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where would you go.. if a Tsunami was a comin our way..
Message Board > General Chitchat > where would you go.. if a Tsunami was a comin our way..
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Id go up Christmas Hill since its just a few blocks away..

Our jamspot would probably bite it tho.

Also I heard the singer of Nasum is one of the missing in Thailand.. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 12:43pm
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What a rad photograph, love that.

Official statement - sad but true,

And I would run to Dan Landers house up on the hill of Topaz, as it is only a block or three from my house, yet it might do no good, let's hope we never have to find out. And I'm guessing everyones spot and gear would be toast! - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 1:01pm
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We supposedly don't have to worry about it in Vic. The possibilities of a tsunami starting in the straight are next to nil. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 4:14pm
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a tsunamis' start out at sea and come to shore. it is possilble that a huge one could funnel it's way down the strait of juan the fuca.

we wouldn't get hit as hard as the coast and it would most likely be only a massive rise in the tide. but we are not immune to such disasters.

all those people with boats under tarps sitting in their yards would finnaly get the peice of crap in the water. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 4:39pm
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Thanks alot, just when Shaggy was making me feel a little better.
Would all those boats look a little like this? - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 4:56pm
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Hey Mike, what a good site that photographer has, {} don't know if you usually care that much about surfing but if you do - check out "Step Into Liquid", I think they have it on DVD at Rogers Video. I saw it at UVIC theater - amazing to put it lightly. One of my all time favorite flicks of any genre. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 5:00pm
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Damn Wig ! It's like you're talking about my place, never thought about the boat in my front yard !

I'd better go put the plug in the bottom of the boat so it doesn't sink when the tsunami hits , cuz that would be even more ironic....... or moronic take your pick ! - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 5:06pm
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Tsunami's moving down channels...see Port Alberni tsunami - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 5:17pm
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Too funny Lancey - that really is you with the ol' boat in the yard.

I changed my decision - I would run over to MORONS house and make sure to hold his head under water. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 6:56pm
The One After Two
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weez wicked smart in Canada. The Pacific is rigged with early warning buoys so we'd have enought time to run to...

How about Langford? Its higher elevation. We could hole up in the Blue Pearl and get liquored. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 7:11pm
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Yea if we all rushed to Langford at once the populations IQ would shoot up by 50% !

( Just joking langford, I grow op there....... I mean grew up)

Why does a club with the name Blue pearl worry me about going to when a tsunamis may hit ? - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 8:01pm
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There are no major fault lines near or around the S straight. The closest major fault line is off the NW End of the island. So pity the poor hicks that live up N Island. As for the alberni Tsunami. It's on the W coast of the island, hence why they had the one they did in 64. If Alberni was on the inner straight it never would've been hit. - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 8:28pm
ASC Karl
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Fact: no one died in the alberni tsunami

