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Unhappy girlfriends/wives of musicians
Message Board > General Chitchat > Unhappy girlfriends/wives of musicians
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Wife of a musician So I'm married to a busy musician (guitarist) and I love it, he's great but I see so many unhappy relationships around me with non-musical (?) women being with a musician and hating how much time they are away from home and how much time they spend with their band rehearsing, gigging/travelling, recording, and promoting.(I am non-musical but happy in my relationship). I often tell my husband's friends that they should find women musicians if they want someone to appreciate them cause it seems like there aren't many women out there like me. Am I wrong? - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:35pm
beandead No, your right. There are so many band-girlfriends that come and hang out at jams and pout because it's not over when they want it to be etc.
These girls should pick up instruments themselves, or find their own hobbies, and stop nagging their poor significant others for theirs. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:47pm
whippedandchained Ive had one girlfriend leave me cuz she thought that "all guys in bands cheat with their groupies". We wernt even good enuf to have groupies. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:47pm
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He's a lucky guy then becuase I agree with what you say 100%.

I've gone through too many relationships where "the other half" wasn't into music like I am/was/could be. All that does I find is create a huge topic for friction (not the good kind).

Opposites attact? Bullshit! Gimme one good woman that is either a musician/music lover or a programmer and I'll be happy. Neither for me makes for a bad relationship since I like to share what I do with my woman, and what I do takes up most if not all of my time. If I'm with a woman that isn't into the things I am, my interests suffer or I never see her. Bad either way.

Perhaps some people like being able to get away from their "other half" and that works for them. Lucky you.

So then... any good lookin' single female musicians out there? Time for the LiveVic dating service! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:51pm
Anonymous You might not be alone....although I think you are a minority, especially in the Victoria rock and roll scene. (I'm asuming that is what you are referring to) I hate seeing male musicians held back by the non-musical women in their lives. Victoria is a small place. It seems like the guys don't really have a huge selection of female musicians; ones that are into the same kind of music as they are. It's sad really. Good for you and other non-musical wifes for supporting your man!!!!! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:52pm
Anonymous Are their any Vic musicians dating or married? I know one of the BigMuff girls is with the BigMuff drummer Brandon. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 5:54pm
Manhandler I'm marrying the guitarist in my band! He rocks and I wouldn't change one thing about our musical life together! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 6:02pm
Grain fed
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As a band member I've seen both sides of it. I've been with my girlfriend for longer than my band has been around and she gets really pissed off sometimes when our jams run long and I have to sacrifice "our time". On the other hand she's also the only person who has been to all our shows, and sometimes I even hear her singing our songs.
*insert cheesy love theme music here*
My other band members girlfriend is always complaining about him going to jams and never stays for more than 2-3 songs at a show and just isn't in to us at all so I could see that being really hard for them. Either way we still play so does it really matter? - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 6:14pm
I can see you! Is Monica still single? I'd give anything to be with a girl that can sing like her and I know she listens to METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give it up Mon, I want you. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 6:23pm
SweetGrass Myself and my partner are in King Bong together and it is great. However we both have a huge passion for music and are on the same page when it comes to commitment. I have also been the girlfriend of musicians, and it is not easy seeing them around gigs and practice schedules. Communication and trust would definitely be the key here. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 6:35pm
FANG my girl has six strings... i make love to her every night... she loves it when i caress her sweet neck with my fingers. sometimes she likes it hard, sometimes soft... i make her scream with pleasure. whenever i bring a mistress home my girl just sits there weeping in silence and stares at us. its creepy. i have to put a sheet over her cause the girls are always like "what the fuck is SHE lookin at?" - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 6:47pm
sue I'm married to a musician and I wouldn't have it any other way. He was a musician when I met him, and that's the person I fell in love with. There's room for his gear at home, I bought some of that damned gear myself...Mmmm marshalls. :-) I never complain about the jam time or the money, hell...I even help hump his gear at shows. I love my robnoxious musician and am proud of him too. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 7:04pm
Anonymous Is Willy still married? HAHAHAHA - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 7:51pm
Anonymous Cause he's fucking HOT!!! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 8:40pm
unattainable I remember seeing an akbar & jeff(?) cartoon years ago when I was still together with my musician-ex that said something about a "girlfriends of bitter unrecognized geniuses support group". laughed my ass off. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 8:45pm
Anonymous What languages do you program in BBJones? - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:03pm
Musician Chick The language of ... LOVE - Version 2.0 :) - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:06pm
Anonymous do you mean that willy is hot? do you have shard of glass in your eye? - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:48pm
Anonymous More importantly has Kim come to her senses and FINALLY left Willy? I haven't seen her around in a while, but I hope so because she's fuckin hot!!!!!!! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:29am
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Come On you sluts - Lincoln needs a piece!!!!! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:45am
Anonymous do you think willy could ever stop chasing women even when he's married??? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 2:57am
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Let's see...

