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3-dollar booze
Message Board > General Chitchat > 3-dollar booze
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I've heard the minimum price is now in effect. Is that true? If so, anyone figured out if the bars can get away with selling doubles or worse for $3? I think some of the local barkeeps read this board.... - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 8:06pm
The Wolf
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I was impressed....Steamers does not sell triples... I haven't seen them on this site for along time though - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 8:35pm
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What about a pitcher ( Doom was pointing out) ? Is a $6.50 pitcher against the rulz ? Just stop the $5.00 triples and all those young fucks who get waaay beyond juiced might slow down ( yea right) !
For fucks sake please save us from ourselves Victoria ! Not everyone can afford to go out to a club or bar with the prices some places charge . But I guess if you're pulling down more then 50G working for the government and in control who gives a fuck about the poor slob who can't even afford a beer .

Cheers and fuck you very much . - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 9:04pm
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People will be forced to pre-drink. It will cause trouble.
Just for the record the law IS in effect, I went to hugo's for 80's metal on sunday and the prices went up to $3 from $2.50 so that wasn't a huge loss. I heard that late night food joints like pita pit and 2nd hand slice will be forced into early closing aswell. Does anyone know for sure? - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 11:03pm
Livevic Scott
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What I heard was that booze prices are based on $3 per unit of alcohol. So thats 1 beer = $3, a pitcher (which depending on how many Oz's it is would be approx 4 beer) a triple is 3 drinks so minimum price for a triple would now be $9.

So yeah have a couple before you go anywhere. I haven't heard anything about the late night food joints. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 8:10am
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Typical socialist big governement Canada interfering with peoples lives. I heard Diegos will have cheap drinks still though, as they are located in Saanich and not the City of Victoria.... - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 9:18am
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Eh? I always pre-drink...gets me in the spirit. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:30am
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"I heard that late night food joints like pita pit and 2nd hand slice will be forced into early closing as well"

Great idea! wouldnt want all those drunk people downtown eating some food!

Besides. if all the drunks go to 7-11 all at once instead, just think of all the free munchies! - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:02pm
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what day did this go in effect?

evilution had $2.50 hi-balls friday. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:25pm
Lucky Bar
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Hey... I have a copy of the bylaw right here. This is how it works:

Bars in Victoria can't sell "alcoholic beverages at a retail price of less than $3.00 per standard serving".

'Standard servings' are defined as:

- 1 ounce of liquor (a shot - mixed or not) with 17% alcohol or more,

- 5 ounces of wine (a glass) with 1.5% alcohol or more,

- 12 ounces of beer, cider, or coolers (a bottle, can, or slightly smaller than a sleeve, which is 14 ounces) with 1.5% alcohol or more.

So, a shot or a single mixed drink is minimum $3 (unless it's some crappy pre-mixed weak-ass shot, which some clubs will use as a loophole).

A bottled or canned beer, cider, or cooler is minimum $3.

Draft breaks down to 25 cents per ounce... so a standard sleeve is a minimum $3.50, a standard jug (60 ounces) is minimum $15.00, but smaller glasses can be priced accordingly (ie: a 10 ounce glass can be $2.50...)

Along with this, they are raising the business license fees for bars in Vic and using the extra money to pay for bylaw officers to enforce the new rules.

-Liam. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 2:18pm
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$15 a jug it better be Sleemans! - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 2:45pm
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Man, the local government is so screwed up. Prohibition really worked wonders now didn't it? If anything this seems like a scam to increase the number of civil servants as opposed to something to help the population out. How about doing something that actually helps people like building housing or drug treatment centres or beefing up public transit?

You remove bar closing hours, make booze available in stores 24 hours and then the problems associated with 2am go away. People don't feel the need to binge since there is no preset last call.

All that said, I can't remember the last time I paid less than $3 for an individual beer in a bar. What the hell kind of beer do you get for that anyway?

Cheers - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 3:01pm
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$3 minimums rarely see drinks that cheap anywhere unless it's shit draft. i was paying $5.75 a beer the other night plus tip. makes you wanna stay home or just go to bad victoria is to small to get away with underground clubs.

my age old bitch about this province cold beer stores close at 11:pm - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 3:04pm
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Evo wasn't very busy last night -- and yeah it was three bucks for everything. Still able to get $10 pitchers at the Beagle mind you.. I wonder how enforceable this will be with just one extra part-time bylaw officer. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 4:24pm
The One After Two
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I thought the bars were too expensive before so I will just go out even less now :-( - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 7:40pm
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Well is the Beagle outside the by-law area???? - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 3:47am
Livevic Scott
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Yes do not forget that we the fine city of Victoria happen to have no less then 13 municipalities each with their own set of by laws. Like its Illegal to own a cloths line in some areas of town. - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 8:27am
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Well the papers I have do state that any "drink" must be 3 dollars but on the issue of hiballs and pitchers, the new pitcher minimum is 15.00 and as for hiballs, they must be a single for 3.00 hovever if in the same drink, each following shot must be 2.00 extra, making a triple a minimum of 7

*For the above: No, a 10oz glass cannot be 2.50 its allways a bare minimum of 3(The police came to check up on it Sun. afternoon to boot) that only applies to large glasses that are the size of 1.5 servings for example you can charge 4.50 for 1.5servings but not 1.50 for a half, it still must be 3...*

Above again: This all went into effect last saturday...

Though Diegos/The Fox happen to be lucky enough to be just outside of "Victoria" and are classified as Saanich, so... Anyone know if these guys are taking advantage of their location, so to speak?

On the side:

Anyone hear any news on their other proposal to have a uniformed police officer inside every club in town during business hours to "discourage drug sales" ???

I read something in the paper about a meeting being held in city hall about it on the 3rd. tuesday of past December, havn't heard anything since... - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 1:24pm
The Wolf
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If that proposal to have a Police officer in every club is true, that is just lame...Maybe they should clean up City Hall area and the Legislature before Big Brother, comes after all us. - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:55pm
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FUCKIN PIGS - Thu, 20 Jan 2005 2:49pm
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you know that all the people in bars are there because they pay taxes.

Most people who have no job cant afford the bar. Therefore most people in the bar are money makers. They spend tax on their paycheck , then go to the bar and pay tax on booze.

meanwhile, homeless old lady robbers smoke crack and meth behind city hall and rip off stuff from your vehicle while you are in city hall paying your parking tickets.

Cops in bars? stupid. Besides, a uniformed cop wouldnt deter drug deals, esp when everyone has to go outside to smoke anyways, so going in and out isnt suspicious. - Thu, 20 Jan 2005 4:05pm
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True. - Thu, 20 Jan 2005 10:40pm
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