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Bands you'd like to see?
Message Board > General Chitchat > Bands you'd like to see?
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jay brown
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Here's a question. Let's say that myself and Mr. Stranglehold were to start booking bands at a new venue. Who would you all like to see? Doesnt have to be just punk or metal. That is where most of our contacts are, but we can bring other stuff here as well. Give us some input, if I'm gonna put my wallet on the line once again, I wouldnt mind seeing who you all want to see before hand. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 8:33pm
Anonymous more vancouver stuff
blackie lablanc played last night with asertion and first day and I couldn't get there for it - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 8:41pm
Anonymous it is going to be an all ager??? - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 8:57pm
Anonymous Nickleback! - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 8:58pm
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NO, PLEASE NOT NICKELBACK - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 8:59pm
Anonymous oldharper from winnipeg. beans from van. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 9:05pm
jay brown
User Info...
It'll be a nightclub, as much as I love playing all ages shows the nightclubs are what I know. We'll definitely be bringing Blackie Lablanc over. Cant get enough of his acoustic stuff. I got to hear his new song he just recorded when I was over there last week and it ruled. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 9:35pm
Anonymous Darkthrone...I want Drakthrone. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 9:57pm
Anonymous It would be nice to see some art rock bands playing somewhere other than thursdays - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:16pm
Anonymous mix it up enough and I'll be there every night - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:32pm
Anonymous What about The Perish? - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:33pm
dan conner
User Info...
Maybe some mudmen... who doesn't like the mudmen!?!
Tiger army... lol - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:00pm
S.V. Old Blinds Dogs!!! These lads are hot!!!! If you like Celtic music. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:29pm
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
Keep in mind that we're not talking arena sized acts here. We're talking nightclub draws here. I think it's time we got back to the days of great touring bands coming through on a regular basis. Input please. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:35pm
lily_liquor There are so many good bands across North America that rarely make it over here simply because bars can't guarantee ferry fare...even bands that consistently play Vancouver don't come over. I'd like to see more of the bands that play the Cobalt/Pic/Sugar Refinery without having to go over there....Assertion, Myopia, Nunstalker, CumSoc, Removal, Dissent, etc. etc. Good luck!! - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:39pm
Anonymous They've been mentioned before The Wednesday Night Heros. They put on one hell of a show - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:21am
jay brown
User Info...
Ya I think we'll be working pretty close with Jay and Wendy trying to get the good touring acts they get coming through. I definitely agree it's time we got the good acts coming through on a regular basis. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 1:04am
dustin jak i saw cruiser infuckin safeway.
wanting to work with clay"we canadians love fiberglass" - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 1:40am
cruiser hehehe.. can't believe you have kids, dust.. a new generation of schlongs! Niall is in Bangkok by the way, so no WTWWC reunion for now. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:05am
Trailer Park Boy Julian If you could swing any of those killer bands that the Pic in Van gets that would be awesome - I'd leave the hood waaaaaay more often. If you're curious to who I'm referring just check out the Pics listings. Good luck - I hope you guys can make it work!! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:08am
Trailer Park Boy Julian To help you out, some of the (IMHO) great bands / groups / combos / performers I've seen at the Pic and the Brickyard over the years have included: Johnny Legend and his Rockabilly Bastards, 7 Years Down, The Horrors, The White Stripes, The Murder City Devils, The Gaza Strippers, Black Halos, Lazy Cowgirls, The Heart Drops, Andre Williams, The Countdowns, Hi-test, The Felchers, Spitfires, The Bomboras, Bantam Rooster, Zen Guerilla, The Donnas, The Weaklings, The Bughouse 5, Ray Condo and Richochets blah blah blah... to name a few that come to mind AND the list of shows I've missed ('cause I live here) that the Pic has put on is even more impressive. That's what's always kinda surprised me about Victoria, all these awesome shows are / were going down in Vancouver at relatively small venues for a pretty cheap price and that nobody in Vic could get these same shows over here... maybe it is as simple as that damn ferry... maybe not. Also - yeah I know alot of those bands have broken up since I saw 'em (and a few of them have indeed played here in Victoria) - but my point is that that those places (The Pic and the Brickyard) are relatively SMALL rooms but they always seemed to get sweet shows. My list of bands etc was more to give a perspective of what Vic has been missing out on.... Hope you guys can pull some of 'em over here!! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:17am
jen more bands like the hangmen. they played at thursday's a while back and it was an awesome show. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:23am
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The Accused - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 6:20am
Christopher Wax Mannequin, Gaffer, Mean Red Spiders,
The White Star Line, Duotang, Molasses,
The Burdocks, Vermicious Knid, Hot Carl - all really incredible bands that I have seen this past 19 days during my visit in Ontario and Montreal. I hope they come our way soon! WOW! What beautiful music!!! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:37am
Anonymous wax mannequin should come back to victoria again and again. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:46am
Masturbating The War God
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macabre! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:37pm
Anonymous dog eat dogma would be a good one - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:38pm
Masturbating The War God
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ohoh!! Gwar!! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:40pm
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Jeffrey lived in Milwaukee with 11 men. But they were in pieces, cause he dismembered them. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:50pm
Anonymous The Briefs - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 3:15pm
Christian and Emily's roadtrip. Wax Mannequin is coming back soon (I can't wait!!!), maybe June,and
Stephen Weed might travel out with Wax because he said there were some people he wanted to visit(I told him we were from Vic).
Someone asked where he was (on another thread) and I saw his band in Brantford on Saturday (called The White Star Line). They were very incredible like the Flaming Lips or Bastro but with more of a country and noise pop thing happening and I bought a CD!!(I told him to come here and post but he didn't seem like he wanted too)
We saw some great bands this trip(i mentioned those a few posts back. The Burdocks were the bizshiznat too)!
hello to Marianne and Andy by the way! we'll be back soon. everyone here in Toronto is wearing masks because of some disease scare going on.SARS. it's scary a little bit.
Should bands that want to play here just email you Jay? I didn't know what to tell the bands here. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:15pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian Good call on the Briefs... get the Catheters too.... - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:17pm
Anonymous vancoucer bands that should come here: new town animals, new pornographers, evaporators, smugglers. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:44pm
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One band I wouldn't mind see play here has got to be AnthraX, nuff said... - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 6:12pm
wronskian wednesday night heroes!
most of my positive edmonton memories are from going to their shows. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 6:17pm
C & Em again Chris! it was good to see you the other nights! How's your knee?(tee hee). Keen shows, eh?!?!?!!! Too good. Except for SARS. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:41pm
Brett I wouldn't mind seeing the real mckenzies - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:18pm
jay brown
User Info...
Now theres one we can definitely do. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:23pm
Livevic Scott
User Info...
Hey Jay ... Raised Fist are supposed to be touring Canada in June, I'd be interested in workin with ya to get that one here them sweeds know how to fuckin rock!

