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New Bitchfork Track "Hangover Jug"
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > New Bitchfork Track "Hangover Jug"
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Hey Guys,

We are done most of the mixing for "Hangover Jug", please let us know what you think, what EQs/volumes you would change would be sweet. I don't have as many sets of speakers as all of you do :)!

Music by Bitchfork 2007
Produced and engineered by Tim Vaillancourt, drum tracks by Gordie and Matt from Audio Garage on Discovery.

Thanks for checking it out! - Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:48pm
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*cricket sound*

good? bad? ok? - Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:51pm
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hehe 57 views and no replies..

i left a comment on your myspace.

I'd have to listen to it again tho to give it an accurate and honest crit.

i think i might bump my thread.. 100 plus views and a 1 reply!

*crickets* - Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:53pm Edited: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:54pm
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"*cricket sound*
good? bad? ok?"

Mama always sed "if you can't say sumthin' nice..."

Seriously though, change your name, it's gayer than Battlegrim. - Mon, 31 Dec 2007 6:09pm
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the guitars sound too grainy. the stereo separation between them is really extreme and distracting. their tone settings are way too similar. the synthesizer sounds like it's had some sort of band-pass filter applied in a bad way or too much reverb or something. nothing really stands out in the mix, it feels like a lot of things are occupying the same area of the frequency spectrum. I don't hear a lot of bass presence. the drums sound really tinny, like you didn't use a lot of different mics. I'm not big on the vocal style but they sound good in the mix. it's really cool at 2:40 and on.

I seriously know very little about mixing and mastering so I'm just trying to give the honest opinion you're looking for. I think using a parametric equalizer on each track and looking for the sweet spots that "need to stand out" will help separate each of the tracks and create something that doesn't sound so... direct. oh, that's another thing! I didn't realize it until now. the guitars sound really direct, like you only close-mic'd the cabinet or recorded them with a direct box or something. you might want to re-record them with an additional mic or two (either further from the cab or pointed away from it) or just apply some sort of slight reverb to make them sound more organic and more homogeneous with the rest. - Wed, 2 Jan 2008 1:45am
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Hmmm, I guess I've got some work to do. We actually used 12 mics on that kit, so my bad for making it sound tinny, Audio Garage did a superb job.

Guitars are a little too intrusive and grainy, it was the idea mostly, make em sound very "hangover". Same with the keys, we used a Korg Triton string ensemble and pumped it through an old 80's Peavey Rockmaster Tube Guitar Preamp, and distorted the crap outta it, then compressed the over-dynamicness off that track. I'll try messing with the guitar more, smooth it out and more volume work could be needed, less polar opposite panning. but I think we are happy with the keyboard, it sounds ugly, and thats what we wanted, lol :P We did in fact only close mic on this song for guitars.

Thanks for 2:40 comment, that one little vocal bit took soo long, tonnes of distortion, delay and reverb on that one line of vocals. I was hoping someone would notice that.

Wow, metal is hard to mix. Thanks for the opinions though, I appreciate the constructive comments a lot. - Wed, 2 Jan 2008 8:36pm
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Mixing is a really personal thing and what you want is way more important than what some stupid kid named Tyler on livevictoria thinks, haha. - Thu, 3 Jan 2008 1:00pm
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I know shit about this, volume uh(:. The key passage/intro were it sounds like the merrymaking(precurser to hangoverjugs)I like. As far as key volume in the meat, It kinda masks the contemptous guitar sound you worked so hard on wich is awesome. Drums sound clear and crisp. Good track, no free download wtf:D - Thu, 3 Jan 2008 5:35pm
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I thought it was awesome. I know best.

Anyways.. like many other have said.. Bitchfork as a name does NOT work.

I don't care if it's funny, unique or anything.. you can find a unique name that relates to the imagery assumed by your music. Your music means much more than just "joking around".. you guys know you can do better with the names (including hangover jug). Remember what is a huge part of what draws listeners is.. image. - Fri, 11 Jan 2008 12:43am
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lol yeah guys, forget about the music... you need to be worrying about your marketability first.

you guys are a chill band regardless of what you're called, fuck what these people say. - Fri, 11 Jan 2008 1:16am
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It's fine that you don't understand. This band isn't an trve kvlt band, i'm sure they want more than 100 fans and to get their music heard outside of Victoria.

