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Soundgarden? Gone for good?
Message Board > General Chitchat > Soundgarden? Gone for good?
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Furio Does anyone know? Cant they just fix the probs and re-open? I keep hearing they are they arent they are they arent, what is it? - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 5:38pm
Anonymous Have you ever met the ppl who run that place?? they dont know their ass from a whole in the ground so no, it wont be open again... - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 6:25pm
Anonymous "from a whole in the ground." As in a whole hole? Nice one Asshole, your intelligence is shining through. Scott and Tamara will be opening elsewhere, naturally it will take a month or two to sort things out. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 7:33pm
Furio Actually I have, and I have even played there in a band, and it all went smooth.. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 8:14pm
Anonymous Scott and Tamara are nice enough, and that place definately had potential, but c'mon.... how many bands have been ripped off over the last few months.

I've heard it from so many, it makes me wonder if I'd ever want to deal with those people, no matter what room they're running.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I get pretty fucking pissed when I spend my own time and money, work my ass off to promote my band, play a great show and then get told some bullshit story about numbers or costs and get handed half of what I should get, or, as seems to be the case more often, NONE of what I should get.

Give me a fucking break.

just my 2Cents - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:53pm
Anonymous Pay the fucking bands. Simple. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:18pm
Anonymous you fuckwads know so little about the overhead and work involved in running a club. It's staggering.
I don't know one booker that didn't WANT to pay the bands, but were not able to pay them more becaus when 40 people show up at $5 a head, well that FUCK ALL to pay 3 bands with, that expect at least $100 each.

Blame the people who DON'T go to support the artists, NOT the people who set up places for them to play. whine whine whine whine whine whine.


and what do the bands do to help get people out? tell their girlfriends? I don't know many bands that actually do their own postering.

well DUH.

you stupid assholes. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:55pm
Morons If you ask people for a service, be it a band playing, dry cleaning, or whatever, expect to pay the people. If you can't afford it, then don't do it, simple as that. Nothing is free, I don't understand how people can not get this through thier thick fucking heads. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 4:35pm
Furio hey, my band played, we got paid very well. What can I say, we drew a few hundred people.. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 5:02pm
Anonymous I'd be happy with getting a show that I payed $20 to play... $20 fuckin entry fee, then they close down and disappear. Who wants to bet they won't be calling the bands who entered the BOTB once they re-open? I know its just $20, not the end of the world, but still, fuckin turds.... - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:56pm
Anonymous Ya it's definitely the rich and snobby local bands ripping off the poor disenfranchised club owners. If only the multitude of talented bands here would just lend a hand back to the clubs that gave them that special, special chance. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:11pm
Anonymous Rich and snobby local bands? Have you forgotten that nightclubs exist because there are bands to play in them and not vice versa. Without bands nightclubs become mere bars. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:18pm
READ the comment properly before you make a profound statement about it!
His tongue was so far in his cheek it came out his ear! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 1:32pm
Anonymous I think if it opens you dont have to worry about the battle of bands it'll be the first thing started up again - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:38pm
Bong 1. If you don't promote your own show your a loser.
2. If you expect some kind of regular paycheck as a LOCAL band then you have two choices..A. Become a cover band and play the Holiday Inn or B. get a big enough following that you can make money from the door...
Stop Bitchin about the clubs.....and as far as that stupid comment about the "bands making the bar"...please, it is a simbiotic relationship....If you only made $20 bucks then I suggest you got what you put into it and also what your worth..
Go Sound Garden Go!!!
Sticky Kola - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:39pm
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Simple logic... if your going to make a bad name for yourself, then you won't have any bands willing to perform for that venue. Everyone says the scene is dead now cause Soundgarden isn't re-opening, that's far from the truth. Nuff said... - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:43pm
The time has come This further demise of the local music scene, with a little effort, could be a huge opportunity to revive or create some really great live music venues. But it will only work if you support it! Take that lemon and make lemonade!

It's funny... people bitch and whine about what they HAVE... but when they DON'T HAVE it, they bitch and whine about how they miss it!

There is SO MUCH devisiveness here re: bands, venues, personalities, etc. that has overshadowed a lot of the great positive stuff that's been going on. No wonder some of the local serious bands just do their own thing and stay out of the public eye.

