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Mace Rocks
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Mace Rocks
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Indole Derivative
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Mace is so badass, he probably wants to kick the shit out of me for even typing his name, but that's cool. I like how there is someone else who cannot seem to stand seeing you are abbreviated as your,i thought i was the only one. Has anyone actually searched the forum, looked up his posts, and relized he is right in most arguments?

Just thought I'd come out of the closet as a Mace fan. Any others? - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:23am
Mr. Hell
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I've always liked the way Mace gets people riled up. Some of his methods may be cliched and predictable...but a lot of people still get caught up in it. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:39am
trevor corey
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wait im not done...

whew, thought you guys were being serious for a second.
wait.... are you?

in the words of his own "K THNX PLZ STFU WTF BBQ K?" - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 2:42pm
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ahh yes the fine talent/asset of getting people 'riled-up' on an internet message board; what a truly gifted, and oh so articulate individual...he's such a hero.
I'm sure this gift will/has take(n) Mace to new heights in his life...bra-fuckin-vo!

And good for you Indole, for having the obvious intellectual equivilant of your hereo Mace, and good luck on becoming one of his fledgling deserve a cookie and a gold star! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:01pm
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goody goody gum-drops! Mace is so cool! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:08pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:32pm
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Ah, don't let a no-talented jealous guitar player (who 'needs lessons' no-less) to try and conjure his pathetic nature to up a thread topic for meaningless conversation.

He's insecure- that MOFO has a weakness, it's called- 'Manipulation'.

In the way MOFO he likes to be manhandled, and spends most of his time (when not patrolling LiveVictoria) searching the gay internet sites looking for love. Probelem is he know's I'm taken so, he can't live with the thought of being with someone else.

A more suitable namechange to his user name, should be 'MOHOMO'.. or 'ASSLICK', though, I can't figure out at the moment; which one I like more..

As 4 J..? Man, holy...
He's just a wanna be fit in, and prolly has less credibility to looking cool when he attempts to insult people, for that matter (or fit into a topical discussion on the web) than Shaggy does.

(More odd, than it would be sad, if it were true is that-
Both were seemingly bastardized by their fathers- as children.)

Talk about small talk, and seeing many become insecure, the only truly bad thing that I've seen on here was the coincedental situation at the gas station with one of Trevor's friends who I don't really know or like and they got well, let's forget about it, even if it's already out there, it has nothing to do with me...

And Thank You once again to those who support my writing habits and a big thankx and shout out to those also: who have a hard time accepting it... - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:35pm
Mr. Hell
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One of the reasons I even bother with message boards is to read about new words and names to call people. Very entertaining stuff.
In the real world there are people with prejudice and people without prejudice. That is a fact of life. I, myself don't have any racial prejudice and don't agree with a lot of Mace's views. But I can respect him more than a lot of his responders because he usually remains in control of the exchanges and doesn't get flustered like his adversaries.
Posting on messageboards is really just a game. Play it well, don't take it to heart too much and YOU might get a gold star too! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:31pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:35pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Mace, you physically threatened my friend, so I physically threatened you. Thats it, thats all, nothing personal, no grudges held. Your (or should I say "you're") posts crack me up, for the most part. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:45pm
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yeah, he's in control of the exchanges and doesn't get flustered like his adversaries...he just reverts to the grade 7 mentality of calling people gay....that doesn't sound like he was the least bit flustered does it?....especially given his prompt response. A guy who threatens people on this board and in person because he didn't like they're posting style truly exemplifies...someome who is not flustered and in control...and don't even get me started on his IQ.

Yeah I took this to heart...I don't know how I can endure the pain of being dissed by a loser who probably spends more time trolling on this site (and others) than anyone on this site, admins included. My feelings will never be the same for you Mace....and I thought we had something special - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:07pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:11pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
To tell you the truth, he doesn't ever seem flustered to me.
Calling people gay is a timeless method of aggravation that always illicits a desired gay pun intended.
A master of manipulation. Hell, he's got you frothing at the mouth and he didn't even post between my "flustered" post and your irate response.
Point proven. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 8:39pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 8:41pm
Indole Derivative
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Yeah mofo is pretty bitch. See Mr. Hell's got the right idea. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:21pm
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"A guy who threatens people on this board and in person because he didn't like they're posting style truly exemplifies...someome who is not flustered and in control...and don't even get me started on his IQ."

~the fuck? - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 1:26pm
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"As 4 J..? Man, holy...
He's just a wanna be fit in, and prolly has less credibility to looking cool when he attempts to insult people, for that matter (or fit into a topical discussion on the web) than Shaggy does."

/just because i dont fit in with your little web geeks you cast me out like that! Oh well... good luck tearin' up the message board scene cool guy :) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 3:55pm
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I have posted in this thread

3x - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 4:30pm
Indole Derivative
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And look at J's frustration. Why is he still posting in this pointless thread? Cause he wants you Mace. The sick fuck. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 12:59am
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hahahahahha... hahahahaha... wait.... again, i laugh.
"look at J's frustration..." - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 2:10pm
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Where did I say that 'anybody (or nobody as you put it) had to agree with me?', look that up and see if you can find it anywhere on the internet, not once did I ever...