My grandparents live up on a hill in PA and had a bunch of people run up to their place to escape the flooding - Wed, 29 Dec 2004 10:38pm
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Go to the local peeler bar , all those breast implants would act as floatation devices - Thu, 30 Dec 2004 6:01am
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Good site if you're paranoid and want to keep an eye on where all the worlds earthquakes are hitting. - Thu, 30 Dec 2004 11:32am
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I bought some life jackets and wetsuit just in case. A six foot metal stake and 200 meters of cable to tie around my waist, so I dont lose my address. Several layers of plastic garbage bags with wool blankets, peanut butter, fresh water, a compass, surfboard, field surgical kit, and fishing pole. And vitamins. - Thu, 30 Dec 2004 3:28pm
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You forgot one ...........A BODY BAG STRAPPED TO YOUR ANKLE FOR EASY CLEAN UP ! Hahaha! - Thu, 30 Dec 2004 5:18pm
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Always on the brightside aren't cha hunny? Fuck that - I'm hoppin' in yer boat. You can just paddle over and pick me up. - Thu, 30 Dec 2004 5:24pm
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I'd be lookin' to climb up on top of Gordon Campbell's head. There's enough hot air in there to float me all the way to Japan and back. - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 1:06am
the pine tree savage
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I get my board, and at least try to ride it out - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 6:31am
the pine tree savage
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A body bag strapped to your ankle?, hahahaha yeah thats real funny considering over 100,000 innocent people are fuckin dead. - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 6:46am
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Kimberly.. I cant remember where I got the pic, just one of many I stash for future use.. Altho I occasionaly do go surf with a few friends who are really into it, I wouldnt say I do surf, I just flail around in the waves and get mushed into the rocks. Personally I much preferred it when I lived on the Gold Coast because the water is nice and warm and there arent as many ornery sea lions. ( just tigers and whites and box jellys! ) - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 12:07pm
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Just make sure you get the movie and smoke a killer before you watch it and crank up the volume. You can thank me later! - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 12:20pm
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Hey pine tree it was a act of nature and I was only pointing out ( after Jedi's long list of provisions) the futility in being that prepared for something like this . He was joking (I think?) , I was joking back and I wasn't meaning on offending anyone . - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 1:35pm
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It's like the Iron Maiden song says:
"Run to the hills!!!!!! Run for your life!!!!!" - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 2:37pm
jay brown
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what are you all retarded? I would go to the kayak store. - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 5:04pm
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Kayak ? YES ! If you can do white water rapids with then I'm sure a little thing like a tsunami would be a walk in the park ! - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 5:10pm
jay brown
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Exactly and since like all island dwellers I always have my fishing rod handy, I would still be able to catch my dinner too. - Sat, 1 Jan 2005 3:05pm
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Not the Asian wave, but still amazing to see . . . - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 4:54pm
the pine tree savage
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, it depends on how much time before it hit, if I had enough time to make it to the liquer store, Ide get drunk, do a bunch of stupid shit,then get swept away to my death.
but if it was really instantaneous, I would find the closest thing with two legs, tits and well you know, go out with a big BANG!Sorry ladies, I appolagize, you aint no things, just being my savage self - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 5:42pm
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pine tree savage - You mean to say that the shock of your impending doom would give you the necessary wood to "BANG" the first woman you see?
You're one weird little rabbit. - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 7:13pm
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haahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha thats funny, dude, I wake up with a boner every morning, and it doesnt go away till have a coffee. Maybe its just me. - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 7:23pm
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And again... - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 10:19pm
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Guys a tool that's obviously done a little too much E. Been a troll around here for quite some time under various names. Easier to just ignore it rather than give it the attention it obviously needs/wants. - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 10:20pm
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I wrote a ditty under general, but did you see the shit all over the board? Kinda weird. Whatever. - Mon, 3 Jan 2005 10:24pm
the pine tree savage
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When you think of the actual possibility of trolls, its not really to far off.
Take some short little dude put him in the middle ages, in the environment, subjected to all sorts of harsh cirqumstances, Little dude has, warts, smells bad, eats mushrooms when he is hungry, came across a little patch of liberty caps , or whatever, and is so hungry he eats them, and gets ripped. Then he goes from place to place hiding under bridges and such , away from the weather, and carries around special potions that he has concocted during his travels. All of a sudden the mythology of trolls, doesn't seam to far off at all.
Fire breathing dragons, I don't know.
But I hear that lizards have very high methane production, They get gas.
maybe one burped on a couple pieces of flint, and poof, some tribal dude saw it breath methane fire? Maybe not.
Yeah Shaggy FUCK YOU - Tue, 4 Jan 2005 11:38am
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? - Tue, 4 Jan 2005 12:28pm
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Awww poor little mansy doesn't like it when people figure him out :p QQ more n00b. - Tue, 4 Jan 2005 5:28pm
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When the waters went away, the fish did play... - Tue, 4 Jan 2005 7:33pm
User Info... - Thu, 6 Jan 2005 3:23am
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XY-Satan, that's quite the photo. Those people are in for a world of hurt and some of them look like they don't even realize it. It's not the water so much as the debris carried by the water that did the damage. It's impossible trying to predict before hand how you would react in that situation. I was in a huge earthquake in Mexico. It was almost half over before I wrapped my head around what was happening. Even when you do react it's not always so rational. Many of the people in Asia ran TOWARDS the water. When the Earth moves like that a body bag tied around your ankle sounds like the most useful answer, at least for those doing clean up afterwards. I understand that no Elephants were killed by the tsunami, animals seem to know more about these things than people. I intend to keep on good terms with the dog I live with. - Thu, 6 Jan 2005 11:36am
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The problem with that is every time the dog needs to go out to do his/her business I'll be like "is a tsunami coming girl? Come on girl get the tsunami, get the tsunami ! Does poochy woochy know if a tsunami is coming ? Come on girl you can tell daddy !" and 5 seconds out the door after trying to get it out of her she'd be thinking
" This will get you back for getting me fixed and that incident with the vacuum cleaner , thought I’d forgot about that one .... Huh !… two legged asshole … hope you had fun picking up my shit , that was a goood one !….. , now it's your turn to bend over and kiss your ballzs goodbye !"

