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March 18th
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > March 18th
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So on march 18th there are 4 all-ages shows. now, they all have a, somewhat, distinct variety of music, so hopefully there won't be too much of a conflict there. Still, I'm thinking that the crowd at all of them might be pretty thin, or the crowd at most of them will be pretty thin anyway.

though, i'm going to the ska show. - Sat, 5 Mar 2005 8:15pm
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ska sucks..... - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 2:14am
Nik Olaz
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wow that show with the Enchanted Faeries looks pretty good, with diversity. i'll leave after they play lol. - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 3:53am
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DIY, The Proles, and The Midnight Riders interests me. but i'm not going to sooke. - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 3:55am
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I'm pretty sure that everyone on the planet is gonna be at the Garry Oak room that night, I heard about some free liqour give away? Moneyshot,Kincaide,Starless Nights,theset,The Vendors....that show is gonna be nuts... - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 4:26am
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Ska show for me, although the Gary Oak one is tempting... - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 12:29pm
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ska is terrible - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 6:08pm
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I guess I'll go the the Gary Oak room. - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 7:21pm
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*sigh* well if kinchris is going, ill tag along with him. - Sun, 6 Mar 2005 7:25pm
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you're terrible Trican...there...I said it... - Mon, 7 Mar 2005 4:34am
b smith
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the gary oak room will be the place. looking forward to hearing starless nights set. i have only heard on song and i had to put it on repeat. - Tue, 8 Mar 2005 4:12pm
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you are wrong. - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 4:11am
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the gary oak room for sure
starless nights and kincaide rock - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 4:02pm
Adrenaline Animal
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And Moneyshot hasen't played an all ager in victoria for about a year now - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 4:42pm
x Buddy x
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"free liqour give away? Moneyshot,Kincaide,Starless Nights,theset,The Vendors"(except kincaide) Sounds Lame ! I'm not going to any of them, the 19th at James Bay is the show thats gonna be awesome. - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 4:45pm
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A brief run down:

Gary Oak - Fairly lame as far as bands go, with the exception kincade. However I have a feeling that there will be probably 15,00 girls..... so yeah...i think you get my drift.

Fernhood - Abuse of Power is fucking great, Enchanted Faeries are fucking great, and People's War is fucking great. Coked out funky tonk sounds fairly entertaining and john tesh is john tesh so yeah.

Sooke - Sooke is Sooke

Pandora - Ska sucks, and One Drop is fucking great. but not worth suffering through ska for.

See you at the fernwood show. - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 6:07pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Me - I'm stoked for Cher/Village People. - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 6:20pm
Sammy No Dead
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Josh, One Drop is a great band but they play reggae which is basically a derivative of ska music. Ska came from Jamaica in the 1960s and is a mix of Jazz, America R&B, and Mento (folk music from jamaica). If there was no ska, there would be no reggae, no rocksteady, no dub, no dancehall etc. When people on this board says they hate ska, I know that that they think ska is the music played by shitty bands like Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake. But to set the record straight, Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake are NOT ska. They are shitty pop/rock bands with horns, that I (being a fan of all Jamaican music) hate probably more then you. Real ska is the Skatalites, Justin Hinds, Desmond Dekker, Stranger Cole, Eric "Monty" Morris, Derrick Morgan, The Paragons, The Ethiopians etc. Even Bob Marley started his career playing ska being backed by the Skatalites. One Love was originally a ska song.

Concerning the "ska" show on the 18th I can understand if you don't like the Kiltlifters because they play that cheesy pop ska-influensed music that became popular in the 90s (much of what they play isn't even really ska). But I think you might give Los Furios a chance, they play some good Clash and Bad Brains covers that you might enjoy. But if that's not you thing that's cool too.

But please people don't think ska is that shitty pop rock with horns music that got popular in the 90s!! - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 7:56pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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I agree, the one hit wonders of the 90's 3rd wave of "ska" has permanently left a scar on the genre altogether. I don't think a lot of people realize the level of ingenuity and history of the music. I’m not going to compare any of the bands but I think anybody that has the audacity to generally throw out a whole genre of music into the “it sucks” category is generally uneducated to it’s relevance to other forms of music altogether. I like ska music, but I can’t stand the hyperactive, unimaginative Socal style ska that has somehow made it onto the radio nowadays, but it’s a small and tacky niche of the culture as a whole. Every kind of music has its merits and its downfalls. I don’t think even the biggest hip hop or metal fan would think EVERY hip hop or metal band is great - it’s all on the basis of the bands, their style and what they bring to the table. If you judge any kind of music by its most mainstream counterparts – you are right to say it sucks; country music sucks, indie sucks, ska sucks, jazz sucks, hip hop sucks, metal sucks, punk sucks. That’s a quick and oversimplified way to do it, which I guess is the main reason it’s so common among over simplified people.