Or that Death By Stereo show that is listed on Pollstar at Soundgarden it would be sweet if that actually happened... they're rad too! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:37pm
Dan Barker
User Info...
the LEFTOVERCRACK and SATYRICON - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:10am
Anonymous you wouldn't bring Wax Mannequin??!? - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 1:31am
Anonymous how bout AWT and THE HOOSEGOW? HUH HUH? - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 2:10am
Anonymous REMOVAL! they be great - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:04am
Anonymous RAISED FIST?? Sign me up for that one!!! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:22am
Anonymous DRYFISTED! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:56am
S.V. The Mahones! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:39am
boogie ozomatli - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:38pm
Anonymous Great White!!! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 2:05pm
Anonymous Blanks 77 , nobodys , random killing ,AAA - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:03pm
unattained You bunch of pussies... you don't even deserve to see shows out there in Vic at this rate.

I can't believe this thread has gone on this long and no one's mentioned NO MEANS NO! And they're right HERE under your noses too! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:26pm
Anonymous hahaha ya your right. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:29pm
Anonymous no means no ? you fucking idiot , i think jay meant bands that aren't local ,did you see anyone write dayglows? Your the fucking pussy. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 4:01pm
unattained tsk tsk, there there, didn't mean hurt your feelings with the puss jab. well, maybe if Jay meant bands that aren't local, he would have said so - and wouldn't have mentioned Blackie LeBlanc, for instance. I noticed a lot of other Vancouver bands came up in this thread too, cool that some of you seem so into having them over there! And fuck, I'M hyped about seeing NMN again soon over here, its been too long for all of us! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 4:31pm
jay brown
User Info...
Actually No Means No were the first band we thought of, I just wanted to see what everyone else had to say as well. As for the other comment about the bands that we were getting at soundgarden, well I only booked a few bands in thaere. The rest of the shows in there had nothing to do with me. I just figured if were going to keep going with this we might as well get a little input beforehand, but thanks for slagging us before we've even done anything, very productive of you. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 4:38pm
Anonymous like you'll bring any big shows to'll just talk about it blah blah blah as usual - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 5:41pm
Anonymous well, with support like that, how could anyone fail?

you're a piece of shit, anon. remember that always. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 5:46pm
Anonymous But look who's slagging you Jay, NO ONE.