It's time for people to get their "acts" together - in more ways than one, and start turning things around. Support the music scene regardless of how you feel about certain bands or bars. Look what's happening with all this negativity! Nobody wins... especially the LOSERS! - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 7:49pm
Anonymous well, it is true that the scene that fueled Soundgarden is dead (or at least in limbo) and I for one say good riddance. I could count the good shows that happened in that place on one hand. I mean look at how many internationally renowned touring bands play Thursdays, Lucky, Legends, Sugar etc all the time. Promoters like Atomique, SOS Productions, Degree One, etc bring big name bands to town every month. And pretty much none of those shows happened at SG because it just wasn't the greatest venue. So they had to rely on local bands drawing the crowds plus the odd Canadian touring band. They did last longer than I thought they would though. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 7:56pm
Richio I cant think of one band any of those promoters has brought in the last 2 years that has been anything I cared about. At least The Icehouse brought in some GOOD hard rock bands, metal bands, punk bands etc. All those clubs you mention just bring in hip hop and mainstream pap. And Sugar and Legends SUCKASS as venues, mainly due to their bouncers though. At least the Bouncers at Soundgarden werent going to gang beat you into submission if you mosh a little bit.

Lets look on the bright side,, Diegos should re-open soon, and maybe the Icehouse guy will be promoting there as Ive heard. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 8:09pm
Livevic Scott
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"It's time for people to get their "acts" together - in more ways than one, and start turning things around. Support the music scene regardless of how you feel about certain bands or bars. Look what's happening with all this negativity! Nobody wins... especially the LOSERS!"

If your going to make a post pointing out how being negitive is counter productive don't finish it with a negitive remark towards people. It makes it a little easier to agree with you that way. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 8:13pm
Anonymous "I cant think of one band any of those promoters has brought in the last 2 years that has been anything I cared about. At least The Icehouse brought in some GOOD hard rock bands, metal bands, punk bands etc."

Actually, many of the really good shows that happened at the Icehouse were put into that room by promotion companies such as the ones previously mentioned. However, Jason Zimmer/DriveThru did put some good shows into the Icehouse it is true. Oftentimes, the bars aren't booking the touring bands, it's independent promoters doing that and deciding which bar is most suitable for each show. And of course, it does depend on what you are into. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 9:48pm
jay brown
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Actually Degree one was working with soundgarden bringing in the hip hop stuff. Atomique generally speaking have the venues they work with and thats where they do their shows. I dont personally like Sugar or Legends very much as bars, but any venue that is willing to bring live bands to a town that is predoninately ruled by d.j.s is o.k. in my books. As it stands now I'd say Lucky and Thursdays are the two best venues in town as far as bars go. They both treat the bands like kings, and they have both always been willing to go out on a limb to try new things. Heres to keeping the scene going. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:05pm
Pasternak Here's to you shutting the fuck up!

Two-bit ass clown.

Bitch. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:42pm
Keanu Reeves Good shows seem to come in waves. There will be a some all at once and then you have to wait for what seems like forever for another good wave. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:38am
played there many times quit ass-jacking the bands and pay them.
you would get more effort from the bands if they knew it wasn't a free-be.
i spent thousands on my gear, and my time and effort is priceless. so fucking pay us or we are not coming out.

also help promote the fucking shows, if your not going to help get people in then the bands should get the whole cover.
also did you think you could pay three bands and a sound guy and three bands on five bucks.... pay the soundguy your self!

p.s. if you don't have a hundred thousand dollars to open a business like a night club or if your not dealing coke on the side DON'T OPEN A NIGHT CLUB, THEY COST MONEY TO RUN. stupid kids. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:28am
Bong To That idiot who posted last....fuck you, you jerk off
at least those "stupid" kids tried..what have you done for the scene but bitch..and if your band got ripped off that's because you are a bunch of stupid bastards..Bong has played that club many many times and NEVER walked out with less than $250 bucks, even the VERY FIRST TIME THE BAND EVER PLAYED, and after paying the excellent soundman..your band must suck, your an idiot for not pronmoting yourself and a girly bitch for complaining about it desreve what you got, fuck off back to your nice safe government job asshole. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:59pm
ML7Mike The Icehouse was a decent venue and always treated us very well. Soundgarden the same.. I really liked dealing with Scott and Tamara, and Tamara always did a good job of delivering posters and handbills to us at our jamspot. I think Soundgarden was a good venue, and I know for fact that Noel at Inertia Entertainment(Toronto) had nothing bad to say about them either. He is the guy that sends most of the major label bands out this way.. So to all you little nonamers that have nothing good to say, I say you must be doing something wrong..

Have to agree, hasnt been alot of stuff to my tastes coming to Victoria lately ( and I missed STREETS ) but I think Ill go see Buck65 at Lucky in April.. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 1:31pm
ML7Mike I meant to say Inertia Entertainment sent most of the major label metal bands this way over that last few years.. ie: Nevermore, Cryptopsy, Candiria, Kataklysm ( sic ) Cephalic Carnage, December to name a few, plus alot of possibilities upcoming.. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 1:37pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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HEY! I have a safe govt job!!!!! And I aint bitching! - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 2:57pm
beavis christ I often wonder why bands don't take the time to print up a legally binding contact when booking gigs and get some John Hancocks on 'em... - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:29pm
Bong then we were not talkin to you friend wreaker - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 4:04pm
Anonymous I thought soundgarden was going to be a bar that tried to support the local scene. All the bands that didnt have a problem with Tamara were ones that have already established themselves in town. I played there on more than one occasion and never had anything delivered for me, heck even made for me.Nobody ever comes on here and disses thursdays or steamers for screwing people. So the question is why does soundgarden get all the flack. I think if you talk to tamara she will tell you that its a big conspiracy against her by the chinesse christian architechts of victoria and none of its her fault. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 6:35pm
jay brown
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Pasternak - Here's to you shutting the fuck up!

