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Griff got beat up...
Message Board > General Chitchat > Griff got beat up...
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On Thursday September 09 2004 at approximately 10:35 PM, Griphin (Phil) was assaulted by 2 males.

The first male was is a minor (18), and was first to initiate the assault. The second male (20) was the person who did the most damage.

Injuries include 2 broken cheekbones, brain swelling, 2 black eyes, facial injuries etc.

Phil was in an induced coma for 5 days. He was placed on a ventilator and several other tubes and hoses coming from him.

After coming out of the coma he was somewhat hostile and was heavily sedated for several days.

He is now in a good state but still suffers from several problems including; lost of upper arm muscles on left arm, has to walk with the assistance of a walker, and has poor comprehension capabilities when reading.

The good news is that his memory is ok; he knows who he is and who his friends are. He is able to remember things like phone numbers, address etc.


This was an un-provoked attack, according to Detective Silvan of VCP, the minor had started picking on Phil. Phil made attempts to get out of the situation and continue on his way to Gary's. The minor started to get rougher with Phil and Phil was able to defend himself, it was at this point the adult got involved and beat the hell out of Phil.

The 2 males went back a house located on the alley between Burnside and Jutland. A female who was with the 2 males apparently went back to see if Phil was ok, it was at this time the police and ambulance were called.

The minor now has a curfew and must check in with some kind of probation officer. The adult is still in jail. Charges have been laid but I don't know what they are.

The case number for this incident is: 04-42523


Phil has asked me to post this; he is completely able to see visitors (3PM-8PM) at VGH. He is room #505 North. - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 4:43pm
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That really fuckin sucks.. Who would do that to him, he isnt very big.. Id feel bad punching a guy that size unless he got me first. Hope he gets well soon and makes a full recovery, and hopefully that idiot who beat him loves the treatment having an assault charge will get you, for life, everytime he gets pulled over by cops, wants to travel, get a job etc. - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 5:03pm
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Well that royally sucks! Be nice to know who these 2 asswads are that kicked his ass for no reason. Payback can be a real bitch... Hope you make a full recovery Phil! - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 5:34pm
jay brown
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Aw that totally sucks ass, I hope ya get all better soon Phil. - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 5:44pm
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Holy shit it still happens in Victoria. Hope you have a full, speedy recovery Phil and at least the guys were caught cuz a lot of the time their not. They'll get theirs. - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 8:17pm
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That really does suck. No one deserves that. I hope he makes a good recovery. - Wed, 3 Nov 2004 11:00pm
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That's scary! Head injuries can be so precarious, leaving your life hanging on the edge of a knife.

Here's wishing you all the best Phil. I hope Karma comes with a vengence for those two morons. - Thu, 4 Nov 2004 11:12am
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I witnessed a brutal assault Thursday night at approximately the same time downtown, involving headstomping by 2 males to another male on the ground. I ended up getting involved chasing the suspects, so I'm wondering what came of all this. I don't know Griphin, but it's good to hear he is recovering. I would like to know if the guy who got assaulted last week is okay. The police told me he was getting cat scans done to check for brain damage...
If anyone knows about this, please let me know. Thanks - Thu, 4 Nov 2004 12:20pm
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I am so sorry to hear that Phil.
What the fuk is with people??! Scary.
Get your ass all healed up so we can pour some beer down your throat! - Thu, 4 Nov 2004 4:17pm
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there seems to be a lot of violence in the city latley.

on halloween my friend was visiting from Van and he got beat-up by a group of guys (about 10-15 of them)outside my house.

whats going on? Is this violence normal for victoria, or maybe i am just more aware becasue it is so close to home?

I'm sorry to hear about Phil -

hope he gets better, makes a full recovery

this stuff makes me soooo sad... - Sat, 6 Nov 2004 2:40pm
Lucky Bar
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That OFFICIALLY sucks ass.

A LOT of ass. - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:19pm
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A metric pantload of ass, to be precise......

Griff's a bit "boiterous" after a few adult beverages, but he's a great guy..... Nobody deserves a sneak attack, least of all a guy like him..... I don't know you well, Phil, but heal the fuck up..... - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:22pm
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let me get this straight = two guys beet up a .5 0f a man ?? fuck my 5' nothing 80pound junkie friend could beet up phill with her one hand tied up in a rig...

