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Are there Any Drummers out there EVER???
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Are there Any Drummers out there EVER???
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Ken McRae
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It seems to me that while guitarists, bass players and singers are a dime a dozen, drummers are a far rarer breed. Is this really the case? Please let me know, not only if you yourself are a drummer, but if you even KNOW "OF" any drummers. Just a curiousity. - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:24am
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i think that there are tons of drummers out there, they just don't frequent this board becuase they don't know how to use the internet ;)

- Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:36am
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Or they are roadies now. Others were replaced by drum machines. - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 9:35am
one drummer
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well, here is one drummer. for the record I...

* have professional gear
* have been drumming 10 years
* listen to and can play a wide
variety of styles; funk, jazz, reggae,
blues, ska, jungle, fusion, dancehall, rock, etc.
* am extremely available
* am not addicted to any hard drugs
* have a positive attitude

Ok, that's my part, now... any leads on diverse
musical projects that I could be a part of..?
That is the part that eludes me like drummers
elude you...haha. Come on world, whaddaya got? ;-)
Everytime I see a drummer ad here, it's for essentially
the same styles, age groups, etc... of course we all know
this about the livevic site.

Jordan King
[email protected] - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 9:59am
Ken McRae
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How diverse is diverse? Some band who switches between hard rock and hard-er rock? :) Or between thrash and death metal? :) How about from emo to emo-core? :)

I don't know how diverse I would qualify my band as being, but give these songs a listen. See whatcha think (you'll need Real-Player): - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 10:43am
Ken McRae
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So how do we increase drummer-computer-literacy? Do we need a public-service campaign, or should we kidnap them off the street and train them at a boot camp? I suppose that would give us an opportunity to teach personal-hygiene as well (just kidding). - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 10:47am
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well funny you should ask... barely knowing how to use a fax machine I decided to go to computer school (also, I was making zero dollars from music... and loathed dishwashing jobs and other menial labour jobs)...

Now I fix computers for a 'mere' $25 per hour, gone are the $8/hr days for ever. and of course we all know how computers can help us make music, do marketing, network with musicians, find gear, learn how to use a program, etc.

Just had to dispel this mini-attempt at the computer-illiterate drummer myth or syndrome..... I am a drummer/technician and am glad I jumped aboard tho sometimes the glowing screens and humming cell phones drive me nutz.

however, I can still barely rread music so why not attack that vulnerability next...? ;-) - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:23pm
Le Drummer
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I'd like to back up JK's comments here as well. I'm a drummer and have been for 18 years. While I've toured the US and Europe, played on a cruise ship and used to do recordings in Toronto, after moving to Victoria, the scene here was abysmal unless you were into Jazz or Metal - the inbetween was a joke. This was 1992. I must say, after moving away to Bermuda for 6 years and working as a computer consultant, my return to music and Victoria last year has been more positive. I charge out at $150/hr for computer stuff so that hardly makes me computer illiterate either.

Let me throw this back at the forum. 95% of the bands that I have spoken to about getting together either lost my number, forgot to show up or were drunk/stoned by the time I showed up. Sorry, but I have better things to do with my time. I'm happy with my current gig and am in no rush to go chasing another 'guitar player with a dream' ;-) - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 3:09pm
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Someone once said "If you build it, they will come"


Oh ok, so it was the Partuckket Patriot talking to peter griffin...

But i'd say in the case of finding band members, just let the world know you're looking to start something, in time im sure everyone whos serious will attract like minded musicians,... if you just give it a bit.
I find most people aren't all star struck and thinking they'll be famous, or are huge drug addicts... if they're serious about what they do that is, which I know from this board alone, a lot are!

*As for finding drummers outside of this board, I allways found that shooting the shit with people at shows will often turn up free musicians youd'a never known to consider* - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 3:16pm
Japanese Air Force
User Info...
Have played drums 18 years. Since moving to Victoria I've played in about 30 projects in as many different styles and genres as I can imagine, been on radio, TV and dealt with the aspects of being indie and being a signed/managed act.

As for computers, I too make a very good living doing computer tech work and web design.

And I can read music and ride a click track like your momma rides the US sailors when they come to port.

All the acomplished drummers I've met in Victoria are all playing with at least a couple of projects, so perhaps they are a rare breed.

~JAF - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 3:39pm
Fred the Dragon
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It's not just drummers... there's always a demand for good bass players in this city as well. - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 5:22pm
Ken McRae
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Wow. Ok, so there ARE some intelligent and good drummers out there. I did notice, however, that each of you has been playing for a while. Now, I'm not at all adverse to playing with a variety of age groups, BUT it must be stated that if it wasn't for A) this website and B) connections, I'd never meet any of you, and would likely be drawing from a shallow pool of early-twenty-somethings.

I will agreee, though, that the "in-between" music categories are under-represented both here and out there in the scene. Why the hell is it that there are so few good rock/pop-rock bands out there with penchants for good taste? :) (Sorry for offending anyone out there with bad-taste :) - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 6:11pm
Ken McRae
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So, all of this being said, any of you well-experienced, computer-literate drummers looking for a "project" (read: band)? - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 8:01pm
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I'm a drummer & computer geek. Have been playing for 2 years. Couldn't find any bands that I would fit into for the most part because of age (I am 15) until about 2 months ago.
Listened to your stuff, Ken, & I think it's awesome. If I weren't so young & already in a band then I would be definitely be interested in playing. - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 9:35pm
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fuck need more drummers!! if there is one send ur info this way for a alt-metal, hard rock band. - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 11:09pm
Ken McRae
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Thanks for the interest K8. What band are you in now, just out of curiousity?

Question: what is "alt-metal"? I have difficulty distinguishing between most varieties of metal, mostly due to my lack of proper social indoctrination... - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 11:14pm
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you know a little switch up, Nirvana(alternative/grunge) Pantera,Metallica(metal) Hard rock(APC tool)

thats my perspective! - Mon, 19 Jul 2004 1:15am
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Alt-Metal is an alternative to speed metal/flashy metal. It's basically slower and moodier. - Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:39am
Ken McRae
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OK. The mystery is now reconciled in my mind. Thanks guys - Mon, 19 Jul 2004 4:17pm
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seriously there are no drummers and when u do give them a shout they dont answer u back! its really stupid. We need one that can just keep time and just put down a beat that we can work with. anything else is a damn bonus. We need a second guitarist and i mite have to resort to playin! so if there any guitarists that are interested in playing hard rock/metal or whatever give us a email - Mon, 19 Jul 2004 4:25pm
Ken McRae
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No offense intended in this, MindlessSexMagik, but don't YOU already have a thread for this? Cut your own grass and I'll cut mine. Thank you kindly. - Tue, 20 Jul 2004 1:39am
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nah i'll let me pubes grow out nicely dude - Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:49am
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