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This Years M-Awards is missing something...
Message Board > General Chitchat > This Years M-Awards is missing something...
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Well I just checked out there website, and there's a ton of talent there not even giving awards to, including: Self Inflicted, Meatlocker Seven, Explosive Rage Disorder, Bronze, Tough As Nails, etc. I've already sent them E-Mail about this, dunno if I'll get a reply or not. And on that note... - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 1:25pm
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what's the m awards? - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 3:30pm
Adrenaline Animal
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I'd have to agree, also bands such as, kincade, morning call, leeroy stagger, run chico run, jets overhead, and many more - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 5:31pm
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M-Awards: "Celebrating the Music Scene" on Vancouver Island, The 4th Annual Island Music Awards will be held the evening of Saturday, May 14, 2005 at Central Bar & Grill in Victoria. (Doors at 6:00 PM - Show at 7:00 PM.) This year's event will be hosted by Spirit of the West's Vince Ditrich. I don't know, I thought they would of smarten up by now. :) - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 5:35pm
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To be a part of these awards the bands you mention need to have been nominated (by themselves or by friends/fans). My guess is most of those bands don't wish to be a part of this award show. - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 5:41pm
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Or they don't know it exists. - Mon, 21 Mar 2005 6:26pm
Island Music Awards
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Hi Griphin,

Thank-you for your feedback. I will reiterate here my email response to you, so that others can be aware of the process.

First, I should point out that The "M Awards" (which play an important role in spotlighting the local arts scene) are the product of Monday Magazine and are not affiliated with the Island Music Awards. But, from what you are saying, it seems that you are talking about The Island Music Awards. So, to clarify the issues you raised, here is my response:

I would have liked to have given the Island Music Awards Jury (made up of Island Radio & Print representatives) the opportunity to listen to the bands you mentioned. As is the case with The Junos, The Canadian Independent Music Awards, The Grammys, The Western Canadian Music Awards, The East Coast Music Awards, and so on, artists must submit material in order for the jury to have it to listen to (and in the case of all of these other events, an application fee is even administered, whereas there is no fee for the IMAs, making it even easier for artists to submit their material). Artists making themselves known is especially important at the independent level, as there are not the same indicators (record sales, extensive distribution and exposure, etc.) to make people aware that a band's new album exists. The bands you mentioned did not submit their material for the jury to hear, so unfortunately, it was not heard. We publicize the submission process as much as we publicize the show, so that everyone has equal opportunity to be aware of the opportunity. The reality is that the nature of the entertainment business is such that marketing (meaning seeking out opportunities and following through with them) is equally as important as talent. This is especially true at the independent level, where artists largely represent themselves. The IMAs encourage all genres of music to share their music and gain exposure through our event. Hopefully these artists you mention will share their music with our jury next year.

Thank-you again for your feedback. Take care.

James Kasper

Producer, Island Music Awards

Producer & Host, The Road Show on CFUV 101.9FM, Sundays 4-5pm - Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:38pm
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sooo...what's the m awards? - Tue, 22 Mar 2005 3:13pm
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So Island Music Awards. How do you feel about handing out ISLAND awards to the bands that arent nearly close to being the best??. Kinda seems dumb and pointless. I mean really. VANCOUVER ISLAND awards without ML7, Moneyshot, RIH, ERD. Shake your head. All of us professional musicians are laughing at it. Remember when you were a kid in sports and the Coaches kid always got picked over the others. Same thing. Meaningless. - Tue, 22 Mar 2005 9:42pm
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Then start your own award show...

Victoria's a small town; it's not big enough to have the kind of local media that can expose (or have any interest in exposing) a broad enough variety of bands to really have any kind of legitimate competition, if, in fact, you want to think of bands as competing.... It's a very sub-sceney kinda town, and there isn't enough cross-pollination that different scenes can agree on a few bands that really rock above and beyond.... It's not like you'll see a bunch of indie rockers at a Moneyshot show, or hardcore kids at a Ghosts show (well, maybe), or anybody at an Explosive Rage Disorder show, and anything.... I've never heard Moneyshot, or Explosive Rage Disorder, or Meatlocker 7, or anything, so I can't comment intelligently on if they're better or worse than the bands I've seen....