And then of course the mutt would come back and devour my rotting corpse till help arrives .

Goood dog ! - Thu, 6 Jan 2005 8:24pm
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Their sense of hearing is way more acute than ours, I bet they'd be able to pick up the earthquake as it was happening. - Fri, 7 Jan 2005 12:38am
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LOL...XY-Satan, that's exactly right. But think about what Cat people would have to go through:
" a tsunami coming kitty? Kitty, Kitty Kitty..... Does pussums know if a tsunami is coming ? Come on kitty you can tell daddy!"

Cat: "Silence earthling, your foolish chatter disturbs my licking. It is almost time for my afternoon nutritional serving, you may leave my presence and open a can of Fancy Feast." - Fri, 7 Jan 2005 10:30am
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dicovery channel has had a wack of shows on this topic lately.
Vancouver island is no safer than anywhere else.

they CAN start in the strait by underwater land slides. due to all the silt the fraser river is dumping into the strait. it could create a wave 8-18 meters high. there was a small one off the coast of the queen charlettes(sp?) two years ago. and another in alaska not sure how long ago but the land slide wave was 150 meters high, yes i said 150 meters we are talking as high as a 50 story building. two fishermen road it out and lived to tell.
also 1000 years ago there was a massive one that wiped out thousand of people and there villages on the coast of vancouver island.

be afraid be very afraid.
might as well start partying like it's the end off the world, you my never get another chance. - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 2:34pm
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can you imagine all the raw sewage Victoria pumps into the strait all washing up into Oak Bay in one mighty Shit wave? - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 3:27pm
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A thousand years ago Wig? Who documented it, Chief Red Eagle and his medicine man Swift Deer? Please... - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 6:09pm
smart like stick
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Actually, there's quite a bit of GEOLOGICAL evidence documenting these events. There are plenty of other ways of proving these events happened other than what humans have written down.Just cause humans didn't document it doesn't mean it didn't happen, stupid. - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 6:23pm
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Destinova, the oral histories of the local tribes are surprisingly accurate. In 1970 archeologists working on the Olympic Penninsula discovered the Village that had been buried when the blue clay cliffs above it collapsed. The clay had preserved many of the artifacts that would not normally have survived. The local histories were so precise that many of the bodies found there could be identified and this incident happened 500 years ago. - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 8:36pm
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Is that so smart like stick? I guess that explains the complete lack of any information about it from government disaster documentation. After a half hour of searching I still haven't found any information pertinent to some mythical tsunami of a millennia past anywhere, let alone disaster documentation chapters or organizations.

And really, is the name calling necessary? I feel not only I, but everyone on here is owed an apology for your loathsome behavior.

