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People that reply to topics to spell check the poster
Message Board > General Chitchat > People that reply to topics to spell check the poster
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When your on the internet, no one cares how things are spelled, especially on a casual message board like this one, or say MSN. People want to convey a message, make the other person understand something, etc. Sometimes abbreviating words or skipping punctuation saves time, and the reader will still understand what the person means. Live Victoria is not English class or anything.

To the people who post back correcting a person's spelling to make the person look stupid:

You don't look smart by knowing correct spelling, you look like a jackass. - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 10:07pm Edited: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 10:08pm
Mullet Merkin
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"When your on the internet..."

This should be, "When YOU'RE on the internet..." but other than that, looks half decent, grammar, punctuation etc.

Sorry, I'm just being a jackass. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 12:00am Edited: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 12:07am
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I only mention stuff to people who go off about other peoples spelling.

Sure glad you started a thread about it though. Sure glad...

Jackass - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 12:09am
trevor corey
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I never thought of you as a spelling enforcer, more of a grammer instructor. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 12:58am
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Grammar - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 1:11am
trevor corey
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Hey, I'm not the one criticizing, aaaaaand I've got my grade ten so bite me - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 1:39am
trevor corey
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15 bucks a grammer, just like everyone else. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 1:42am
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I cunt spell. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 2:31am
trevor corey
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I don't think i'll ever live that one down, and no, the melvins cunt is not a new dance move. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 2:34am Edited: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 2:36am
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lol just when u think u know some1..haha.

yea stfu spell checkers! DIE! EAT YOUR OWN ARM! - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 3:36am
Hang the DJ
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The only thing that annoys me is when people write things such as, "me to" or "that's to much". There exists a "too" you know...It also annoys me when people write things such as, "your crazy"... Oh, my crazy? I own a crazy? It's YOU'RE as in YOU ARE. One more thing... When people write things like "there not very nice people"... Over where? Here we go again with the THEY ARE. I swear no one ever uses "their" either. They always go "that's there bike". NO! It's "that's THEIR bike"... This kind of stuff we learned in 2nd grade. Oh well I'm an english freak..

Bad spellers of the world, untie! - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 2:32pm
Mr. Hell
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I have to say that when people are not informed enough to know how their primary language works, or are too stupid or lazy to learn, it's hard for me to take anything they type seriously.
On the other hand, typos happen. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 3:47pm
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I have never attempted to correct a post anywhere on the Internet, but I always try hard in my own posts to use accurate spelling and grammar where possible. Two of my favourite things are reading and writing, so why wouldn't I expend some effort in making it worthwhile?

I post things online with the same seriousness I would if I were I committing them to paper; with the possibility of being seen years later and out of context.

To each their own. My only critical point is that the entire Internet and inhabitants would appear to be LAZY AS FUCK!
It's very likely that Net-Speak will actually take over from proper text. I think thats a horrible idea, but who the hell am I eh?
. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 4:09pm
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It's not difficult to find out spelling and definition.
But everyone makes mistakes. I remember not long ago on a show review I said that Run Like Hell sucked "banly" when I meant to say badly. Mr.Hell made fun of me for it and I got what I deserved (not that I was trying to hurt feelings, I just didn't care for their sound) and when you put a post on a sight that is going to be seen by hundreds it probably is a good idea to know your grammar/punctuation/spelling etc. Mace misspells on nearly every one of his posts and look how many people make fun of him. Noise Not Bombs too. (Not that I'm trying to hurt their little feelings.) - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 5:54pm
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plus when your mad and have long nails its hard to spell... - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 7:01pm
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Im wondering if this in reply to a post I made yesterday? Anyway, yeah typos are a pet peeve of mine. I mean come on, your, you're, there, their, they're, if you can't figure out this grade three rule then yeah I am smarter than you. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 7:08pm
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typos are no big deal, but chronic misspelling of "your", "you're", "their", "they're", "than", "then"...that drives me fucking nuts. Seriously, kids in grade 2 or 3 can spell better than you.

and my user name has always been jackass - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 7:30pm
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GRRRRRRR I hate when people get picked on for bad spelling!
My grammar sucks when I post, and my spelling at times too. Its cuz I don't care too much on msg boards, AND I want people on here to be comfortable and not too uptight about that kind of thing. I do know the difference between to, too, know, no, there, their & they're, thank you very much.

Nev can be a pretty bad speller and look what he's done. So I don't hold it against him ('cept when I'm grouchy). He just doesn't have the time to make spelling a priority over other things that need doing. Most creative people are just trying to get too much done, and spelling comes after getting their point across. If posting's going to take twice as long (grammar/spell-checking etc), more musicians will become intimidated and won't post.