Blah blah, whatever... Stop crying cause your favourite band didn't win, or aren't nominated... The Island Music Awards don't mean anything unless you consider them important.... Evidently you consider them inportant, so next year you shoud nomiante your favourite bands... I don't consider them important, even though I like James Kasper and wish the IMAs the best. Frankly, Ghosts and Run Chico Run winning M Awards are more than I could ever ask for (or care about)....

Frankly, the only band that I can think of that deserves (and has received) universal acclaim across all the differnt scenes in Acting Ensign... - Tue, 22 Mar 2005 11:11pm
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I dunno, it sounds like a number of bands did not submit material to the IMA. - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 7:27am
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Griphin, we havent put out an album since 2003, we have nothing to submit even if we wanted to.

Our 2003 album was nominated last year for a production award though.

So unless they are handing out awards for beer consumed, or how many chicks your roadie nails on tour then we are out!

thank you for your concern though :D

. - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:36am
Island Music Awards
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Hello, Gagg. In response:

re: "How do you feel about handing out ISLAND awards to the bands that arent nearly close to being the best??"

We feel that the nominees are an accurate representation of the best on the island. But, of course, you are entitled to your opinion, and anything in the realm of the arts is subjective.

re: "VANCOUVER ISLAND awards without ML7, Moneyshot, RIH, ERD.Shake your head."

In addition to ML7's nomination last year, Moneyshot has been nominated 8 times in the past 3 years (6 nominations this year), including winning Live Performance of the Year in 2003. So, I'm not sure what your source of information is.

re: "All of us professional musicians are laughing at it."

Interesting. Your info says:
"i play in a band. my band sucks. i know that. so i wont tell you who we are."

I hope you are not suggesting that the nominees are unprofessional, because I don't think they deserve that.

Thank-you for your feedback.
James Kasper, IMA. - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:32am
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I dunno Mike, what about the EP you guys released? - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 6:21pm
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I know Mike and the boys haven't put anything out this year (except a 3 song demo for touring last year) but ERD has a new CD out sooo ...... what's up with that ? By the way KnifeGhost I do go to a lot of shows around this town and not just strictly metal shows (whateverthafuck that has to do with anything) and you not even knowing the bands which were mentioned makes your opinion nil and void . We all have our favs and opinions but if you aren't in the loop for nomination what is the point ? I mean if you are backed (money, connections) by a proper firm for P.R. they're going to make sure your name's in for nomination, unlike the band just struggling to pay for a jam spot, kick out a few cd's and paying the fucking bills . I know nothing about these Island awards and in that lays the problem cuz I'm betting that most bands don't even know about them or even care. The Island has so many bands springing up everywhere who are wourthy of acolades .
I think that the people who go to these shows and support them by buying cd's and merchandise are the ones to decide . Get out to the clubs (who are also supporting bands) and get the word out about the Island awards so that even the smallest band can get in the loop . I think that would legitamize them and probably bring in more folks to attend . - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 6:22pm
Yo Mama
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As for Knifeghost's comment that Victoria "is not big enough to have the kind of local media that can expose (or have any interest in exposing) a broad enough variety of bands..."

That's some serious paint he/she is huffing. I work in the very mainstream media (I know, I know...evil) and I have covered the M-Power Awards extensively each and every year...

...not to mention the fact in the last year alone I have covered (as purposely wide-ranging examples) The Raygun, Immaculate Machine, Staaf Only, Explosive Rage Disorder, Allen Dobb, Clay George, Armchair Cynics, and Moneyshot, among dozens of others.

Not to be on some high/mighty action here, but I take offense to the familiar refrain all local media don't care. That's lazy and uninformed. To say the least.

Know moor dumbe coments plaese. - Wed, 23 Mar 2005 9:30pm
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Yo Mama: I didn't mean the local media lacked interest in exposing local music (the New VI has aired a lot of local shit, and Monday Magazine, Bill Stuart in particular, do a bang-up job of covering the "scene"), but rather that there seems to be very little interest (ont he part of the public) in that coverage. However, the local media could to more -- not for lack of interest on their part, but for lack of resources... Resources permitting, VI could do an hour-long show every week showcasing one or two local bands, and never run out of talent... But that isn't the priority at the managerial level, especailly when money's so tight there as it is....