Apart from the language of Love of which I am a master, the usual MS stuff, C/C++/most web stuff but doing mostly VB at the moment since I'm more into project management these days and do mostly prototyping.

But yeah, listen to ROSS BAY will ya! ;) - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:31am
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i must say that i don't know if i could be with someone who wasn't musicially inclined - writing music and performing will always be a part of my life and of course i would want to have someone to fully share that with.

and, i'm thrilled to say that i've finally found my partner, and frick, he's DAMN SEXY and one of the most talented musicians i have ever met in my life. oh my, how lucky am i ; ) - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 11:49am
beatmastab8 I think girls always have the fear that their boyfriend will cheat on him on the road. If you have a boyfriend that is a serious musician and want's to make something out of music. He, for the most part will be focused on music at all times. Even on the road. I think serious musicians don't really think about sleeping with groupies. It's a waste of time. There are bands out there though that search for the lay of the day which I think is lame.

I have not had a girlfriend for 5 years becuase of music. It's becuase they get in the way of my musical dreams, or they don't trust the road and me. Those 2 things seem to be a part of almost every girl which sucks.

I have been touring pretty constant for the last for years and I have never slept with or tried to sleep with a girl on tour.

It's all about the ROCK....

peace - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:26pm
moneyshot josh
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I'm married, and my wife is having a baby in May. I've been playing in bands as long as we've been together(1995), and she's always been supportive. Right now I'm shopping for a camperized van so we can take our kid and follow the band van around on tour later in the summer. Gotta start em on the rock n roll while they're young. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:33pm
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........ and, we're going to write and record some songs together - talk about quality time ; ) - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:37pm
Anonymous Kim left willy a long time ago. I think she's going to college or some shit in van? I dunno. Nor do I really care. Willy's a slut, which is the fact of the matter. That's why I'd be paranoid about dating a guy on tour. I'd be afraid it would turn out like Willy and Kim's marriage. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:50pm
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Some people cheat. That won't change whether they are musicians or not or on tour or not.

Cheaters cheat, people that don't cheat don't.

Best to discuss that topic up front in any relationship because getting burned by that sucks bad! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:58pm
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i agree Lincoln, there are cheaters and there are the faithful - there are compulsive liars and the truthful ....... but as far as i know - some girlfriends and wives (of musicians and otherwise) seem to be okay with or in disbelief or denial of the cheating and lying that goes on. how sad for them. BUT it has nothing to do with being a musician or not - i hate that generalization. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:24pm
ML7Mike I know a guy who joined a band, met a girl through the band, married the girl, quit the band because of the girl, divorced the girl, and then formed a new band. You probably all know him too. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:34pm
Anonymous WHO WHO? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:40pm
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By the way........... CONGRATS Josh! can't wait for the arrival of the 'Money-Baby' ; ) yay you two! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:42pm
Anonymous I prefer the Shot Baby or Baby Shot - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:47pm
Anonymous i agree ; ) - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:48pm
Hmmmmm I love Willy Jak, maybe it was Kims fault...ever think of that? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:51pm
S U C K E R !!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 1:59pm
I can see you! Who's the lucky guy Mon? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 2:29pm
Hmmmm I am certainly no sucker. I didn't say I was sleeping with Will. No one knows what really goes on in a marriage except the 2 people in it. I don';t think Will cheated on Kim until it was pretty much over. Its really not anyones business either. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 2:37pm
Anonymous Then there's the girlfriend who says "It's me or the band. CHOOSE!"
I know a guy who chose HER and left the band.
He completely fucked up the band and everything they were doing.