Two-bit ass clown.

.......And I did what to you? Just wondering because generally speaking there has to be something behind that kind of aggression. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 6:50pm
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Pasternak's a little scared wuss anyway Jay....... i put Pasternak in his/her place last week and never heard back cause he/she didn't have enough brain to make a half-decent comeback no doubt.

oh yeah, and the reason why people hack SoundGarden is because Tamara is the only female in this town who had the gall to own a bar and the gusto to do quite a good job at it. you see, some guys are actually intimidated by chicks coming onto the scene in any sort of power position. sad but true, but we all know why that is. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 7:33pm
nobile Yah, but Jay Brown is super fucking obnoxious as well. - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 7:48pm
Anonymous Tamara is a women ? - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 9:33pm
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nope, she's a womAn (note usage of the singular) - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 9:48pm
Anonymous Hey BONG!
your from that band king bong right....
your an asshole and you have just been removed from our contact list. we are going to set up up a series of summer outdoor rocl/punk/alt shows. but since your so good at promoting your band then i guess you dont need us.

we brought 150 people into SG and they were gone by the end of our set and we found out by phone a few days later we would not be getting paid.

so fuck of king bong or i'll cut you of weed next. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:58pm
bum worms Mike, your the biggest ass kisser in the local music scene. you seem to ass kiss your way through every thread.

you forgot to mention that you played there with out of town bands with a very large draw. she delivered posters to ya because she had to make the big show a success so they could pay the last months rent.
but local shows when the band is unknown, they did nothing. there wasn't even posters posted in the place before our show. and we gave them posters.

i don't care if i play live . but when i do i expect to be respected. thats all ego talking! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:07pm
Anonymous You actually admit to driving away 150 people? You guys must really suck! I don't think KING BONG really needs your little outdoor shows pal they seem to be doing quite well on their own, i.e. They are headlining at all the Victoria bars and in Naniamo on weekends and soon in Vancouver. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:18pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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this has got to be two of the funniest situations I have ever seen ADMITTED by a band:
1) 150 people LEFT by the end of your set
2) You left the bar that night BEFORE you got paid
I wouldnt pay you either.....Shit I guess we're axed off the summer show list too. King Bong and Gallows End will do their own summer show shit box. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:18pm
Rick "I played there on more than one occasion and never had anything delivered for me, heck even made for me"

How many people come to your shows? Do you expect the bar to establish yourself for you? Do you think its free for them to take out ads in Monday and get posters put up? Do you think its free for them to hire someone to put those posters up 2 or 3 times per day? Do you think the bartender that sells drinks to your 20 friends is working for free? Dont forget, this is a union town for bartenders, they dont come supr cheap. Does the PA at Soundgarden look like a L and M Yorksville special that costs $2000? Try $2000 per monitor.

Fuck man, put up your own posters, with your design from your wallet. THATS how you get things done.

In closing, Ill say I agree with all statements above, SG was a good bar, and run by good people. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:27pm
Troutbreath "so fuck of king bong or i'll cut you of weed next"

That's got to be a joke right? If this guy is serious then he has no idea who he is dealing with.

And Wreaker, maybe we should do a show together just for fun? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:30pm
Rick And you, dumass that BOASTS about his 150 freinds leaving. How does THAT benefit the bar? If you played for 40 mins, and each freind bought 2 drinks, thats only 300 drinks! If the bar makes a $1 profit off each drink ( Yes realistically, after tax, licence fees, wholesale alcohol costs, electricity to keep it cold for you, etc ) thats $300. That ought to pay the staff for the night. Stupid amateurs complaining. Try TOURING you'll find yourself WISHING most bars were run by peope like those at SG>! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 1:32pm
Anonymous OOOPS! just to clarify.
Scott and tamara disapeared by the end of our set.

our friends left after we played.

PS FUCK OFF! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 2:28pm
Anonymous they still all paid to get in. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 2:30pm
sick of dope growers So troutbreath what are you saying.....?
Bong is a grower? and i should notify to local police???
i mean gang, we will take down his house ...then his woman, if he has one.

since we all the info we need from this web site, this should be easy. GOOD BYE GROWER!

what a great little web site. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 2:32pm
ML7Mike hey BumWorms, why dont you show your real name? Your calling me an asskisser, from behind an alias? I dont need to kiss anyone's ass, Im just stating fact you peon. Why dont you meet up with me at a show sometime and call me an ass kisser to my face? Im not very big and I dont like to fight. Are you brave enough? Didnt think so.