Phill can be an anoying brat and personally Ive felt the urge to kick his ass from time to time... but still he didnt deserve a two on one shit kickin... nuff said. - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:29pm
Shitty deal
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This REALLY sucks. I am assuming Phil must have a shitload of bills to pay and was thinking since he has been such a HUGE supporter of the local music scene for so many years that someone should organize a benefit show to help him out a bit. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 2:48pm
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Yeah let's save the whales too. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 3:58pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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ROSS BAY: FUCK YOU. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 5:58pm
Nik Olaz
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i talked to that guy a few times at some of the Burnside houses shows. he was very drunk, but still really nice. i hope his recovery goes well! - Thu, 11 Nov 2004 5:54pm
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Hey ho, they let me out on day pass (the hospital has no Internet so I'm using my mom's computer). Yeah it sucked cause I don't remember the day it occured or what I did that day, I have no short term memory, no feeling or use of my left hand or can't walk anywhere cause I can't use my left leg at all. For the life of me I dunno what I did to provoke such an attack, but I hear the court date is Janyary 5th of 2005. *grin* And I do plan on being there so I can figure out what I did. Ah well. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 1:55pm
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Regardless of what you did or didn't do, it's utter bullshit that you got beaten up... and to such an extent.

I hope your rehabilitation goes well. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 3:37pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Take care Phil. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 10:38pm
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Everyone from Livevic should go to the court date and just sit and stare at the bitches who did this.. - Sun, 14 Nov 2004 12:27pm
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Best wishes for a full recovery Griph. Missed your input around here. - Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:54am
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That really sucks, its such a fucking pussy thing to do, hit someone when they are down? You have to be a real cheap peice of shit to do that.
Guarenteed that you are going to get something for the pain you went through. No one deserves this, especially if you just said something.
Apparently this type of thing happens all the time in Victoria. I know a bouncer at Legends/Big Bad Johns and he tells me at least once a week about some dickhead he has to defend himself against. And there always seems to be groups of guys trying to beat the shit out of one person. Its rediculous. - Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:56am
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regarding the last comment about the legends bouncer-
gimme a fucking break those asshole bouncer look for people to beat up with their leather gloves fucking a - holes!! i myself witness 2 or 3 beat up a drunk old guy (about 60) because he wanted another beer many witnesses told the cops the real story and the cops said it was up to the old man who wouldnt remember anything (especialy since he had a concussion after his head split open) to press charges no matter the witnesses said. Oh but the pour bouncer just had to defend himself right? Come on dont use those monkeys as an example of meaningless violence because they are part of the reason!!!! - Sun, 21 Nov 2004 3:34pm
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I agree, the legends guys can be brutal,
they threw a guy threw a fucking window
i think they got charges pressed for that,

but the one lounge guys have to be the worst,
pretty much all of them are on steroids,
they thre my friend down those steep stairs
just for being too drunk, then smashed his knee
on the curb and dislocated it,

even if you aren't physical with them the slightest
word gets you thrown up against the brick wall oustide,
or in a headlock, those fucking guys have been
shot at before by people,
my friend from high school that works there said
the boss said they are losing business cause
of how many people the guys fuck up

sorry for digressing from griphins post,
just wanted to say that,

everytime i go to legends there is a fight or
someone getting a beer bottle smashed, but i've
never seen ANY violence in the 30 or so times
i've been to evo - Sun, 21 Nov 2004 5:48pm
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its true the Legends bouncers are dicks. Shoulda seen them at Queens Of The Stoneage a few years ago.. they were standing on the edge of the friendly 'pit' like hyenas waiting to pounce.. In the end they bounced about 6 people including an old man who tried to calm them down, then the guy who commented to them that they were being too rough to the old man got hauled out by the head. - Mon, 22 Nov 2004 9:08am
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It was the same thing in the UK, the 'clean cut' trendy dance clubs had a lot more violence than the headbanger clubs. - Mon, 22 Nov 2004 12:23pm
Grain fed
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Gotta love that mob mentality. It would be hard being a bouncer though. I've met some really great ones even at Legends but I wouldn't disagree with any of the aforementioned posts. Having to deal with idiots all the time calling you an moron and telling you to get a real job etc..... I guess they're prolly all decent when they start out and then slowly get tired of the bullshit. What's a better way of releasing tension than playing vigilante?
Anyway, I've prolly seen Griphin at a few shows but don't think I know him but hope that those dudes get whats comin to em! - Mon, 22 Nov 2004 2:25pm
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Still beats the hell out of what I did to get beat up like that. At least it was nice to hear that one of the people who I think assaulted me phoned the cops cause I was that fucked up. I even lost my second jean jacket and my Guinness cap (I must of been screwed up, apparently both my cheekbones were broken and I can't even recognise the people who assaulted me). Least I can sorta walk now but I'm having a hell of a time in still using my left hand. - Sat, 27 Nov 2004 2:29pm
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the thing about Queens Of The Stoneage is the mosh is really even a mosh.. Just a bunch of stoners bouncing around to the groove.. Imagine if a real metal show was held there? - Sat, 27 Nov 2004 4:18pm
jay brown
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So when we gonna see ya again phil? Hell I'll buy ya a six pack...... - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 1:04pm
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One of my friends bounces at Legends. Some of the guys there are hot heads. Most of them just do their job though they are good guys. but there have been a few stabbings there now and at least one firearm that I know of. I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't be taking any chances for 10$ an hour. Sure it's harshe but so is the job they have to do. Don't get too drunk don't be stupid then you don't have anything to worry about.

