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postering in this stupid town
Message Board > General Chitchat > postering in this stupid town
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josh WTF!!!
Has anyone noticed that posters are getting ripped down abnormally fast lately? Even more so than usual.
I hate the people in this town who feel it's their civic duty to rip down a struggling local band's or promotor's show posters, especially for the all ages shows. Talk about not supporting community, I gues they'd rather not know where the fuck their kids are on a friday or saturday night.
Fuck this town and their stupid bylaws, things like independant music and theatre are EXACTLY what gives this town the 'culture' they're so eager to market to the tourists. We can't all afford to compete with the bars' poster wars on the downtown boards.
same old shit as always, i guess, well, thats my little rant - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 5:32pm
Scott Laming
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Actually Josh I've noticed far more posters up on polls arround town then usual. And I think its due to more posters going up outside of town causing more people to get angry and rip more down faster. More Bars are going after the out of down town market then in previous years (within the past 2 or 3) ..

Just wait till it starts raining, then you'll have the weather to compete with too - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 5:52pm
Jay Watts
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Some elderly gentleman takes particular offense to the posters that I put up, and can be seen stumbling about Fernwood clawing, tearing, and ripping.

Perhaps it's the "shocking" image on your most recent poster, Josh. Haw haw. - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 6:18pm
josh i'm gonna bring a stepladder out with me next time - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 6:27pm
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I agree with Scott. Postering on telephone polls has gone up tons. Some people (City of Victoria included) hated it before and would rip them down every now and then but now they're probably going to do it more often.

Awhile ago people didn't post on them as much but now it is a lot more common. I think there should be more of those metal poles in populated areas outside the Downtown Core as well. But I've heard they're not being built because they believe that we can't manage the ones we have already. I can see how they could think that of the postering situation. They mainly look at the speed in which posters get covered over in town. However, even if everyone only ever put one poster up there still would not be nearly enough room for the whole community that need access to them.

Saying posters should be posted on the existing space for them is too simplistic given that our City is growing and people are becoming a lot more proactive than before with trying to make things happen. It isn't fair to expect posters to be placed in store windows. Most stores/businesses do - THANK GOD!!!! --- But some don't (but some of those ones still like putting them in other people's spaces). I think there needs to be more space or thicker poles to accomidate demand.

But to be devil's advocate, for a person that hates posters in neighborhoods that is not on "legal space" for posting I can see discontent increasing over time with the increase of posters outside the traditional designated areas/spaces. - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 7:31pm
josh I heard that 13 flames goes out and removes all their posters after shows?
Is that true?
If it is, thats extremely cool. Probably what we should all be doing. - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 8:31pm
S.V. I've run in to that crotchety old man who rips down posters...what an ass! Feel free to drop a poster by FCC for our events board. Especially for all ages shows, as we are situated right next to Vic High. Of course nothing too obscene please...after all, we having a plethora of wee kiddies running around...we don't want to taint their little brains too early in life. ;) - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 9:55pm
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People can come down and give their show posters to the Downtown Community Activity Centre as well. - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 10:32pm
Mike 13 Flames got an email from the City of Victoria threatening him for putting up posters, and they said that they would pay extra attention to ones with his name on them and that they were gonna tear em down faster. - Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:03pm
UGLY I got a phone call from the City of Victoria regarding the posters for our show, he had to tracked my name and number down , talk about dedication.......... - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:45am
Anonymous Some old man ripping down posters? Someone should roll him up in a carpet and toss him off a bridge. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 1:04am
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Their are two crochety old people I know about, one woman on Shelbourne and Quadra and one guy on MacKenzie...I swear if I ever run into these people...if only they would get a hobby in the time it takes for them to run all over town getting 'offended' by our posters we would all be a lot happier..they are ripping up our posters and throwing them at our bar - isn't littering against the bylaws too? hmm... - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 2:18am
Chris Logan
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It's a little known fact that the City of Victoria (I don't know about Saanich or the other municipalities) enforces the anti-poster bylaw pretty stringently. I received a package last week that included a copy of a poster from a recent show put on by an outside promoter, along with a letter asking me to rat the guy out for postering illegally. We've been fined twice ($100) for having posters up on telephone poles, or anywhere except for independent businesses and the poster cylinders that are always covered up by two or three bars (you know who you are). - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 2:57am
Butcher There is a clique of serious poster guru's in town who run nightclubs, and they have this poster thing sewed up. They employ guys for Cents/poster to flyer places downtown. I know this from trying to put on a dj show or two around Victoria. There is a severe lack of friendlyness to how they approach posters sometimes (especially the hiphop posterers) but overall I agree that they should have respect for other artforms.