And Troutbreath, five hundred years is much more believeable than a thousand. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 9:29am
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i just watch television that is informational kinda like survivorman not survivor.

i got my facts from watching discovery news on tuesday.
i heard of the tsunami that hit the west cost of vancouver island 'around a 1000 years ago' several times in the past.

how the scientist gather their information is not known to me, but geologists can take core samples of the earth and old trees to find out all sorts of interesting shit.

i'm sure cheif chinnikki and all his tribe were killed.

i'm quite sure very few of you know there is a 3000 year old cedar on the west cost of the island. three hour drive and a one hour walk from here. i've been trying to locate it for years. it's location is a secret, not a hugh secret there was a story in west world magazine and the shaw daily program about it. the people from the sooke museum will take you there on a tour but they don't want people going out in masses to see it. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:50am
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google it or go here,08719391-A5A1-482A-9323-64DF21A7F7B8,frameless.htm

I quoted this this
"The sediment record doesn't go back far enough," says Hutchinson, who has studied coastal marshes for 20 years. But small coastal lakes, less than five metres above sea level, proved to be more enlightening. "In one lake we got a record going back 3,000 years," he says. "Some of them can go even longer if we could get deep enough."

Of the eight lakes cored to date, three have yielded tsunami deposits, one from about 1,000 years ago (see photo above, at 28-inch mark). "The lake bottoms are like brown gelatin, rich in organic matter," explains Hutchinson. "But tsunami deposits consist of gravels, sands and lots of forest material, because when a tsunami wave rushes into a lake, it strips the forest floor."

from this site

destinova, you should try the new internet, it's on computers now - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:16pm
smart like stick
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Well well Destinova, looks like someone was able to find some info on the computer about these events after all. Take your lumps son, you're wrong. An apology???? Just cause you're smart like stick?(or stump, you choose)The only thing I feel sorry for is how retarded you look in your photo in the "match faces to names"thread.

As for searching the internet for "half an hour" on your computer and finding nothing, maybe you just need to be smarter than the machine you're operating, ya fucking nimrod. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 6:13pm
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Funny thing is, after reading those pages in question, using neither an old internet or "new", I still don't see in your links what evidence suggests that a tsunami which struck a thousand years ago "wiped out thousand of people and there villages on the coast of vancouver island".

Again with the name calling, smart like stick? It's not as if you proved me wrong. All you did was spout insulting, pre-scripted idioms, quite poorly written I might add. You're as bad for this place as Kim was. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:06pm
smart like stick
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Well then,Mr.Good Grammer Stickboy, you must be blind as well as being stupid.

Idioms...? I bet it took you all night to find that one in your dictionary that gathers dust on the wall along with your I.Q. But after seeing your fine photo on this site, I can now match your face(and I use that term loosely) to your stupidity.
Maybe with hope, someday you may master the art of reading, or maybe even surfing the net.Just try keeping the rolled up bill out of your nose long enough, and you might have better luck...

Have fun, Nimrod! - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:29pm
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Nothing like the veil of anonymity that is the internet to let you say whatever you want.

But really, why the personal vendetta? Obviously you've got something against me asides from a comment I made to Wig about Tsunamis. Why else would you waste your time insulting me? - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:15am
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Cause he's smart like stick? Thought the name was pretty self explanatory :p - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:46am
Isolation Ride
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If Alaska has a another major earthquake,guranteed a tsunami will nail Vancouver Island again.My buddy does this shit for a living at N.I.C.E.He is actually the best earthquake predicter around.Lots of 420 sessions and conversations with him.I used to work on Xmas Hill and looked out at the terrain.You,d swear a tsunami leveled that area of Victoria once upon a time.The Port Alberni tsunami is a reminder to say it can and some day will happen in Victoria.Right up the ol anus through Juan De Fuca.Where would I go? Big Bad Johns for a jug o beer. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:59am
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Big article in the Saturday Vancouver Sun.

The article discussed the 500 foot wave in Alaska.

Also discussed all the native legends of tsunamis hitting the westcoast of the island and Queen Charlottes. These legends didnt come from one tribe, but from all the tribes on the coastal areas, as well as the Makah on the Olympic peninsula. The last huge one was in the 1700's, after the first explorers, and a very heavy 'whitemans anchor' was found way up a hill in the middle of nowhere as testament to this event.