Then she left him anyway! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 3:10pm
Anonymous FACT: willy will NEVER remain faithful to ANY girl - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 3:16pm
Hmmmm Fact: Your a fuckin Idiot! How the fuck do you know what Willy will or won't do? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 3:19pm
what a joke shut up you bunch of bitches FUCK........... - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 3:55pm
longhairluva speaking as a chick that was pretty much married to a band dude for 8 years...
i've hung out with mostly guys my whole life. i was always the one chick that knew who was cheating on who with who, what YOUR boyfriend really was doing on saturday night and was probably there. let me tell you, the hardest thing in the world to do is trust your man when he's playing shows out of town. face it. everywhere there are bands playing, there are chicks who want to screw the musicians, and musicians who will screw them. i think you have to have a really grounded relationship to not have this cause any anxiety. and girls if you can't deal with the fact that he needs time to jam with his buddies 2,3 or 4 nights a week, without you hanging around, you shouldn't be with a guy in a band. do you seriously know how annoying that is? for me especially, because that's MY time with the guys....hehehe. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 4:28pm
k.s.g. this is a horrible topic. girls - dump the boyfriend and start yr own band. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous Nah...fuck all his friends and start your own band. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 5:41pm
Anonymous This topic is threatening! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 6:53pm
Anonymous hmmmmm- looks like you're the fool. Willy fucked 3 girls I know right before they got married.

Are you another one of them?

Fucking twit. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 7:53pm
Anonymous I mean "they" as in willy and kim - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 7:54pm
Spark Well, I'm getting married in two months and let me tell you, being with someone who isn't at all into music is tough! But I'm not willing to give up her or music so I guess we'll see what happens! - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:35am
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best of luck to ya - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:43am
pick-toe cnty Spark..the best of luck to you, my partner and I have been married 19 years, he has little or no interest in the music scene, yet I do, socially we are opposites, but we always come home at the end of the night(day or week) and share our experiences, it can be done, challenging , but possible, peaks and valleys ...always..worth it..yes - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 1:02am
Anonymous You know, thats really nice. I needed to hear that tonight. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 3:43am
Ty Stranglehold
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I've been married for almost three years. We don't exactly see eye to eye on music but it really doesn't effect our relationship at all. Almost. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 9:52am
Anonymous I'm in love - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:29pm
Anonymous come on people, everyone knows that meaningful relationships are built upon a foundation on similar music tastes. it's what you like, not what you're like, right? right??? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 1:46pm
Anonymous Monica I heard the news and I'm happy for you. WICKED SCORE GIRL!!! Check your email. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:00pm
Anonymous who the hell are you fucking now, monica? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:04pm
Anonymous Fuck you she has a boyfriend. Show a little respect, heh? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:07pm
Anonymous what the hell are you talking about? respect? i'm asking her who this guy is that she's talking about. as far as i knew, she's been single for a while. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:08pm
Anonymous YOU SAID: - who the hell are you fucking now, monica? - Thu, 20 Mar 3:04pm

THAT IS WHAT I'M SAYING IS DISRESPECTFUL. Are you trying to say she's a slut? Fuck you if you are cause you don't know her then at all. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:13pm
Hmmm.. Is Mon's reputation following her??.. sounds like a trouble maker to me.. I'm keeping my husband away from her - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:13pm
blahblah anyone who has a fucking brain would keep their man away from her. why do you think she HAS that rep. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:15pm
Anonymous would it have been better to ask "how are you making out with Monica?" geez - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:16pm
Anonymous Glad I married a musician.. better a wife than a wanna be groupie - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:17pm
Anonymous YEAH....TIS THE TRUTH MY MAN. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:18pm
Anonymous oops. woman. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:19pm
i wanna know I must know now. Who is Monica dating now? I've always thought she was hot. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:20pm
Anonymous Did Monica just post the last one???.geez.. are you desperate? any woman can put a belly button tshirt on and shake her hips.. !! - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:25pm
Anonymous OOHH screw Monica, Happy wife here.. this thread wasn't about MOOOONNNICA... geez - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 5:31pm
laura it doesn't matter if Willy slept with a fucking sea turtle while he and Kim were married- it's nobody's business except him and his wife's (yes, they're still married). Show some respect for the years they put in together. Offering commentary on someone else's private life is self-serving and ignorant, at best. Maybe there's just a little bit of jealousy out there because Kim is such a smokin babe... - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 9:40pm
Anonymous Years? Wasn't it like 10 months of marriage? I feel sorry for her. Not him. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:25pm
Anonymous Willy fucked a sea turtle...YIKES! - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:50pm
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what the fuck does it matter if monica is a 'slut'? would that make her a bad person? what the fuck business is it of anybodys' if she is? i don't even know who she is and if i did my interaction with her certainly wouldn't be based on how many people she's slept with. jesus christ - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:58pm
been there - done that I have wasted enough time with my cheating ex. Granted he was involved in music doesn't necessary make all muscians cheaters, however, the drugs and girls who are all involved in a jam scene atmosphere act as sexual endorphines for male-pig-wanna-be-rockers like him. - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 8:07pm
Anonymous haha the sluts put out and you are a memory...hooker. - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 8:33pm
Anonymous Hi Jen! ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa! - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 8:45pm
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