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Capital Punishment, yay or nay? First to sit? Kelly Ellard!
Message Board > General Chitchat > Capital Punishment, yay or nay? First to sit? Kelly Ellard!
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So there's a poll at that asks about capital punishment. 58% say it should be brought into use for murderers in Canada.

Personally, I agree. Cold blooded killers, planned murder and swarm killing like what happened to the Virk girl should all be punishable by DEATH! ( preferably public execution, but Ill continue dreaming..)

on another note,, Kelly Ellard and her pals could be the guinea pigs (she kinda looks like a pig too ) - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:49am
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I have one thing to say on this one. Who on earth would attack someone in a park when your already on trial for murder. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 11:25am
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I dunno. One one hand, if you kill the bastards, they're not going to learn anything. On the other hand, some people are just too sick to survive.. If I had a wife and daughter and some fucker killed em both then yea, I'd want him dead. This is one of those arguments that could go on forever. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 1:32pm
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"One one hand, if you kill the bastards, they're not going to learn anything."

They're not going to LEARN ANYTHING? Most of us learn not to kill people when we're fucking kids.

Kill the bitch. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 1:55pm
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gandalf said it best when talking to frodo about gollum.

don't be so quick to take a life if you have not the power to give it.
or something like that. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 2:53pm
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"kill the bitch"

I'd have to fully agree. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 3:11pm
Brand X Jesse
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I've never personally met Kelly Ellard - but judging by her actions I find her existence offensive and hold nothing but contempt for people that take part in such behavior.

As far as the death penalty goes - It doesn't do anything but create a wider gap in class division.
How many rich folks do you think are standing on death row? Now how many poor people are on death row?

I don't think anybody has the right to take anothers life if it's by use of a foot to the throat or the light switch on an electric chair.

There is one thing that dictates the outcome of if you're guilty or innocent, and that's If you can afford a good lawyer or not.

a good example would be - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 3:44pm
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"Personally, I agree. Cold blooded killers, planned murder and swarm killing like what happened to the Virk girl should all be punishable by DEATH! ( preferably public execution, but Ill continue dreaming..) "

Fuckin A to that. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 4:25pm
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Best justice?!? An Eye For An Eye, that totally works, say, let's dunk Kelly Ellard's head into the Gorge for 5 minutes, so she can experience what she did to the Virk kid. I wonder if those violent episodes are caused by binge drinking hard alcohol, or whether Kelly Ellard is always prone to violent tendencies?!? - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:10pm
The Queen
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Personally, I believe in capital punishment but only if DNA evidence proves 100% that the offender is guilty. The only problem with capital punishment is that it does not act as a deterrent. The statistics from the states which condone it in the great U.S. of A. show that the death penalty does not deter anyone from killing. Mostly because these people either are sick, weirdos and figure they will never get caught or because they act out in fits of rage etc. without any thought to consequences.
But even if it doesn't act as a deterrent at least taxpayers will not have to support these scumbags for the rest of their incarcerated lives. It must be cheaper in the long run. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:48pm
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You kill unjustly, "you get got"

Best psycho control out there, and if one slips, at least they die after the first incodent, rather than become ted bundy no.2 thanks to PC righteousness.

And amen ot being drunk as fuck on that note. - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 11:20pm
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> Personally, I believe in capital punishment but only if DNA evidence proves 100% that the offender is guilty.

Ummm... she's as guilty as SIN! In any case, if this is alcohol related, then perhaps she should detox for her prison stay (not easy to do), or perhaps once she gets out she HAS to stay sober, otherwise back in prison. Why can't anyone see the pattern?!? - Sun, 20 Jun 2004 12:07am
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Not related to this post, but The Queen - nice to see you have a new nickname besides Snow White and dirty girl. Why change your name so much? - Sun, 20 Jun 2004 11:26am
Nik Olaz
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Sorry guys I don't like my tax dollars going to kill anyone... I just recently had a debate about this in my english class. Majority of the class was anti-the death penalty. Mind you that the pro side was not far behind... - Sun, 20 Jun 2004 11:40am
jay brown
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I'm totally against my tax dollars having to pay for these fucks to sit in jail forever personally. Every day that I go to work a few seconds of my day goes to pay for that.. Oh its just a few seconds you say, well thats more than I want them to get I'm all for killing them, fuck em. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 9:34am
new-wave dave
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Well if you are not talking shit, and you think someone who commits murder should die, then kill them.