No one's even there, its all anons. Anonymous in life (forgettable) and anonymous on the board. Geez, you'd think they'd at least want to gain an identity on a message board to make up for their shitty real lives! Now THATs pathetic. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 6:37pm
jay brown
User Info...
Ya I'm aware of that Nothing like anonymity to make people ever so cool. As for the comments about getting the bigger acts. That is all were going to try to bring in for the most part. The local acts can still get their shows. Get the good local acts on a bill with the bigger touring bands, that way they get to play to a full house hopefully. Then everyone wins. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 6:45pm
ya dink You are a fuckin' goof, Jay Brown. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 9:12pm
Anonymous MAD BOMBER SOCIETY, 2 1/2 WHITE GUYS, CHRIS MURREY - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 9:44pm
FE FORCED ENTRY - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:22pm
Anonymous STRAIN - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:43pm
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Jesus christ, why can't Jay just get some respect. Even if he doesn't get any of these bands at least he's trying. I surprised he hasn't moved yet with all the assholes here - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:50pm
Anonymous 2-PUMP LOUIE......... I HAVE NO CLUE HOW OFTEN THEY TOUR BUT THEY'D BE GREAT TO SEE - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:08pm
Adrenaline Animal Jay, What venue is this for, out of curiousity. Diegos?? - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:09pm
Anonymous personally i think jay is pretty cool
his heart is in the scene even if it is fuk'd at times
people like him keep things going
i dont see many others tryin too hard to get gigs happening
if you can do better then lets see ya do so
if bionic ever come back this way is like to catch them again....there should have been alot more people at thier last show....go to to check em out and go buy thier cd called DELIVERANCE its dang good! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:11pm
jay brown
User Info...
I would love to get a chance to bring those guys to town again. They blew ne away when they were here. I dont know how into it they would be though, they played here a couple of times and the halls were dead both times. Something I didn't know at the time that I think is kind of cool, the guitarist used to play in the Doughboys. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:20pm
spyder I wanna see Bad News, They fucking rocked Wembley stadium for the Monsters of rock tour. I hope Vim is ok. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:33am
Anonymous singer/guitarist was the doughboys guy. and Ian Blurton (guitarist) was with Change of Heart. he records/recorded a lot of stuff... karen foster incl.
They're going on tour with Nashville Pussy to Europe soon and were just with them down in the states, i believe.
The reason no one was out for their shows last couple times is that there was little or no promotion in advance of the shows from what I could tell. Really wierd for a band with as much shit together as them - the doughboys guy's a music journalist. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:47am
unattained sorry, that was me. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:49am
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
Bad News rules! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:55am
lily_liquor Bad News and you and you and you and you and you!!! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:00am
lily_liquor Ian Blurton's other band Blurtonia rules too - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:00am
Trailer Park Boy Julian I agree with unattained that what hurt both of those Bionic shows was a lack of promotion. I'd DEFINITELY get out to see 'em if they came back to Vic. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:01am
lily_liquor DEATH BY STEREO are on tour...They're playing Seattle on May 13th, then have 3 days off before their show in Van at the Brickyard on May 16th. It would kick ass to see them again....I'm gonna email them right now - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:19am
jay brown
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Hey wanna e-mail me the info and I'll get on it. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:13pm
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Hey guys, that's rad that you're taking it upon yourselves to make shit happen. As far as local metal goes, we (Gross Misconduct) have been trying to get Myopia or Abuse out to Nanaimo, but the possibility of a Vic date also would probably be more appealing. Other local (lower mainland) noteworthy metal bands are: Zimmer's Hole, 3 Inches of Blood, Strapping Young Lad. Also, in terms of established Canadian metal acts, I think both Quo Vadis and Martyr are going to be releasing new discs this year, and if you could get either of those bands out....Wow. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:40pm
jay brown
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Ya I know the Boys from Zimmers Hole pretty well so I'll be talking to them real soon. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 2:13pm
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I said the Accused. Are you deaf? whuuu..? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:12pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Ill second the Accused!!!!! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:06pm
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Hey I was just in Vancouver and there was a lot of buzz about a band called The Rumours. They just won the big thing in Toronto. Best unsigned band in Canada something or other. Has anyone seen them play? They are an all chick band. Not a dyke chick band... They're all pretty hot. I met them outside MTV Canada after they had finished an interview. They seemed pretty cool and I recognised their drummer, she used to be the chick drummer in Mudslinger. Does anyone know how to get a hold of them? I lost their managers phone number that they gave me. I'd like to try and get them on a bill with my band in Victoria. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:13pm
Anonymous well, I've seen them. They look really good. But to me it seemed like pretty manufactured, carefully choreographed L.A. studio rock, learning how to pose right and deliver the right tough attitude. When I first saw them they weren't so polished at it but they've probably come along since you have to rehearse that kind of thing a lot to get it "right". I'm not trying to say shit about them, someone's got to do it and if they end up doing it well, power to them. I just like stuff thats more unique and genuine, less contrived. But they do look good and I'm sure the industry/majors they're after will love it - you could tell from day 1 that thats who they're trying to please. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:29pm
Adrenaline Animal the downbelows, I'm pretty sure their singer used to be in Trigger Happy - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:06pm
Anonymous castle donninton you stupid fuck BAD NEWS have and will never play wembley VIM is on a higher plane - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:51pm
Matt D.
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I would like to see Rocket From the Crypt..... but I'll probably have to make a trip over to Van if I wanna see 'em in less than two weeks (the 13th, I believe)...... - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 8:25pm
Anonymous Good luck convincing those guys to play in Victoria - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 8:33pm
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
Rocket From The Crypt played at the Limit back in 95 or 96. The Drags from New Mexico opened. It was great! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 8:48pm
Anonymous Sure it was great, but the band hated it and swore to never come back. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 9:04pm
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
That's too bad. I remember John Reis telling me that he really liked Victoria and he had wanted to come back ever since Drive Like Jehu played here. I wonder what changed his mind? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:52pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
I'd also like to see Cryptopsy, they need to make up for that lame show in Vancouver. Oh wait, the fuckers need to finish an ALBUM FIRST!! *Cracks whip* MUAHAHAHAHAHA... - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:52pm
Anonymous Yanni.