The only reason that you hate me is that you're insecure, and like to brag about your big screen LCD, - that nobody shows you any attention. In that, you continuely love to nit-pick; just like the 'male version' of a nagging house wife likes to. WHATUtalkinbout Bitch!? - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 2:30pm
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J....when you are dealing with chimps you have to speak their language, you just can't level with a chimp, he will always think he has the saying goes...give a chimp a banana and he'll swear he's the centre of the this case Mace (and friends) have found the medium of the internet, allowing them to vent their primal frustrations....upon reply from Mace and co, my point will be who is really manipulating who here? - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 3:48pm
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Mace found his new toy, and learned that aiming his glock at others aleiveated his feelings of male inadaquacy. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 3:50pm
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When Mace learned that he had left himself exposed he decided to cover up...(I will break it down for you Mace)
What I mean is that you are much too obviously a victim, you pretend to play vampire...but you really don't have the parts deep down, have a nice weekend Mace
mad props on your artwork I will say that in your favour. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 3:53pm Edited: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 3:56pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
I have to say that your new angle of portraying Mace as a chimp isn't very effective.
Even a used tampon would have had greater effect. An "A" for effort though! - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 6:01pm
trevor corey
User Info...
I have to say, that was a great post Mace made in Jay's obit. about riding the horse. Kinda choked me up. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 3:09am
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~Yeahem, like 1 out of 3 pictures that i post is mine so the mad props thing is definitely out of frame.. (If at best) in fact, this pic isn't mine either. So, as much as I would like to take credit for somebody else's work, I can't, till this very day, but maybe someday though... - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 12:14pm Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 12:15pm
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Thankx once again for the props, Mr. Hell, I appreciate your balanced understanding and focus on the finer intensive purposes for appropriate insults, that MOFO, and I go back far enough now, to see, in jest, it doesn't seem to be as personal as it might have started out between us. That just the other day, because of my dissappointment with him not showing his 'type' face around here much anymore, that I refered to him as a 'pig douche bag', as a matter of a fact I did call 'Kyle' (remember Kyle, I thought I'd seen somebody named Kyle here the other day... Maybe it was the 'Pig douche bag' comment that brought him out... I wasn't intent exactly to the precise point of calling either that, but was wondering if that comment about the 'pig douche bags' might have ressurected them to posting here @Li>e>ictoria..

If you remember the thread that I started not long ago entitled "MACE'S DUMP"... against the site Mod.'s and Adm.'s to making them think, that I'm complimenting them on their site and my ploy to entice people to post 'unique pix' on the thread... So I go on to front a screen (to threadjack free picture posting space), but eventually they catch on, and limit my picture posting space to the current thread.. It was working good for the, then, moment.. I've tried to approach the site adm.'s on "MACE'S DUMP" To deal me out some hosting... To 'no avail'.. (They probably think they own me, truth is I had them going for byte there until the dumbshitz caught on..


Quote: Ex.-
Any of yous has any unusual, unique or funny pix, that you've taken or digitally altered yourself? Please 'feel free' to post 'em here! (To let the admin.s' and mod.s' @ L.V. know how much we appreciate their services!!!!)




Okay, so I lied, big deal, that these guys only favour their select few from their rich neighbourhoods somewhere in 'Cadaro Bay' or sum shit..? They should realize the 'Nev-o-tism' has gone too far here!!! - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 12:46pm
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Mace, it's definately not personal dude, this is the internet...and I don't even know you, so for my share of insults you have my personal apology....whateveZZ as you would say...anyway again nothing personal, its just the internet dude as if you didn't know that - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 8:32pm
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phfft?! yeah, wHATEVE'S.. btw- you notice- You're sending some mixed messages heer. seriously-what's up with the 'chinball wizard' joke? I don't think anybody heer is laughing now... - Sat, 3 Feb 2007 10:51pm
Messages Posted:

I like music.
You've seen me around.

i love you mace
xoxo - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 12:10am
trevor corey
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eeeww. yuck.Mace has girl germs. - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 1:34am Edited: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 1:35am
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Mofo, who luv's ya baby..?

(dude, that animated gif fully made my day.. n' why are trying 2 bore me eyuridce - Tue, 6 Feb 2007 1:24am Edited: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 1:24am
trevor corey
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. - Tue, 6 Feb 2007 9:17pm
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Yeah, I was going to post something under a new thread about 'Traffic Light Photography' and how much I don't let it..

(No option for this feature today)

Apparently, there is someone out there even more angry than me over it. - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 1:38pm
trevor corey
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z - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 3:54pm
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~ - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:00pm
trevor corey
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MacEwan - Thu, 15 Feb 2007 5:24pm Edited: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 6:46pm
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I had 'run into' that guy the Victoria police mowed down, off of Quadra and Hillside, a while ago, coincidentally, at a Mac's just around the corner from where he was shot dead$ before my shift deliverying papers for the 'Times Colonist'.

John Seguin, [sp?] didn't know where he'd spent the last two weeks when the police last apprehended him for an alleged 'B&E', the guy was noticeably a junkie.

And what 'The Paper' called a car thief to.

(I have no respect for junkies) - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 9:50am
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or JDL- and I wish police would shoot him dead too. - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 9:51am
trevor corey
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p - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 9:46pm Edited: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 8:51pm
User Info... - Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:59pm
trevor corey
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FUZ - Tue, 20 Feb 2007 3:39pm Edited: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:52am
Enis The Brave
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tee hee hee - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 1:59am
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