And then some one will kill you.
And then of course some one must kill them.
And you can't let that person live...

Eventually we will have a society of no murderers & no people if all the killers are killed.

Is this a good way to clean up?

One day there will be an other referendum so think about it. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:40am
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Boo-Hoo PC bullshit!

Defend the murderers some more everyone... after all, it's the PC thing to do...

I'd love to hear the tune you'd be crying had this been about killing the murderer of your sister.

Give your head a shake man! - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:16pm
Nik Olaz
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I don't think anyone is "defending" the murderers. They're simply stating that two wrongs don't make a right. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:19pm
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I completely beg to differ.

Tell that to the family of the little girl raped and killed by bundy after he jumped gate for the second time, had they stuck the pig, a sorority house and a little girl would still be alive.

Personally I can't comprihend what would make any of you want cold blooded killers to live in our system only to be released... they don't deserve anything but pain and death.
Certainly not our mercy along with tax dollars that could go to meny other deserved places rather than the room and board of a killer. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:24pm
Nik Olaz
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Well i don't believe in fully mercy. I think prisons are too soft on people. Prisoners should be treated as cattle, subject them to testing for AIDS and Cancer research etc. Make some good out of the situation, they took from society, now they can give back by being our little lab rats. Killing them is just a waste of a resource that we can reap. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:31pm
new-wave dave
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You are the PEDAGOGUE OF BLASPHEMY what else would you say??? - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:32pm
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Nik: Touche'


Well if I truely had my way, I'd personally vote for public burnings or skin peelings VIA BBQ wire brushes.

Those electric chairs and injection beds look FAR too comfortable..

We need some good ol' fashioned horror to detour killing if you ask me. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 12:34pm
The Judge
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A Death Sentence would be to easy... I say keep the healthy ones and part them out as living organ donors..anybody need a kidney?... - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:20pm
The One After Two
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the reason we can't kill criminals is b/c we are a stupid and vengefull people, and sometimes we make mistakes and kill the wrong person.

Yes it would be a crappy conversation to have with the mother of the daughter who just got raped. But it is also a bad coversation to have with the mother whose daughter WE killed in a fit of vengefull fury who turns out to be innocent. oops doesn't cut it.

and c'mon, we are creative, I'm sure we can dream up punishments worse than death :) - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:59pm
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There certainly are many vengance filled vigilante types on this board. Which is exactly why we have a justice system in place. (How many of you have actually been the victims of a violent crime?) No matter what I might think, in the eyes of the Law Kelly Ellard is still innocent until proven guilty. I was accused by the RCMP of something that I didn't do. It was a relatively minor offence but still a huge hassle to convince them of my innocence. What if i had been accused of murder?
The State of Illinois recently suspended using the death penalty. Not because they were going soft on criminals but because it was proven that over 110 inmates (most of them Black by the way but that's for a whole different post) on death row were there on false charges, tampered evidence and just plain bad police work. How would you like to be David Milguard? Even though he spent 20 years behind bars at least he is still alive! - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 8:11am
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Great point, but Kelly Ellard is GUILTY. She's a heartless bitch who's already proven she won't change, and she doesn't feel any remorse, she cries for HERSELF, not for anyone she's hurt or their families. Meybe in some cases capitol punishment would have no place, but this bitch is just no fucking good. I say eye for an eye.

I have been the victim of a violent crime, and thanks to my friends and family taking the law into their own hands, the fucker got what he deserved. Our justice system would've given him a slap on the wrist and sent him on his way. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 8:30am
Brand X Jesse
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"Boo-Hoo PC bullshit!

Defend the murderers some more everyone... after all, it's the PC thing to do..."

Maybe you should take things into your own hands. Don't worry, we'll defend you once word gets out. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 9:33am
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Tragedy: see, now you're scaring me a little:
"I have been the victim of a violent crime, and thanks to my friends and family taking the law into their own hands, the fucker got what he deserved."
I'm truly sorry to hear that you have been the victim of a crime, however "taking the law into their own hands" is exactly why we have law in the first place. What is to stop the family and friends of "the fucker' deciding that maybe you were a little too harsh? What's to stop them from retaliating and coming after you and your family and friends? Ever heard of the Hatfields and the McCoys? Our justice system may not be perfect but it's considerably better than any of the alternatives. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:59pm
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This city is full of PC pussies.