Thanks for letting me lerk and blog. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 3:15am
Ty Stranglehold
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I remember back in about 96-97, Special Presentations was doing all kinds of all agers and would poster a lot(I'm talking about 1000 per show). Finally, they were served with their fine and told that they were going to be watched in particular. They took it to the media and the TC did a large article about them and how hard it is to promote a small, all ages punk show when there is no where for them to poster. They didn't pay the fine and they weren't hassled again. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 4:41am
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I rarely see gig posters in our neighborhood (Hillside & cook area). Some of the poster folks might want to start hitting this area. Haven't seen many crotchety old farts (other than myself ) wandering the neighborhood ;) - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 9:50am
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yup ty, I remember that special presentation fiasco well. probably a tim, speakeasy, special O, jizzwailers show?
I'm gonna try langford and saanich mostly. i've put up almost 300 posters around victoria in the last week or so and had almost all of them ripped down.
I've got another 500 being printed and i really don't want to lose them too, aint cheap. If you see one of our posters around victoria, posted 10 feet up a post, that'll be me and my ladder. Just to piss em off. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 11:00am
mb postering downtown is almost useless sometimes. by the time you're finished, they're all covered up by the next guy. For our CD release party we put up something like 600 posters because they kept getting covered/ ripped down. The city tracked down our guitar players number through Lyle's place and told us off. hehehe. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 11:33am
more truth i saw a poster once that explained wy postering was bad. very hippacritical. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 1:57pm
matt t
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posters that go up in esquimalt can stay up for like an extra couple months fairly easily it seems.

just put your posters higher up so the old people cant reach em - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 2:14pm
Kris gni
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Just coat your posters with lethal poison so people that rip them down die. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 3:43pm
Anonymous We got fed up with the city a few years ago, and put up two thousand fuckpig posters everywhere. The posters were a big upside down cross, with fuckpig written in the middle, and "GOD SUCKS COCK" in big letters on the top. We put them up with flour and water, and i do mean everywhere. We got a phone call from the mayors office saying that we would get fined for every one that was still up. So we told them to go ahead and that we would got to every radio, and t.v. station out there, and that they would end up giving us more free promotion than we could of ever had before. We put up another thousand posters and never heard from them again. Fuck em man, flyer everywhere, dont even do shit for your bands just make up shit and put it everywhere. Fuck them, it's our fucking city too. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 3:59pm
jay brown
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sorry that last one was me. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 4:05pm
RSBF on my drive to the office (Tillicum, Burnside) i see tonnes of posters that stay up quite awhile - in fact sometimes i get so excited thinking that some of my fave bands are playing again but they're just old posters still up ; ) - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 4:47pm
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I like saying "fave" intead of favourite as well.
Fave fave.......... - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 5:41pm
Masturbating the War God
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I live out in Colwood now, and I actually saw that wicked hockey flyer for BSB, etc, at Colwood corners. But Within A Vision lives out my way I think. Hah, FuckPig, I think I still have a sticker on an old walkman somewhere. I like the idea of putting them higher so the near dead can't reach them. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 5:45pm
jackass Hey Jay..tim. played a show with Fuckpig at the Little Fernwood a long, long time ago. As I recall, you borrowed our drum mat, which was a 7-11 mat appropriated from, you guessed it, 7-11. You wouldn't happen to still have that mat would ya? I'm not holding on to any dreams of recovering it, I was just wondering if you knew what happened to it?