with Michael Bolton.

featuring Kenny G.

and John Tesh.

with a very special appearance by Phil Collins.

alongside David Foster. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:55pm
Anonymous you know whats wierd? I have a friend, a computer geek from work way back, who has those 1st 4 artists - and enya and celine dion too. I mean, I don't hang out with him, but I always laugh HARD in his face about it and try without success to convey just how fucked up he is. he just laughs. totally nice guy, conservative but not really retarded or anything.. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:40pm
Anonymous I'm just waiting for someone to jump down my throat.
But I guess you understand. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:46pm
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Dude, I know the Rumours from way back and they are the least contrived band I've met. They have turned down more offers then they have accepted. One of my friends is really good with the bass player and I met the band in Vancouver a few months ago. They were really cool. They have already turned down a few offers from Majors because the labels wanted them to change their looks etc. The girls all said "fuck you". They aren't trying to look cool, they just are. The lead singer's got a very cool voice and they are really good songwriters. I haven't met their new drummer but I've met the other three and they were really sweet. I hope that good things happen for them. By the by. Have you seen the other all girl band Lillix? I saw their new video on Much and it's a total Avril Lavigne sounding band. All these young chick done up to look like sluts. Very lame. Apprarently one of my friends know's the drummers boyfriend and two of the girls in Lillix got send of to fat camp by their management compnay and label so they could lose weight before their album came out. Funny hey??? - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 3:23pm
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Nada Surf, I would love to see Nada Surf...
and of course Weezer again...and Elvis Costello...he is coming to Calgary, but I will be living in Vic by the time he comes...dangit. Maybe he'll go to Victoria to. Oh yah...and Radiohead, and I'd like to see AFI - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 3:34pm
Anonymous Ok, I don't know the Rumours. And its not my world, the types of bands that get a lot of press/scenster/label attention before their first gig. I only know what I saw, and it looked like a "you're pretty learn fast so we can throw you out there" deal. Ok, "they aren't trying to look cool, they just are", fine, and I hear they're nice people. But I also think its highly suspect that SOMEONE in their camp is knocking on a lot of majors' doors and "the girls" are suddenly all "fuck you"? Oh, thats because they're cool! Why would they be polite to labels they've just solicited who've just shown an interest? oh thats right, they're all hardcore tough and punk! And I wonder, why WOULD a major ask them to change their looks, they're everything bubble gum "punks" would want!
I think for one, they definately have representation, and that they and their label-affiliated-friends (some of whom I know) are probably stretching the truth a little for effect. As I say, someone's got to do it so if they are, just say it and don't bullshit, but its not my world.
And if thats the "least contrived band you've ever met", you just don't get it and probably never will. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:12pm
Alibi 3 Inches for sure; Frank Black (coming to Van next week); DOA are always entertaining and maybe a good draw in Vic because they don't play alot here; a couple of good Lower Mainland funk-ish bands are FREEFLOW amd Slow Nerve Action -great dancin' tunes that draw well in Van. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:33pm
Alibi WOW - what an impact I have ... just saw that Frank Black IS coming!!! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:39pm
unattained Saw DOA a month ago at a peace rally, and gotta say, they were pretty decent! It'd been a long while since I'd seen them last (I think one of their series of "final shows" ha ha) and I was quite put off. But after this one, I'd see them again - the band's all tight. Make sure you do the show right though, no inappropriate rooms with lame popstar openers. They've done a couple of those out here in Van, and people smelled it, they didn't draw at all.
Gotta say that Shithead's looking fucking great these days! Makes you feel proud of old punks for living the hard life for so many years and still having the balls to keep up the fight! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:56pm
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Noise Therapy - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:11pm
Anonymous Noise Therapy suck ASS!

