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Winners, 4th Annual Island Music Awards
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Island Music Awards
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4th Annual Island Music Awards WINNERS
(The show took place this past Saturday, May 14 at Central Bar & Grill and was hosted by Vince Ditrich of Spirit of the West) Winners are from Victoria unless otherwise specified.
SONG of the Year: “I’m So Alone” – Christine Evans (2nd nomination & 2nd straight win in this category)
YOUTH Artist of the Year: Alexandria Maillot (12 years old, from Parksville)
LIVE Performance of the Year: Moneyshot (their 3rd nomination and 2nd win in this category in the past 3 years)
MALE VOCALIST of the Year: Mike Luno of Devil You Don’t (1st nomination & 1st win in this category)
MALE SONGWRITER of the Year: Tom Lang (1st ever IMA Nomination and 1st win)
FEMALE VOCALIST of the Year: Hayley Sales (18 years old, from Qualicum Beach, 1st ever Nomination & 1st Win)
FEMALE SONGWRITER of the Year: Anne Schaefer (1st Nomination & 1st win in this category)
PRODUCER / ENGINEER of the Year: Jobey Baker of Baker Studios for Anne Schaefer’s “12 Easy Pieces” (1st Nomination & 1st Win)
ALBUM OF THE YEAR: “Dusty Lullaby” – Barley Wik (their 2nd straight nomination in this category and 1st win)
ARTIST OF THE YEAR: Anne Schaefer (2nd Nomination and first win in this category)
THE SILVER FOX AWARD: Scott James, Music Director for 100.3 The Q
(The Silver Fox Award is given to an individual who has contributed generously to the Vancouver Island music community in the past ten years and who exemplifies and fosters a positive and enthusiastic approach towards individuals in that community). - Wed, 18 May 2005 8:10pm
Island Music Awards
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Christine Evans is signed to Warner distribution and is on the new Women & Songs album, Barley Wik are recent winners of the national Dig Your Roots competition and are staples of the local celtic/country folk scene, Anne Schaefer is a very popular local jazz veteran, & Tom Lang was on a Divinyls album and was was a member of Jimmy Barnes' band who toured extensively with ZZ Top. There ya go, for starters.
All info & photos at - Thu, 19 May 2005 3:19pm
M*POWER Events
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not sure why it put my response before Gagg's, but mine is in response to Gagg. - Thu, 19 May 2005 3:33pm
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So,,,who are these winners? Like really. I reckonize Moneyshot. Thats it. - Thu, 19 May 2005 4:24pm
The One After Two
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Some great picks this year!

Could the next bopper star be from our very own fair city? - Thu, 19 May 2005 6:27pm
Little Red
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I'm sorry james, but I have to correct you: it's Mike LUNIW from Devil you Don't... if it were my name spelled wrong I'd be pretty disappointed. But good choice on that one. I totally dig the album. - Sun, 22 May 2005 1:40am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Tom Lang winning best male songwriter of the year?!?!?


Don't you think it's possible that Chris Cunliffe is getting short shrift here? - Sun, 22 May 2005 6:36am
Colin {Sic}
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No disrespect to the awards show, I did have fun presenting, but I really loved the fact that halley sales is vancouver island music awards show winner, yet has oregon licence plates on her car ! - Sun, 22 May 2005 1:31pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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just goes show you all, the vancouver island music scene is bigger than the punks and metal heads that hang out on live victoria.

i'm sure i'll receive a childish remark for that statement. fuck who cares this site is so boring it could use a shaking up. - Mon, 23 May 2005 2:16pm
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I don't hang out , I LURK ! - Mon, 23 May 2005 3:38pm
Island Music Awards
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don't be sorry, Little Red, I cleared the spelling "Luno" with Mike himself. People tend to mispronounce his name when it's spelled "Luniw," so he gave me the green light a while back to spell it Luno (and often spells it "Luno" himself) to make it easier for everyone (not to mention easier to market). Contrary to what you assume, I am extremely careful about spelling names right, and I am very thorough in my research.

And I didn't actually pick the winners or nominees - the Island Music Awards Jury did. I'm not on the jury. But I agree that Mike is deserving, just as all of the winners and nominees and musicians who did or didn't submit music to the jury are to be commended for their contribution to the Island's music scene.

Thanks for your input.
JK - Mon, 23 May 2005 4:02pm
Island Music Awards
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Odd, the amount of skepticism & false assumptions coming from Long & McQuade employees, considering the company is a long-time sponsor and supporter of the show. Are these comments official statements from Long & McQuade Head Office?