At least I have the cojones to put my real name on a thread and state my opinion. And I sure a shit dont need to kiss any promoters ass in this city in order to get a show for my band. In fact, I'll toot my own horn for you, most promoters in this city call US. We turn most shows down. That includes Steamers, Lucky, Thursdays, and even the last big name show we were asked to play ( Cephalic Carnage, December ) we actually turned down.

2nd fact. Weve played ONE show with a big name band at Soundgarden there shmarty pants. ONE. that was with SYL. And the promoter of THAt show wasn't Soundgarden but 13 Flames. HE supplied the posters , and yes HE delivered them too. the other two shows we did at SG were with AWT and Dizzy, and an all agers with Gorrila Monsoon and Moneyshot. Not exactly BIG names there, hey bucko?

get your facts straight, and again, I double dare you to say it to my face wiseguy. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 2:48pm
Anonymous ML7Mike, Well i guess you have to toot your own horn you pompous ass. I doesnt appear anyone else does. No one gives a rats ass about your shitty band. Thanks for showing us your rockstar attitude you old fuck! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:10pm
Troutbreath sick of dope growers

You are aware that Medical Marijuana is being grown by your Federal Government? Why don't you call the cops on them? King Bong has done benefits for the Victoria Compassion Clubs it's no secret. Links to the Compassion Clubs are posted on our website. Your fingers are going to get awful tired from all that dialing. What an idiot! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:30pm
Anonymous pass the cheezies - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:41pm
Anonymous mmmmmmmmmm......cheezies - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:50pm
Anonymous I'd love to be listening in when this moron phones the police.
"And you got this information from where exactly?" - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:52pm
Anonymous He will "notify to police". Where is this guy from? Iraq? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 3:54pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
The cops probably already know. This town is full of snitches. I know personally that i have bought a nice vacation condo in Hawaii from the reward cash i made narcing on all my freinds. Even easier than selling drugs I tell ya....and haha Mike. "pompous ass" hahahahahaa. If it makes you feel better, we give a rats ass about your shitty band....... - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:02pm
just to let you know it don't matter where the tip comes from, they will still investagate.

how many times has the compassion club bin busted already for selling drugs?

hahaha this web page is victoria's funniest.

oh ya back to the topic at hand. SG closed due to lack of money and experience. nuf said. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:05pm
Anonymous This town is full of opportunity. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:10pm
Anonymous oh ya back to the topic at hand. SG closed due to lack of money and experience. nuf said.

Horseshit, That just proves you have no idea what you are talking about. SG closed due to circumstances beyond their control. They will be opening again in a different venue. Put that in you pipe and smoke it. And yeah people on this island smoke pot, if you don't like it go back to Iraq. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:13pm
Brian a different venue you say.... hmmmmmm... methinks not - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:21pm
Anonymous It's all just idle speculation, isn't it fun? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:43pm
Anonymous We want more growers on this island, not less. Power to the grow-ops. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:44pm
Troutbreath Yeah Mike, we care too. And Wreaker maybe we can all take a trip to your Hawiian Condo with the money we'll make putting a show on. Now that's some easy money. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:51pm
Anonymous more growers is bad news, for the growers already here.what you can't find pot?
everyone must know atleast two dealers.
the compassion society causes nothing but negetive views in the general public. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:17pm
stupid art fuck eyes too big for her belly or vice versa? fucking's obvious lots have had problems with sg so fuck off we dont need any more venues .how often do we need to have our friends come out and support all us shity acts(thats right it's an act).we are all fuckin gay y e.real music dosent pay so we are all whores if we think our garbage is worthy of any praise.i mean i hate us all .your shit stinks my shit stinks. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:36pm
Anonymous Gee, a little down on ourselves today? Time to smoke a fatty. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:46pm
Anonymous the truth spurts - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:47pm
Bong To "Sick of dope growers" and the other little bitch who commented to me;
1. I was a dope grower for ten years, my operations went down in 1999...I did four months.... I made more money in that time than you will ever see.
2. The police know who I am and they know who I am afilliated with.
3. King Bong would not play on a bill with your shitty little band, so please take us off your contact list.
4. As Iam the former staion manager at CFUV and I now work at Monday magazine let's see if your "Outdoor show" gets any coverage from the media in this town...and as soon as I hear about you trying to get this "event" together,(and I will hear about it because I know EVERY PROMOTER AND CLUB OWNER ON THE WSEST COAST), I will know EXACTLY who you are and then I'm gonna SHIT DOWN YOU NECK be ready boy cause if you think your gonna threaten my wife and get away with it you are bigger idiot than I imagened.
BE assured I will find out who you are...and then we will have a little chat. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:00pm
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It's interesting how this message thread has turned out, from something constructive to a bunch of people insulting other people. IMO, it's no wonder the scene lacks strength, everyone bitches at everyone else. If I had the cash, I'd buy Soundgarden, renovate the fuck out of it, and get some talent in there, but like I've said before countless times, I have the idea, but not the funding.

