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Central Victoria Veternary Hospital
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trevor corey
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I just got home from the vet hospital, 2:00am.
Turns out my wolfdawg has an intestinal blockage, and needs surgery to save his life. Of course he had to wait until midnight on a Sunday to show any symptoms. He might not make it, but if I hadn't have gotten him in he would have died tonight for sure.
I started this post for a coupla reasons.

-No. 1- I would like to express my gratitude for living in such a wealthy society at a time in history where I can have 2:00am life saving emergency diagnosis and surgery on my dog.

_No. 2- This is going to cost, big. I have a credit card and pet insurance. If you out there have a dog or cat, I highly advise you to get insurance. It's $30-40 per month for dogs, and less than $20 for cats. You should also have a credit card with at least two grand room on it, because the hospital will want a deposit before they will do anything and before you will see any money back from the insurance company. Tonight's deposit was $2,200.

We all love our pets, but the reality is that few have five thousand dollars just kicking around. Protect your emmotional well being and get insurance.

.....there was a woman about my age and her daughter in there tonight and the woman was wearing a Jay Brown wake t-shirt. Whoever you are, I hope your pet is doing better than mine. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 2:46am Edited: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 2:54am
Mean Mike
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Sorry to hear about your dawg man! Ive had to use that place on one occasion but luckily just for some stitches on her hind leg ankle tendon.. Normally when my dog has gotten bad cuts I just doctor them myself with anti septics and polysporin.. but not on a tendon, we got lucky and she walks fine.

What were the symptoms/causes for your buddy's blockage and how old is he?

Best wishes for his full recovery! - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 12:23pm
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Awe Im soooo sorry to hear that bad news Trevor Corey. But yes you are right about having the after hours emergency vets aboard.Good thing you have pet insurance and I would highly recommend it as well.I didnt at the time when my cat was hit at 3:00 a.m. in the morning.I rushed him there and they wanted $185 just to have him amitted,then told me it was going to cost about 2800 bucks for the surgery and meds.They would not allow me to make payments which I had a very good paying job.I was forced to signed papers and put him up for adoption....leason learned!!!get pet insurance its worth it!

Best of luck with your doggie Trev!!!!! - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 1:05pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Thanks guys.
The operation was successful. He's on a "painkiller" drip and aperrantly quite happy. He had a gastro-intestinal blockage that had to be removed surgically.

He's 12 and big. His symptoms were shaking, clenched jaw, lack of mobility. We weren't sure if he was just having a stroke, and we didn't know if the trauma of going to the hospital was worth it or not. I would rather he just had a peaceful death at home. I decided to take him in so that he didn't suffer all night. The big clown loves car rides and vet techs, even in his condition. So it wasn't that stressful on him. I think he knows that when he doesn't feel good, we go for a car ride and the vets make him feel better.I've had him his whole life, so he trusts me that I won't just abandon him.

Anyway, pet insurance is good. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 2:01pm Edited: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 2:10pm
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Oh honey I'm so glad he's recovering!! That must have been pretty stressful. The people at the vet hospital are awesome!! I have had quite a few emergencies with various cats and you're right, the insurance probably would've saved two of them but I didn't have it. I plan on getting a dog one day (after a house with a yard) and I think the insurance is going to be one the first things I get for it.