All I really remember about Fuckpig from that gig was the singer/guitarist with his back to the crowd, yelling "SodomySodomySodomySodomySodomy" over and over again to some insanely fast drum beats. Was that song called "Sodomy" by any chance? haha - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 5:56pm
yup it's too bad there's such a postering issue. how many of you, though, remove your posters after the show? any thoughts on this? - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 7:08pm
jay brown
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The only thing I walked away from FuckPig with was my drums. If your mat was still with the band it moved to Surrey with Kate and Kalani... sorry. Ya you bet the song was named sodomy, my favorite song we had. Those double bass blast beats, man I miss that shit. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 7:27pm
Adrenaline Animal Well "yup" we would be more than happy to remove our posters after the date of the show, If we only had to do one run of postering the city instead of the four or five (because they keep getting ripped down) It would be less work for us. One run of putting posters up, one run of tearing them down. Sounds good to me.........Lets make this happen people! - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 9:41pm
Ty Stranglehold
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There was one of those Fuckpig posters up at Burnside and Finlayson until about six months or so ago. - Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:56pm
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I got into a long debate with this old lady who lives right across from Mt Doug school once. She called the cops on me, and the cops followed me from University Hights mall to Hillside mall just to make sure I didnt put up anymore - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 1:09am
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I agree, we would take them all down on a regular basis (we take most of them down anyway) if we only had to go out once. Postering is totally out of control downtown, almost useless and ruthless.
The more they are chasing us around (by us I mean EVERYONE who puts up a poster) the more challenging we are making it..some on ladders, some with 1000 staples in each poster (ahem 13flames) my guys have been chased down the street by a guy with an exacto knife..

Can't sleep..posters will eat me..... - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 1:49am
jay brown
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fuck em all, not that I'm advocating any criminal behaviour, but, I've heard that the word around the party is that flour and water work pretty well.You know, they might just have to put up more poles if all of a sudden every fucking wall in this city was plastered with big posters that said. PUT UP MORE FUCKING POLES!!!!!! not that I would ever tell anyone to do anything like that, but if it happened often enough they just might have to start listening if all the shops downtown were having to pay all the time to remove the posters.On another note, now might be just the time to start a window cleaning buisness. - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 3:05am
t. burrfoot
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Postering's kinda funny, cause it just may be one of the harder parts of putting on a show. Also, when you put up X amount of posters downtown, and see them all covered over while walking back to your car it doesn't seem the most rewarding aspect. I'm just wondering how effective it is though...survey: how many people would go to a show based on the poster for it? (obviously it works in conjunction with other promo, but do you think posters add numbers to shows?) - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 4:15am
matt t
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sort of a hard thing to answer because i know all the shows coming up (thanks livevic + computer + people working in bars!)
but yeah when i didnt have one and lived in vancouver me or my friends all found out about shows from posters for the most part. they start word of mouth + the biggest thing for me, they keep reminding my forgetful ass so i actually go. - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 6:13am
Scott Browne tasselhoff? - Thu, 26 Sep 2002 7:24pm
t. burrfoot
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yes, tasslehoff. Why?....because he rules, that's why! - Fri, 27 Sep 2002 2:20am
ML7Mike Is it illeagal to put a huge peice of cardboard with a Garage Sale sign on a pole? Or wha about all the "times Colonist Prints Scab Papers!!" Posters I see everywehere now.. ?

We put our email addy on some posters and a message "if you have a problem with this poster, call this number.." But nobody has ever bothered us.. yet. - Wed, 30 Oct 2002 4:16pm
Mr. Hell
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To be absolutely precise on this, the poster said, "If you have a problem with this poster, email Mr. Hell at [email protected]."
Just for clarification sake. - Wed, 30 Oct 2002 7:48pm
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