Bring in Luther Wright and the Wrongs! or G Love! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:37pm
unatttained I just thought about it, and I just dissed some bands without meaning to - I can't even remember who exactly opened for DOA at the show(s) that tanked (honest!). I'm sure though that they do fine for themselves, but I just didn't think that they were compatible bands for the show. The way I look at it, DOA should be seen as somewhat "weighty" and the opener's have gotta be... right, perhaps something that might be palatible to the old school punks, big heavy maybe complex, not bands whose draw is generally more mainstream kids. redeeming myself? awww, fuck! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:38pm
Alibi WOW - what a big head I have ... I must be insecure. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:42pm
unattained ummmm, ok, maybe a big head, maybe insecure, I dunno, you tell me. But performers are generally v. sensitive and saying shit about them is usually unnecessary and not productive.
And I feel kinda indebted to any musicians who put their asses on the line so fans like me can hear them. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 6:52pm
Steve Smarty Pants The Rumours,

Hmmm. I know them too. I went to school and am friends with one of the members and I've heard a bit of news on the band. They just won the huge battle of the bands in Toronto. At the MW's (Canadian Music Week)They won out of 300 unsigned bands so they must be doing something right. I think that they're cool. It's not because they are all girls. There was quite a few all girl bands in the competition. They put on a great show and yeah they're pretty but they're also good musicians. You can't fault them for having success in what they do.

Do you think that it would be better if they were all really ugly? I mean who cares what they look like. The question is can they play??

The Rumours had been together for over 2 years before they started getting press so don't tell me that they were getting interviewed before their first show. Please... so I don't think that they've been thrown together by some management team. I also know that they've worked their asses of to get where they are. In fact I talked to my bud in the band and they practice every night for 4 hours or more. Why is it that as soon as a band start getting noticed they get torn apart by people who don't know them?

