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Bike to Work Week!
Message Board > General Chitchat > Bike to Work Week!
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Hey you cyclists! (You annoying bastards)

Read these rules and abide by them!

Stop signs and red lights apply to you too!

You want to share the road?

Provincial Motor Vehicle Act
Section 183 of the provincial Motor Vehicle Act identifies the rights and duties of a cyclist when riding on the roadway. Important rules to remember are:

No Sidewalks: cyclists are not permitted to ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted by the City.

No Crosswalks: cyclists are not permitted to ride in crosswalks unless otherwise posted by the City. (So stop and dismount or I will run you over!)

Hand Signals: cyclists must signal all turns as well as their intention to stop or slow down.

Ride on the Right: cyclists must ride as near as practical to the right of the roadway. However, you may wish to occupy a full lane when you are traveling at the same speed as other traffic to make yourself visible to motorists. (Which we all know never happens so stay the fuck out my lane; you can't keep up with cars)

Single File: cyclists are prohibited from riding side-by-side on the roadway. (Yeah...spandex wearing numb nuts I told you so)

Lights: all bicycles used between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise must be equipped with a front light, a red rear light and a red rear reflector.

This is for all the cyclists who constantly disobey traffic rules...

I and a few other people are setting out to get ICBC to make it mandatory for cyclists to have road tests and licenses, and insurance, so when they cause accidents, they will be held liable! Cause if a cyclists scrapes the side of your car in passing how can you explain to the cops who they are? If they had license plates on the back of their bikes their insurance will pay for it! Not us! - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 5:10pm
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How about getting on a bike and getting a little exercise yourself, *Bounce*?
:-) - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 5:25pm
trevor corey
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Daj, biking to work.^^^ - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 5:59pm
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Ewe! I highly doubt he works lol...yeah yeah I dig the fat comment! Anyway I have one more thing to ad, Cyclist (not all) are a danger to us and them selves, being that I have to drive down Warf Street everyday I encounter a lot of them, most of them don't follow traffic safety rules, like the Johnson Street bridge! They are supposed to get off the bike and walk across the train part, there are signs everywhere that states that, but no, they ride across the car part and hold up traffic.... why should I have to slow down, or even stop in the middle of the road for these ignorant fucks? When it comes down to me or you guess who's going to win? I refuse to go into oncoming traffic and risk my safety just to get around two cyclists riding side by side having a conversation and leaving no room for cars to pass.... oh and yes I know people in cars can be idiots too....but this is about cyclists....( the ignorant ones) ... - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 7:57am
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Sounds like you got fucked over by a negligent cyclist recently? - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 8:16am
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Actually, if you look closer at the signs on the Johnson St. bridge, cyclists may either dismount & cross on the ped/bike path, or take a full lane to cross the bridge on the roadway.

And riding as close as practical to the right of the lane will entail riding far enough into to lane to avoid doors opening on parked cars or being hooked by cars turning right ahead of your bicycle. Cars, of course, may always pass a bicycle on the right when safe to do so.

See you on the road, Bounce! - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 8:37am
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What gives a cyclist the right to pass a car on the right when a car is turning right? A car can't do that; so as far as I'm concerned if a car hits you when it's turning it's your fault for trying to pass...cyclists don't stop for pedestrians at crosswalks either! I have seen a few occasions a pedestrian almost get hit by a bike, and yes you are supposed to ride as far to the right as possible, and maybe try shoulder checking when a parked car is coming up! Before darting in front of a moving vehicle and causing us to swerve to avoid hitting you! Yeah see you on the road Bryn! Muah ah I know you...your my boyfriends and yes I have been recently fucked around by a cyclist, actually almost daily I witness at least one stupid act of ignorance...I know i'm not the only one who sees it! i'm just "Bounce" I bitch about everything! - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 9:39am Edited: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 9:46am
Masturbating The War God
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Can you post the rules and regulations for Motor Vehicles too?
From what I've seen I'm a lot more worried about morons behind the wheel than people on a bike.

Maybe I'm a minority, but seriously, I have never had to jump out of the way of a bike as a pedestrian. Cars on the other hand and the drivers who think they own the road... - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 3:37pm
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I'm not so much worried about my safety, more about having to pay more insurance if I hurt a cyclist that makes a bonehead move. I just wanted to post the rules because I highly doubt half the cyclists on the road know them and if they do, they don't use them! Come on now, I agree a lot of Victoria drivers are really bad, but you can’t argue the fact that most cyclist don’t know how to share the road with cars! Stand on Warf Street for an hour and tell me how many cars or disrupted or blocked or held up by cyclists… or on the corner of Haultain and Cedar hill and tell me how many of them run through that four way stop and don’t even look for cars in the intersection! I have almost mucked a few in those places. - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 4:47pm
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"road tests and licenses, and insurance"

Oh god, no. ICBC has proven to be a corrupt and bloated institution. Let's not add more bureaucracy here.

As well, by a nearly infinite ratio vehicle drivers are responsible for the greatest amount of damage on the road, dollar and human suffering-wise.

