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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > PLEASE REVIEW!
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Correct me if i'm wrong, but i had assumed that 'show review' means REVIEW! tell people what happened and why it was good/sucked. DO NOT! tell people, 'oh yeah well, i didnt digg this one band becuase i feel more comfortable listening to blues when i have my flannel nighties on, and only on tuesdays when my moms friend comes over!'

a hint: if all your 'critiques' start with i, My, Me or someother self reference, you should take a break from this part of the site. again, correct me if im wrong, but i'd say we're all pretty bored of reading endless posts of 'scenester' kids telling us their personal opinions. save that for the band themsevles, go to thier website or somthing. when you review a show, review it, dont tell us that you went to the store and got yourself a flintstones pezz dispenser, really, no one wants to know. - Sun, 1 May 2005 3:38pm
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You are wrong. Consider yourself corrected. - Sun, 1 May 2005 4:51pm
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Uh...What were we talking about?

If you don't like it don't read it, it's that simple. I don't think anybody but you is bored with this thread, if in fact you are. I think you're just reaching way out there for something to bark about. - Sun, 1 May 2005 5:16pm
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I say what I thought of the show... In my oppinion, it was blah blah blah. I thought that this band was blah blah blah. If somebody with the same musical tastes as me sees "Oh, look, this guy thought yon band was rad, I'll go to their next show and check it out" Then isn't that a good enough review? I think you're wrong Erika, maybe you're the one who should take a break from this section of the site. - Sun, 1 May 2005 5:44pm
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Why wouldn't you use "I", "Me", or "My" to critique something? It's not like you're speaking on everyone else's behalf. I can only state my own opinions... and who doesn't enjoy an anecdote every now and then? Come down from there, Erika. I hear you talking, but where are you? - Sun, 1 May 2005 5:47pm
The One After Two
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good try Erika, but I think you're searching. The point of this thread is to give personal reviews of shows.

I think its pretty relevent to say, "XYZ Band was so boring, I left to sit on a sidewalk by Thriftys and drink Chocolate Milk."

What do you do if the thread starts," Correct me if i'm wrong, but i had assumed that 'show review' means REVIEW!"

I count 3 references to Erika in that first sentance, I guess I should have ignored it... shit that last sentance had three I's too! - Sun, 1 May 2005 6:07pm
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the "reviews" would get pretty boring if everyone just said what happened... its every persons personal experiences and thoughts about the show that make it interesting. - Sun, 1 May 2005 7:04pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Here is my review of this thread:

Erika came out first. Her(?) ranting about personalized reviews and about scenesters seemed contrived and a little boring. I considered walking over to the fridge to get some chocolate milk or at least hitting the "back" button. I felt that it was more of a cry for attention than anything that kind of made me feel sick to my stomach.
I'm glad I stuck around because it was only the opening act that was lame. ROSS B AY came on with his classic wit and one liners of Youngman proportions. I'll definitely be reading more of his posts.Tradgedy, Tambo and RollingRocks got right to the point in a very consice manner. Kudos.
The One After Two came one next and built on previous poster's point while adding a personal sarcasm that I found refreshing. I'll look forward to more.
John sums things up nicely by stating why it was that everyone diagreed with Erika to begin with.
All in all, it was a good thread with a rocky beginning. My advice to Erika is to keep practicing and it'll happen. To all the others: Thanks for the reading experience. I'm happy I stuck around. - Sun, 1 May 2005 7:18pm
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I'm hungry. - Sun, 1 May 2005 7:43pm
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Ty I've only talked to you once or twice but I LOVE YOU

shit I'm not supposed to say I, fuck I dit again ahhhhh!!!!! - Sun, 1 May 2005 8:17pm
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all of you are very funny people. - Sun, 1 May 2005 8:43pm
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I really want some milk, right now. - Sun, 1 May 2005 8:43pm
Nik Olaz
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this is the internet, not the professional show review magazine. your requests are falling on deaf ears - Sun, 1 May 2005 11:24pm
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losers.. - Sun, 1 May 2005 11:26pm
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good one Ty Stranglehold, good one. - Mon, 2 May 2005 12:44am
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leslie rules nick and tristan DROOOOL. - Mon, 2 May 2005 1:57am
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Can Erika perhaps give an example of what a show review should look like? No? Okay I'll give it a shot.

Split Beaver's pants were not as tight as they could've been, but their make-up was well done and added depth to their sound. Their guitarmony could be described as flatulant and verbose. 8 and a half/10.

