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Message Board > General Chitchat > How does that glue for posters work? |
Kai User Info... | I have seen people painting posters up onto poles. Looks like some kind of glue that they paint on with a brush and it kinda laminates it to the pole. Anyone know how to do this? What to use? Thanks - Mon, 24 Jan 2005 9:05pm | ||
Rubber Box User Info... | condensed milk and water (equal parts) works well. - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 9:39am | ||
josh User Info... | flour and water, add water till its just thin enough to paint with. Gotta do it when it's not raining, and watch for cops. If you wnat to make it nearly impossible to get it off there, go back around an hour or so later with a can of shellac. - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:40am | ||
Wig User Info... | sounds like a great way to get the city pissed enough to totally ban postering. - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:29pm | ||
josh User Info... | that it is - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 1:06pm | ||
Jesse The Malcontent User Info... | That wouldn't be the best idea, considering it would definitly lead to fines for the band, venue or the person doing it, and yes probably lead to a ban on postering, or at least look really ugly after a while (ie. Downtown Vancouver) - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 5:15pm | ||
josh User Info... | i actually think it looks kinda nice. the amount of glued up gig posters and propaganda is a great guage of the character and the quality of the of people who live in a community. I'd way rather live in a community like that than one that worries about maintaining outward appearances - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 9:23pm | ||
Wig User Info... | JOSH FOR GHETTO MAYOR! hahaha for your campain you could have people spray tags everywhere. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 1:27pm | ||
Luc User Info... | The corporations get to put ads everywhere that don't get removed and that I don't have a choice to see or not, and just cause they pay much more money than anybody like us could compete with. I say why not advertise some of the values of this city (ex. music)and let people know about things that could actually be important instead of the latest brand of lipstick or baby diapers! I'd rather see flyers for music everywhere than commercials so I say poster away! but uh yeah there is a good chance they will fine you if they catch you or fine the promoter if they see the gig posters before the show..... and as far as a ban on postering; I think the city would have one hell of a shit-storm to deal with if they tried to impose something like that! - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 2:57pm | ||
Wig User Info... | not to start an argument but it's been slow at work lately so i'm here. the city has provided 20- 30 poster polls dowmtown for free. what more would you like. all of the billboards on bus stops and bulidings etc. are owned by private corporations and they tend to want to make money. infact allot of the bustop ones if not all are operated by patterson aka jimmy patterson aka save on foods aka almost owner of the Coquihalla Highway. ask him if he will grant some free space, or fuck it just go punk in his ass and glue posters to all his billboards. then there is one other reason for not postering everywhere it pisses of the public and they just rip them down. and now you spent all that money on posters that are lining the inside of a garbage can. if you do decide to glue your poster to a poster poll it will only give steamers and hugo's and every band in town a nice smooth surface to tape their posters to and this will probably take place before your glue is dry. while i'm at at.... send your posters to livevictoria the paper poster alternative, not sure if they charge. since they host my site they never charged me. i gotta go for a smoke now - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 3:41pm | ||
josh User Info... | I am from Fernwood. Ghetto is in our nature. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 5:16pm | ||
Jesse The Malcontent User Info... | I genuinely appreciate the aesthetic of posters (though I’m a little bored of the typical wheat-pasted leftist prints with Gordon Campbell with jiffy markered vampire teeth and/or horns). I appreciate graffiti but not necessarily excessive amounts of tags all over the place. Guerilla art in general builds up the character of any city but doesn’t necessarily have to be a commercially driven approach (trying to fill a pub or get your name out) and usually has more impact when it’s driven socially or artistically. For me personally, I prefer to see a well done stencil with some sort of situationist slogan or other such aphorism than the ol’ Gordon Campbell with vampire teeth. A bit of imagination goes a long way. A few good examples would be - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 5:19pm | ||
