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Time's up George W.
Message Board > General Chitchat > Time's up George W.
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Troutbreath Is anybody besides me enjoying the spectacle of Gearge Bush begging for more time to find W of MD in Iraq. He's there with some 250,000 service people and he can't find any. Remember when Hans Blix was in there with a handful of scientists and Bush couldn't believe it was taking so long. I love this stuff. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 1:31am
Anonymous If I remember right, those weapons were found on a ship from Korea before the war started. Fucked up eh. Like if I ordered guns and shit, would I still be charged with trying to order illigal weapons? Intensions can be the crime itself. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 9:45am
Anonymous Someone in the CIA fucked up! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 9:49am
Barney Go back to Russia - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 9:52am
The Ref Gotta love it! That evil little fuck and his puppeteers (Rumsfeld et al) are all doing some serious hiding right now! Any WMD's that are found will probably have been planted. That's why Blix wants to get back in there so badly!

As for the go back to Russia comment! If it was meant to be said in a derogetory meaning, fuck you and get the fuck out of our Great, peaceful, popular, peace loving country and go back to the nazi'ist (Government Run) United States!! FUCKING WAR MONGER!!!! Of America - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 10:29am
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Does it not strike anyone as odd that the US hasnt simply planted some evidence by now?

I mean, they've done nothing but lie and deceive up to this point so why stop now?

Perhaps there waiting to claim it was moved to Iran or Syria?

Just a thought. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:12am
True Canadian Definately there Jason. I think that they are too much under the microscope to do anything sly like that. No doubt that when some are found, they will have been planted! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:27am
BigMan First of all weapons of mass descruction were only one of the reasons the US went to war with Iraq. Iraq is a country the size of California and they WMD aren't going to be found this quickly.

If Bush is lying about WMD then so is Bill Clinton and 14 Democrats who signed a letter in 1998 urging President Clinton to attack and destroy Iraq's WMD. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 7:43pm
Anonymous He Ref, there's a flight out to Russia from Vancouver tonight. Better yet, Iraq. You seem so intent on attacking an invasion that removed one of this centurys most brutal dictators. In the thirties there was a word for people like you. APPEASEMENT. But you're probably to thickheaded and stupid to kinow what that is, arent ya. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:13pm
The Ref That's it there big fella, their all lying! Anyone that understands the world, knows that the reasons for the war were two fold:

1-To gain access the the oil and flood the market to save the American Dollar from the Euro as OPEC nations were planning to switch to the EURO and now cannot because the US controls the oil that comes out of Iraq now (one of the richest countries in the world for oil).

2-To save face from their complete and utter failure of the capture of Osama Bin Laden. They needed to redirect their populations attention.

Simple, proven facts. Take a look at some of the papers supposedly written by GW. They were all actually taken from papers on internal security, written by Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. In these papers, it is apparent that the US had many alterior motives in this conflict!

Live and learn buddy! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:15pm
Anonymous "Great popular peace loving country", the ref sound like some fucking retard nationalist, or better yet, some fool american. Maybe he should go dig himself a grave beside Mussolini's, the ignorant fuck. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:17pm
Anonymous The americans devalued the dollar themselves, you tool. Any more of your cracker jack box economics and history and I'm goona puke. You've been watching too many x files episodes - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:21pm
The Ref Tis you that is the ignorant fuck! I love my country CANADA. I sincerely dislike the current US Government. They are nothing but nazi'ist bullies. You don't have to agree, but to question my loyalties is above all inane and shows your complete lack of inteligence!!!

As for the other fool, it's apparent enough, as I had a very hard time reading your rhetoric! Try thinking before you write anything you fucking idiot!