Consider yourself pwned. - Mon, 2 May 2005 3:41am
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Oh shit not pwned!!! That's even worse than getting derved!! - Mon, 2 May 2005 3:59am
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That's right I edit posts at 4am....there is no other nerd like me. - Mon, 2 May 2005 4:00am
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hahah that was halarious.... there's a reason why I love you elliot.... that was it...and that other thing - Mon, 2 May 2005 4:16am
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Erika, you are absolutely right. A show review should not be a personal thought, but a break down of the concert and acts itself.
But this isn't rolling stone magazine. Its live vic.
So do go on and say that you, "went to the store to buy a pezz dispencer."

PS Erika, don't you like how i even went ahead and intergrated a quote for you. I see you didn't do that. So what kind of journalist would you be?
Talking about no self referance.
I could put foot notes in aswell. - Mon, 2 May 2005 2:32pm
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I like how even when someone agrees with Erika, they find a way to say how she poorly presented her oppinion. - Mon, 2 May 2005 3:24pm
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I like sandwiches. - Mon, 2 May 2005 7:34pm
Lythic Matt
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Ty Stranglehold, you get 50 points. - Mon, 2 May 2005 11:30pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Where do I cash in my points and what do I get?

Seriously though, a review is nothing but personal opinion. A bland list of everything that happened at a given show is equal to sitting in Ben Stein's Economics class (Beuler?... Beuler?...). A good review should use personal tastes and emotions to project who the reviewer feels about the band. If that means saying that you left to go get a pez dispenser, than so be it. You now know how that person felt about the band. Funny anecdotes in a review can make all the differnce in keeping a reader's attention. It's like this time when I responded to a post on live vic about show reviews...

So milk and sandwiches? I'll put my 50 point towards it! - Tue, 3 May 2005 12:40am
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why is this still going? - Tue, 3 May 2005 9:17am
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okay fine! you're right i sure as hell did use alot of 'i me my' references in a post where im supposed to be opposing them.. oops!

im not crying out for anything (im not quite sure what thats supposed to mean eithor...) i guess i just associate the entire 'i went to the store for milk and i didnt like the milk' blurbs with people i dont like... if thats what you wanna read then write it i guess!

i stand corrected. and pwned! haha - Tue, 3 May 2005 10:24am
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you need to get out more. - Tue, 3 May 2005 5:45pm
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my cats' breath smells like cat poo.... - Tue, 3 May 2005 8:09pm
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my cats smell funny

'ere - Tue, 3 May 2005 9:11pm
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Umm Ross that's your breath you smell your cat's breath smells like your vomit. Come on now - Wed, 4 May 2005 5:10pm
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The things people are posting ARE reviews. Personal opinion is a complete insight about how someone felt about bands or shows.

Personal experiences including the quality of the venue, people there, reasons for coming/going... they're all part of it. And saying what YOU THOUGHT of the band is what people want to hear.

How can you ask for anything else?

Ty Stranglehold, you are my hero. And I agree with john and the majority of replies to this. - Wed, 4 May 2005 8:43pm
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tyler my rant was directed at you and tambo mainly..

ps. you are just bitter because you got dumped by someone you failed to dump first - Wed, 4 May 2005 8:54pm
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I'd have to say that your opinion of my reviews is biased considering the fact that you just told me you hate me, find me sad and pathetic, and overly selfconsumed over msn. - Wed, 4 May 2005 8:56pm
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props for higlighting it on livevic tyler... i didnt even have to!

100 points for winning a fight, and preserving self. - Wed, 4 May 2005 9:37pm
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let's see your tits please. - Wed, 4 May 2005 9:40pm
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Erika... Weren't you JUST doing something very similar to Tyler, talking about his personal problems. You said the same thing about reviews to me a few weeks back, and I gave you my reasons for it then, but just because you don't like is, is no reason to complain about us writing reviews. You in no way won a "fight" against Tyler, you just proved how immature you really are.
P.S. Let's please not see the tits... - Wed, 4 May 2005 9:46pm
Masturbating The War God
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I like how the post about reviews has turned into you discussing your personal lives...