=0) lol - Mon, 23 May 2005 4:38pm
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the company sponsors it with their money, not the employees. the employees dont represent! a mere wage earner is no the company. of course head office arent gonna say anythingm, like their hands are tied. personally i think christine evan's music is bad music... but if i was recording her, i'd have to do the best i can, impersonally. like, i get bad music in all the time, and i just have to be the best influence i can as a good person, to the individual human being, which includes giving my honest opinion if possible - Tue, 24 May 2005 12:22pm
Island Music Awards
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Hey Evan. You may have missed the "=0) lol" indicating a joke. But since you opened up the discussion on a serious level, it is my opinion that any "wage earner" of any company is still representing that company, especially frontline service postions who are the "face" of the organization and the first impression a client experiences. As sad as it sounds, the reality is that effective marketing creates the illusion of believing in a product or service, regardless of whether a genuine conviction exists. And although the marketing may start in the board room, it is most commonly executed at the frontline by the mere "wage earner." - Tue, 24 May 2005 3:24pm
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What's with the picture of Julian from Trailer Park Boys?

Anyway, livevic is not the sales desk at L&M. People aren't allowed to have their own opinions in your mind? Also, if you were giving them money then perhaps you might be in a role to complain. Since you are the one being sponsored, perhaps you should not be dissing their employees / organization in a public forum using your event moniker.

Guess what. . .I don't work at L&M and I too think that the IMA are full of crap.

Cheers - Tue, 24 May 2005 6:02pm
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once again, I was making a little joke - last time I checked, that's what "=0) lol" meant. The rest was simply hypothetical discussion because Evan (and now you) decided to take it seriously. I have not dissed anyone's employees at all. In fact, if you re-read the thread, you will notice that I was simply responding to their complaints.
Of course people can have their opinions. No one said they couldn't. And I don't think the Long & McQuade people would appreciate you speaking on their behalf in saying that "the IMA are full of crap." That, my friend is your own opinion, as uninformed and narrow-minded as it may be. I can tell you that L & M would not be a long-time supporter and sponsor if they thought such a thing. And no, the LiveVic board is not the L&M sales desk, but some people on this board willingly display their true identities, and it is a small town, so that is their choice to expose that identity. They are people representing themselves, but they are also representing their company and should make an effort to represent it well.
anyway, take a joke, dude. you're turning this into an issue and it simply isn't an issue. - Tue, 24 May 2005 6:53pm
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I don't really think that L&M has a single unified conscience.
I'm sure they are divided in musical tastes, gear choice, fashion sense, etc.
And while they DO represent their local store on hillside, they do not individually represent the company which supports your event.
I think you will notice that colin posted on sunday may 22, which as many seasoned musicians know.. Long and McQuade is not open on.

and besides, he said it was funny. not that he disagreed with it. which i do.
c'est la vie.. - Wed, 25 May 2005 8:41am
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Whether or not they have a "single unified conscience" is irrelevant. They still represent their company. Long & McQuade wasn't open on May 22 when Colin sent his message...ok...what does that have to do with aything? You're running out of pretend logic. Colin has the right to make comments, however unfounded they may be. But if he has the right to do so, I have the right to comment on it, jokingly or not.
c'est la vie aussi =0) - Wed, 25 May 2005 4:48pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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Holy fuck! Lighten up class, I’m sure Colin was joking and may be she does have Oregon plates she could be going to college there or some bullshit like that.

OH Wait! Some American has pawned them selves off as a van isle'r to come steal the awards away from our les-talented musicians, I bet she's running a-muck all over the country doing the same thing, for fame, fortune, who knows. Some one please stop this singing charlatan. - Thu, 26 May 2005 9:58am
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ah james, been attacked by any rabid vietnamese muskrats lately? - Thu, 26 May 2005 2:20pm
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yes, please. lighten up. as I said, I was joking. and hey Dave - Rabid Vietnamese Muskrats - I have all of their albums!! =0) - Thu, 26 May 2005 4:37pm
Little Red
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Wow! I can't believe what I've been missing while out on the road.

Yes I work at L&M, big deal. Really, it's just a day job. Some of you work for McDonalds- do you have to be McHappy even on your day off?

My day is over once I leave the store. I'm NOT management and not getting paid enough to worry about what people think of me outside the store. You like me? cool. You don't? I don't care!

My point was that this Luniw fellow has always spelled his name the way I presented it (I think it's even spelled Luniw on the disk)... and I would personally be upset if someone asked me to change the spelling of my name or if it was misspelled due to problems in pronounciation... but I guess I'm more concerned about that than others are. - Sat, 28 May 2005 12:39pm
Vegas J
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Holy Toledo....what a racket!