Metropol Steve User Info... | Please don't start glueing posters on the cylinders. We have to poster on those seven days a week, rain or shine. Plus, we work very hard to keep them looking tidy. For those that feel we don't have ample opportunity to express ourselves, remember that the City has provided over 50 poles for all of you to poster on. They remove the posters once a week and never ask anything of you (except to not glue paper all over the place). A deal was made with the City two years ago that if we could reduce the amount of paper used and keep event advertising on the poles; they would replace the 6-poster cylinders installed over a decade ago. Thanks to everyone who played nice since, we have had a total of 34 of the original poles replaced with 'superpoles' - poles that we're designed to handle 12 posters on a pole. If we continue to reduce our overall paper output, the city will replace the remaining 20 before the spring. We've been working on a plan to have cylinders installed in other communities to keep legal postering accessable to everyone (call me if you want more info on how you can help). Just a reminder that our services are reasonable and we can print super-cheap two color posters. Metropol has always (and hopefully will always) offered free postering to all-ages events. If you want to poster yourself, do it - Just please keep it one a pole, cover one event at a time, and we'll all get along fine. If you think we're being unfair with the posters you put up, fire me an email and we'll keep an eye out for it. Watch out for Metropol's online gigposter gallery. It'll have a searchable database of every poster we've put up over the last two years (thousands). We'll be done with it this spring and it's going to be tasty. Steve Metropol 384-POLE - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 5:50pm | ||
Luc User Info... | OK. some valid points...first of all i was not recommending people place these things on polls that are designated for public display of posters, I don't want to fuck up anybody elses posters or anything...but as far as.."the city has provided 20- 30 poster polls dowmtown for free. what more would you like" For free? I have never had to pay to poster on a pole, in fact i remember when all poles were fair game and they still just removed the posters once a week so in fact in my mind they have not GIVEN me 20-30 poles to use, they have just taken another 20-30 different ones away(although as steve said they are apparently adding more). And yes some people do rip down posters but as far as I'm concerned if the poster is not in the way of blocking promotion for something else besides a McDonalds add then people who are ripping it down aren't helping much to contribute to a scene. If I spend money on flyers and poster them up all over town (without blocking other peoples shit) I'd say that's initiative to promote my band. Why would people rip down flyers just because there are a lot of them. I see no reason to only poster a few flyers, then you run the risk of underpromoting a show and not having a good turnout. After the show is over, if the flyer is still there I say feel free to poster over it. Anyways....just my 2 cents...oh and for the record I have never glued a poster up yet....just kinda arguing fer the sake of it.. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 5:53pm | ||
Josh User Info... | Hey Jesse One thing I would take issue with is the blanket idea of "trying to fill a pub" necessarily being commercially driven, especially from the point of view of a band trying to get people out to a show. I'm planning on going out this week and stapling up gig posters all over town on telephone poles, lampposts, to promote our show at diegos with switchblade valentines. The motivation is not commercial. I've never made a dime of profit off my band in all the years we've been playing. The motivation is nothing more than wanting people come out so we can share our music and our performance (our art) with them. You want bars to book your band, you have to bring out a crowd. You bring out a crowd by promoting yourself, without letting middlemen get between you and the people you want to come to your show. So many bands never get to share their music with as many people as they potentially could have because they put up barriers of money between their art and the people that they want to share their art with. You pay taxes.....poster away. It's like charging margins for a CD. Music, I believe, should be free. That's the reasom we're selling all our CD's for 2 bux at shows. It covers costs of making them, and gets out as much music as possible to people. You need to charge the 2 bux, or you can't continue making the CD's. There's lots of other bands who view postering for a gig exactly the same way. It's not commercially driven at all. It's about making the bare minimum of money to continue to put out music and travel around playing shows. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 7:41pm | ||