It's good to keep it real. - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:17pm
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WTFBBQ!!! - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:26pm
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and drank alot of apple juice. - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:32pm
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TAMBO SHOW ME YOUR BOOBIES. - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:34pm
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this thread is hilarious - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:35pm
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hey erika, dont be a bitch to tyler, hes the nicest and most considerate guy I know.... and even If he wasnt kenny is the only person allowed to shit talk tyler - Wed, 4 May 2005 10:45pm
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why's that? - Thu, 5 May 2005 2:06am
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why is what?, why is kenny the only person allowed to shit talk tyler? - Thu, 5 May 2005 3:36pm
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yeah - Thu, 5 May 2005 3:52pm
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because evryone gets shit talked by kenny and hes notorious for it, erika just came out of nowhere throwing insulst about.... it puts the whole all ages scene off tilt - Thu, 5 May 2005 6:01pm
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"You in no way won a "fight" against Tyler, you just proved how immature you really are.
P.S. Let's please not see the tits... "

a) tambo, no one including tyler or myself cares what you think, therefor you have no idea what went on behind the scenes that would lead me to use the term 'fight', and
b) clearly it was more of a sarcastic remark. classic example of you trying to sound like you're in the know... sadly you're only in 'le emo' and 'le rejection' and dont forget 'le (lack of) sex'.

(cool remarks, courtesy tambo's limited vocabulary)

"P.S. Let's please not see the tits... "

...dont make me make jokes about YOUR tits, this is one area in which you should avoid 'throwing stones'.

ps. im ruining the fun in this, when i say things back, becuase its funnier to watch everyone get their panties in a knot over my opinion, declaring you dont care what i think... highly nonchalant! - Thu, 5 May 2005 7:03pm
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kenny's just mad that he never achieved enlightenment.

ZING! - Thu, 5 May 2005 8:37pm
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kenny got enlightened.... in the sack.... by me!! - Thu, 5 May 2005 8:46pm
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I love it when everyone fights. Dear majority of people, you all suck for varying reasons, and I hate most of you, even if i don't know you, i probly hate you. thank you, good night. - Thu, 5 May 2005 9:06pm
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micheal, i love you. you are the inspiration that keeps me going, when i dont think i can hate everyone anymore. - Thu, 5 May 2005 9:54pm
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mike loves me.. we do it all the time.. even that time we saw each other at L&M and you kinda gave me those "do me" eyes.. yeah don't deny it.. you want me - Thu, 5 May 2005 10:00pm
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that was funny tristan.... and I'm not even being sarcastic... I give you a gold star - Thu, 5 May 2005 10:03pm
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hunter dont you have some lurking to do? or standing up for helpless individuals or somthing lurky? - Thu, 5 May 2005 10:13pm
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Previous claims in which Trican claims to have done it with me are completely true. A video can be purchased through - Thu, 5 May 2005 10:41pm
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I admire Erika's resistance to the fact that most people on here pretty much exposed the stupidity of her claim. Bringing out personal reflections as an attempt to save some face on her part was a pretty good idea. But then the fact that she complained when others did the same thing kind of killed that. Fortunately, Mike came to the rescue by declaring that he hates everyone for their reaction to Erika's public declaration of angst.

I do expect a reply to this though. Probably something in the form of "i dont care what anyone thinks, hahaha it is funnney that you guys do. (insert a couple personal insults here) (insert some self-righteous snobbery here)"
Maybe a good mix of blatant spelling errors and attempts to use a wide vocabulary.

Fortunately we have hunter, tristan, and others to add some good humour to this thread. I expect this is pretty much going nowhere other than as a continuation of useless arguing and stupidity. - Fri, 6 May 2005 12:09am
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I think I came to the rescue by realizing that this is only a message boards, and the fact people throw insults around means nothing. I do it because it's fun. What's the big deal tyler, you're just as petty as everyone else, don't hate on the haters. we'll eat your face. in a non sexual way, unless you're tristan. - Fri, 6 May 2005 12:30am
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That's a philosophy I can agree with. - Fri, 6 May 2005 1:15am
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does this ever end? - Fri, 6 May 2005 3:13pm
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it ends when somebody gets beheaded - Fri, 6 May 2005 3:34pm
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tyler, I hope you dyine in a logging accident!

just joshing, I - Fri, 6 May 2005 4:12pm
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tyler, you are an idiot. i have so much dirt on you, and what do you have on me? i thought you were smarter than to trash me here... you deserved to get trashed, so just take a deep breathe and you'll get through this. can't be any harder than getting dumped by a girl you didnt even like can it?

ps. you have desgusting hair, which i tried to help you fix.

pps. yes everyone does think you are self absorbed, boring and irritatingly id-centered.