Oooh Canada!!! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:22pm
The Ref By all means you ignorant anon fuck, please do puke! At least then we won't have to listen to you, as your very small brain will have probably accompanied the little bits of bile that you threw up! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:26pm
The Ref Aside from the fact that you entirely missed the point. I never talked about a devalued dollar. I said that their dollar would have taken a huge hit on the world market had OPEC nations switched to the EURO. Get an educatiion there asshole! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:27pm
Anonymous Blah Blah Blah, keep looking in those cracker jack boxes for your "proven facts". Maye you'll find a copy of "mein kamph" in ther too, you nationalistic fuck. Your computer must be a real mess with all that shit flying out of your mouth.Try closing it. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:28pm
True Canadian Nothing worse than uneducated anon assholes eh there Ref???
This idiot is no doubt an American or wannabe American! I wouldn't put too much stock in what this kind of uneducated moron has to say. You hit the nail on the head. Saw the PBS frontline that you spoke of. They are all lying fucks, just like this poor misinformed sheep/anon idiot! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:29pm
Engineer Yup this guy is a real tool! Sounds pretty fuckin hostile too. Probably surrounded by guns, waiting to go postal on someones ass! Poor fuck! Go out and inform yourself dink! Then come back and try and be a good little maniac and play nice like the rest of us! Otherwise, FUCK OFF! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:32pm
BigMan If Americans were after the oil then why dont they go after other countries with oil that are near Iraq like Iran and Kuwait? They are over there right now so why not? Plus I haven't seen gas prices go down... - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:33pm
Anonymous I love the fools who put down America without realizing Canada had blood on it's hands too. Stup, stupid people. And "true Canadian", you of all people should know the dangers of stereotyping a group a people cause of the actions of a few of them. Go put your head back in the sand were it belongs, twit. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:38pm
The Ref All you have to do is watch. They are already looking at Iran. Lottsa meetings going on there. Iran is trying really hard not to be invaded! as are several nations in that area! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:45pm
Anonymous You goofs are not logged in either, you're just as anonymous as the rest of us, you hypocrites. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:45pm
True Canadian No stereo typing. The current US government is dangerous. So are the people that support it! There in lies the only stereo type. As for blood on Canadian hands, not in Iraq! No Canadian took an Iraqi life!

Watch how the world turns now! If the US continues it's bullying ways, there will soon be no UN and that means trouble! That should be obvious to most! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:46pm
The Ref Not true. I am a regular on this board. Anyone that knows my handle can go back and get my info in previous posts! Same with TC, Teacher, JB, WOH and many others. You are the true anon! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:49pm
Anonymous How come you guys never say anything bad about Saddam Hussien??? You guys are fucking unreal... - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:50pm
The Ref Bad Sadam! Bad bad! There you go! And your right, the guy was a maniac and deserved to be tossed. But is should have been the UN and the Iraqi people that did it. Aren't you tired of the US being the worlds concience! I know I am! What next, oh Canada's is getting out of hand, we should help them too!! - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 8:51pm
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I shouldn't even bother with this, but so far The Ref is more right than anyone else.... - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 10:06pm
Troutbreath "Go back to Russia"

One of the things I appreciate about the Canadian system of Government is the concept of a "Loyal Opposition". It's their job to disagree. We make a point of calling them loyal so there is no confusion. Americans I know really don't understand this. They don't understand how you can disagree but still be loyal to your country. Debate gets stiffled by the need to be "patriotic". It's getting worse there now. Canada is a much healthier place because of this dialogue.....oh and for me to go back to Russia I'd have to have been there in the first place. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:14pm
Barney I wrote the "Go back to Russia" bit just to get your knickers in a knot. It's from the Simpsons when Lisa tries to stop everone at Homers BBQ from eating the pig with the apple in it's mouth by serving tomato paste, and Barney tells her to "go back to Russia". Wholly fuck some of you people need a sense of humour. Funny how worked up some of you got though, it was worth the laugh.Lighten up. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:24pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian US apologists; US foreign policy is rarely, if ever, about doing things out of the goodness of their hearts. True Saddam was a very bad and nasty man, but there are probably 30-40 similar bad and nasty men running countries else where in the world (i.e. the Myanmar republic aka Burma, a good chunk of Africa, other Arab states etc). Is the US going to invade them and replace their leaders? I don't think so. I'd bet good $ that they won't as long as they remain "friendly" to the American agenda or keep their borders open for doing business with US companies. And see, that's the bottom line. Pre World War 2, the US government (as well as the majority of relatively developed western economies) had little trouble doing business with Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy. Why? Because, they were open for trade and a profit could be made. US companies STILL did business with Nazi Germany after they annexed Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary, and invaded Poland, Belgium, Holland, France etc, and were looking to take out Britain. There was a considerable lobby in the US who wanted to stay out of the war as long as it didn't affect the bottom line. That may not have been called "appeasement" in the Chamberlainenian tradition, but was pretty much the same thing. Let's face it, no one's gonna miss Hussein, and Iraq may indeed be a much better place, but to have credibility as a world "leader" you need to be consistent. If not, you risk escalating conflict between people and making the world a whole lot more dangerous in the long run.............. Now if the Bush led US government did something about the Myanmar republic etc I might not be so skeptical.......... - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:55pm
The Ref Thank you for the last three WISE posters! Glad to see that I'm not the only one without blinders on!