My favorite posts or profile bios on here are very often by kids or punks who can't spell worth shit. They're straight up, earnest, and not contrived.
So take your spelling bees elsewhere! - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 7:50pm Edited: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 7:54pm
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p.s. this is a music site. So do feel free to take the crap out of those who're tone deaf or who insist on playing/dancing/moshing at shows when they have no sense of rhythm - now THAT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL! - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 8:31pm
Nik Olaz
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English is a stupid language anyway. Who cares how poorly we use it? - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 9:41pm
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Remember the phrase, "Spelling Counts?" Well, it does.

If you want people to take whatever it is you are writing seriously, it helps if you can spell things properly. And there is nothing quite as satisfyingly fantastic as handing someone their own ass on a well-spelled platter of sass.

The world is not in need of any more poor communicators.

"...and no, the melvins cunt is not a new dance move."

It is now. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 10:07pm
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I just posted without even reading the thread. That's just one of the basic reasons why Mister Hell and I get along so famously.

See? Spelling properly can woo you some poon (or whatever genitals you fancy). - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 10:13pm
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(Sorry to "take over" this thread again, but this one gets under my skin):

Good point, G. I get grouchy when its a mispelling built into the site (even if its something internal that only we have to look at every day!), and we certainly don't let proposals or correspondence go out with errors if we can help it.

But posting to LiveVic is supposed to come off any way you intend it. I don't actually want to be taken too seriously most of the time, and I suspect a few others here feel the same way. It'd just be great if more kids (or others) felt welcome to come on here to casually talk about music, or hype their shows, no matter how eloquent or not they come off.

There are any number of reasons why people have so much trouble with spelling. Its not always laziness. Sometimes its dyslexia or even impaired motor skills etc. I would just like people who take their aptitude for reading/spelling for granted to know that it doesn't come as easily to everyone. Lots of people pick up instruments way more easily for instance, and this place is meant for them too.

That said, if anyone would ever like me to spell-check their posts, just let me know (e-mail/phone/post, whatever) and if I happen catch something obvious where its likely to distract the reader or get you mocked(!), I'll fix it.
Of course, god help me with my own crap, this kinda stuff takes me forever! - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 12:25am Edited: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 12:33am
Dr.Doom XXX
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Well I have dyslexia and I'm a fucking Horrible speller, maybe one of the worst but I always check and re-read my posts every time because I do think it affects how people perceive you. But I think a lot of my spelling and punctuation has improved after I started posting on livevic a couple years back. I've always hated grammar fanatics but if you're in a debate or dispute knowing what you're doing can't hurt you. It's time to do some shots, have a bowl and go to bed now.
-prost. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 1:49am
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Ya, I was told in high school that I was a dyslexic speller. I had to re-learn so many words. In english class I would have so many words circled for spelling mistakes and I couldn't even look them up because I had the first letter of the word wrong. Perfect example is the word "involved". It took me forever to learn that it wasn't spelled "envoled". I have a little vowel problem. But I have fixed most of it I think. And thanks for the sassy grammar teacher pic Trevor - but you know I'm WAYYYY hotter than that. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 2:16am
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I've noticed how every post in this thread has suddenly been cleared of poor spelling. Hmmm, I wonder if it's a fluke, OR, it's just that everyone took painstaking effort to not make an error in fear of ridicule. I don't think most people are stupid, just damn lazy and shitty typers. Whatever. I like this site, post on misspellers. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 2:21am Edited: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 2:22am
trevor corey
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"I've noticed how every post in this thread has suddenly been cleared of poor spelling."

Ummmmm........... yeah, no spelling mistakes, none at all. Especially not from me. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 2:24am
trevor corey
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"And thanks for the sassy grammar teacher pic Trevor - but you know I'm WAYYYY hotter than that. -"

I know, I know. But if I posted an actual picture of you some of the youngsters on this site might end up chaffeing(sp?) themselves. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 3:50am
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I live to spellcheck others. - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 3:54pm
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Funny dyslexia story, I was standing in line at a Mcdonalds with the mrs. while she waited to get a drink. No one understood why I burst out laughing when I saw a big sign on the wall that said "pick your drink". Can you guess what the dyslexia made me think the sign said? - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 4:55pm
Mr. Hell
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"I remember not long ago on a show review I said that Run Like Hell sucked "banly" when I meant to say badly. Mr.Hell made fun of me for it and I got what I deserved (not that I was trying to hurt feelings, I just didn't care for their sound)" - Suffuckation

When I was younger, I used the word suck to describe music that I wasn't really into. Now that my mind has opened with older age I tend to reserve the word suck for bands that are not tight, or have members that are each individually musically handicapped. The music I am not into is generally referred to as "good at what they do, but not my thing"...unless they really do suck.
Goes to show how different people interperet words according to their own experiences and views. A little communication goes a long way.
There are no hard feelings Suffucker. But edit yourself well because typos are what the websharks feed on, brother!!! - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 7:13pm
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"GRRRRRRR I hate when people get picked on for bad spelling!
My grammar sucks when I post, and my spelling at times too. Its cuz I don't care too much on msg boards, AND I want people on here to be comfortable and not too uptight about that kind of thing. I do know the difference between to, too, know, no, there, their & they're, thank you very much."