Metalqueen, so they treated your cat but made you give him up for adoption? I kinda thought your story was going to turn into "so I had to put him down". I didn't realize they did that. I wonder how they recover the costs of the treatment. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 5:10pm
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GOOD LUCK! I hope your dog is doing well. Even though lots of people bitch about that place, I have had nothing but good experiences there. Maybe its because I can always pay. They always seem to spoil my animals and always seem quite attentive.
My dog spent the weekend at Central Vet due to pancreaitis a few months ago. And like your dog he had to wait til 9pm on a Sat night. Thank god for credit cards. Cost me about 1500 but it was well worth it. I have spent thousands at that vet. For some reason I seem to get all the sick animals. I think they know I would pay any amt to save their lives. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 5:39pm Edited: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 5:40pm
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Well thats just the way the work there...if you dont have the funds to pay for your pets injuries they consider you an unfit pet owner.The vets wont put your pet down they will still give them medical attention, then they go up for adoption.There are many funding foundations they are affiliated with that help with meds and so forth.So thats why it is so important to get pet insurance peeps cause if you dont have the money right then and there say good bye to your animal......its pretty sad but thats the way it goes I guess. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 8:56pm
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Your dog's gorgeous. Mine died a few months ago. Envious. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 10:38pm
trevor corey
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He didn't make it.
I'm so heartbroken.
I did everything humanly possible. They removed stones that were causing the blockage. He was doing fine, no pain, recovering. We went in to visit him, and then 30 minutes after we left he went into cardiac arrest and died .
I gave him a fitting send off by owning the mosh pit at the Deftones tonight. I'm covered in bruises and I couldn't think of a better way to say goodbye. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 11:27pm
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OH TREVOR!! I'm soo sorry!! I wish I could give you a big hug right now and drink whiskey with you until you passed out. I don't know what else to say....that sucks in the worst way. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 11:35pm
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Omg...Im so sorry to hear that Trevor Corey,my heart goes out to you...may your four legged friend rest his soul in probably gave him the best 12 years ever with love and devotion....peace hun. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 11:38pm
trevor corey
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Thanks , your thoughts are so kind. - Mon, 9 Jul 2007 11:58pm
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My thoughts go out to you and your family man...
Very sad...
*goes and hugs dog* - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:19am
Mean Mike
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Dude that absolutely sucks. Sorry to hear it. Hardly makes having a pet worth it with the imminent end that meets them all.. :(

One of mine is 14 now. She is quite healthy and mobile but slowed down alot and even pretends not to hear sometimes (but she can perfectly.. ) - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:19pm
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My sympathies! - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 2:29pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Thanks everyone.
This was supposed to be a thread about getting pet insurance. Now it's a good-bye to Keta. This is helping me.
Here are some last pictures.
Keta was a 12 year old. His father was a Williams Lake Timberwolf, and his mother was a Williams Lake ranch dog half Akita and half Alaskan King Malamute.
He was the biggest most gentle animal. He would referee other dogs, and protect little dogs from agresive bigger dogs. He was friends with cats, and would never kill anything, not even spiders.
He didn't bark, he howled. He loved everyone, and thought all my house guests were coming over to visit him. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:08pm
trevor corey
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He loved hiking to the top of Mt Doug. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:10pm
trevor corey
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He was the cutest puppy ever. Thirty pounds at three months. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:12pm
trevor corey
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. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:13pm
trevor corey
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He was very much loved and sheltered.
He even had his own sunhat. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:15pm
trevor corey
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Peace and love good buddy. See you on the other side. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:20pm Edited: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 3:24pm
Yo Mama
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Dude, that sucks. Sorry to hear it. I went through that a while back with two cats (in the span of three months). He looks like a kick-ass dog. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 4:06pm Edited: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 4:06pm
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T/ sorry for your family for your loss.
If it helps, when I had to take my ol pitbull gal into the vet when she was too old to go on, I completely lost it. I so broke down, I remember sobbing aloud as I had to drive back out the highway to deep cove and tell my then wife.
Hands down to this day one of the roughest experiences of my life.
Pets are a true part of a family so its right to hurt.
I hope you guys get through the rough patch and always remember what a dude he was, as I know you will.

Steve - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 7:07pm
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Ya he was one super cute pup. I hope your doing ok today Trevor. It's never easy. - Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:29pm
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That sucks :/ Gorgeous dog Trev. RIP Keta. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 1:04am
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sorry about your dog, dude - he looks and sounds like he was an awesome animal.

thanks too for the pet insurance advice. we got a 4 month old pup who has been swallowing rocks. i've been trying to teach her to stop, but she hasn't yet and i'm not sure what to do, short of re-landscaping the backyard. we'll definitely be looking into insurance though. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 9:32am
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Trevor Corey.....I don't know you but I am so sorry for your loss. Seemed you really loved your dog and he right back at you. I have a soft spot for people who loves pets...and it seems there are a lot of us.

Thank god you got the time with him that you did and you seemed to have enjoyed every minute! A saying that really helped me when we lost our 15 year old wicked blue persian (and Central Vic helped me with him. Many times actually):

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

I always say pets aren't very big but they take up a huge amount of space in your heart! Seems Keta did exactly that!

Here's me and my love (gone 2 years July 7th, hardest day of my entire life).