Hey everyone, all I know is the IMA's are a chance to hear some varied music we all may/ may not have heard of before and a chance to recognise those acts in the city that are up & coming!
I had a blast last year and am sorry I couldn't have been there this year!
Thank you JK & JBF for putting the event together! Glad you're out there ! - Sat, 28 May 2005 6:20pm
Vegas J
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BTW JK Who took that photo after XY-S's post? That's a pretty good shot! - Sun, 29 May 2005 6:22am
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At which point the post plumets into live vic oblivion. - Mon, 30 May 2005 10:12am
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Yep, just call me thread killer. - Mon, 30 May 2005 2:06pm
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Hello again, Little Red,

you obviously didn't read my entire email. To reiterate (read the last line carefully. come on, you can do it!)...

"he gave me the green light a while back to spell it Luno (and often spells it "Luno" himself)"

and whether or not you think you're representing the company you work for when you're off shift, you still are. simple rule of public relations.

bye bye now. - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 7:07pm
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once again, I was making a little joke - last time I checked, that's what "=0) lol" meant."

Maybe for a fukin internet goof-off. Personally, i dont have a clue what it meant. IMA is a god dam joke. It is not a representation of the ISLANDS music. The Oregon plates on this years winner proves my point. I know people who have thrown their IMA is the garbage immediately after the show.

"and whether or not you think you're representing the company you work for when you're off shift, you still are. simple rule of public relations."

Cmon. tell us. Which school did you take Public Relations courses. Cmon tell us. you have no clue. For the crappy $$$ LandM employees make i guarantee you the "head office" doesnt give a shit about their personal opinions. LandM is just glad they havent UNIONIZED. Which they should. So they actually make a living. when i say living, i mean buy a house, a car, an education. It makes me proud to know that my local LandM employees dont give a rats ass over their rich ass corporate bosses. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 7:58am
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Dear Gagg,

Public Relations has the same basic principles all over the world, at every school, and in every mind which possesses common sense.

As for the alleged "Oregon license plates," we are looking into the matter, since it was brought up. It is our understanding that the recipient has resided on Vancouver Island for the past couple years, making her more than eligible. If we find that she is not a Vancouver Island resident, she will be disqualified and the award will be revoked. I highly doubt that one cynical person's alleged sighting somehow slipped through the cracks of our screening process. But we will see.

If IMA winners thought the IMAs were a "god dam joke," as you so bitterly declare, surely they would back out of the event long before they won and "threw their IMA in the garbage." (The submissions are accepted in January/February. The ceremony is in May). So, I'll make you a deal - I'll tell you what "School of Public Relations" I attended if you tell me who threw their IMA in the garbage. =0) I'm sure you have an answer for that. not.

I love how any time anything is brought up about the Island Music Awards on this message board, there is a huge controversy over nothing. In the meantime, the rest of the Island understands that this event is simply a night to bring the local music community together and celebrate the scene. End of story. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 10:36am
The Box Drone
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"I love how any time anything is brought up about the Island Music Awards on this message board, there is a huge controversy over nothing."

I love how any time anything is brought up at all on this message board there is a huge controversy over nothing. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 11:33am
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"Public Relations has the same basic principles all over the world, at every school, and in every mind which possesses common sense"

Really now. That made no sense at all. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 12:34pm
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doesn't make sense to you, Gagg? Case in point / I rest my case. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 2:56pm
Little Red
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Yes I read the post james. And my last post was just clarifying that: I personally wouldn't like it but I didn't realize he was ok with it. he's one of the few.

As for me representing a company that I work for... I understand that people who only know me through the store will see me at the bar/ playing a show (or wherever) and know me as the chick from L&M. That is why I did not say anything that would be considered incriminating against my company or your awards show. In fact I've always been supportive of anyone who wants to build the musician community rather than tear it down. (If personal opinion matters.)

And thus I digress. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 8:01pm
Chris Logan
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As a business owner I have to say I encourage my employees to have opinions, even if they're different from my own. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 9:27am
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Chris, you got the quote wrong, man.


"My employees are entitled to an opinion. Mine."

yar! - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:44am
Chris Logan
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Damn! No wonder I never make any money. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 2:41pm
Matt Damon
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Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded ! - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 4:55pm
kiltlifter matt
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The Sales family got out of the USA a while ago; word has it they were disgusted with the way domestic politics were headed. They are quite happy to be living in Canada and are planning to host a series of small festivals/concerts on their property just outside of Qualicum Beach.