Another problem is the public perception that anything happening in their town isn't important.... Everyone in the all-ages/indie rock/whatever scene saw Hot Hot Heat fifty times, but nobody else (other that people interested in local music for the sake of being interested in local music, professionally or personally) gave a shit until they were famous somewhere else....

Now, that's something that I think James Kasper is trying to combat....

Mr. Satan, I don't know you personally, but I know from your web-based keen-ness that you see a lot broader variety of shows than most people, and I've seen Griphin at a lot of indie rock shows, especially Immaculate Machine shows.... There are people interested in the scene who see a lot of every kind of show.... That's not what I'm complaining about.... I'm saying that the rank-and-file tend to stick to certain kinds of show (I'm guilty of that just as much as anyone else), and are flat-out not exposed to other bands.... The local media are dong their damnedest to cover local shit, but just don't have the resources to do the job that I'mm sure the want to......

So.... Mr. Satan, you said "I'm betting that most bands don't even know about [the Island Music Awards] or even care." You're absolutely right.... So, there are two options.... 1: write off the IMAs as well-intentioned but irrelevant, and not give a shit who they nominate and who wins. Or 2:, because it sounds like you see this as an opportunity to unify the scene a bit, and generate more buzz in the non-keener local population, be out and spread the word about this....

You also said "Get out to the clubs (who are also supporting bands) and get the word out about the Island awards so that even the smallest band can get in the loop." Goddamn right. for LiveVictoria, this thread has been surprisingly supportive and constructive. Gagg's comments are the only ones that I particularly object to. Everybody else seems to see some value in the event, and want their bands, or their friends's bands, or band they just like, to have the opportunity to get in on this. Absolutely reasonable. However, our emphasis shouldn't be on just informing the IMAs who they missed and letting them do the heavy lifting, we should, as Mr. Satan says, take the IMAs to the streets, so to speak.

Maybe have a booth at shows spreading the word, spread the festivities over a few different venues (maybe have showcases in different clubs, including all-ages shows?) with the intent of exposing people to music they probably normally wouldn't hear. If you put Acting Ensign, Antilles, and Ghosts ona bill together, I guarantee you will have people hearing music they normally would not go our of their way to hear, ever though a few keeners will be familiar will all three....

Anyways, my point is that "wah wah, favouritism" whining (of which there has been mercifully little) is counterproductive, and we should instead look for opportunities to make the IMAs broader, more inclusive, and better..... (Of course, they're limited by money.... But elbow-grease goes a long way....) - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:09am
Brand X Media
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"If you put Acting Ensign, Antilles, and Ghosts ona bill together, I guarantee you will have people hearing music they normally would not go our of their way to hear"

That's absolutly true. Most people (if they realize it or not) tend to segregate themselves, not only too seeing particular bands, but keeping to one venue, or one genre.

The shows I've been involved with have always had a varied mix, and most often with positive results. C'mon - Children Of Celebrities in the same line-up as Staaf Only? it was a longshot that the people would either love or hate, but the same people in the same crowd showed equal enthusiasm for both bands which definitly shows something.

In a city this small all of the different "scenes" inevitably overlap, and when it happens it's great. - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:40am
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Well damned if I don't agree with you both !

Yes Yes Yes ! Yea know I see a lot of really good young talent in all styles of mu-sick all influenced be earlier bands and musicians on this island , punk ,metal,rock,etc. and I'm amazed for such a small place how many new bands keep popping out and old souls reforming, it's positive vibes all around . It must be the B.C bud or something, LOL, even I'm getting back into (well I do like my bud)the groove, zone, whateverthafuck you call it . I'm so empressed by the talented friends I hang with and know it inspires me and feeds my drive . Thank you .

I see nothing but positive and innovative things coming out of this rock. And not for fame or big bucks (that would be nice!) but for the love of being in that zone ,that sound , that connection,.......that feeling or drive .

Ok I'll shut the fuck up now.

CHEERS ! - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 1:22am
Yo Mama
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Maybe the harsh reality is Victoria is too small to warrant extensive coverage of every local act, with or without a lack of media or an awards show.