They're, corect that sentense fragmehnt. u no u wahnt to. - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 1:14am
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I love it when people defend their bad spelling and grammar by saying "I don't care because it's a MSG board". With all things in life, if you constantly practice wrong, you will do it wrong when it counts. I truly hope you people don't use that attitude in other aspects of your life. That said, It is futile to pick on people for their spelling on the internet. - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 12:58pm
Swingin' Joe
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Agreed, although I don't see any harm in using some slang though. That being said, I always try to keep up to par with the spelling and grammar. But there's always typos like Mr. Hell said, and if there's a case where someone calls me on it, I'll just call them a big dork. Whatevs. - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 3:00pm Edited: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 4:22pm
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Attention, ya big dorks, I work my ass off all day trying to be good enough. I don't want posting here to be a chore. And I like when people get all stoked about a show and come on here, still high and going off about it! The element of sponteneity's a beautiful thing. Please don't kill it.

Its like saying don't sing out loud til you're sure you're doing it "right". What happened to just busting out with joy and joining the party, imperfections and all? - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 11:26pm
trevor corey
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Hey, don't be mad at Trevor. I tried my hardest to hijack this thread. - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 11:37pm
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ha! no no no, you're my favorite. sometimes.
Actually, I can't really disagree with most of these arguments. My parents were both teachers (and huge English lit fans) who'd roll over in their graves if they saw what I was advocating here. see ma, i capitalized the e.

Ok, can we at least try not to embarrass or humiliate those of us who don't meet LiveVic's standards? Its mean! - Tue, 5 Dec 2006 11:47pm
Masturbating The War God
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... - Sat, 9 Dec 2006 6:55pm
trevor corey
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Youre my favororite too. sometimes. Other times it is XY? SATAN(especially now that I read his posts with Macho Man's voice). Oh, and I can't leave out Sprocket and Mr Hell.
I kinda miss SHUT UP BITCH. Maybe I shouldn't have been so rough on the little turd. I just found his handle to be extremely offensive too women. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 4:53pm
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Thanks Trev.... I'll call you when I'm done crying in the corner. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:00am
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the internet has made me lazy about capitalization and grammar. because I follow the rules so losely now, it has actually made an impact on my "real" writing. I think we should stick at least to spelling things right and using the right versions of words like "your" and "you're" because otherwise you'll just develop bad habits.

all too often, I see run-on sentences and sentence fragments. it just makes things difficult to read. I think a large portion of people use improper grammar and spelling because they aren't able to do it right, they are uneducated. I've actually seen people write letters to... employers, professors, business associates... using the exact same kind of structure they would on the internet. that's just ridiculous and makes you look bad. why not just get used to doing it right?

yes, I am aware I didn't capitalize my sentences. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:11am
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Hey Dumpstermesh, over here! sometimes. I've got a few faves.

You know what, I think you guys have made some good points. This thread has made me think twice about how I write. I don't want others to think that my errors are correct, so that they are innocently learned and copied, and I don't like the way my standards of grammar & spelling have declined. I'll still write the way I talk, but I'll be more aware. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 1:06am
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Awww...Sati loves me....the world is all rosy again.

On the spelling/grammar topic, I still think it's important to take it semi-seriously. It doesn't need to be shoved down anyone's throats (who really enjoys that?), but If it helps someone learn by example then YAY!!

If you look at history text books from 40 years ago you'll notice how watered down the text books we grew up with are. It's sad that our education isn't as important as it used to be. That's just a sample of the things to come. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 1:22am
trevor corey
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Dumpster, I thought you knew you were my alltime favorite in the whole world wide web. Some things are just understood without having to say it.

Edit; not to mention you are the only one in my life who ever called me a cunt(see "BEST METAL BANDS EVER). How could anyone else be more favored? I believe that was in referance to a spelling mistake I made, hehe. I'll buy you a single malt next gig. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:10am Edited: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:49am
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Woohoo!! I've never felt popular before!

When I saw Dustin last he mentioned that the Keg Killers will be playing at Lucky on the 22nd, I haven't seen mention of it on this yet. I am working but I should still be able to go after work. Does Lucky have single malts? Would you be my date if Joe isn't able to perform his duties?

All my love,
Dumpster - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:46pm
trevor corey
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Yes, and yes.

They actually know to dust off the single malt when they see me walk up to the bar. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:57pm
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