If you're not at fault, your insurance shouldn't increase. - Tue, 3 Jun 2008 5:21pm Edited: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 5:22pm
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The thing that gives a cyclist a right to pass a car on the right is called a BIKE LANE. If you are turning right across a bike lane, and you cut off or hit a cyclist, you are at fault. You are also, as a driver, not allowed to crowd to the right and drive over a solid white line as you approach your right turn. An exception to this would be dedicated right hand turn lanes that cross over a bike lane, where the bike lane has dashed lines, like on Fort st. In this case, crossing the bike lane has the same rules applied as any lane change. If there is a bike next to you you have to solw and wait for it to pass by.

If there is NO bike lane, and a cyclist passes you on the right while you make a right turn, they are at fault.

Drivers AND cyclists need to learn the rules of the road, especially for making right turns so less cyclists end up getting the "right hook".

Drivers also need to realize that a bike has a right to be there, and to take up a full lane if there is no bike lane available. The bike is considered a slow moving vehicle. The driver has no "right" to be able to pass the cyclist until it is safe to do so, and must leave a minimum of 1 meter between his/her car and the cyclist. Aggresive passing of bikes by impatient, aggresive drivers causes a lot of hurt or dead cyclists.

I'm not saying there isn't a lot of bonehead cyclists on the road in this town, (most of whom are highly fashionable on their brakeless fixies, carrying their helmets on their handlebars so they don't mess up their hair while on their way to pick up a coffee at habit)
I just think the bigger problem is the lack of drivers who know the rules for cyclists.

It'd be good to make every driver ride a bike in downtown traffic for an hour as part of getting a license. That'd change the way a lot of people drive around bikes. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 12:17am
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i cycle to work. i always find bike to work week pretty funny. i call it "race to work week". for one week hundreds of people seem to get the lance armstrong syndrome. i got passed by this rotund dude on shelbourne this morning. he was huffing away and given'r until he got to the big hill in fernwood. i rode by him at my regular pace...a mile later he comes roaring by me again and then we both stopped for a red light...light goes green and he's pedaling for all he's worth. i guess he beat me? this week is definitely good for a chuckle. you can find dumbasses on 2 legs, 2 wheels, four wheels, in medichairs and wheelchairs. any mode of transportation can go awry if the operator isn't safe. no point stressing about it though. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 9:38am
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true... I have to agree with that! I was hit by a Medi-Chair scooter in Safeway once! I was picking out bananas and this guy floored it in reverse into me and took a big chunk of skin off the back of my ankle..hit my shopping cart and knocked my son flat on his ass!...I know he felt bad ...but fuck did that hurt!...both of us! I just smiled and limped away carrying my son! - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 12:46pm
Soap Dodger
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There are just as many dumbass drivers and pedestrians as their are cyclists. And there have to be better things to get worked up about than being delayed by cyclists on the busiest tourist street in town. You might as well bitch about the horse drawn carriages and kabuki cabs while you're at it - and the pedestrians that walk blindly across the street. If you're impatient or in a hurry that is not the route you want to be taking. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 1:33pm
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I live there, not much of a choice! ..I could sell my car and buy a bike, and then I could ride side by side with those that I loathe! And shoulder check them and knock them down...woo hoo! Hey I bitch about everything remember! I hate drivers and pedestrians just as much as cyclists. I hate all equally! It just happens to be bike to work week, not cross the road or drive week! - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 2:40pm Edited: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 2:41pm
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So 'Bounce' . . . from reading your posts, I gather you;

1. have lost some paint to a cyclist you didn't leave enough room to.
2. have been "fucked around" by a cyclist
3. have been inconvenienced by other people's right to be on the road
4. have been mowed down by a Medi-Chair
5. own a car that is worth little more in trade than a bicycle.

Hmmmm . . . maybe karma is punishing you for being so negative? - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 7:56pm
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Nah superslacks, from what I gather Bounce seems to have similar issues that any driver has with the 7 out of 10 cyclists that fuck around. Cars'n'bikes both have a right to the road, it's that most cyclists (and some drivers) don't adhere to the rules, plain and simple. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 7:31am
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bounce, i think you need to watch some "Rad"... - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 8:41am
Mystery Guest
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As a cyclist myself I have to agree with some of thing's that bounce says. But also disagree with some of thing's that were said.
I cycle everywhere and I cycle a lot. I usually average around 200-500km's a week. Bike to work week is the week I usually stay off of my bike and walk everywhere or take the bus.

I have to comment on the Johnson street bridge as bounce made a comment. I am not sure if people have noticed but there are very cleraly marked sign's indicating that a bicycle must occpuy the entire lane of traffic either way on the bridge deck. Yes it's annoying to traffic, but it's the safest way for a cyclist to ride across the birdge.
If you are going to ride on the pedestrian side, yes get the fuck off of your bike and walk.

Also there are some road ways, such as Bay street way you are leaglly allowed to take the entire lane of traffic. There are sign's from Quadra street to just after Government street, then a bike lane starts.