For the haters, ML7 is one of the few bands in Victoria that'll probably become successful, quit hating and start supporting, pointless ta waste your hate, right? BTW: If anyone has a problem with my point of view, your entitled to your own opinion. Everyone knows who I am, nuff said. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:18pm
Bong Fan -----"The police know who I am and who I'm affilliated with"----I saw at least 15 HA at the last Bong show in Nanaimo----If I was you buddy I'd shut the fuck up, I think your bitin off way more than a mouthful here. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:18pm
ML7Mike Thanks Griph.. Its all good, we just jam and gig for fun (and stress relief!) anyhow.. Just bugs me a bit that whenever someone tries to say something constructive on this board a bunch of no-life's gotta start badtalkin.. I see another slaggart calling me pompous and hiding behind an alias. Yah, your right, most people that meet me hate me because Im such a fucking asshole to everyone.. You got me pegged pretty good ther pal, you must know me well. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:28pm
Jerry You know Griphin nobody threatened your family, and if they did threaten something you loved I'll bet your preachy peacenik ways would be history, it's easy to pontificate from on high when your not under attack..I have followed Bong for some time now and a bigger, happier, more friendly bunch I have never met, and if you ask any bar owner or band that has played with them they will tell you the same.
Oh and I disagreee with your statement about ML7..although you may in fact "make it" personally believe that KB will be the next big act to come out of VIC.
Good luck
Jerry - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:30pm
Jerry Oh I should say that I have seen ML7 and they ROCK HARD!!!
Cheers - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 6:43pm
:) wow it turned into a fist fight. Don't take it so serious, it's the internet. The more you post about yourself on live victoria and the internet the more the world knows about you, and you don't know who is reading. if your going to name your band after a illegal substance then be prepared for a small amount oh bad publicity.this thread reminds of the time dustin scawm posted a thread about his intended fight with someone who had hacked him on live vic.he even picked a time and a date. i wonder if anyone showed. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:02pm
Bong King Bong currrently has 8 members none of which actually grow dope at this time....Even if we did how do you know any bongster actually posted anything....or where that bongster posted, work, internet cafe..? I don't really think that threat is a worry for don't sweat it.....and I believe the man said that he wanted to chat..that could mean anything.... - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:22pm
SweetGrass! Dear Mr. Cranky Anonymous who threarened Bong's Wife!

To Quote a Bong song this is for you!!!

He's an asshole, he's such a scummy asshole...
He's an asshole, a squishy, icky asshole...
Run away girls he's such a dirty asshole...