DNA evidence isapparently 100%.. maye NOW is the time to reintroduce the DP when DNA evidence proves the crime.

How many kids were murdered in Canada in the last 2 years by predators.. one up in Ucuelet no less..

To the CHAIR I say! Public execution. Would make alot of us 'sad' awww.. 'sick' dont watch! 'remorseful' yah ok you go cozy up in prison with the child fucker.

Kill them and put the money saved into educating our kids better so all these Christian values we shove down their throats dont exploit their morals any longer. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 2:02pm
Rubber Box
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The chair eats money in hydro.
Burn!!!! 50 cents in gas and a match - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 3:43pm
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Troutbreath: I'm not worried about it. It was a long time ago. The whole thing is dead and gone. I think he learned a few lessons that our government can't teach. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 6:17pm
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"Maybe you should take things into your own hands. Don't worry, we'll defend you once word gets out."

Oooh how very catholic! - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 6:35pm
The Judge
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Simple,Effective and Practical....A living inventory of organs and blood....(It's in you to give!). If you want to take a life, then why not save a life/lives in the process. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 6:39pm
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"The chair eats money in hydro."

The fact is that if a criminal is sentenced to death it costs more to carry it out than it would to support them in prison 'til they die of old age, not from 10,000 volts but from lawyer fees. The criminal has the right to apeal the verdict repeatedly and never fails to do so as a last ditch effort and in states where the death penalty is legal it takes an average minimum of 10 years for the murderer to fry. What we need to do before making the death penalty a reality is fix it so that they can have no more than 1 (if that) apeal and then carry out the termination swiftly so that the family members of the victims can get the justice they deserve with out having the courts constantly bending over backwards to please the criminal. And I always wondered why they bother filling the suringes with deadly liquid for lethal injection. Why don't they just fill them with air? Same result, no cost.
And maybe they could remove the killers eye lids and post a picture of their victims in front of them during execution just to remind them why they're dying. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 6:47pm
jay brown
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Now this is all just silly, human testing, organ donors, etc.etc. Yahoo now all of a sudden were the ss and torture is o.k. I support the death penalty simply because some people are just too fucked up to ever walk the streets without harming other people, and I dont think we should have to pay for them to sit in jail forever. Killing them costs more huh, maybe the court costs, appeals and so forth, but in a maximum security prison I think it's somewhere around 60,000. a year per prisoner. I think it might actually be more but I cant remember I'm going to have to check again, I used to know those numbers. I cant say I support any of the medical tests or organ donor ideas just for the fact that were just as, if not more barbaric then. There are many ways to end a life humanely with no pain. Just because they deserve to die doesnt mean we should sink even lower and make ourselves monsters as well. But it wouldnt work because sooner or later an innocent person would die and we the people would all be at fault. I can support it in theory and say line them up against the fucking wall, but in reality......... - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 7:33pm
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Then again Jay, what if they were linked VIA DNA as mentioned above?

Why shouldn't a murderer be returned the horror favour they "gave" to their victims?

Seems only fair, no?

After all, theres no mistaking DNA...

*Oh, and 60,000 a year???? I'd love to see the "recipts" of expenses on an inmate that equal 60,000 a year... Most of us aren't even worth that much by a longshot.* - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 7:46pm
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D�d[]Sanger, I wouldn't put so much stock in DNA my friend. Hair samples can be planted, skin samples too. It only takes a drop of blood and the finger could be pointing at you. Man, some of you guys are so fucking Old Testament. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 11:13pm
jay brown
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Actually I think it's more than 60. Thats how much it costs for the gaurds and the food and the shelter and the doctors etc.etc. I do know that it's about ten grand less in minimum security.. and ya dna can be faked just put someones hair at the scene. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 11:59pm
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Damn, factor that in with those court fees and ouch!

Makes you wonder how much of our tax dollars go to support criminals...

Looks like it's at least enough to cure something out there...

And on that, I say fuck the 3 MEALS a day, bring back the GRUEL! - Wed, 23 Jun 2004 12:25am
The One After Two
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The costs of keeping a prisoner in jail is not for the tennis lessons and steak but to pay some poor fuck to sit there and make sure he doesn't get raped to often. - Wed, 23 Jun 2004 12:27pm
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