Lots of positive wishes to you during this time! Cheers dude and I am truly sorry! - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:31am Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:34am
trevor corey
User Info...
Thanks everybody.
I feel a big empty pain. It's like he's out there lost somewhere without me. He was with me my entire adult life. Such a large presence. I know life goes on, but I just feel so hollow.
We banter and tease each other on this board, but when it comes right down to it, Live vic is like an extended family.
Your kind words and my videos of him are helping me work through this. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:03pm Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:05pm
Hang the DJ
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It's a very strange feeling losing a pet. I had a cat who died at 21 years old about 4 years ago. Burma had been with me since I was born, and I was there with him when he died. He had liver failure, and since he was old and was quickly going downhill, it was best just to put him to sleep instead of him undergoing surgery/dying in pain and fear. We had the vet come to our house. No one in my family could stand the sight of my cat dying so I was left in the livingroom with the vet, while holding my cat in my arms. First of all she gave him a needle, and my cat let out a sharp meow and opened his eyes really wide (quite haunting actually). I just kept petting him and tried my best to make him feel comfortable and happy. Then she gave him the final needle which would put him to sleep. I could feel my cat slowly going limp in my arms. I looked into his eyes and said "I love you Burma", and then I could feel his heart stop, and his eyes turned a less vibrant yellow. I carried his lifeless body into a little coffin I had made, and then my family and I buried him outside. Believe it or not, my mean neighbours were laughing at us! Goes to show how cruel some people can be (they once tried to trap + kill him with antifreeze years and years ago). I didn't cry at all when my cat was dying in my arms. I only cried about 2 hours later when I went downstairs to my room. My cat had been sitting beside my window just before the vet got to our house, and when I came downstairs I expected him to be there, but it suddenly hit me he would never ever be there again. I have the best cat now, Bijou, and she has a slight respiratory problem. I know she wont live as long as the average cat, but she's such a funny and sweet cat, and I hope she goes similar to the way my other cat did, so I can say goodbye and make sure she leaves this world surrounded by love. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:28pm
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Wow...I know I don't have any punk points to lose here so I don't care if you all know that I'm bawling my eyes out. Every animal I've lost is a hole in my heart. That song Trevor posted is breaking my heart too. I'd blame the pregnancy hormones but I know I'm an emotional basket case when it comes to snimals dying.
How could your neighbours laugh at you DJ? That's just unhuman!! I totally know what you meant about it not hitting you until you see the spot they used to be and knowing they'll never be there again. That's the worst.
I don't think I can read this thread for a's too hard. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:43pm
round em up
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Sorry to hear about your loss trevor...,

I had a lab shepperd cross that I had to put down two years ago, he was only 7, within 1 week he went from seemingly being healthy to terminal due to a tumour in his chest. Next thing I knew I was holding him on the table as the vet gave him the euthenazia formula and I felt his life slip away.I was absolutly devestated and didnt go to work for three days after due to the fact I would break down sobbing the moment I thought of him. I know exactly what yu mean when you say you have a hollow feeling in your heart. Nothing in the world prepares you for such a loss, and two years later I still miss him dearly.

Once again, my condolences.... - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:52pm Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 2:55pm
trevor corey
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Thank you. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 3:04pm
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hey buddy
i'm so sorry for your loss. he sure was an adorable pup! in some ways losing a pet is harder than losing a human in your life; they're always there for you and never judge you. just remember when he'll be waiting for you when the time comes. and hey, at least you had so much great time and love with him =) - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 4:32pm
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Hey Trevor:
I totally feel your pain. It is one of the hardest things in life to go through. But take comfort in the fact that you gave Keta a great life and he gave you a love and joy and devotion like no other. Took my girls running this morning and I really noticed that my oldest, Kayla, 10 yrs. is startin to slow down a bit but when I stopped at one point to wait for her to catch up and she was running towards me, she had such a smile on her face. Running is her favourite thing to do. And I know when the day comes that she is gone, she will still be running with me in my heart and thinking about that smile on her face will hopefully fill the emptiness. Shit, man - now I'm fuckin cryin. My deepest sympathy to you my cyber friend.
Danielle - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 6:53pm
trevor corey
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Thanks again everyone.
I really appreciate the kind comments.
I want you all to know that I am remembering all the good times. This last picture is Keta at two and a half years old, intact and all bad ass. He used to get out all the time and roam the neighborhood digging up gardens and "sniffing" around any girl dogs. He'd challenge my roomates for their dinner and just cause mayhem at any parks and beaches we'd go to.
He mellowed after his "operation", but when this picture was taken, he was bad to the bone.
This is how I picture him now, running free. - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:06pm
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Oh gross, I am so bummed now, I was so stoked reading this, when he was recovering. I actually just teared and I don't even know you or your dog.
My new friend Stewie, a brown and blue eyed, I don't even know what he is, is the only thing keeping me sane whilst visiting this shit hole town I am in at the moment. I love animals. God, so sorry. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 3:56am
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Mojo sent bro. Cheers, Lucius - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 8:49am
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I felt the same as you reading this, Kim... cried and cried, so I won't skim it again. I wish all pets had people like Trevor.
What really freaked me out is the part about them taking pets away from people who couldn't pay the vet bills! I'd never heard of that before. I guess it make sense, but the trauma to both the pet & owner when they're already hurting seems harsh. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:18am
trevor corey
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Thanks for the kind words.
Okay, one more picture, with the wife. He sure could "ham" it up. It's been a couple of weeks now, and yes it is sad, but it's just the way she goes.