Great threads guys! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:57am
Bong In the end it's all about money and the psudeo-power that comes with it..that's sad....and they call me a criminal for growing a plant??? - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:49am
Anonymous Imagine the shit that they have done that none of us will ever know about??? Yup, Bong hit it on the head! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:53am
Troutbreath This is maybe a little off the topic but hey it's my thread dammit.

I'd like to know more about CSIS and their role in the Air India bombing. There are many questions by the RCMP about what CSIS knew and when they knew it. They apparently had a mole in place who was central to the events. CSIS is said to have erased tapes made by them of conversations between the plotters. These tapes may have shown that CSIS could have had enough evidence for the RCMP to move in before the bombs were planted. All the people on the plane might have been saved if it weren't for the animosity between the RCMP and CSIS. That's what I'd like to know more about. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:58am
Anonymous ref, it's not a competition. you can zip your fly back up. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:07pm
The Ref What a totally inane and off the subject remark that was there anon. Can't follow a topic??? Attention span seems to be a big problem for you??? I love some of the retorts that appear on this board. You on the other hand, obviously have nothing interesting to say! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 1:06pm
Anon386 More exciting anti US ramblings. The US with their large and dominant government certainly find their way into plenty of foreign issues and always fall flat in resolving them by trying to apply domestic and antiquated methods an d morals. They are not alone in having touble dealing with global economic issues. Our government has a relatively easy job since 80% of our trade is with the US. We simply have little say or authority to criticise in our position. Canada as a member of the UN does however. I think we should consider joining the EU and force those idiot pomies to do the same. Most americans I know are no more interested in fighting for oil than any of us. In fact most americans will never leave their country in their lifetime. I have read that only about 7% do. The same wealthy 7% with ancestry to europe. The same lot who killed millions of natives in taking over north and south america. Recent ancestry and history for most of us. We can't say shit. Go USA.. it won't matter. Whoever has the power will get the blame. Since when has there been a peaceful superpower. Has a superpower ever not collapsed? - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 1:59pm
The Ref Well said there anan386! I agree that we should look at joining the EU. That would scare the shit out of the US. A few steps from their military coming to "Help" us! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 2:29pm
some girl... Did anyone see Scott Ritter's lecture in Novemeber? He was one of the select weapons inspectors. He quit in 1998 because of his frustration with the US gov't sending them in to get files for "regime removal." He said that all the weapons have been accounted for (97%). I'm pretty sure that another inspector is coming in the end of June to UVic. Ref: you must go! Actually, everyone here should go! It's pretty hard to just read/listen to news as an outsider and get a decent perspective (that goes w/out saying). - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 2:39pm
Sum Ting Wong Dont forget about us round eye... - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 2:51pm
Anonymous ref, no need to get your defenses all up. when you do, you just prove what has been said about you. anyways, if you get the perception that i have nothing interesting to say it's because it's all been said before. when you write something original with a little thought and respect behind it, then i will read it objectively. until then, it's all just chest beating. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 2:52pm
The Ref It was you that has been treating this like a competition. Whetever anyone says about me, I (for the most part) really enjoy most of the dialogue that goes on here. I just don't enjoy someone straying from the topic at hand to slag! I didn't create a thread that was calling anyone out, simply stating the facts (as I know them), as well as my points of view.

It was you that had to bring insults to this otherwise entertaining convo! If you find that we are all rehashing something that you have a complete understanding of, why join the convo at all??? I would rather listent to your points of view then listen to your slagging of others. I don't really care what others think of me and my opinions. That's the great thing (as a past poster said) about this country, we can agree to disagree. Loyal oposition.