I do find it annoying as a cyclist if I am going the speed of traffic or faster to be passed or nearly run off the road by a car to only have them stop at a red light one block up. Then have it happen again and again.

Some of the thng's I have seen cyclists do this week already is astounding and boneheaded. Try and be safe people. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 9:14am
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It's funny; I always get off and walk across johnson st. bridge and I always feel like a complete tool doing it. I've never seen anybody else do it! But hey, the sign is clear so I do it. It's good to see some other people acknowledge the sign too, because I really feel self conscious every time I cross that bridge. Fucking cyclists seem pissed I'm taking up so much of the path by walking my bike. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 4:58pm
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Bounce is coming... - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 6:22pm Edited: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 6:32pm
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HAHAHA! No offense Bounce but that's fucking funny shit. - Fri, 6 Jun 2008 8:30am
trevor corey
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My clients would freak out if I tried to bike to work for a week. - Fri, 6 Jun 2008 3:34pm
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I hate that picture. As a cyclist, it makes me feel kinda sick.
It's from a race a few days ago in Northern Mexico, and some drunk american guy fell asleep at the wheel and smashed right into the peloton. One of those guys in that picture is dead in the air......
Goes to show how bad the cyclist loses against a car. - Sat, 7 Jun 2008 9:18pm
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I wouldn’t plow into a whole pile of them! Anyway, I knew this post was going to get under SOME peoples skin…as most of my post do, because I’m very opinionated and never shut up about the stupidity I see, as you may read this was not about ALL cyclist just the bonehead idiot ones, and even cyclists know, that they are out there!!! A lot of them! And I as a parent have every right to bitch about people who make the road unsafe for my son and me, I was driving just yesterday up Skinner Street and there were two cyclists riding side by side! There was also a parked van coming up…now let’s play a little game called what did the idiot cyclist do??? Any guesses? How many of you think they shoulder check to see if I was there? ……ehhhh wrong. How many of you think they went to single file and shared the road with me??? …..ehhhh wrong again….the stupid fucks went right in front of me still side by side, causing me to slam on my breaks while they passed the parked car….yes I have a huge problem with cyclists, and no …I’ve never had my paint job on my new car which yes costs a lot more than a bicycle scratched by a ignorant cyclist, and If I did I’m sure you would here about it on the news! Under the caption “ Crazy woman shoves handle bars up unsuspecting cyclists ASS!” thank you…. - Sun, 8 Jun 2008 7:47am
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(from the perspective of a former driver and current avid cyclist...)

i think a lot of these problems could be lessened, if not fully resolved, if cars and cyclists stopped thinking of each other as enemies. - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 5:36pm
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Saw a great one today.
Buddy is riding along in front of the legislative building crossing douglas st, old raleigh, basket, no helmet, highly fashionable....
He comes up behind another woman on a bike who's waiting at the lights. What does he do? He veers over to the right to ride up the pedestrian ramp then just as the light is turning green he rides off the curb and cuts off the other woman on the bike, completely oblivious. He the proceeds to veer to the left enough to make the first car starting up from the light have to hit the brakes, veers back in front of the other cyclist, and up the pedestrian ramp on the other side, almost hitting an old woman. He then starts riding up the sidewalk towards the wax museum, but decides to cut back over off the curb onto the road just in time to cut off the other cyclist a third time. She has to swerve to avoid him, and the car in the lane has to veer left.
The woman on the bike finally passes him, and says something to him as she goes by. As we go by him in our van, he's glaring ahead at her like she's the worlds biggest bitch. Totally clueless. Unbelievable.

Cyclists like that make the rest of us look bad - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 8:13pm Edited: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 8:14pm
Special Agent Jackass
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People love to bitch about bicyclists. I could go on a rant about the environment, mortality rates caused by drivers, bad drivers in general, but really - As long as people in their 80s are still allowed behind the wheel, people on bikes are the least of any body's problem. I don't recall hearing about any urban market that ended up in death and injury from some person on a bike. Old people are a danger to us all. I've lived in James Bay - I know first hand the anarchy that is mid-day traffic for those unfit license holders.

In all seriousness of the argument overall - I think Joni is the only one that truly makes sense. - Wed, 11 Jun 2008 2:47am
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In all seriousness.
What Joni said is definitely a first step. A positive attitude doesn't give people driving/cycling skills or a knowledge of the rules of the road though.
Getting more people on bikes is the best and cheapest way for cities to solve a whole bunch of conjestion and environmental/pollution problems. The bike is the most efficient way to transport a human payload ever invented, even more than walking.
One of the main things that prevents a lot of people from commuting by bike in cities is a fear of being hurt in traffic. - Wed, 11 Jun 2008 9:08am
trevor corey
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I drive across the J-Street Bridge many times per day. The rule is, NO PASSING BIKES. I don't really mind getting "stuck" behind one for the extra twenty seconds or so. Bicyclists tend to have great asses. - Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:31pm
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I saw that! I was wrong!...I was looking at the side of the bad! don't like looking at their asses....there's just something about spandex shorts that just doesn't do it for me! - Fri, 13 Jun 2008 9:39am
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