Jesse The Malcontent User Info... | I can fully agree with that, and don't mean to "blanket" the motivation as a whole, you're right when you say music falls under the category of art, and as a person who appreciates both the art of the gig poster down to the event, I think it's a fine line between expression and monetary gain. I don't really think Hush or Monty's is too artistically motivated - which is definitly a far cry from say, an all ages punk show at a commuinty center. Truthfully I'd much rather see a cool poster than an annoying and unclever Zone ad. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 8:06pm | ||
Luc User Info... | I agree, it is nice when people actually put some creativity into an original gig poster that catches the eye instead of just a bunch of band names on a sheet of paper. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 8:42pm | ||
josh User Info... | You're absolutely right jesse, and I honestly don't believe hush and monties should be allowed to poster on the poster boards downtown. They should be reserved for community related events, and arts (live music included). BANDS should be allowed to poster for shows at bars, bars should not be allowed to poster. As soon as you allow private, for profit business to poster on these poles, the money comes out, and he with the most posters wins. Either that, or the middlemen come out, and you're doing nothing more than selling ad space, instead of providing a free community service. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 9:01pm | ||
Josh User Info... | Hey Steve/Metropol FYI, I wasn't trying to make that an attack on you in any way whatsoever, and I hope it didn't come off that way. I think you're an extremely stand up guy, who has done wonders for the poster situation since you've come on to the scene. I was speaking in much more generic (idealistic) terms about public spaces in general, and how what gets put up in public is determined by money being paid to have it placed there. I was taking about paid ads in bus stops, and billboards, and signs on walls, that inundate us on a daily basis, without our consent, or even our desire to see them, while as an independent artist, it's a crime (bylaw) to staple up a poster anywhere but 30 some-odd poles downtown. I appreciate that you fight to keep commercial entities off the poles downtown, and I was here long before metropol was around, and was a part of the poster wars that used to happen. I give you full credit for almost single handedly improving that whole situation. I still do believe that these poles should be free for community, arts, and music events only. I DO have a problem with bars postering on these poles for canned DJ or retro night, or whatever. I DON'T have a problem with bars promoting live music events, and I realize from your perspective that there's very grey area in between a live show at a bar, and canned music at a bar in which to try to draw any sort of line on what to include as "acceptable" postering. By allowing bands and artists the right to poster instead of bars, the band and the bar could still work together to get the posters made and out on the poles, and it would prevent bars from postering for anything but music/arts related events on the poles. I DON'T have any problem with a person providing a postering service as a business, I DO have a problem with having to compete with commercial businesses for space on a community provided pole. I DO think the way you run your business and divide poster space is THE thing in this town that balances the commercially driven postering from going back to the free for all it used to be. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 4:48pm | ||
Metropol Steve User Info... | Hi Josh, Thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to continuing our working relationship. No hard feelings. Steve - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 5:16pm | ||
John User Info... | metropol steve you guys dont charge to put up posters for all ages shows? how much do you charge for bar shows? just curious about your rates, email me, thanks. - Tue, 8 Feb 2005 1:56pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | Most of the rates are on - Wed, 9 Feb 2005 11:11am | ||
Metropol Steve User Info... | John, What's your email? Steve - Wed, 9 Feb 2005 2:35pm | ||
gene User Info... | just my 2 cents: as a band dude i stopped putting up my own posters like 5 years ago when i realized that bars (specifically Hush) will simply cover them up with 30 posters in like 10 seconds. more faggotry. - Wed, 9 Feb 2005 2:46pm | ||
john User Info... | [email protected] - Wed, 9 Feb 2005 3:10pm | ||
Metropol Steve User Info... | As of tomorrow morning, Hush's postering will be handled by Metropol. It took us two years to secure this arrangement, and this is good news for everybody. Hush's posters will now be distributed in a fair and equal rotation with the rest of our clients'. Steve - Thu, 10 Feb 2005 3:39pm | ||
Little Red User Info... | "Hush's posters will now be distributed in a fair and equal rotation with the rest of our clients'." HALLELUJAH~! - Thu, 10 Feb 2005 9:31pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | Thats great. They were certainly one of the biggest pole-hog culprits left. - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 11:50am | ||
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