Some Girl, that's sounds like a really informative forum. I would definatley attend. Any ideas as to when it is??? And thanks for the heads up! Maybe I'll see you there? - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:09pm
Video replay While I agree with much of what the ref has to say, I must say that he sounds like a comlete fucking dickhead when he says it. Me thinks he needs anger management and a little work on his social skills. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:14pm
The Ref Actually VR, I am in the public, dealing with people on an hourly basis. 98 percent of the people that I deal with find me to be an honorable, honest, forthright individual with a very laid back attitude. No anger. Peace loving. I may get worked up about some of the topics here, and true enough, I sometimes let people get the better of me, but hey, that's why we're here right!

So take your anger management and put it where the sun don't shine!

Have a wonderful day! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:17pm
Klog sounds like video replay is the dickhead in this convo at this point. i hate fucking slaggers. fucking tard! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:24pm
Anonymous klog, hyprocrisy doesn't look good on you.

ref, you to. here's a few examples of your impressively crafted insults i found by simply scrolling upwards:

"Tis you that is the ignorant fuck! ... You don't have to agree, but to question my loyalties is above all inane and shows your complete lack of inteligence!!!"

"As for the other fool, it's apparent enough, as I had a very hard time reading your rhetoric! Try thinking before you write anything you fucking idiot!"

"By all means you ignorant anon fuck, please do puke! At least then we won't have to listen to you, as your very small brain will have probably accompanied the little bits of bile that you threw up!"

"Get an educatiion there asshole!"

that last one was actually kind of funny for all the wrong reasons. now how am i supposed to take you seriously. you say you're hear for contructive conversation but you contribute to making it anything but. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:39pm
tunesmith In every case that I have seen the ref slag, it has been because someone slagged him first. I generaly find him to be funny in an irritating sort of way. But he's usually more right than wrong. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:46pm
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Go back to Russia... - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:49pm
Anonymous i don't believe i've said anything about the ref being right or wrong and if i had to say something on that i would say that most of his points are valid; however, right and wrong are completely separate issues from the methods of constructive debate. you can't demand a decent conversation and than lower the bar by doing that which you've been complaining about. people's opinions appear much more valid when they can ignore slags and stick to the issue. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:01pm
True Canadian In defence of the ref, I too would fight fire with fire. Right or wrong, it's an appropriate response. If someone hits you, do you crawl away unchallenging, or do you stand up and hit'em back as hard as you can?? I would smite the fucker, so the ref stands up for himself, thats more than I can say for many others. he enteres a debate with the right idea but when someone takes it to an insulting level, he dishes it out as good as he gets it. he has one of the most piercing tongues on this board. seem him shut down asholes with a couple of sentances, never to be heard from again. keep it up there ref! dont lett'em push you around! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:20pm
tunesmith Okay, I should have said "Credible" rather than right or wrong. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:26pm
Troutbreath Gentlemen, Gentlemen, no fighting in the War Room! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:26pm
The Ref LOL!!!!!!! Very funny! Gave me a good hearty chuckle!!! - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:27pm
Anon386 The fighting fire with fire mentality is exactly why wars take place. There is no need to respond to someone who resorts to personal slags. It proves nothing about your character.

You are a fool for talking to one. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:51pm
Anonymous true canadian, the easy thing to do when someone attacks you is come up with the first witty thing you can. the more challenging and effective thing is ignoring it. i mean, if you're here to joke around than by all means let the insults fly around but if you're here for constructive conversation, which i believe the ref has stated many times, than crafting comebacks really plays no role. of course, if you don't strike back than you are not much of a man and the girls won't ooh and aah over you and you'll end up driving a ridiculously looking car while pumping annoying music and driving with one hand and your arm stretched as far out in front of you as possible with a permanent snarl on your face. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 4:59pm
some girl... Ref--> I'll find out tonight (who/when/etc is coming to Uvic) and post it tomorrow. I'm definatly going to it. Anyone who slagged you should come so they can get their facts straight!! (or may be I'll get my facts straight! hhe hheeee) - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 6:27pm
True Canadian I was talkin words not war! I used the hitting someone as an example all be it a poor one. I think that people of passion can't help but defend themselves when attacked. that doesn't make them any less inteligent! It makes them passionate. The world would be a better place with people with a little more passion. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 8:35pm
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If you come on LiveVictoria and say _anything at all_, you should expect massive verbal abuse... I see nothing wrong with developing a sharp wit in defense....

But "fuck off, homo" isn't exactly sharp wit.... - Thu, 12 Jun 2003 3:15am
Anonymous I know that I am staggered when someone uses that line! - Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:33am
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