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More HHH news
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Livevic Scott
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Next years Sno-Core tour is beginning to shape up with the trek now tentatively set to feature Sparta, Glassjaw, Hot Water Music and Hot Hot Heat when it kicks off in February/March. More details are expected shortly.

This was taken today from THE PRP, which is a VERY reliable site. Looks like the boys just got themselves on a pretty rad tour. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 3:16pm
Anonymous TOO bad they suck shit - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 7:22pm
TheLookLacksTalent Wow, you ladies have the look down packed. You're hair-styles and matching chic, alternative get-ups really must get the guys.. err ladies hot. Too bad your music is atrocious and you're not doing anything original whatsoever. More hope for brainless fucks out to copy an attitude and look with no devotion to playing an instrument well at all. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:46pm
Anonymous who are you talking to? - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:49pm
Anonymous what he said - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:49pm
Anonymous no what the other guy said - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:50pm
Anonymous hhheat suck......I guess there is hope,gallows ends singer is gonna wear that kind of thing soon - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:50pm
L.Kerr Congratualtions for HHH! They are doing a great job and I hope they have a nice time on their tour.

:) - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:51pm
Time to move on folks Ya know, I dont really dig HHH either, but boy oh boy, you sure all sound like a bunch of jealous whiney bitches in your tirades about the band. Get over it! - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:53pm
Anonymous lidsay is that you???????this is matt, spencers friend form gallows, I guess I am karls friend too......are you joking???? - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:54pm
ML7Mike Heya Linds.. I agree though.. not a big fan of them at all, but they are doing better then any other band out of Victoria in a LONG time. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 8:57pm
Anonymous It's called jealousy. Stupid fuckin punk rockers. oi oi. Get a life you fuckin geeks. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 9:00pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Those guys work hard and deserve credit for it. And having a song about sandwiches helps too! - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 10:08pm
Ike I thought it was Hamwiches, hamwiches, hamwiches - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 10:15pm
Anonymous pedal harp?
5 million?

that's the most retarded thing i've ever heard?
how much touring and self-promoting does she do?

you fucking cunt - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 10:46pm
L.Kerr Yes this is Lindsay and I am serious. I have not heard enough of their music to see if its something that would appeal to me but from hearing of their recent news I wish them success in their upcoming release & tour. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:15pm
Anonymous if its the most retarted thing you ever heard you are in hhheat and you suck - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:18pm
L.Kerr Stop being so negative and close minded. If you have such a strong hate for them then simply don't say anything. - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:30pm
Anonymous they suck - Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:53pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian I've seen Hot Hot Heat 3-4 times since I moved back to Vic in August 2001. Can't says they're my thing and all but I'm not gonna slag 'em either. Unless, they've been dicks to you presonally or a friend who cares.... And if you hate 'em 'cause of their "look" that's kinda lame. BUT I do know there are bands that I think are awesome that'll probably never get a major label deal 'cause they're not cute enough, or don't have the "right" look or whatever for MuchMusic / MTV - not 'cause they aren't talented or don't write excellent songs - and I think that SUCKS!! - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 1:16am
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The answers are simple. No Means No and your cousin the harp player don't write pop music. Hot Hot Heat writes the kind of music that appeals to a wider audience that's why the got the record deal. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 1:18am
Anonymous The last two posts are both right (No Means No aren't pretty boys and I'm sure Harpy has a dog face) ha ha - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 1:26am
julio don't make any more posts about those NOU wanna bes unless your posting a news release of their tour bus bursting into flames as it careens over a cliff into a pit of hungry, polyester lovin alligators. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 2:54am
wronskian hhh should tour with avril levigne. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 9:28am
xenos You guys that bash HHH are fucking idiots. You're the most jealous bunch of morons I've ever met. Two years ago when HHH was an indy band like all the ones you guys are in and are still in because you fucking suck, you would have never said anything bad about them, but now that they're making cash and you're not, you're bitter. Fuck you, the guys in HHH deserve respect and support. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:14pm
wronskian personally, i'm not jealous. i'm not in a band, nor do i want to be in one. i don't want to be famous and have a multi-million dollar record contract.

i just don't like hhh's music. never have, and unless they change dramatically, i probably never will. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 1:25pm
thinking is for smart people XENOS you silly human. maybe if you had the displeasure of watching the members of HHH jump from bandwagon to bandwagon over the years you might realize this isn't jealousy your witnessing, it's disgust. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 6:10pm
Jay Watts
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BLUES ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 6:21pm
Anonymous hhh=pop music (the pop music of the time anyway), no slagging, no kudos, they were doing the right thing at the right time and won the "lottery". Unless people slagging them here also slag the 6/49 winners etc. I would have to chalk the insults up to jealousy, not of the music necessarily but jealousy of the money/fame etc. Buy the CDs if you like them, don't if you don't. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 6:26pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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I say we (as a very wise man once said) eat thier children..... - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 6:34pm
kayla "don't make any more posts about those NOU wanna bes..."

yikes, somebody hasn't heard hot hot heat OR nation of ulysses ...

have fun on tour, hhh.