The surgeon phoned yesterday to re assure us that we didn't do anything wrong, and that he was in amazing shape for his age/breed. Apparently big Mals don't usually make it to his age.

I'm so tempted to drive up your way Kim. Keta was from just down the road in Billy's Puddle. I've been hanging around the SPCA allot these past weeks. There are a few really cool dogs in there, mostly rottys. I want another malamute though, and I bet the shelters and rezes up there are full of them.

As far as surrendering your pet at the hospital. That is not necessarily the case anymore. They take each case on an individual basis. There is also a credit company called medi-card that you can apply for on the spot. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 3:30pm
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It would be nice to give a new dog a home, especially one in need perhaps, maybe from the reserve or somewhere unwanted. Want me to go scope it out for you? God knows I am bored and have nothing to do with my days here but fkn sweat. Groos. Hot. Stinky. Help.

Seriously, maybe I'll try to call around or something. Gimmie a day or so. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 7:43pm
trevor corey
User Info...
That'd be great.
Like I said above, his father was a timber wolf, and his mother was a Akita/ALASKAN KING Malamute.
I know they were breeding up in William's Lake, but I can't find anything on the net. I traded for Keta from street kids, so I don't have a direct connection to where he came from.
Look for big paws. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 8:17pm Edited: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 8:21pm
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One of 2 pix - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:33pm
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Here is numero duece - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:34pm
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Ive just emailed this lady to see if she still has this dog. She is here in PG and although we could never replace our loved ones, pretty fkn cute and reminicent of someone, is it? She has a number as well, but it's getting on 20 to 11 pm, so I will try her tomorrow. Or email you info. Tried to copy the page address but had troubles. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:37pm
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Alright, I see now there is no email for you. Email me if you like. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:38pm Edited: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:40pm
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There we might take me a while...but... - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:48pm
trevor corey
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He's got the same ears and face. I'd like to know a few more details, but I bet they share some lineage.

"Replace", never, these wolf hybrids are very special. You have to be careful when choosing a wolfdawg, I lucked out with Keta, so I know what to look for. These pups look to be it.

You're awesome, thanks. - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 11:20pm
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Yeah, Im awesome...EVERYBODY HEAR THAT?! Im awesome. - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 2:02am
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How cute is this dude?! - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 2:15am
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Sorry to hear about the loss of your pup TC.

It took us years to get over our Pepper girl. - Fri, 3 Aug 2007 1:36pm
trevor corey
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Thanks XYniceguy.
We all may never get over the loss of our pets, but we must console ourselves that we gave them good, safe, comfortable lives in an otherwise cold, cruel world. We protected and provided for their needs, and there should be no regrets.

I just did a power drive up to Enderby and back to pick up that pup that "the poster whose name I am forbidden to ever speak of" linked me to.

I know it might seem a bit too soon to some people but a pup like Keta just doesn't come around too often, and this new pup is soooooooooooooooooooo perfect. I am so in love again. I'm just so happy with him. He's the only thing that could stop the bleeding in my heart.

His name is Tucker, and his mother is an Arctic Wolf, and his Father is a Malamute. The youngsters who had him realized he was going to be more than they could handle, so I drove up and took him off their hands for $300.