I agree with Knifeghost "...that isn't the priority at the managerial level, especailly when money's so tight..." which is why The New VI eventually cancelled its local half-hour music show "The Island Underground" it touted so highly when it was launched.

But despite what Knifeghost says ("Resources permitting, VI could do an hour-long show every week showcasing one or two local bands, and never run out of talent..") host Jake Warren ran out of *watchable* stories to cover in a matter of months.

Truth is, not every band deserves to be covered. And not every New VI viewer is an indie rock kid. End of show. Same with The Zone's punk show. Not a big enough audience in a town like this, sadly.

Are these bands still good? Yes. Go support them in concert. That's how everyone can help. - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 6:35am
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"Jake Warren ran out of *watchable* stories to cover in a matter of months."

thats funny, I found most of his stuff unwatchable and dozens of bands I wanted to see covered got not even a mention. So I guess that comment is subjective as to who wants to watch what.

I must however thank the VI for hiring my freind Eric many years ago, who in turn produced for ML7 a quality video on their very expensive broadcast camera that he had to store in his home truck ;)

In an unrelated jab, Jake was alot better than that guy who tried to do Canucks Hockey reports on the sports. At least you guys have Rauche who possess' an oz. of personality. (haha) - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 11:05am
Brand X Media
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I thought the show was a worthy attempt, but as far as running out of content, I think it was just a lack of insight over lack of ideas. I think the coverage in Victoria is pretty decent. Monday Magazine does a bang up job, somethimes the Times Colonist does too. Besides that there's a few other resources such as Absolute Underground,
*ahem*, Offbeat, and as far as radio, I think bands are likely going to get a lot more long term exposure with CFUV or CITR over commercial radio, especially considering the College/University charts are basically The Geiger Counter of what people will be listening too. I think acts as diverse as Arcade Fire and Three Inches Of Blood are pretty good proof of that. - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 11:53am
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"Maybe the harsh reality is Victoria is too small to warrant extensive coverage of every local act, with or without a lack of media or an awards show."

Right, not every band that rocks onstage needs a half hour of TV coverage. But, like you said later, I think a big problem is viwership. How many people watch the New VI, and of them how many would be interested in seeing The Raygun? In a town like Victoria, most of The Raygun's natural audience A: doesn't watch the New VI, and B: is probably already going to their shows. Which brings us back to the fundamental -- if you like a band, go to their shows and tell your friends. - Thu, 24 Mar 2005 11:46pm
The One After Two
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c'mon guys, this is pretty basic. If you want your band to get an award, you have to submit. If ERD doesn't care to win an award, why do you? If you're in a band and are too cool to submit your work to the award show, you deserve the lack of a following that you have.

If you want The New VI to show more local music, you actually have to watch The New VI and tell them what you want to watch... or for that matter listen to CFUV. You guys talk a mean game, but most people in this town have never even heard of CFUV. Diversity is good, but 90 per cent of the shows on that station I can't listen to (the ones I like, I really like). - Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:17pm
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It's too bad that The New VI and CHUM-TV suck!!! - Fri, 25 Mar 2005 2:23pm
Vegas J
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OK...gotta step in here...NewVI showcases local talent EVERY weekday and has for the past year at least...all you have to do is get up early in the AM as load-in is at 5-ish. Does that suck? Could do...but all you have to do is ask them and book a date. That's not a bad televised promo to everyone in the lower mainland...and get to meet Astrid..

And as far as the VI Music awards's a great party, you get to see a bunch of bands you may not have heard of before and make new connections. People should pay Mr Kasper thanks for doing his ( non-profit) part to put together a special event! (Not bashing on someone trying to promote awareness of talent for free.) C'mon down and have a couple o' beers!

Oh yeah...the Raygun frikken rocks!! BUT I'd never heard of them before their interview on the Daily ( and probably never would have) , and my GF's 13yr old and all her friends who don't (yet) hang out in bars wouldn't have become Raygun fans I'd say TV helps! - Sun, 27 Mar 2005 5:27pm
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To clarify, you girlfiend _has_ a 13 year-old, rather than your girlfriend _is_ 13 years old.... - Tue, 29 Mar 2005 12:27am
Vegas J
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Yeah...quite right! Thanks..wouldn't want that to be misunderstood. Cheers! - Tue, 29 Mar 2005 1:45pm
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