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Local Radio Broadcast - We Need You!
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Local Radio Broadcast - We Need You!
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Gavin Vickery
User Info...
Hey All,

This is Gavin from KingVibes Radio. We are a local Vancouver Island internet radio station looking to bring on board some talented Bands & Dj's. Send us some info and some tunes to get approval. If you are approved, your songs will be played 24/7/365 along with other approved bands. You will also have a spot on our up-comming website for people to check you out! Best of all, its FREE ... for now, so get your email goin and write me back now!

PS: If you have questions, post em on here. Thnx

Gavin - KingVibes Radio - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 2:10pm
The One After Two
User Info...
Free, for now???

What does that mean. The bands have to pay for the play? - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 4:38pm
Gavin Vickery
User Info...

'For Now' means that later you will have the option to pay for your song to be played during peak hours. This means about 1500 people will hear your song. This service is totally optional.

Regular broadcasting is totally free. (Regular broadcasting is just randomly played songs or by request.)

We will also have our website backup in about 2 weeks, where you can submit your band. If approved, you will be added to the database and given a personal biography page on the website. The site will be searchable and indexed so users can find bands quickly and easily.

(The website membership is also totally free, but only available to submissions that are approved)

This is a great way to make your self herd!

Gavin - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 5:26pm
My Payola
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Damn, would anyone be stupid enough to pay an internet station to play their tune? - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:10pm
Gavin Vickery
User Info...
Hey Payola,

Actually people DO pay for internet radio slots, but only at peak times when it can help them. Internet radio is no different then regular radio. People are still listening, and they are abviously interested in the type of music, becuase they select the genre.

Now, Im not saying you have to pay, but it is an option. You can just submit your music and have it played when ever. That works too. But imagine 1500 people listening, your song pops on, and right after you give a quick commercial about an upcomming show. The croud you want is already there, because they are listening to YOUR music. The station is all local, so you know the majority is people around you. That kind of coverage not only motivates people, but spreads the word fast!

I hope this information has helped everybody, and im sorry for those that feel so hostile towards it. Im doing this for free too guys & gals, I'm just trying to help you out.

Gavin - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 8:37am
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search for

some originals from Victoria BC.
and other mixxing/ remixxing

MASS. - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 9:19am
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oh yeah sorry, we are under the trance breaks dance station, but I play anything. - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 9:20am
The One After Two
User Info...
OK so whats the link?

Gavin, the problem with you pay for play is that your pontential audience won't put up with for long.

If I sent in my song of Melodic emo spoken word beat poetry and then next is some dark evil grind noise... don't you think the listener is going to go WTF? and flip to an internet station that programs to their exact taste in tunes?

Do you think the listener will take your musical selection seriously if the songs they are hearing are basically an infomercial?

What is a peak time for internet radio?

Are you listeners primarily in Victoria or global?

Those are some concerns you'll need to think about before you start charging bands for the privledge to be "heard" by your audience. - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 10:50am
Gavin Vickery
User Info...
Hey Guys & Gals,

Thanks for all the comments.
As for the time slots, different days have different genre's. So if its rock all day, thats all ur gonna hear. Same with trance. It wont change all of a sudden. Please understand we are not trying to push the whole paid slot thing, its just a way for us to make a couple bucks for our troubles. We do this for free, so anything we can get kickss ass. Wouldnt it be the same for your band? Anyway, think of it this way. We are just a couple of guys, with a love for music, that want to play local music. (local meaning vancouver island). Thats it. If you dont want your stuff played, thats cool. If you do. Fuken eh.

PS: Our website is also something that you will benefit from. If you are in our database of music, you will also get a free space on our site. This means you will be in the searchable music directory, have the option to upload pictures and mp3's and post information and biographys about your band and skills.

This is just the start, with lots more to come. Eventually we will be offering online purchases. So you can upload pictures of your new album and maybe some sample tunes. If some one likes it, they can buy it. You get paid 100% of the profit directly, and we handle the shipping. How easy is that?

So yea, we know we are just a SHOUTCAST server radio. But we are also offering alot more than that. Shoutcast is just a way to play your tunes, but is not the core of the idea. Plus we will be advertising. Something most shoutcasters dont do. Duh, how exactly are they supposed to find you then. Haha, in the list of like 50,000 on Good luck!

PS: If anybody wants to chat with me directly, I use MSN from monday to friday most of the day. Sometimes on the weekends. Feel free to add me.

Nickname: [email protected]

PSS: The radio link is not active yet, we are advertising and building our client base first. Then we launch. Estimated launch date: Sep 15, 2005.

Gavin - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 11:59pm
The One After Two
User Info...
cool... starting to make sense.

