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Message Board > General Chitchat > We got censored! Why?! |
Wackakapow User Info... | I paid to have these posters done up, and the management at Felicitas has them torn down because they found them offensive. They don't contain anything you wouldn't see on every bloody Herbal Essences commercial or on the cover of 90% of the magazines in the grocery store, or on half the barmaids in there for crying out loud. What's wrong with a little boob? Just had to vent, I am miffed. I've never been inconvenienced financially by censorship before. It's annoying. Maybe I'm just a chauvinist asshole. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 4:01pm Edited: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 4:07pm | ||
mikey User Info... | That's BS. Offensive? The management at Felicita's must be constantly offended, every day, all day long. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 7:09pm | ||
Mace User Info... | W.T.F. is a felecita anyway, some one-breasted mexican? Either way i hope your banner lives on forever n Livevictoria! - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 7:16pm | ||
Indole Derivative User Info... | How can appreciation of a womans body be offensive? No ones hateful or angry... so whats the problem? Anyways, BS, boobs are great. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 7:18pm | ||
MURDALIZER User Info... | 4 words, ugly lesbians in power. Actually I used to play bass for ugly lesbians in power. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 7:55pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | Hmm, I guess as a female I'm not allowed to show myself in public because I have boobs then.... didn't know I was so offensive. Felicitas having you take down that poster is complete crap. What are they gonna do next, remove all the women from the street? Bullshit. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 9:03pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | BOOBIES FEED THE WORLD! YEAH TO BOOBIES!...........(more pics?) - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 9:09pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | the point is you are using tits to sell your product, in other words a woman as an object for you to profit - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 9:56pm | ||
Brandon User Info... | isnt the manager gay? - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:11am | ||
Brandon User Info... | oh eyah and the barmaids there dont have tits like that - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:16am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Careful, everyone went PC, besides which, nice set!!! - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 1:09am | ||
Tyler User Info... | Are you sure it was the management? Felicitas is part of the UVic Student Union Building and I believe they have close ties to the Uvic Student Society. Based on that, it is more than likely that some university students complained about it. The Uvic Student Society loves to tackle little issues like that... like I think recently banning spinach from the pizza being served at Bean There (due to apparent unethical business practices or something). Anyway, I think if a complaint went to the UVSS about that poster, that would have fueled the whole thing. It is true that it uses a large-chested woman to advertise it. Yeah, that practice may be used in commercials and magazines as well, but those are probably also the kinds of things these students would want to battle. Now, you may go.. "hey, don't they sell fashion magazines with large-chested women in Subtext, in the same building?" Yeah, they do. But that's more of the kind of thing a person has to actually seek out and purchase, rather than just being posted on a wall. Anyway, I personally think the poster is rad because of the ridiculousness of the sweater, haha. Whenever I think of designing posters I always like to favour really intense imagery, more leaning towards other elements than sexuality, but anything that is eye-catching is usually offensive to someone...sigh. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 5:49am | ||
J User Info... | "...The Uvic Student Society loves to tackle little issues like that... like I think recently banning spinach from the pizza being served at Bean There (due to apparent unethical business practices or something)..." you have been following the news i hope right? as in the "bad" spinach from the states is makin' everyone sick... wouldn't that be more of a health concern than a "bad business practice"? and as for felicita's and the poster... Noise not Bombs had it spot on - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 9:11am | ||
KSuga User Info... | Here is something funny.... I didnt even notice the boobs at first!!! lol go figre... i am a woman too!! lol kim - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:24pm | ||
Tyler User Info... | Oh, my mistake about the spinach. I don't waste my time filtering out the useful information from the other shit through the news. That was just me grabbing for an example. Another example would be when students complained about the phone company being used when "scabs" were hired during a strike. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 2:05pm | ||
J User Info... | i love it when picket lines get all riled up when the ol "scabs" arrive... shit tend to really go down... but ya on the spinach i could def. see that it was more of a health concern. It was all over the news and you didn't see it :P ? - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 2:06pm | ||
Wackakapow User Info... | I actually haven't met the current "business operations manager" and temporary pub manager of Felicitas, so I'm not going to slag them much cause I'm sure they're a fine person (and we don't want to be blacklisted). It's their call. I also assume there were also outside pressures involved. The email we received said the following: "I am aware of the booking on this date but was unaware of a theme (“Ugly sweater”) around the event. I did notice several of the posters around the building earlier this week and did have them removed as many would find them offensive. Please do not use this poster anywhere else on campus." I am not financially devastated by this kerfuffle. I'm just frustrated to be out 35 bucks and a lot of hours of my time taken to have them made, printed, and posted. You guys have all done it before, you know it's a lot of work. Most significantly I'm frustrated to have lost what I thought was a pretty damn clever piece of promotion (boobs aside) and will then also be missing out on fans. In response to "using tits for profit," we're getting paid a flat rate whether one thousand people come or seven people come. Of course we might profit long-term, but it's simply always more fun with a couple hundred, that's why I had them made. These are my main thoughts: 1) The UVSS info desk is there for approval of posters to be put up. They were approved and stamped, so I put them up. Had they not been approved, then I would not have put them up, but would have found something else to do with them, ie. alter them to be "appropriate" ^^^. Alas, now they're in the trash, promoting the show to old poutine. 