- k.g. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 7:07pm
ho hum I've never heard hot hot heat so I can't say shit. I did just buy Hot Water Music "Caution" though and it fucking rips. It kinda sounds like samiam and leatherface mixed. pretty cool. If that band (hot hot heat) is doing well though that is cool. All the best to them and jeers to negaloids with nothing to contribute but bullshit misguided angst. Focus shit heels, do your own thing and clue in. It's easy to piss on everything but hard as shit to do what you love knowing you'll fall prey to knuckle heads and cretins. Kudos hot hot heat...get a fucking haircut though. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 7:21pm
jay brown
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I've been a punk rocker for twenty years and I play in two bands that will probably never even pay my rent, but even I can say that I think it's cool that the guys are doing good.Who cares if all you jealous whiners dont like their music. Enough people out there olviously do and thats why they got such a good deal. If ya think you can do better then do it. If not then shut your cakeholes and be happy for some home town boys that are making it. Fucking people in this city, man any time any band does anything everybody jumps all over them. Why dont you useless fucks pick up an instrument and do something yourselves instead of hacking the people who can. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 8:14pm
lola Jay Brown is a big fucking loser. You're an old man and you are a piece of white trash shit. Shut your yapper because no cares what your lame ass has to say... except equally trashy people. Go find a bar to pretend to work in. Retard. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 10:55pm
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hey lola...fuggaff eh? - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:16pm
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We do hate it when our friends become successful, don't we now? - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:24pm
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Its really too bad some people have to act this way and I don't understand the "joke" anymore. - Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:35pm
Ty Stranglehold
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what do you mean that our band isn't gonna pay the rent Jay? - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:22am
HHHeat Fuck all of you! Like we give a flying shit whether youre for us or against us. We're rich, youre not. You all remind me of peasants fighting over bread crumbs at our castle walls. - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 1:01am
Anonymous ...and I bet thats really hhh - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 4:17am
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sounds like ty's offered to pay your rent, jay
what a great guy - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:20am
lola hey kittkat666 do you always just sit there waitting for the perfect chance to use a morrissey quote. Loser. - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:51am
jay brown
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bottom line... whine all ya want about how much you hate their band. They will never have to work a crappy minimum wage job ever again. While a whole bunch of you that are on here are gonna be working dead end jobs till the day you die. Jokes on you jerkoffs. - Wed, 11 Dec 2002 2:25pm
Zipp Gunn
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Hey nitwits, don't you realize that thanks to HHH every A&R creep in the world will now know where Victoria is and will probably look here for more happening acts, just like what happened in Halifax years ago. I say good for them. As for them being rich and never having to work again, I have to laugh. They are just entering a period in which all they are going to do is work, work, work. If they get rich they will have earned every penny. I think HHH are fine, just wish I could make out the words on the radio. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:51pm
Insider Jay Brown is the NEW HHH DRUMMER EVERYONE! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:06pm
' No, he just pretends to be when he's alone in front of a mirror. I've even seen the wig. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:10pm
J HA HA HA...That's pretty funny. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 6:15am
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Yeah it is, if by HHH you mean Hot Hunky Hardbodies. Or Heathen Hipster Hacks. Or Huge Humping Hardons. Yeah you heard me bitch! - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 9:11am
mike I don't like HHH but you gotta give them credit for getting their foot in the door. Although a lot of people in town make it sound like they're millionaires or something. They got a multi-million dollar contract, ya... but the record industry is pretty brutal. Most of that money will probably go to lawyers, promotion, tour costs, producers, album costs, videos ...basically they pay for everything. And it's sink or swim. They'll get promotion but they still have to sell a shit load of records and stay hot or they don't get another chance. And thats when the money starts to roll in. But anyway it's still better than workin a joe job. Good luck guys. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 9:54am
Anonymous LKerr sounds like a broken record - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 2:38pm
Aliasing Cocksucker At least she has the Balls ( sorry Linds, I know you dont have balls.. ) to post her REAL name on this board unlike some of us gutless losers. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 3:23pm
jay brown
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i keep trying to convince the hoosegow to do a h.h.h. cover but it hasnt happened yet............. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 5:50pm
Anonymous I dont listen to the radio, and I dont like hhheat at all,but I would like to know what the single is that they have, just to see what the song is that got them the multi-million dollar contract, because what I have heard is just utter shit!! so tell me the name of the song to download so I can ease my mind. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 6:49pm
Ike The Hot Hot Heat Hit single is singularily called BANDAGES. Say it three times...there you go. Isn't that nice? - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 7:13pm
ML7Mike Well, they just played LA and are on their way to Miami for another show. Not bad.. Id rather be in Miami than here thats for sure. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 7:30pm
ML7Mike First time I ever actually listened to them just now.. sounds like The Cure. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 7:33pm
Anonymous ok, I heard the bandages song, and I still dont get it. yeah mike they sound exactly like the cure, except not as good.....pretty sad. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 8:48pm
Anon386 Oh come on! Like the cure could identify with anyone now. New young bands willing to tour around and handle touring around are needed all the time. The hot filthy snatches happen to fit in to a popular record selling sound. We can make fun of them now that they are paid to play but secretly we know they are helping to legitimize Victoria for producing commercially viable acts as good as or better than the out of town ones we have been supporting for years. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 9:04pm
i didnt do it
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I personally dont like their song "bandages" its actually kind of annoying when you hear it on the radio at work ten times a day, but.....
I still think its great that they are making a name for Victoria. I think all the bands in Vic need to stop bitching at each other and being jealous of each other and just have fun and support each other - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 9:38pm
News The news was broken by the Vancouver Province, who reported that the deal was worth a few million dollars. �It was actually a bit more than what was printed in the Province,� admits singer/keyboardist Steve Bays bashfully. �But we don�t want to talk about money, because people don�t realise that it goes toward recording and videos and marketing and all sorts of things. It doesn�t go in our pockets.� As for the advance � which does go into their pockets � Hot Hot Heat have immediate plans. �All four of us have been living in a two-bedroom apartment,� says Bays. Two of them will move out and they�re investing in some home recording equipment. - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 4:24pm
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