But anyways hope your wounds are healing and I hope those fuckers get theirs! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 1:53am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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/contemplating maybe circling my calendar for Jan. 5. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 8:08am
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Hey Phil,
I saw you at the hospital cafeteria on Tuesday when I was on my supper break. You were visiting with people, so I didn't stop and say, "Hi." I'm going to pop by this coming Tuesday and bring you a couple of magazines. If you see this, do you want me to bring anything else? I'm pretty sure I know what unit you'd be on, so hopefully I'll find you if you're still in hospital. - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 8:20am
Isolation Ride
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Get well soon bro. - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 2:57pm
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Well the 6'er would be definately out cause I'm not supposed to do any drinking for another 9-12 month's (my brain is healing at the moment) though I do appreciate it. They say I'll be out the first week of January (I think) so you might see me around that time. Apparently I freak out when I deal with loud noise, so go figure.

That's strange Pooetry, usually I don't hang around with many people in the cafeteria, perhaps you got me confused with someone else. You sure you should show up on the 5th Curmudgeon? Especially since I think the court date is on the 4th (and even then they might plead guilty so therefore there wouldn't be a court date). I still can't remember who assaulted me, but I doubt I can make the court date cause I'm still in hospital when it happens. - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 1:44pm
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You were in a wheelchair and you were with an older woman (your mom, maybe?). You guys were eating. I was just on my way back up to my unit when you came in to the cafeteria.

Are you on the neuro unit? - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 5:52pm
Ty Stranglehold
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So the first week of January, eh?

We'll see you at The Hoosegow show. - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 10:42pm
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Hey Phil

I have been there Phil... Heavy Metal Massacre OAP hall 1986. But my injuries where nothing compared what happened to you. Hope all is getting better my Sooke bro.

See you by the speakers soon!

-rickylong - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 8:57pm
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I didn't read the last line very first post until now. On Tuesday I went to the unit I thought you'd be on, but it was obviously the wrong unit (neuro).
I won't be up at VGH for quite a while.
Take care, and again, good luck in your recovery. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 1:23pm
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Hey Griph hope things are coming along well. My friend Karen is very worried about you, you probably wouldn't remember her but she was there just after you got beat up. I guess everyone at her friends house was out having a smoke when the commotion of the ambulance showed for you, and she and her friends are very worried about your condition, now I see based upon these posts that you are pulling through I will pass on that to her. Good luck on your recovery. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 8:33pm
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Pooetry: Actually my Roomate Ron mentioned you did drop by but I was in Physio class till 3:30. Room 505 (fifth floor) Neuro Rehab unit. I usually take Physio till 3:30 (as Jake from Remanez found out last week) and yes that is my mother you saw.

Chuck: Well every week I seem to be getting better, so I appreciate your friends concern. aCk... and I'm missing AWT with Self Inflicted at Logan's this evening.

Ty Stranglehold: *grin* Hopefully I'll be able to walk properly before that gig happens. It's wierd, if I look straight no problems, but if I'm walking and I look left or right it throws my balance fer a loop. It really sux!!!

To All concerned: Apparently the court date is three days (cause it's really serious) and starts on the 5th and ends on the 7th. Dunno what they did, but it would be nice to at least remember what they look like, strange. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 2:24pm
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