2) An email was sent by our bassplayer suggesting the theme with an attachment of the poster. I don't know why this was not acknowledged. 3) There are tons of posters around the school (the "stop light party" poster, for example) that are using the same "sex sells" principle (as if it's a new thing..pff), showing a lot more skin and using a lot heavier sexuality. I think the only problem with ours is that it was bigger, printed on pricier paper in better colour and was subsequently more eye-catching. Now I saw this as simply being more effective, but I guess in a politically-correct but "Family Guy" watching environment like University (go figure) this is bad. And yes, Ksuga, I find more interest in the ridiculous sweater, the ridiculous party theme and my roommates (I never knew before) photoshopping skills. His idea was the humourous contrast between an attractive female body and a hideous article of clothing. We could have done it with a guy, too, but we all know that both female and male eyes are generally drawn to women; just look at the magazines. Anyhow. Nice to see people care. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 2:42pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | Start putting them beautiful posters up everywhere but the campus, like they said. Don't let it go to waste, hell even chicks dig it. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 2:46pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | Okay what the hell. I look up and already it's off the short mention of "scabs"... I'm going to post what I wrote anyway so it's not another complete waste of my time, but a waste of yours. Yeah and those damn scabs who still came to work or were hired ruined it for the Telus employees who were trying to keep the strike going. Because of them the strike lasted even longer. Shows how little heart and care for others people have, and just what they will do for money even if they're affecting others negatively. Like Darren Entwistle, looking to move the company over to places like India and the Philippines because they can, dare I say, "pay" their employees for what, ten bucks a day? Who cares if the customers get terrible service, all these types of people care about is how much money THEY'LL be making. So yeah, they can fire a bunch of their employees and then keep up a dishonest company and are able to carry on with their lives as if nothing is wrong? The definition of heartless. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 2:56pm | ||
Mace User Info... | where's the topic going, this wasn't a strike (with Telus), the company was locked out of their jobs due to a delayed renewal under the Union and Companys agreement on a collective bargaining agreement. So, what's this have to do with posters with nice baazangas and ugly sweaters.. I'm completely in the dark here.. 'Botchulism?' - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 4:19pm Edited: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 4:20pm | ||
Mace User Info... | FYI- Telus Union Members were able to agree on a new contract.. But this is ofn.. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 4:22pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | bazangas. yes. bazangas. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 4:23pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | It's probably for copyright infringment... Those boobs are trademarked eh? If anything, I think Tyler has it mostly right. Uvic is notorious for little petty politic over shit like that. Its the west coast and womens studies is still a very popular track... - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 6:59pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | hey, man - bazangas. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 7:01pm | ||
Mace User Info... | oh shit, 1-2 mny @'s. "@@" hehez. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 7:27pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | actually it is not the sexual content rather the way the charactor is portrayed sexually. The problem is not that you are using sex to sell, rather you are using a woman as a fuck object, to sell. If this was a poster with a man, it would not have apeared as sexual, because men don't have tits, and we tend to fetishize mens chests less, if this poster had a half naked man, and woman, then it would be more sexual, yet less offensive. You simply showed tits and said "come to this" thus sorta saying women are an object, buy my promotion. You have not used the sweater so much as the tits under it, if you had used even a flatter chested gal, so it wasn't so overly obviouse that the tits are the focal point, or even a looser sweater, it may have been fine, but instead you used, here is TITS! now look what I am selling you... As for the strike stuff, did the workers come to a contract, or did the worker union, which is not the workers and as most burricratic unions do, likely sold out the people it is sopose to be helping? - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 9:50am | ||
Mace User Info... | You are funny.... SO 'Tit's Up!', like from what I remember of the 'Lockout,' NNB (remember there is a difference between the two), the 'Lockout,' and the thousands of Telus employees who were in retrospect, 'Locked out of their jobs,' (not a walk-out[strike]- they were locked out) how it goes is until the Union can settle and agree on a new contract, [under the terms of an expired collective bargaining agreement- from which I'd heard the Company took over a year beyond the date of the original Collective bargaining agreement-] before they were locked out- until before the Company actually came to terms with the Union's side of negotiations with a new contract. (They were 'Locke-out') As to the bait n' switch tactics and two-faced scabbery, and corporate spying and all that shit you were asking... (I'm trying to exactly remember what happened with a couple of company upper-level management employees) allegedly were arrested for harrassing union members at their homes. I don't know what the outcome was for that, but one thing I do know about the entire outcome of the 'Lockout' was the fact even management knew they were fucked, that they had to take over the positions for the time being, which from what I was told, was 'An extremely excruciatingly