PEACE, AND MONKEY LOVE, SWEETGRASS! - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:16pm
Mr. Hell
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A band that goes into a bar to play a show and expects to make big money is going to fold in on itself very quickly.
The last show we played at Soundgarden (Gorilla, us and Moneyshot) drew 80 or so people on a Sunday afternoon with little promotion. We walked out of there with $20 (not each, but in total). We were fine with that because it was fun to play the show.
If you want to make the big money, you gotta spend the big money on promotion. The day a band draws 300 people and gets paid $2...that is the day to be upset about not making money from a show.
You want all the money from a show? Stay together as a band for more than 5 years, pay your dues and promote the show out of your own pocket.
Until then, go cry to the bars in Vancouver who will laugh you all the way to Bella Coola. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:19am
Pick-toe-county Holy Shit!! I can't believe how this site has changed direction, Tell me Troutbreath where Whie Hall is so that I can go with my nearly 19 son who is a member of the compassionate society! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:57am
Troutbreath I think you mean the White Eagle Hall. It's down in James Bay!!! See you there. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 1:50am
Anonymous thanks - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 1:55am
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OK, let's see if I have all the facts straight here. A very young couple who are expecting their first child start a nightclub in what is almost the most expensive part of town. Where they got the liquor licence from is anybody's guess, but combine the cost of aquiring that and the lease of an old character building and you have to be running well into six figures. Renovations add even more and the aquisition (lease?) of a first class PA system/soundman round it out. To pay for the PA alone is $200 a night never mind the staff/rent etc. So these folks have invested a hell of a lot of money in this venture. But apparently their business licence isn't sorted out, ever, and the building is never brought up to code for a nightclub, not ever in the club's history. Who's fault is that? And this hot new bar is designed to cater to what can only be described as a lowest common denominator crowd (read:cheap) featuring live entertainment. If you're going to sink a small fortune into a business venture as potentially flaky as a nightclub you have to have the basics like business licences and building permits sorted out BEFORE YOU EVEN OPEN. My guess is that these nice folks had a "silent partner" (rich dad? bored farmer?) who needed a convenient "tax write-off" and so sunk a bunch of money into this ill-starred venture. I liked Soundgarden fine, never once saw the owners there (I don't think), and never once had the slightest inclination to play there since it cost at least $150 more to play there than anywhere else. Judging from this message board there are a lot of disgruntled musicians out there who think they got a bad deal out of this place, but I suspect these people are of the type who play first and then figure out the door deal later. Any club that wants to retain a shred of credibility has to treat the bands as well as they can; taking $200 off the top of the night to pay for the soundman/PA just doesn't cut it, especially since you can bet that Geordie whatsisname from Big Sugar probably didn't get $200 taken off his take when he played there. If you really, REALLY can't pay a band then you should at least pour beer down their throats until they cry uncle, and make sure that you tell them how much you appreciated them playing there. At the places that I frequent as a performer this is SOP even if the door take is zilch. I hope that SG's owners live and learn from this experience as SG DID fill a niche in the local scene, but if they get presented with this kind of opportunity again I would suggest that they buy a house or something instead. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:37am
Anonymous Rightfully put... finally someone here is completely non-biased in there opinion... and it MADE SENSE. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:14pm
Anonymous WOW, I actually have to agree with you on that one Scott. I will admit I haven't really liked you on this board but heck, you're telling it like it is. Good on you. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:18pm
SG Fan Your showin your age Zipgunn..
there is not a bar on the island that will supply any of the things that you listed to a new local band or any local band for that matter. We all know who you are and how long you have been around..props.. but what your used to getting and what the rest of us are getting from bars these days are two very different things. SG gave an opportunity to small local bands to play a decent room with a good sound system..that can be a really good experience for a young band, real ego building experience. Scott and Tammara made that possible for a lot of first time and smaller local bands and that kind of effort is what really fuels a scene. I don't believe that they ever had any problems paying their rent or staff, and the electrical problems were the responsibility of the building owner who is a fucking cheep slum lord. I think these kids worked hard to do a good thing for the scene, I think they worked so hard that they pissed city council and the mayor off, lets not forget that SG was the #1 problem posterer on the city's hit list, and if they did anything wrong it was under estimating how far the power elite would go when poked...they know now...
Zipgunn if you were too big a star to play SG, and you have all these amazing perks offered to you because of that fine but a lot of us are not faded punk rockers, and alot of us had good experiences there, we did get beer poured down our thoats, and we made money at the door too because we worked hard to promo our shows. I think that you putting down the efforts of these two people and mocking their commitment to "new" music in this town shows how complacent and old you are... - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:28pm
Troutbreath Running a night club in this town is not something I would want. I knew the people that ran Harpo's very well and talked with them at some length about the problems they faced and Harpo's was one of the most successful night spots this town has ever had. Many people say they set the standard.
King Bong was given the opportunity to play our first headlining gig at SoundGarden. We are a big band (8 pieces) and the sound and stage were excellent. It made us sound even better. It was just what we needed to show Victoria what we could do. Scott and Tamara were very easy to work with and we knew what to expect BEFORE we entered the building. As a venue to show-off new talent SoundGarden did very well for us and I was sad to see it go. I wish Scott and Tamara success in what ever they do next and I look forward to working with them in the future. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 1:12pm
Anonymous bumm kissers. Smooch - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:49pm
Anonymous Welcome to the music biz Smoochie! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:37pm
Anonymous Saying thankyou is just being polite, dumbass! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 5:42pm
Curious George I love how there's a huge conspiracy theory going around that the mayor and city council were plotting to put SG out of business. That is NOT the way it is! Scott and Tamara are good people, but if they purchased the bar without first checking if it was UP TO CODE, then they made a stupid, costly mistake. If this slumlord of theirs had promised to do the required improvements, they should have had him sign an agreement, and then taken his ass to court. But they didn't do any of these things. And this is Lowe's fault? How so? The building is dangerous, plain and simple. And after what happened in Rhode Island, I don't blame the Council for cracking down. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:27pm
Elliot If you're playing for the sake of making some money, why not concentrate more on merch sales? If you really are a good band, people will buy it, and often bands will make way more in merch sales than they will from the door on any given night. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:47pm
what the hey....... Re: Mr. Hell, the guy who draws 80 at a club and the whole band gets $20.

You're one dumb sucker.