i should rename this post, ten things i hate about tyler, or an homage to me hating everyone. yes tyler, that IS all i talk about. move on. - Fri, 6 May 2005 5:23pm
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hahahahaha fuck this is priceless. Tyler, people who know you and know me, have been reading this, and im actually getting requests to mock things you do. people really cant stand you buddy. as promised:

tyler you look like an idiot when you mosh. that said, most kids do, but you have some sort of otherworldly aptitude for bad moshing. a quote:

mock his moshing, knees look insane...looks like hese wigling. looks like a moron when hese punching amlesly

o and he trys to copy jays huge 2 step, but he takes a step inbetween

i declare you THE BEHEADED. now you can let this die. - Fri, 6 May 2005 5:44pm
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Tyler is a good guy - Fri, 6 May 2005 7:59pm
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"pps. yes everyone does think you are self absorbed, boring and irritatingly id-centered."
You fucking take that back, Tyler is one of the nicest guys and he is in no way self absorbed... your a bitch - Fri, 6 May 2005 8:21pm
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Best review post EVER ! - Fri, 6 May 2005 8:25pm
Aussie Rob ACPC
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tyler you are a good dude and this erika chick has no idea what she is on about

ACPC - Fri, 6 May 2005 8:34pm
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my hair isn't disgusting, you're the only person here going on about me being "self absorbed, boring and irritatingly id-centered."

at least I actually mosh, rather than using the erika method of hitting on band members in hope of adding someone to the list of people slept with.

the wide two-step I rarely try to do is in the form of one of the guys in step it up. obviously my moshing isn't perfect but it's a fun way to enjoy the music so I don't care about my "form", if it was all about self-concious perfection then nobody would. so who are these so-far nameless people who back you up erika?

you turn on your friends after a month or two of knowing them. you've done it to dylan and now it happened to me. you're not trustable by any means. your idea of a friend is somebody who you can rant to about how you hate everyone else. most of our discussions when you brought up a topic were about somebody you hate. and now it's about me just because I joined the people commenting on the useless stupidity of the beginning of this thread. luckily I got through the pile of spelling mistakes on your part to decipher what you're saying.

just try and let it go. I know it's hard for you, with your antagonistic self-loving nature of attacking other people. - Fri, 6 May 2005 8:47pm
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righteous words mike... thats solid - Fri, 6 May 2005 8:48pm
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this isn't really too posi how things are going. it's just causing anger and fueling a little war. it's too bad you think the way you do but I don't think there's any need to continue this. I have a feeling you will anyway, and it's difficult for me to take all that bullshit without putting it in perspective in a reply. will there be an end to this? maybe I should just leave you to your stewing hatred. - Fri, 6 May 2005 9:14pm
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Hey Tyler don't let it get you down man , people think cause their on the internet they can spew any shit at yea .

...and this site can be the worst cuz they're people you know ! - Fri, 6 May 2005 9:22pm
The One After Two
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this thread hurts my feelings. Highschool can be so cruel hahahahaha, its like a gay OC episode, hey isn't Adam Brody in town... - Fri, 6 May 2005 10:32pm
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Jesus. Tyler, shut up. Dude, you ARE self absorbed, I know from experience that this is true. So now there are two people going on about you being self absorbed. And you may mosh, but i could name around 10 people that thinhk you lick ass at it and wish you wouldn't, including me. And isn't attacking Erika the same as attacking you. Once again you dive into personal things, plus, Dylan is a self righteous jerk, who wouldn't turn on someone like him? And don't YOU go talking about trust, anything anyone tells you, you turn around and tell everyone else, how's that for people trusting you? I know for a fact that on more than one occasion you've turned on several people and revealed info you shouldn't have. If you want to make this whole arguement personal to make yourself feel better, then fuck you let's go dude. In fact, fuck all a y'all. and Fuck da police. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:11pm
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adding to the madness:
I would also like to address that your hair is indeed sickly gross, Erika isn't making up the fact that people hate you, I could name a few my self. Next, you take yourself way too seriously dude, and will most likely one day find that all your croonies have grown up to have children and lives. Meanwhile you'll be living with your parents untill you're thirty, and your hair will still be dissgusting. Or you'll marry the first piece of meat willing to come near you for an extended period of time, only to live a meaningless life full of regret and remorse. done deal. i'm out. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:24pm
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I didn't make it personal, I only continued the personal attacks because erika brought up personal things once I pointed out the uselessness, among others, of this thread. I'd like to hear your list of 10 people. So few people throw down at hardcore shows that I don't see why there should be any less. But my main point is that I didn't dive into personal things from the beginning, only brought more up to resist the self-righteous rampage of erika. I'm not saying I'm completely in the right. Dylan has always been a good guy to me though and I don't think it's fair of you to say that.