difficult agenda in keeping up with regular day-to-day scheduling tasks without most of the Company's Union staff." But to keep you aware of something else that is currently about to go down, (whether it takes a year from now to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement) with the C.E.P. Local #2000 @ at the Time Colonist and the bidding for the contract between Global/Canwest and Total Delivery Systems who currently hold the contract that sub-contract's the truck drivers- some are saying T.D.S. is going to lose it- probably won't make 'front page headlines') should be really interesting to finding the outcome of what's about to take place down at the loading docks with the Truck Drivers who are sub-contracted by T.D.S. to deliver the news to commerical and private carriers. Yo 'Tit's Up!' and T.G.I.F! - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 1:04pm Edited: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 1:08pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | BOOBIES FEED THE WORLD! YEAH TO BOOBIES!...........(more pics?) Fuck Noise not bombs Corey Trevor had it bang on!!! If this stupid fucking island gets anymore P.C. Iam going to shit potpourri.What do you overanalyzing panic junkies do for fun when you aren't ruining everyonelses - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 3:25pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | Ya, the poster is classic. My advice, just keep posting the SOB. Don't talk to me about Telus anyway this week! Good gawd. How did this become a Telus lockout issue again? I admit the management is the basic problem. The guys and I get along splendidly, but there is less than zero communication going on within that company and nobody but the customer suffers so terribly. Anyway, i though I read most of the thread but all of the sudden the union story just seemed to seeth out of it all. I don't want union politick oozing out of my ladies boobs, you 'now I'm saying? - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:15pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | sloppy chin kisses...cute. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:20pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | Hey, Mitch, Gordon or whoever, can you send me a full quality copy of the poster in question. I'd like to archive the controversial product.... (Ya, 'Archive' it thats the ticket.) No really, someone send me the originals. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 2:47am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Why did you get censored? Because a few people who are ugly and don't have any kind of fun in life object to some breasts in a sweater. Rest assured, these whiners are the minority (as is always the case in these scenarios). If the girl in the photo voluntarily participated knowing where the photo was to be used, I see no exploitation or degradation occurring. How come a few people who bitch about trivial shit ruin it for all the others who let it be? And why do the people in command of these issues allow themselves to be bullied. What ever happened to majority rules? What happened o burning the witches? I miss the mob rules. University students seem to be fucking ridiculous for the most part and preoccupied with small potatoes. Protest that Goerge W. guy, not some poster. Get your priorities straight, for fuck's sake. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 3:42am Edited: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 3:45am | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | "Now, you may go.. "hey, don't they sell fashion magazines with large-chested women in Subtext, in the same building?" Yeah, they do. But that's more of the kind of thing a person has to actually seek out and purchase, rather than just being posted on a wall." A few years ago, there was a controversy over SubText selling Maxim. I may be available there again now, but when I was at UVic, I don't think it was. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:17pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Yeah, and I completely agree, nothing that even the T.W.U. or company standards- can hold a candle to when it comes to ladies even comparing'cha-cha's'.. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:49pm Edited: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:49pm | ||
You Enjoy Myself User Info... | I sent you an email Lonemonk. Keep on rocking in the free world, and doo doodle doo doo..... - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 2:00pm | ||
whitford User Info... | C'mon, whether you think it's fair or not you can't really believe that it isn't sexist, do you? I know it's easy to slag PC people (and let's face it, there is oftentimes an overreaction and they do take the fun out of life) but it's not surprising. You have a gigantic pair of boobs and no face on your poster. Not so hard to believe that some folks might say it's objectifying women. I don't mean to imply that I think anybody in your band is misogynistic but I can see why they'd pull it. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 2:18pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | Sweet. Its a really well done poster despite (and because of) the content. Why not ask the model if she is offended by the content? Uvic can do what they want I guess. Is sanijav still going to play at 'Felatios' anyway? - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 7:51pm Edited: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 7:52pm | ||
jeff User Info... | . - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 7:56pm | ||
Wackakapow User Info... | I'm not denying that it uses the female body as an eyecatcher. It's a "sex sells" technique; that's obvious. We'd have to be retarded to try to deny that. It's just not any more sexist or controversial than tons of other stuff used for advertisement and posted all over the place. "Sex sells" is THE most popular strategy of advertisement. It's a matter of inconsistent censorship and the fact that they were pulled without calling us beforehand that got my goat; had there been obvious guidelines they would have been followed, and had they let us know we could have altered them. The only guideline I know of is that posters gotta be approved by whoever's at the desk, and they approved it so it seems we should have been in the clear. Yes we're still going to play the show, and it'll still be a blast. I'm not going to blacklist Felicitas or anything just as much as I hope they don't do the same to us, this was just a little annoying. The model isn't offended by the content, she knew exactly what the design was going in and thought it was hilarious. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 8:09pm | ||
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