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Victoria wannabee gang member.. wtf??
Message Board > General Chitchat > Victoria wannabee gang member.. wtf??
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GangBusting Redneck Ok, I know everyone has been over this already, but this is ridiculous. I think they should set an example and try these wanabees as adults. A bunch of wiggers that THINK they are cool gangbangers or Crips do not belong in this city. I will purposely wear red in Esquimalt and I just HOPE they approach me.

Any of these punk wannabees ever post on this board? I dont know, but if you are one, watch your back, because you are just a pussy bitch and if you ever ended up in a prison with real Crips you'd be a pussy bitch with a bleeding asshole. A white Crip from Canada? HAHAHAHA GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK!! Esquimalt is MY turf.. wanna fight about it?

Cross town rivals The Bloods? HAAHAHAHAHAHAH .. BLOODS? OH MY GOOD GOD THAT IS FUNNY!!! Bloods? in Victoria HAHAHAHAHAHA.. all the BLACK people in Victoria are pretty much law abiding and respectable, not BLOODS! We dont have GHETTOS in this city.. Bloods.. hahahahahahha! Wiggers suck. Thanks RAP MUSIC for brainwarshing our white teens into thinking they are black homies.

This from the news...

"Johnson was wearing a red jacket and carrying flowers for his girlfriend when he encountered members and associates of the Crips street gang.

Crips, whose turf is Esquimalt, wear blue bandanas or other clothing while their cross-town rivals, the Bloods, wear red.

The jury has so far heard that Johnson was slightly drunk and staggering as he approached the group of young adults and juveniles gathered at the intersection. As he drew near, a youth yelled at Johnson to "take off the red," referring to Johnson's red jacket.

"I grew up in Esquimalt and you pretty much learn not to wear that colour ... it's pretty much a gang colour," testified a 16-year-old male, who was part of the group.

He was asked what was meant by the order to take off the red.

"That he should take off the red or get the hell out of there," the witness told the court.

The youth who gave the order approached Johnson and pushed him with two hands on the chest, court heard. Johnson staggered and fell to the sidewalk. He pulled himself to his feet.

Hiscock wrapped a blue bandana around his hand and punched Johnson, testified the 17-year-old male.

"He fell to the ground without even breaking his fall ... his head smashed right off the ground." - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 1:11pm
Anonymous I'd like to see these idiots try that shit in L.A. or Oakland...hell, Bellingham, for that matter. They'd get their asses handed to them. - Fri, 3 Jan 2003 12:46pm
Anonymous "all the BLACK people in Victoria are pretty much law abiding and respectable, not BLOODS! We dont have GHETTOS in this city.. Bloods.. hahahahahahha! Wiggers suck. Thanks RAP MUSIC for brainwarshing our white teens into thinking they are black homies. "


Your the fucking idiot!!! The first guy is right on!! An ass kicking works much better than trying to educate these kids. Put some fucking fear in them and the problems will stop! If they attack me I'm going to hand them their balls and eyes balls in pieces. - Fri, 3 Jan 2003 1:19pm
Anonymous HAHAHA and the kid that did the beating said he found God now?? I hate to tell him but he should have found God before this happened. If he goes to a real prison he Better believe in Jesus cause his ass will belong to Bubba!! - Fri, 3 Jan 2003 1:31pm

Fuck you, you are probably one of these wannabee gangsta wiggers if you even remotely agree that these punks shouldnt be taken out. YOU may want to read what I wrote idiot. These little punks dont deserve ANY respect. I fear for the life of these guys if they cross me, the little Blood/Crip wannabees. Maybe next time Im in California with my homeboys Ill mention to them that some Wiggers think they are black, maybe a few will come on up here with me and sort it out for real. - Fri, 3 Jan 2003 3:12pm
matt t
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i run da crips deh r da bomb dun u b mestin witcha me foo - Fri, 3 Jan 2003 4:38pm
Pink Pussy Yo,Yo,Yo,What's up .I'm the Getto Queen coming from the ghetto fabulaous. - Sun, 5 Jan 2003 10:20pm
tom metzger whats a wigger i wonder? - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 4:49am
Gordon Head Alright bee-otches... turf war... Gordon Head versus all. You all are gonna feel what 8 inches of 477 feels like in ya. Meet me at benson's. If you don't know, you don't belong. ha. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:10am
Wigger You ask what I am? I am a white suburban male, that listens to a lot of rap, and use such slang as Yo, Homie, Homeboy, etc as in "Yo Homeboy, you and mah homies are down with the hood yo!" I am in effect, a white nigger. And I dont mean to use the nigger as a racal term, but no , I use it in a cool down with the hood yo homeboys pretense. I walk, act, dance and talk like I grew up in "Da Hood" . I live a gangsta style life, Thug Life, and all my bithces are.. well.. bitches. Yo. I. Am. A. Wigger.