There were also many scientific proofs of Tsunamis hitting Van Isle in the article and ongoing studies to this day.. All they do is core sample lake bottoms where they find all kinds of evidence and are able to estimate when and how many have hit, and it has happened numerous times throughout history.

There was also evidence of underwater landslides in the gulf islands which caused tsunamis to hit shorelines within the Georgia Straight. - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 12:55pm
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I've never thought of myself as a Canada Islander, sounds odd. However this was posted today on CNN:

Canada islanders fear new tsunami
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Posted: 1749 GMT (0149 HKT)

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- Images of last month's southern Asian tsunami and tales of massive waves in 1700 have prompted some aboriginal communities on Vancouver Island to consider moving, a newspaper reported Wednesday.

Fourteen aboriginal communities are asking to be moved to higher ground more than three centuries after a series of massive waves crashed onto the west coast of Vancouver Island, the Globe and Mail reported.

In addition to being one month since the southern Asian tsunami, Wednesday marked the 305th anniversary of the January 26, 1700, tsunami. It was triggered by an earthquake that ruptured the sea floor from California all the way north to mid-Vancouver Island.

The devastation it caused had such an impact on native cultures that the story was largely mythologized, becoming a giant thunderbird battling a whale the size of a mountain.

It became a motif of Pacific Northwest art, reflected in fearsome totem poles, longhouse paintings and ceremonial masks.

Robert Dennis, Chief of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation, said people have felt especially threatened since the recent tsunami struck overseas, the report said.

Dennis and other native leaders representing about 3,000 people along the southwest coast of Vancouver Island are putting together a proposal that will ask for federal and provincial government assistance in relocating houses at risk and developing emergency plans, the report said, adding the estimated cost had yet to be determined. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 3:04pm
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I'm sure his dictionary and IQ aren't the only things collecting dust...
Thanks for the interesting info least sombody has some. - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 3:58pm
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simple, go up the malahat to high ground and eventually to mt. washington(if we had the time) - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 4:09pm
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Why has no one mentioned taking there surf board (or whatever... I think I'll climb in a barrel) to Mt. Doug? its the highest place in Vic...

Hey Troutbreath, Intersesting thing about the elephants (and some other critters too) escaping: They have seismic sensory machinery in there feet that can allegidly detect a heavy rainfall 100km away, and this help coordinate there migration timing.

I think ours is broken from waring shoes all the time and walking on pathed roads etc - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 12:55pm
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Hey Brocc -people have mentioned surfboards and wet suits.
Good luck trying to get into a wetsuit fast enough to benifit from its buoancy:p - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 3:11pm
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I don't need no stink'n wetsuit. I'm just gonna climb into a barrel. I have some rusty old oil drums in my backyard for just such an occasion. Incidentally they used to hold up the ugly boat in my front yard.... - Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:34am
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i don't think surfboards or life jacket or even boats will do much good.
from the footage i saw, it was like a raging river of wood, trees, parts of buildings, cars. you'd float until some big chunk of wood cracks you in the head or you cut your legs open on something.

can you imagine the traffic jam on the malahat, like anyone going to get up that hill. - Mon, 31 Jan 2005 2:47pm
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id go to china and hope it follows me - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 11:28am
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I think the real question is what would you do if everyone started turning into ZOMBIES like dawn of the dead?? I would personally grab the biggest knife in my house, try to make to my Van, go on a bit of a Zombie smashing rampage, then peace to the nearest Yacht club and Steal a fucking sail boat so it wouldn't matter if I ran out of gas. I might try and loot the liquor store and long and McQuades if the situation wasn't too intense yet. Especially if the Zombies were the slow kind. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 9:44pm
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No way - I'd be jumpin on the Zombie bandwagon, and eating yer sorry ass, then lootin the Liq store... - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 9:56pm
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Mmmm...Brains and rotting flesh... - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 10:27pm
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