I keep thinking this will go to an end but it keeps going on. What happened to positivity? Shows are about positive experiences... supporting bands, hearing what they have to present, and enjoying it. Anyone with a different mandate than that has their priorities wrong. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:24pm
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Dear Tyler, the end is near, i promise.

In closing i would like to let you know:

i promise you, your hair is desgusting. im not making it up.
i also promise, i am not making up the fact that almost everyone i meet who knows you at all, thinks you are overly self absorbed.(not to say that they instantly dislike you for it...) i didnt actually think so untill a certain 'friend' of yours pointed it out. and no it wasnt mike or kate. but im sure they think so too.

while we are on a roll... don't get me started on dylan. you and him should get togethor and impregnate some serrogate mothers, and start a little army of kids with ample bodyhair, bad pale complexions, and a complete and severe inability to dance. (and practice basic personal hygene by the looks of things.)maybe his sperm count is low these days however, as he routinly enlightens us with his 'supreme blunt smoking skills'. Don't you find it rather ironic that, the king of the edge totally and completly abandoned ever ideal he ever adhered to? Obviously a good person to use as a charactor reference in regards to me.

in conclusion:

i feel i should have told Tessa from the get-go, that you were contemplating breaking up with her for me. (but you failed to evaluate MY stance on the entire issue.)(and no, i did't save every single msn convo to back it up, but according to you, you did.) now i feel bad for tessa, and not for you, because you got dumped. karma.

i find your constant need to point out my supposed spelling errors funny. i speel thinsdg good all teh tme. but i geuss i kant usceed in life beause i catn spelle everginthg good rite?

i dont really hate you, i sort of pity you. you are, not only genetically disadvantaged, you lack charisma and .. well balls.

love, erika. ( feel free to rationalize of whatever it is you think you do, but im never coming on this site again, becuase it just makes me angry, and ive dished out all the bad karma i can handle for a while. kiss dylan goodnight for me, and let him know that despite my seeming inability to make/keep friends (note my seeming inability to give a shit what he thinks) assure him i chewed you up and spit you out, and am no worse off for it ;)


to those who don't know us/me and think im using the internet as a way to avoid confrontation in real life: not the case, i'd say it to him in real life given the opportunity, but i doubt he'd stand there and listen. but thank you for your sympathy towards him. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:27pm
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even though this is sickly entertaining, why do any of you need to talk about this on a message board? seems tacky to me.
Message boards are for opinions. Personal attacks? why not save it for somewhere you can actually fight and get it out of your systems instead of coming up with clever cutting remarks. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:38pm
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if I was ever going to break up with tessa, it would have been because of problems with her at the time. that is a fact I always stood by. it was brief, too. problems that got fixed and strengthened things with me and her. we are still strong friends now. there should never be any other reason. and this is something you seem to want to bring up every post. don't love yourself so much, I did like you when I first met you but that was before I actually knew you. I liked you more than I obviously should have. it's too bad that you've shown who you really are. I'd have to say I'm glad that you're leaving, it will make things settle down here. - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:46pm
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what a raging gnarly cunt

tyler rules, erika drules - Fri, 6 May 2005 11:52pm
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the one about drama was me. Not tyler. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:04am
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that was weird. how did you post under my name?? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:05am
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hey tyler. unblock i got somthing to say. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:07am
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why should I unblock you? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:08am
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Thanks Erika, you are actually the coolest person i know/have ever known. i resolve to be more like you, and add to my ever-growing shrine of you.

- Sat, 7 May 2005 12:10am
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um, you just changed your name to mine. didn't you say you wouldn't post here anymore? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:12am
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yeah Erika, i thought you were too cool to talk to me? and I agree with you, you are too goodlooking and cool to talk to me and basically everyone else alive. except for mike.

i love you so much, i just wish i could sprout wings and fly over to see you... - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:14am
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Oh my god I just checked "who's online" and there is this Tyler fellow, then there is this other Tyler but it is the pic that Erika had in her user info.....

Hardly intriguing at all. Grow up. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:16am
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um, that's stupid. everyone can see that you've copied my profile details.

people: if you click user info, I am the one with the email [email protected]

erika: quit being juvenile - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:16am
x Buddy x
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As someone who has no problems with either of you , in fact I like you both a lot I have to say that this whole thing was a sad pathetic display of extream immaturity on both your parts. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:16am
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I fucking hate this town and everyone in it except for a few awesome people... you know who you are - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:18am
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yeah hunter, i know who i am. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:19am
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Ah ha she put 2 l's in the email address. Nice try.