1. It's up to the club to make money. Not you.
2. No band should be playing for "all the beer they can drink" when the manager says they "can't pay you." That's bullshit. If they agreed on a fee, don't leave until you get it.
3. Playing a full night for anything less than $300 is bullshit. $300 is nothing for hiring a band. It's practically a tip, for God's sake.
4. Don't sell yourself short. If you're a good band, you will draw people. If you draw audiences, then you're valuable to the club. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:48pm
Elliot Because none of that money will go towards the club, I guarantee you. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:51pm
User Info...
Hey Jerry, I have no hatred to you, or anyone who posts/read this, not the way I like to do things. I'm just glad to see the bands, and hear the music, that's about it. Yeah your entitled to your opinion, as is everyone here. Nuff said... - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:17pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
You'd think by now I'd be desenitized to the dumbasses who respond before reading carefully. But it still shocks me.
Here's a big dump for the die-hards...
For starters, calling me a dumb sucker is very off base. Said show was the door split between three bands. It was all ages on a Sunday afternoon. The soundman got paid off the top as per usual at Soundgarden. We knew this before and don't mind. We have played our share of shows while pulling in over $1000 at the door. These are shows we have taken all the initiative on and have drawn healthy, alcoholic crowds to. Therefore playing a few shows for chump change ain't no big thang.
As for it being up to the club to make money, not the band...the club gives bands the door. If you don't like the soundman fee, try to renegotiate or don't play at said club. It is then between the bands as to how the door proceeds are split. All clubs do limited promotion as they have their hands tied when it comes to postering in certain areas and there is no point in placing more than one ad in Monday mag. Sure, there are other means of advertising, but if your band isn't going to bring in more than 50 people who will drink one or two overpriced drinks, why would a club bother spending a bunch of cash on promotion? I sure wouldn't.
Your band must be pretty killer to demand a $300 guarantee anywhere in Victoria regardless of the crowd you draw. You are amazing and I haven't even heard your music yet.
Yes, good bands draw lots of people into clubs. On these kinds of night, said bands get paid fairly if they are on top of the business end of it. Speaking for us old timers, we don't get blindsided because we establish communication with the club/promoter from the get-go. If a band goes into something blindly and gets the shaft...well then i say welcome to music. You will get a bigger shaft outside of Victoria where you are ABSOLUTELY nobody.
So I am wondering, what band are you in that won't leave the jam spot for less than $300 a night. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:49pm
Brian I seem to remember a while back someone posting that they saw Tamera reaming out some city councilor and putting him/her in their place.... i remember thinking wow she's good at being a bitch but can she keep a bar open?.... - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 9:55pm
Anonymous Stop talking... just stop talking! This thread is dead. It was dead the first 3 times it was posted. Move on and give the folks something else to bitch about!!! - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:52pm
User Info...
Het, SG Fan, slow down. I wasn't knocking SG; the only reason I never played there was that I was never invited to. That and the fact that the bands I play in aren't the type of music that SG featured. And what's with this rock-star stuff? I just came off a tour where I was just another musician to the vast majority of the people we worked for and I never got special treatment from anybody. I don't expect to be coddled by a club, just treated with a little respect. Harpo's was successful for a long time and even they had their bad moments (like phoning me up at 7:30 to back up some out of town band, paying them $500 US and then telling me that there wasn't even any beer for us, much less money). My only criticism was in the Ferrari budget for the Fiat clientele. I hope they open another venue, and learn from the SG experience. The only thing about SG that I truly hated was the name, and even that is better than, say, the Queen's (I played 3 "Queen's" last month!!) - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 2:43pm
Anonymous booooooooooooing! - Sat, 5 Apr 2003 12:09am
Anonymous The real fucking idiots are all the members of bands in victoria that think they will ever break even, let alone make money and fame. Lets say, every 5 years, a band from Victoria gets to make enough money to their music as a full time career for up to six months. Once in a while ( rarely, very very rarely) a band can live off their music for longer. I know of only 2 bands in the last 50 years out of say 500 bands in that time frame who were able to live comfortablly off of their music career and muic career alone to the point where when they retire(d), they are not dirt poor and they never have to work again (without welfare or any other government giveaways). Now, I know I may be exagerating (As if there is that many bands that can claim this over the last 50 years), But I will bet that ML7 have not even come close to breaking even yet. The catch is, despite the rock star dream that everyone in the musical world has, ML7 are not playing for you so that they can be rich, just so that they can play. Oh yeah, and the occasional groupie. If this is BS ML7, please say so and I will retract that last comment. If you honestly think that you are going to be able to play music for a living in victoria, I'd buy a lotto ticket, you have a better chance. of course you could always take your sniveling little asses out of our town so that we have one less shitty band to make fun of in the review section. - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 12:34am
Anonymous wtf? the groupie thing isn't important enough to address, just looking for some titillating dirt hmmmmm? - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 1:17am
Anonymous hehehe dirty groupies hehehe - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 3:47am
Mr. Hell
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If we played to be rich, we'd be playing every week. The cash would be rollin' in and everyone and their dog would form a band to make the dough.
We aren't at the point of breaking even yet. Our first goal is to achieve that. The rest would be gravy!
And for the record I do play the lottery at least once a week. Odds are I will get some money from one or the other, right? - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 4:22pm
SweetGrass Oh me!!!
Illusions shattered...dreams dashed! You mean you can't get rich and retire off of the music biz in this town. Well that's it! I'm going to go work for the gov't. But wait there's no security in that either! Maybe I'll just sell Amway! - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 4:39pm
ML7Mike If we played for money we wouldnt be in a metal band. We have never written music for people, we started jamming because it was a good excuse to smoke bombers and drink beer. We continue to jam because its our passion and we are heavily addicted. The fact that people like it is a bonus. Now we get called upon to play farmer metal festivals in far off plains ( cheap plug, we headline the Lethbridge Metal Fest Aug 29, 30 ) and we see it as a great excuse to get off the rock and have some fun.