Most people hate me, except my homeboys. Even the black people in the projects hate me. if I ever went into a real hood wearing mah colors and my bandana, Id be eaten alive. By the children. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 11:43am
SS We have seen the glory
of the trampling at the zoo
We washed ourselves in niggers blood
and all the mongrels too
Taking down the Zog machine
jew by jew by jew
The white man marches on - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:29pm
Anonymous your fucking dead - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 1:26pm
Anonymous whiggers are the first to go - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 2:03pm
Anonymous 88 - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 2:04pm
Kate ss- that had better be a joke. do you think your funny? - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 2:43pm
gfdgfd that's no fucking joke. you're dead nazi bitch - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 4:48pm
The Voice Of Reason Well, you can blame Rap music for creating gangs in small citys if you like, It's a pretty easy way out. Sort of like Marylin Manson being blamed for the columbine shootings, or the wst memphis three (three kids, one of which are on death row for a triple homocide, and the case that is against them is the fact that they wear black jeans and metallica T-shirts in a jesus crazed small town)
So as far as music "brainwashing" kids, I don't think that theory has much merrit. Basically kids at one point use to play cowbaoys and indians; get dressed up, run and hide from eachother, pretend to kill eachother etc. Only difference is now, that they don't pretend anymore. It's a weird clockwork orange/cowboys and indians mentality that usually takes it's course on the weak and disenfranchised. Victoria doesn't have much of a problem as far as guns and violence, but that'll change in a few years. It's a small city, but it's a city nontheless.

As far as that stupid racist jingle, that's just as much of a cry for attention, it's just uglier and more cowardly than any "gang color" - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 4:56pm
Bah Jesus christ, y'all get pissed off about anti-semetic bullshit from some faceless moron. Yet most of you the slag the fuck out of each other here? Like any of you even know who the fuck it is? Rather than feed it, ignore it. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 5:01pm
judge judy As far as that stupid racist jingle, that's just as much of a cry for attention, it's just uglier and more cowardly than any "gang color" - Mon, 6 Jan 2:56pm?????????

please explain uglier and more cowardly - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 5:30pm
The Voice Of Reason Well, if people want to wear a bandana, I don't care. They want to belong, and be accepted, which is a little different than say; a white pointed sheet that is just dumb hate. Neither are too bright, but the degrees variate. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 5:38pm
Wigger I am and idiot, because I try and be that which I am not. I want to emulate the true inner city black lifestyle, even though I have no clue what the inner city life is about. I have some homies on the reserve, and they are like me ( except native ) but they at least have lived similar to that of the homies in Compton. Me, I come from Oak Bay, or Gordon Head and my parents are white middle class working folk that will buy me a Mustang 5.0 cuz my grades were good, and me I get to pretend Im a crack dealer and I bought my car selling flaps to school kids, but in reality I pay for my gas by mowing lawns and taking the garbage out. Me and my homies will wait for you in a park or outside 7-11 and you will know what the true meaning of "Swarming" is when 10 of us pile on you and smash your face in and steal your shoes.

I. Am. A. Wigger. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 7:36pm
Palestinian Guy I hate Jews. I will blow them up. I hate Yankees for supporting Jews. My Al Quaida brothers will blow them up. Die!

Or, stop taking my land, illegaly occupying my farmland, building houses on my fields and blaming it all on wars that were fought centuries ago by our blinded by religion ancestors.

I dont even care about religion, I just want some Nikes and some Coca-Cola and Im happy.

Die. - Mon, 6 Jan 2003 7:41pm
SS Fry the gang bangers, jews, and arabs. Fry the fuck out of them all. - Tue, 7 Jan 2003 10:22pm
SS One day theres gonna be a big BBQ! hehehe

Yeehaaw!!! It's a coon shootin boogy dontcha know!