Give this up - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:21am
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haha you're right, im done, enough. its just so damn funny! but good eye for catching that. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:24am
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I'm with Buddy here
hello voice of reason! - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:29am
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oh buddy, you're a good guy. haha where did buddy come from? its weird to call you buddy, buddy. ack. - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:30am
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OH KAYLEIGH@@@ THIS IS ERIKA hahahaha you know who i am! how was the rest of the show? i had to like carry rena hoke becuase she was so sick...:S - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:31am
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aww poor thing, I had to leave around 11pm, which sucked. Did everything work out with the thing she was upset about? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:38am
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yeah as far as i know everything is fine, im not even sure she needed to be worried in the first place, i thnk she was just having a rough day... but eithor way, she was too drunk to know what was up by the end of things. im glad shes okay now tho... did you get home okay and everything? i was sorta too drunk to know what happened all... - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:39am
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k, I'm getting confused with the whole tyler thing...yeah I was fine geting home, sucked though cause I was still drunk, and drunk + me + alone = not good, basically. Pisses me off. Whate ended up happening with your...grand plan...? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:43am
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oh jesus, lets not discuss the grand plan... lets just say that it was mission ABORT. i shoudlnt have trusted myself drunk around a topic like that, i sorta just dove right into a one liner, and he said 'aww youre cute, and im not interested.' fair enough tho!

anyways, im going to bed.. Tyler, it was nice being you, although i think me being you stressed you out a whole lo more than i did whilst committing the act.

Sincerely Yours,

The Other Tyler or T SQUARED or TDOT or TMOSH - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:47am
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night erika, give me your msn sometime later k? - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:50am
x Buddy x
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The story of how i got the name buddy is an interesting one. Well not so much interesting as it is long ...
The Year was 2001, Gorge W. Bush was president and everywhere kids were doing a new dance called The Funkey Edgecore. I had just started a new school year at Central Middle School cept in those days it was called Central Junior High. I hung my keys from my belt , it being the style at the time... - Sat, 7 May 2005 12:55am
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I'm really cool.. kinda.. sorta..?... fine.. only in a gay way!!!!!1 - Sat, 7 May 2005 3:13am
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dont forget breakfast club - Sat, 7 May 2005 9:36am
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how did this get over 100 posts?! fucking bullshit and in only one week. This is probably one of the fastest rising threads (post wise) ever in the history of livevic. Everyone who has posted on this thread officially has no life, including myself. - Sat, 7 May 2005 1:26pm
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so why do at least 3 people have the same profiles on here? erika, tyler, and some other user...
I saw a movie once about some multiple personality disorder killer... it was fucking horrible... much like posting under different names and arguing with yourself is... I really hope its a server error and not one kip-like dude talking to hot babes on the 'net all day... cause im not jelous... really - Sat, 7 May 2005 3:23pm
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why don't you all stick two-by-fours up your asses twist them sideways and shut the fuck up. - Sat, 7 May 2005 4:55pm
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So to answer the ORIGINAL question. I think that, if you do or don't like a band you saw, you should atleast back up that opinion saying why, or why not.

and i'm going to have to agree with John on this one. If you people have personal matters to deal with, than deal with them in PERSON. It takes two people to argue (well...except this one time...oh man, that was funny). - Sat, 7 May 2005 5:49pm
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a world without darcy is a world I dont wanna live in - Sun, 8 May 2005 12:27am
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holy crap thats a long thread,

HEy it gave me 8 minutes of entertainment in reading it! props to yall - Sun, 8 May 2005 1:08am
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I could not let this die, BUMP! - Sun, 29 May 2005 9:49pm
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WHAKA WHAKA WHAKA! - Thu, 2 Jun 2005 4:08pm
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so, tyler, erica, and e.rocka are the same person right?

and i thought i wasted time buy smoking up and playing xbox all day - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 6:17am
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"i thought i wasted time buy smoking up"

Wow, double digit IQ anyone? - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 5:56pm
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wow, am I ever glad that high school is over . . . - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 7:49pm
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i'm gonna taste my old ladys' corns. 'an i'm gonna boil that shit an feast upon it! i'm gonna watch the world die as i boil human flesh on the rotisserie of another poor fuckers' backbone. whacka whacka whacka !!! - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 11:45pm
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just keeping the memories alive. bbbump. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 9:07pm
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