Crazy trip for me. I have "health" issues, and a solo trip like that is risky to say the least. I am strong willed, strong minded and stubborn as all hell, so I made it in record time. Gawd, at one point on the Coqahalla I looked down and the digital speedo said 174, fuck me, I didn't know my little four banger could achieve such acceleration. Many, many bugs made the ultimate sacrifice on my front bumper and wind screen. Would have broke a Buddhist's heart.

I'd once again like to thank everyone who has offered condolences, kind, supportive words and shared stories of their own pet loss experience. I never meant to open a window into my personal life like that, this was only to be a thread about Pet Insurance. It just turned into so much more.

I'll never be the same, and any "burns" in the future will be greatly toned down. Thanks to the poster whose name I am forbidden to speak, this pup is just so just so prefect in every way.

I'm adding the following link so you can listen to track two, "The Past", it sums it all up for me.
"Keep On Keepin On" - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 12:52am Edited: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 1:04am
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AWWWW.... I'm so happy for you Trevor! The next time you are in my hood I'd love for you to drop by with Tucker. I love puppies!! Dogs too, but c'mon...puppies!!
Yay! - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 1:12am
trevor corey
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Blows my mind.
I would actually appreciate you and Goatboy's help in socializing Tucker with the Goatbaby.
My neighbors are helping with their two young toddlers.
I need this "dog" to be comfortable with all ages of kids, and all kinds of other animals. - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 1:21am
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Sounds like we have a playdate in our future! - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 1:28am
trevor corey
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Tucker - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 2:35am
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What a cute little gent! He'll have a great home with you and the family! Grats Trev! - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 9:19am
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AWWWWWEE...sooooo cute Trev,congrats! and hey you ever need him groomed,just like a bath or brush,nails trimmed or ears cleaned,call the Hitching Post(west saanich rd.)ask for Tanya and I will give ya a deal k!!!! cheers! - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 11:24am
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aww fluffy puppy - Sat, 4 Aug 2007 1:42pm
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A few months ago our 13 year old German Shepherd (we'd had him since he was 10 - adopted from the SPCA) had to go into the emergency vet hospital (the one on Wallace dr in Saanichton) because we thought he was choking on something - he hacking and coughing and growling like he was in major distress, not to mention running around like he hadn't done in almost a year (he had degenerative myelopathy and was practically paralyzed in his hind-quarters) .. so we knew something was very very wrong. Turns out he had torsion/bloat (stomach bloats up to like 5 times its normal size and then twists off). The only possible treatment was surgery that was going to cost in the neighbourhood of $7000, which he had less than a 50% chance of surviving even had been young and in normal health, which he wasn't. We made the decision to send him off and it was over in a flash.

After a year and a half of slowly watching him deteriorate (not painfully, thank God, but getting less and less mobile) and at least a year of having to clean up after he went to the bathroom in the house (he couldn't tell when he had to go / couldn't get out in time due to his back end being partially paralyzed) .. we made a science out of it and he seemed content with life, if a little frustrated and bored at times. We were so convinced that we knew exactly how he was going to go.. one day he would no longer be able walk or stay standing by himself, and that would be the day when we would let him go...

It seemed awhile off still.. and one minute we're watching House when our dog starts acting a little strangely.. and about 2 and a half blurry hours later he's gone.

It certainly has taken us awhile to get over him.. and we only had him for 3 years or so. Can't imagine how much Keta's passing must have hurt, but I'm happy to hear about the new pup. Everytime we see a GSD now we always remind ourselves that the first thing we do when we're living in our own house again is get a little German Shepherd puppy. - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:03am
trevor corey
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Thanks Metalqueen. As I'm sure you can imagine, we have a long established relationship with a groomer in town. Tucker has already had his first bath and nail trim. Very kind of you indeed for your offer to help alleviate some expense.

Wow, thirteen is amazing for a German Shepard, and adopting him at that age really makes you a Saint in my eyes. It blows my mind that people give up ten year old dogs for adoption. Thats when they need you the most. Thank God that Victoria is so full of great people like you.

Stomach bloat sucks. You made the right choice. I grew up with a string of German Shepards, and there is one in the family to this day. Great breed. Good luck in finding a pup.

I love my new puppy. The picture above is him and mom's dog laughing it up. Can you believe he still has his baby teeth at his size? Three and a half months old, thirty five pounds. I think this one could get large. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 3:01am Edited: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 3:12am
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