The best meat in the world is human. It's illigal because it's addicting. Beware the cannabal nazi's from hell!! - Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:26pm
.... see first i thought you were just a racist fuck.... now it comes to my attention that your not.....

your just so stupid that you have no capacity to think, its not your fault you were born this way, this mentally challenged

i hope one day some one can cure you, but for now...

shut the fuck up you idiot - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 1:17am
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That "Wigger" dude just nailed it better than anyone I've ever heard! - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 1:52am
SS shut the fuck up before I kidnap and eat you. I', not racist when it comes to fresh flesh for my BBQ hahahaha - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 10:37am
Reverend Dahmer Hey SS back off my friend. I get the first pieces. - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 11:05am
Anonymous ss you are a fucking goof!!!!!! - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 11:16am
Wigger Funny how all these backwoods chumps get all pissed off when we hack the niggers, but if they ever found their white ass lost in the wrong part of town in LA they'd soon come to realize how racist the niggers are. And I dont mean normal black folk, aka african americans, who are for the most part very freindly, but I mean the real nigger, angry, mean and tough as steel, ready to kill any white ass honky that even looks in the direction of the hood. Ohh these pansy ass little Victoria kids would quickly learn to use the term NIGGER. - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 11:54am
dad SS. I think you watched American History X to many times, well at least enough to memorize those lyrics.

The rest of you white people who are appalled, by the above statements, don�t worry Jews and blacks don�t like whites as much as we don�t like them.

So be nice but always remember just cause your white doesn�t mean your right .

Also what part of town are the Bloods from. If you say Gordon head I�m going to laugh till I pee. Cause we moved out of there years ago cause we felt then Gordon head was turning into esquimalt east, and the property values were not going to get much higher. - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 2:10pm
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I think that rap music isn't totally to blame when it comes to weak minded, frightend people gathering in groups and committing violent acts (look at white supremacists as an example), but I don't think that it helps. In this day and age, the last thing we need is music that encourages ill behavior. Gangsta rap glorifies the violent criminal lifestyle, making it look fun and profitable while most of it's performers have never really been part of a real inner city street gang (it's all about the PR). I can usually find some enjoyment in most forms of music, but with rap both the subject matter and compositional value are none Existant. A monkey with a drum machine could right and sell a rap album as long as you put enough "Bling, Bling" on him and surounded him with enough "Hoochies" to make him look cool. It's kinda frightening that after a few thousand years of evolution we can still see "The Missing Link" walking around with his cro-magnun crew sporting large pants and abusing the English language. Anyway, that's my longwinded two cents. Thanks for letting me vent. - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 3:06pm
SS Dear Dad, you should look into the National Alliance before you make a fool of yourself. There are over 12 million members and supporters. All European decent!! Thats alot of fucking power my friend! Enough from Germany to pay the US debt. Plus that ex US politician that has been in Russia has another 700,000 from russia. This is the "real" scary shit. - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 5:41pm
ticklefish What a sad bunch of people who haven't read enough or spent enough time actually mingling with people who think differently.
Sure there are a bunch of "you", SS, fortunately for the rest of us, natural selection will tend to limit your reproductive success as most humans tend to run screaming from people who spout hate like that.
Get out in the world today, read a few books, get off the internet for a few minutes, go have some noodles in chinatown, go eat a taco, go travel somewhere.

Get off your useless pathetic hate filled ass and see that the only thing keeping you down is the fact that your head is full of cement! - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 6:16pm
Anonymous good advice my friend - Wed, 8 Jan 2003 6:26pm
.... okay, so maybe i would get beaten up for being white in the wrong part of L.A. or whatever, but i would rather get my ass kicked by some dumbass racist and beleive that we are all equal than live in hatred and fear of anyone different than me,

it seems kinda simple, but two wrongs DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT! - Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:20am
Anonymous I have been to NOLA, and there are places there that are worse than any in L.A., you can get shitkicked anywhere at any time....white or black we are all just traps of flesh anyways so fuck it and fucking get a life racist. - Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:23am
dad wasn't trying to be offensive.but if you wanna take it that way go ahead. - Thu, 9 Jan 2003 2:48am
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Benson used to flow me and Dust smokes til we could pay him back. Gordon Head rules, no junkies up there and a good sk8park to boot. - Thu, 9 Jan 2003 5:15pm
Anonymous there are no junkies in gordon head.hahaha, no just pill popping moms and their drug dealing kids. - Thu, 9 Jan 2003 9:06pm
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Hey hey hey. Just who are you talkin about?! It's all clean out here in Gordon Head. Trust me. Uh huh. - Fri, 10 Jan 2003 12:03am
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