I hope that they do well. The girl in the band that I know is a good friend of mine. I took the communications program at Camosun with her and we used to drink beer on the roof together at night when we were at the school late at night editing radio commercials. She also had great house parties. She's been playing music since she was like 12 years old. In fact I should tell my Rumours friend about this site... I haven't talked to her in a few weeks. I don't know if you know her. She used to live in Victoria. Her name is Sarah and she is a drummer. Pretty cute, blond hair. Anyone remember her from her days as the drummer in Mudslinger??? I have to admit that my opinion of the band has a lot to do with knowing her as a person so I guess I'm a bit biased but I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in anyways. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 7:31pm
Anonymous propagandhi
che: chapter127
submission hold - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:52pm
Anonymous Snapcase! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:17pm
Anonymous U.S. Bombs would be trescool - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:26pm
Anonymous I'd be into Bouncing Souls or Avail - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:30pm
BARF Frank Black is disgusting eewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Hillbilly trash for white trash. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 12:01am
beazlbub i myself would like to see some good metal shows come to town the cephalic carnage agiel and december show were great as was syl and meatlocker also the powerclown and burnside brawlers show was great too, how about a mix of both ? there r quit a few local bands that i know support each other because ive seen em at each others gigs so maybe they could put their heads together and put on a for bands outside of vic i wouldnt mind seein some bands that r willing to play small but good venues and r also able to draw attention to bring in the crowds i dont know enough about the finances of bringin in bands like say, amon amarth or rancid to vic but i sure would like to see somethin like that here, maybe the summer will bring in a bigger better selection of bands.anyways im sure youll find somethin good to suit this towns tastes so have a good one(b) and see ya online or at a gig - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 12:25am
Trailer Park Boy Julian Frank Black; hillbilly trash for white trash?!? Brutha (or sista) you know NOTHING about Frank Black.... I like both "hill billy" music and Frank Black, and I'd NEVER use them in the same sentence.... - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 2:14am
Anonymous No doubt, The Pixies were the greatest rock band to come out of late 80's early 90's alternative music and Frank Black has written tons of great songs since. He has nothing to do with white trash or hillbilly music. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 2:49am
Anonymous felchers..or whatever they become - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 4:36am
jay brown
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Just a little note for any singers that think they might have it in them. The Felchers are trying out new singers right now. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 9:26am
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The Accused. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 9:31am
mark morr
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can you guys get, uhhhhh... Sex Flag?? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:02am
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the Accused. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:04am
clyde"THE DON"burnside ARMORUS - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:24am
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the Accused. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:29am
Anonymous "...think they might have it in them. The Felchers are trying out new singers..."

that was a great play on words. Do they get Felched as initiation? Or just a Hot Carl?

speaking of which, you should book Hot Carl (dependent records, guitarist for By Divine Right's other band.) - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:37am
True Canadian The Accused - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:50am
Anonymous are the accused still together? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:55am
Danny Ramone Hows aboot the Black Halos? Dammit, they died of aids or something...
they still rule. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 3:47pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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How about a Gross Misconduct, Gallows End, Self Inflicted, Enchanted Faeries show.......oh wait nevermind Thursdays is doing it on the 24th..... - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 3:50pm
FANG isnt poison idea on tour/back together? they wouldnt be too expensive, the almighty punchdrunk are long ovetdue, but g.h. is busy with syl. later this summer blood on the streets sre gonna be heinous - 4 guitars, 2 bass, 2 drummers, sll gang vox. it would be cool to see motorhead on the island again but they're probby too expesive. Nile, opeth, the haunted, the crown, cannibal corpse, high on fire, whats ronnie james dio up to these days? - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 3:50pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Now THAT is your mom last saturday in the back of my van.... - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 3:51pm
GallowDrummer Must have Cryptopsy so I can punch Flo and play his drum set! I think Mastodon in on or going on tour also.
I would really be down with Death by stero to, I saw them in Banff. There cool guy's. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 4:08pm
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the Accused. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 7:28pm
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ya Mastodon would be incredible. On a related note, I remember hearing that Goatsblood is going on tour with Today is the Day. That would be a great show. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 8:27pm
shitbeard this just in...Slayer, Pantera, the Accused, Cryptopsy and Nile will be playing outdoors in the rubble where memorial arena used to be this summer. presented by jay brownbeard. more info tba - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 9:04pm
lily_liquor Hey Jay, if yer gonna do a metal show...get HURT from Van over here (Bry M's bro, Mark band), as well as MYOPIA (you probably know all those guys). Just a thought...
p.s. Did you email Death By Stereo?? - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 9:57pm
dragonfly I wouldn't mind seeing the bouncing souls

I would also like to see a battle of the bands with some of the bands that don't play so much anymore mickey christ/lId/sweathogs you know stuff like that
I am aware that a lot of you are in a bunch of different bands and would get tired but maybe you could do it over a few would be cool to see people playing to win. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 10:32pm
unattained yeah, mastodon would be unbelievable. Goatsblood's awesome... Bouncing Souls, I'd kinda like to see them too - oh, yeah, but I DON'T LIVE THERE! but it'd be cool to see them all here in Van too.

I doubt Myopia's in any shape to be playing, since every time I talk to Stef he kinda shakes his head sadly... so I think they've got some things to work out.
Sounds like Hurt's maybe got a little ways to go too, from what Mark sounded like lately. Not sure about that one though. - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:02pm
unattained Hey "Jay Brown", did you recently piss off a gang of 10-year olds?
grrr, what the fuck is goin on? - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:06pm
Kids are alright By the by. The Billy Hopeless of the Black Halos has created a new band called the Widows. Check them out. Very cool indeed... - Wed, 9 Apr 2003 4:17am
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