I was recently interviewed for the "Do Tell" section of YAM Magazine (Sept/October, Style Issue). For editing purposes, the full interview was cut short, the link provided is the full interview.
“We weren’t necessarily going for an animal name,” Bison BC co-guitarist/ co-vocalist James Farwell tells me when I ask about the name Bison. “We’d tossed around these Godawful made up words - ‘what looks good in a good metal fo...
Grand OnStage presents the acclaimed, JUNO Award-winning band at Kingston Grand Theatre November 10
I’ve heard from numerous sources that the dance floor at the Commodore is supported by a layer of tennis balls, but I’ve never had cause to believe it until TV on the Radio unknowingly put this hearsay to the test. During a visceral tak...
The Bicycles’ Oh No, It’s Love is not the kind of record that warrants a large, wordy review filled with pretentious journalistic nit-picking. The fact of the matter is simple: Oh No, It’s Love is filled to the rim with h...
TV station brings together music artists from New York and eastern Ontario
To understand the resurgent popularity of thrash metal among a new generation of fans one need look no further than Brazilian thrash stalwarts Sepultura.
Country star brings his Campfire Troubadour Tour to the Isabel on November 16.