I'm pretty sure every style of music on this board has gotten the "_________ sucks" treatment. - Wed, 9 Mar 2005 10:59pm
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yeah 1500 girls... if people wanna get laid come to the garry oak room.. you know ... that one... i'm so stoked that "hardcore john" hates us already... - Thu, 10 Mar 2005 12:42am
Nik Olaz
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and livevicscott, and josh up there, and majority of freedom loving americans, and nik ol...whoops! - Thu, 10 Mar 2005 1:09am
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Too bad the same 10 people glued to their computers are the only ones who actually read this thread and reply(including myself)...anyways, these shows will probably be swell and all.....but Saturday March 26th is where I will be, MITOCHONDRION, at the Tolmie Hell House, 8pm, FREE. - Thu, 10 Mar 2005 3:48am
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I think los furios is great, i have never seen the kiltlifters live so i cant comment, but its gonna be two days of getting fucked up and partying as far as our band is concerned. - Thu, 10 Mar 2005 4:32am
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The Kiltlifters are tons of fun:) I go to their shows often and I have a blast! Their tunes are funny and the musicianship is good.

I think a lot of third wave ska bands are awesome.

Look at bands like The Toasters, The Pietasters, Easy Big Fella (when they were active), Let's Go Bowling, Mad Bomber Society, The Afterbeat & Califfo de Luxe (from Venice, Italy), King Apparatus, The Planet Smashers + many more.

All of those bands kick a ton of ass. Many of these bands (that have made appearances at Ska Fest in the past) are just plain good no matter what genre one would like. Many people that checked out these bands in the past that weren't ska fans loved them anyway because they're talented musicians that make really fun danceable music. The musicianship in all of these bands is also worth respect because the music they are making is not easy to create especially with having 7 and more members in each band.

A lot of ska musicians that are in third wave ska bands start out being jazz musicians first (this is the case with the Kiltlifters also). And because of this they have the ability to improvise and be fairly diverse in how they play ska.

Other awesome bands that aren't third wave ska bands such as New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Jump with Joey and Eastern Standard Time play some of the best third wave style ska I've ever heard (depending how you define third wave).

BTW: To illustrate my example check out Eastern Standard Time's new CD "Tempus Fugit" It has some third wave ska tracks with heavy Latin influences. Other third wave style tracks have a heavy jazz influence. Other songs on the CD are heavily reggae influenced (i.e "Eye of the Storm" & "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" that has Dr. Ring Ding toasting over it)

Damn... I LOVE THAT CD SOOOOOO MUCH:) !!!!!!!!!! - Thu, 10 Mar 2005 12:48pm
x Buddy x
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"hardcore john" good one. Just becuase my taste in music doesn't inclued your generic brand of "emo" pop rock it must obviously mean I only like hardcore. What do you mean "hates us already" ? Already ? I have seen your band play a bagillion times. And second who said I hated you ? I believe the correct statement would be I don't care about you. Also, I made that post before I knew People's War were playing, so I will most likely be going to that. - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 1:13am
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Firstly we are not "emo"... we are "truth" and everyone knows it... Also we have only played 2 all-ager shows... thus making it 2 shows that you've seen... not the "bagillion" that you think. - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 2:38am
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does anyone else find it strange how much controversy posts about all ages shows generates? - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 8:39pm
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Hehe. Does anyone else find it strange that Trican seems to be popping up in almost every one of them?

PS: When I first heard that 'truth' quote I laughed my ass off. So good. - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 10:20pm
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buddy i think the word you going for is indifferent and trican sounds like a trihard. but anyways none of these shows seem interesting except for that mito gig, i might check that one out... - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:13pm
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I am under the impression that the organizers behind the Fernwood show know this already, but People's War will not be able to appear due to the fact that key personnel will be performing in Vancouver on the same night.

I tried to come up with the means to beam the missing member(s) in via satellite, but soon realized that the combination of genres between the Van and Vic shows would almost certainly cause massive hemorrhaging among the front row quests and early senility to all those in the back.

Anyone who actually digs this sort of (re)action should help me get the gear up on the roof... - Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:45pm
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wasn;t this thread originally about music? when you skip to the bottom it leaves you wondering.... DIY / PROLES - Sat, 12 Mar 2005 1:27am
Nik Olaz
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trican is just a little boy, ODIN. excuse his grade six shenanigans, i know him personally. - Sat, 12 Mar 2005 3:11am
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yeah excuse me... i just say things on here to get people pissed off... it works :) - Sat, 12 Mar 2005 2:06pm
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