Sounds like they plan on sticking around for quite a while... - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 7:17am
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The Sales family??? festivals??? qualicum????? sounds like a good time. So..... who are the Sales family? - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 11:29am
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"As a business owner I have to say I encourage my employees to have opinions, even if they're different from my own." - Mon, 6 Jun 12:27pm

I concur. However, you can have a different opinion from your employer and still represent his/her business well.

"Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded !" - Mon, 6 Jun 7:55pm

Well, I won't spend any time discussing the political correctness of this statement, but I will say that intelligent people have discussions all the time, and yes, people are bound to have different opinions. This does not have to be seen as a negative or hostile thing. Just human nature. - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 5:54pm
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I will say that intelligent people have discussions all the time,

Not on the internet. Hence the quote. It's a fairly popular internet saying. In fact, if you do a Google Image Search, you'll see it's very popular indeed. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 8:02am
Chris Logan
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"So..... who are the Sales family?"

Didn't Soupy Sales retire to a shack out near Port Renfrew after the Gong Show got cancelled? Think he was hiding out from Chuck Barris. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 8:22am
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"Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded !"

Amen Mat. Amen. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:07am
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To clarify, I didn't say that ALL discussions on the INTERENET were intelligent (obviously not). I said intelligent people have discussions all the time. And I really don't see how something being popular necessarily justifies or validates it. Britney Spears is popular. Pop music is popular (hence the "pop"). - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:20am
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Chill, homes!

G - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 7:39am
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back at ya, G.
just a discussion. no need to be afraid of a little internet chit chat. mommy's right here.
JK - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 4:14pm
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Outta curiosity... will a compilation be created with songs from all the winners on it? The only artist I recognize/heard of is Moneyshot (oh yeah and I know of Scott James from that Q radio station that's like 2 blocks from where I live :) - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 6:50pm
fly on the wall
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The Special Guests threw out their award.

now Jk what school of public relations did you attend ? - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 8:19am
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I think that may have finally shut up JK! - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 11:54am
The One After Two
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Why would they throw it out?

The band is no more... maybe that had to do with it, I doubt it was out of spite. If it was, well never a big fan to begin with but I will have lost some respect for their current project.

You guys who slam the Island Music Awards on the net are cowards. You don't send your music in b/c you're scared of losing... thats about it. - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 1:43pm
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Im glad to see that despite all the shit you take from a whole punch of prima donna whiners with guitars and a bad voice that you still make the effort to do this awards show for people who actually give a rats ass and want to support the island music scene! - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 7:58am
Chris Logan
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Puke. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 5:16pm
Chris Logan
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Sorry, that's the sound of me throwing up. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 5:17pm
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shut me up? is that the goal here? well, freedom of speech has come a long way.

Thanks for the kind words (and I mean that genuinely in some cases & sarcastically in others, but the smart ones will know the difference).

I will verify/or not with The Special Guests/Jets Overhead re: "throwing out their award" (forgive me for not giving anonymous venom-spewers the benefit of the doubt...Hey, anyone remember the Anonymous Venom Spewers - back in the early 80s they put out about three and a half albums. damn they were good. really put death chamber music on the map). - Tue, 14 Jun 2005 11:27am
M*POWER Events
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by the way, Fly on the Wall, nice work on the graphic design - Jim Henson would be proud. I'm glad you're putting so much time & effort into this (as the entertainment biz slogan goes, "it doesn't matter what they're saying about you, as long as they're talking about you" ...and bastardizing cartoon icons about you;).

you are all so entertaining - thank-you! glad I listed the IMA winners - at least, I think that's how this post's been so long! - Tue, 14 Jun 2005 11:35am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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Logan, you wouldn't know good music if it came and asked you for a gig. i can testify to that! - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 8:54am
Chris Logan
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It's true I don't have very good taste in music. But it's not very nice of you to bring it up in public. - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:07am
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ah james, despite the fact that you're kinda creepy, definately off center, can't play in the key of c#, have some sort of strange homoerotic obsession with dr. wayne dyer, talk too much on your radio show and sometimes smell kinda like cat pee, you are my 33rd favorite artist (in no particular order) in the esteemed village of victoria.
ps. sorry i couldn't make it to the show this year but i had to wash my cat, jk:) keep on truckin'

yer pal
lucky slim - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 2:31pm
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yer a funny man, mister B - I mean mister Slim. not to mention creative. how's the ghonnarhea?

rock on dude. - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 5:09pm
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