting it on every post on a message board. If someone can prove that posting your IP on a message board caused any damage to a computer due to "script kiddies", the site can be held legally responsible. So it might not me illegal in the true sense of the word, just by posting the IP, but the aftermath of doing so certainly has legal ramifications. And to be honest, any moron that isn't at the bare minimum running a software firewall kinda deserves to have their comps beat to crap or used as a "proxy" for others to use as they see fit. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:38pm | ||
King Dork | If you have ever used Kazaa or any other file sharing program like napster, etc. than you will know that your IP is completely broadcasted everytime you download or upload something. Whoever is uploading off of you or when you are downloading off of someone else all that person needs to do is imapfe you in linux or netstat you in ms to see your IP addy as you form an active connection. Everytime you connect to the internet through a company such as Shaw you sometimes get a new IP address assigned to your NIC pin and this causes your IP to change often as well. Your IP addy is available to every website you visit and every computer you connect to. If you are doing any hosting at all your IP addy is fully available to anyone, even if you are running a server like win2000 without a website and your IIS management tools are turned on(which is the default) anyone can finger you at anytime. Chat programs leave your IP addy available for anyone to see as well and there is a large arsenal of tools available to those who cannot trace on their own. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:49pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | No argument on everyone's IP addy being public, even if behind a firewall. Good luck getting the MAC address from any machine with proper security implemented though or be able to portscan succesfully. Spoof my IP all you want, any trace of will proove otherwise. The majority of problems I've seen have been with unsecure comps and trojans. Someone decides they'll download a keygen or "cracked" prog, trojan installs and you now can use that unsecure comp for anything you want. DDoS, file server etc and in a worse case scenario steal login/password info for online games, email, webhosts etc. As I said, if you're stupid enough to not have at a bare minimum a software firewall up, you deserve what you get. for those of you that think your safe out there. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:59pm | ||
ticklefish | I don't like the idea of "censorship", but I fully support only allowing registered users on the board. Unregistered users can browse, but not post. I think it should be across all areas of the board. I use lots of different bbs's, and this is the only one that allows anonymous posting. Of course it is possible for people to keep changing their user name, but it simply makes it harder for the stupid shits who have nothing better to do than slag other people. I at least want to know (as I am sure many others here do too) WHO it is that is slagging me. Moderators are a decent idea, and should exercise their power rarely, but some of the "ideas" here are nothing but hate, and that stuff, like has been mentioned already, is illegal. This board, adn this community is overall decent, but the number of assholes who keep posting slags and shit bring down the utility of the site as a whole. Let this be a discussion board for building a thriving music community in the city. Granted, those of us who stick it out here recognize that most of it is humour, but I know alot of people who have looked at this board and have no interest in participating because they can't get past the immaturity. It is our loss to not have those people on the board, because I, for one, would like to actually find professional musicians here, and it is near impossible to do. - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:54pm | ||
ML7Mike | There is also a big difference between CHOOSING to use Kazaa or ICQ or whatever, and therefore broadcasting your IP, and having somebody post it on a message board against your will. You cant legally enter my house unless I open the door right? - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:55pm | ||
Anonymous | - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:00pm | ||
King Dork | Correct ML7 Mike but anyone can look at your house address from the street right? There is a big difference in hacking a computer and knowing where a computer is. Every time you look at a webpage you are sending out your IP to another computer's IP to ask for info. If the other computer can not see your IP than it does not know where to send the info. You can't send away a letter and expect a return without giving your postal code right? You have the choice to come to this website too right? But I am one being against broadcasting IP's with handles as multiple people use my PC for this website and it may become confusing/problem starting. - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:22pm | ||
Anonymous | We really need to ban repeat offenders. A lot of shit is said on this board that is completely inappropriate. - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:35pm | ||
Bunch of bitches | Take your "ban repeat offenders" and all your other censorship ideas, buy a time machine, and go back to Nazi Germany. If you geeks are so easily bothered by some clowns anonymous rant then you need to work on your self-esteem, not your fucking shitty band(s). Grow some sack,you fucking crybabies. - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:37pm | ||
FUCK YOU | its not about self esteem issues you fool. Its about how it reflects on the scene. This board should be used by all the musicicans in the city, instead its all metal heads, punks and rocker types with thick skin. Where are the jazz, folk, classical, world beat etc musicicans? Half the rock bands wont even post here. People from other scenes or cities come here and are repelled by the bullshit infighting, racism and random hacking that goes on here. This is a baord reminiscent of a grade 5 class ie: old enough to swear, too young to know better. And it gives Victoria a somewhat tarnished image as a freindly city that is open to all races, musical preference or sexual orientation. immature little idiots like yourself, who probably cant even play an instrument, are what have helped cause this board to go down the tubes on an intellectual level. - Wed, 14 May 2003 1:28pm | ||
Anonymous | I AGREE, well said. - Wed, 14 May 2003 1:41pm | ||
Anonymous | I think its only a small number of people posting the negative and insulting messages. From what I've seen it seems to be the same few people stalking the King Bong posts and bashing other bands - Wed, 14 May 2003 1:50pm | ||
Anonymous | One bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch! - Wed, 14 May 2003 2:07pm | ||
The Ref | I totally agree! Well said! - Wed, 14 May 2003 2:36pm | ||
Anonymous | Dont worry about it! Talking to many working musicians will tell you 95% of them never see this site. This site has no effect on the scene. Even some have admitted being good friends with the ones they slagg. Seen today, forgotten tomorrow. - Wed, 14 May 2003 2:54pm | ||
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