It's not only marketability but if you put some artistic thought into the band. Not only the name but if you made the Myspace more interesting to look at (Wether you like them or not look at Blind Guardians or Dimmu Borgirs Myspace..)

And fine than Bryan fuck what these people say. Do not like 99% of local bands, improve your recording quality or anything. Hell you can be like 99% the bands in Victoria, suck ass and never get an audience.

And this doesn't seem like a "chill" band.. A "chill" band just plays their music for fun without any intelligent thoughts. However I can see this kind of music becoming very serious and acclaimed, perhaps even timeless if more of an artistic direction was put in outside of it.

Last of all, I don't want to sound harsh or anything but i'm just trying to help this music get heard by more people, since it's great. - Fri, 11 Jan 2008 4:28pm
The Coug
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What books can I read to become as enlightened about the spirit of metal as you? I need to know NOW!!! - Fri, 11 Jan 2008 8:56pm
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By "chill" I meant good. I'm sure Bitchfork know what they're doing and that if they decide to be worried about people "taking them seriously" they will change their name, but who are you to tell them what directions their band should be taking? A name like Bitchfork is no more ridiculous than tons of the generic metal band names out there, it's not THAT big of a deal when the music is still worthwhile.

Oh, I'd like to add that if you're seriously more likely to listen to a band based on how good their myspace looks, you have no business listening to metal. - Sat, 12 Jan 2008 1:41am Edited: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 2:23pm
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The right that I have is that I am a critic, I am allowed to say what will make a band better, that's the point of constructive criticism.

Second of all, I never congratulated generic metal band names out there. Names like "Cattle Decapitation or Jesus Crusher" are terrible.

Furthermore I don't think it has anything to do with knowing what metal is; this can apply to any genre. If I stroll into a record store, theres a great chance if I am randomly picking an album I am going to choose one that has a well-done album cover and name over one that does not.

If I am browsing myspace the same applies, human beings base things off of visual perception (just look how shallow males are).

The funny part is i've found a lot of shitty bands also are not artistic, so a lot of the time they choose awful album covers or names.

** I am not all applying this to Bitchfork. Bitchfork isn't a bad name but I don't think it suits the nature of the music. Hangover Jug doesn't suit the images created from sound either. Lastly i'm sure when the demo is released the myspace will be different but I wasn't complaining about it, just giving some tips. - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 1:02am Edited: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 1:03am
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Hey Guys, thanks for the responses! Bitchfork is a name playing mostly on how lame every metal band's name is. I feel our current band name means just as much as about 95% of metal bands names. The difference with ours is you can read our logo, instead of a logo that looks like someone dropped a can of white paint onto asphalt, for the people who seem to car a lot about image.

All this aside, we ARE re-naming the band, and we feel that we are serious, dare I say artistic musicians. We have matured a lot since the writing of this album, and have changed some members, so we are stoked to write a whole new set of songs. We decided that these new songs, combined with our old songs will name our band.

We feel (or maybe just me) that you may as well call your band something pointless until it has a point, I feel if we renamed our band to be what people expect like "Devoured Flesh" or something equally as pointless and metal-cliche, that was a bigger waste of time and effort. Our name will be relevant and have a point, or won't at all I guess.

Til then enjoy the tunes! I think thats the point of music anyhow. - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 1:02pm
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"I feel if we renamed our band to be what people expect like "Devoured Flesh""

Why the hell would anyone expect a name like that from a band like yours? Who are these people you refer to?
Last time I listened to your music you didn't play gore/grind.

That being said, I'm glad to hear you are dropping the Bitchfork monicker. I look forward to hearing new material because you clearly have a lot of potential. - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 2:11pm
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Not bad.
It's a little hard to tell from a shitty myspace stream but it sounds decent. It might be a little cluttered frequency wise, but I'm sure the PCM version sounds much better. Maybe post a link so we can hear a proper quality mixdown? - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 2:39pm
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Very true, myspace compresses songs really funny. You lose any low or high frequencies, which most compression doesn't do this this extent. Does anyone know a good solution for this, I was toying with the idea of uploading a lower bitrate mp3, say 128 kbps instead of 192 and see if myspace compresses it less, still have been to lazy though.

I will see what I can do about getting a mp3 on our website or maybe even a wav, they are like 50 MB though, lol.

Thanks again. - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 8:19pm
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Right on guys - Mon, 14 Jan 2008 8:02am
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