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White cowbell, watermelons, chainsaws, dead rabbits...
Message Board > Show Reviews > White cowbell, watermelons, chainsaws, dead rabbits...
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Eula Gee
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Fun show, lots of people who make my choice of not drinking solid!
We've been wondering tho, the woman with the toque with the flowery thing on the side, she was in the front mashing peoples faces into her chest, what was she on? because we just couldn't figure it out. She was loooving life though.

ANYHOO, first band, instrumentals were good, not a fan of the screamie emo.

Second band was a huge improvement, Definatly in need of a key tar, as most bands are, but did quite well in the on-the-bar-solo. I can't find their names, I'm sure I'll be corrected when someone jumps on me for my inquiries re: really fucked up flowery-toque thinger lady.

White cowbell was pretty awesome-i-tron, I was disapointed by the lack of band nudity, I heard a wonderful rumour that the last time they were in town, one of the guitarists whipped out his wiener and played the slide guitar with his ding-a-ling, Thats the real reason my husband and I paid the 12 bucks, well, that and for chainsawed watermelon.

By the end of the night, it smelled like a sumo wrestler ate a bunch of watermelon took a crap on a pile of burning tires, so we bolted and followed some guy chasing some girl up the street professing his love, only to ask her what her name was when she told him to bugger off.

Thats about it, I am just writing a review on the way to tinkle maybe someone else could do a better jeorb. - Sat, 3 Jun 2006 8:01am Edited: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 8:01am
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I liked the giant hotdog playing mexican trumpet.. Then he gets wrestled by the half dressed vixen in the mexican wrestling mask. Ive never seen 10 people on stage at once in Lucky and the giant hotdog made it 11. Watermelon and chainsaw exhuast everywhere.. what a crazy smell! - Sat, 3 Jun 2006 12:14pm Edited: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 12:14pm
Vegas J
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Best $15 buckeroos of entertainment! Went on a recommendation from Rev Donnie Black and was blown away! 1st band Married to Music was tighter than a Thai hooker, Circle the wagons was great too, all hair and a stack o' Marshalls named MARSHA!

WCO was awesome! The hotdog was surreal, the "good 'ol boys" were right out of Deliverence, and the watermelon and exhaust fumes gotta have been a safety violation! Then the flaming titties, and at the end the bare dancing titties! No pecker-slide-guitar this night, and the audience members who went up onstage at the end refused to expose anything ( which is a Cowbell tradition I've heard..) but still a show that left me grinning from ear to ear all the way home! Can't keep me away from the next one! - Mon, 5 Jun 2006 9:55pm Edited: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 9:56pm
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