Saw King Bong last night and got to meet the guys and gals. They really are a good band.. good party tunes, they had that party hoppin, young and old.. lotsa beer and bud!

This thread has sure gone south from the topic. But I did see Scott at the party, and yes Soundgarden is working on re-opening. - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 5:12pm
ML7Mike Oh yah,, groupies? What groupies? I dont know what your talking about... It wasnt me I swear! - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 5:25pm
Troutbreath Hey ML7Mike! I enjoyed meeting you and Mr. Hell at that party. Glad to hear you say good things about King Bong, it means a great deal coming from other musicians. I had a really good time. It certainly was a night for making odd connections. Victoria is such a small town, something people should keep in mind whan they start slagging others on LiveVic. It WILL come back to bite them in the ass. - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 11:42am
Anonymous BLAH BLAH - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 12:12pm
Anonymous ouch! something just bit me in the ass! - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 12:33pm
Anonymous meatlocker seven are the most over-rated band i have ever heard. i hope you do get the hell out of victoria so i don't have to hear about you anymore (and hear mr hell's stupid assed comments on here) - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 3:26pm
Cobra Commander
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One vote to kick out ML7, Unanimous votes to kick out Anon. - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 3:29pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Over rated? I never knew they were very well rated to start with. hehheheheheheheeheh.... - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 4:11pm
Bong You can climb off ML7's back right now...and not because they said we were good either but because they are good people doing something they love and that is cool anywhere.
Oh , and they can party too...and that's saying something coming form this old bongster!
Sticky Kola - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 5:02pm
Anonymous Ouch!!!!! God Damn it! - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 5:08pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Thank you for overrating us, very kind of you! I must have burned you bad to get you so hostile, anonymous bravetard. Maybe I can be as anon-hated as Jay Brown one day!!!! I can only dream.
We will be getting the hell out of this town this year, but not for your benefit. Unfortunately for you, I will be posting from out of town. Isn't technology great?
Merry Christmas! - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 6:29pm
ML7Mike I dont know how we are overrated, since we arent actualy rated. We have never done anything cool, or been anywhere fun, or done anything overtly influential, and we arent signed to even a shitty basement label. Even the local newsrags dont know we exist. I think the only real benefit we have to anyone is a bunch of hard drinking freinds that spend lots on booze in local watering holes. - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 7:32pm
User Info...
Man every week there's a new bar opening and another bar closing in Victoria, and what's the point in it even happening when they're all so fucking boring? Soundgarden, apart from some of the artists they booked, didn't offer anything different or interesting in its atmosphere to draw people in at all. Neither did Diablos, neither does Electric Avenue, which, mark my words, will go the way of the aforementioned clubs.

It seems like there's a severe lack of two things in the Victoria bar scene: proper management and promotion, and fucking imagination. Black lights are no longer this amazing new concept, and the people who are amazed by them are thirty now, and they've gone back to just smoking pot. If a Victoria bar could offer me something new and different, some kind of nice environment to hang out in, some reason to go there instead of somewhere else, I would pay some fucking attention. But every place seems so obsessively focused on being exactly like every other place.

I can't think of anything about, say, evolution, that makes me wanna go there. Apart from maybe a good drum n bass night. Their drinks are OK, their environment is OK, whatever. Who cares? Sometimes it gets crazy in there.

I liked Monday nights at soundgarden a lot, when Jody Beck was playing downtempo. But the only thing that was special about that was the music he was playing. Wait: another thing I remember about soundgarden is that it was really relly clean. I appreciated that.

There's nothing special about electric avenue except the drinks. they bartenders are really really good. damn.

hush is another example: the only thing that ever gets me interested in hush is if some good artist is playing there. the drinks, the environment... etc... it seems like they've put zero effort into making anything there that would attract my attention.

and another thing: stupid victoria guys follow the hot chicks. and stupid hot victoria chicks have shitty taste in music. - Mon, 7 Apr 2003 11:47pm
Anonymous why weren't the hot chicks at soundgarden then? - Tue, 8 Apr 2003 12:21am
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