You just have to understand that "promoter" types post on here from time to time selling the dream so you'll have to answer some Q&A before anyone sends you any coin. - Sun, 21 Aug 2005 5:38pm
Gavin Vickery
User Info...

Thats just the thing, the 'coin' is only a plus. What im looking to do is build a kickass online community of music lovers and play thier tunes.

PS: Glad things are starting to make sence. As I said before, if you are at all sketched about this, just contact me via msn or direct email. Thnx

Gavin - Sun, 21 Aug 2005 9:20pm
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I know one thing, Im not broadcasting my own original stuff through shoutcast anymore.
Im all about the free webcasting and all.
But the original music should not be given away for free.
Off the playlist it goes. - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 8:05am
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is this not illegal???? - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 9:06am
Gavin Vickery
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No this is not illegal because in order for me to play your music, you must give me expressed permission. If i where to steal your music, and play it on the radio anyway, that would be breaching copyright and CanCon legal issues. Also, if I where to take music from a labeled and copyrighted artist (such as: Jet, Nirvana, Blackeyed Peas ect...) and play thier music without permission, that would be illegal.

KingVibes Radio is not in anyway trying to do anything illegal here, if anything, we are trying to cover our asses at every angle.

If you dont want to play your 'original' music on our station, thats fine. We just want to play some local music on Vancouver Island, get people tuned in and promote your stuff.

Hope this info helps

PS: We are really trying to jam out our website fast so people can visit it and learn more about KV Radio. That way all your questions are answered. Our launch date should be Sep 15, but we are hoping to have the site up before then. I will keep you guys and gals posted.

Gavin - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 9:27am
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that's not what I mean. I understand copyright law.

I'm talking about payola. It's illegal to take money in exchange to play someone's music on the radio. - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 2:03pm
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...but i guess it's *internet* radio. OK, not technically illegal because radio stations are not covered by broadcast law, but pretty darn cheesy in any case.

There are rules like that for the radio for a reason.

What's next, a "pay $20 for a chance to be on a CD contest"..?

oh wait, already did that & never released a cd.

victoria doesn't need any more of this. - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 2:05pm
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It's unbelievable--pay money so somebody will play your music for other people. Especially on the internet. There are thousands of free avenues to get your music out. I think a better idea is to allow listeners to make donations. You still won't make squat, but what do you expect from an internet radio station? I take it this station is not even online yet. How can you guarantee you will even have a significant amount of listeners? Are going to charge to play a song to 10 listeners?

Sony music just got nailed for giving expensive gifts to radio DJs who play their shit. People wonder why garbage like J-Lo and 5 cent makes it on the radio, It's because the record label gives gifts like laptops and vacations away to the radio DJs. It's illegal, but it still happens. These greedy bastards find loopholes and exploit them. It is illegal to hand cash over as payola, but it might be totally legal to take a radio programmer to a strip club, and buy them drinks and table dances all night.

For every musician there are 10 scumbags who will try to make a buck from them. - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:13pm
Gavin Vickery
User Info...
Hey Again,

Ok, obviously you guys are misunderstanding the point of KingVibes Radio. We are just trying to build an online community of local bands (vancouver island) and play thier music. Im actually regreting even comming up with the idea of the paid slots. I have discussed it with my partner and we no longer want to do it. If all of you feel this strongly about it, then what is the point? We want you to feel confident with your music playing on our station.

With that said, we now ask that you please post your ideas and suggestions for the station and website. What do YOU think would be good for KV? What would make YOU happy? What can YOU benefit from and what would make YOU use it?

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Gavin - Wed, 24 Aug 2005 10:15am
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Talk to me about local music, I've got 7.7 gigs of it! :) - Wed, 24 Aug 2005 7:55pm
Jesse The Malcontent
User Info...
That's true. A about a year or so ago when I was doing a weekly shoutcast radio show Griph set me up with the FTP to his stuff and there was a lot of gold there. Nowadays I just prerecord a series of half hour streaming MP3 shows (those interested can listen at ). As far as CanCon legal issues, I say fuck it. Who's going to sue me? Mint Records? Mr. Plow's label? I doubt it. Most bands that have been played have been grateful if not supportive. I think the concept of charging anybody to be on a shoutcast broadcast is quite naive, but nonetheless support anybody who tries to support local acts.

Jesse - Wed, 24 Aug 2005 8:23pm
Gavin Vickery
User Info...

Thanks for your imput Griphin and Jesse. It would be great to chat with you about the local resources you have. It would greatly improve my development time on this little project.

If you could contact me via email so we can chat about this more, that would be great!

[email protected]

Thanks in advance

Gavin - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 8:36am
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