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Saddam will be dead by 7pm PST.
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Saddam will be dead by 7pm PST.
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Bout bloody time imho. Hope someone gets video of it and it hits the net by midnight. I'll definately be archiving it if it does. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 5:59pm
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Crazy dude, what reprecussions do you think this situation will create within Iraq? Civil War? more attacks on etnic minorities? I think the states have bitten off more than they can chew here, like usual fucking texans - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 6:27pm
trevor corey
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That would suck getting executed. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 6:30pm
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no, not if you didn't know it was coming! - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 6:45pm
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Repurcussions? I doubt it'll cause any more hoopla than the US troops being there already have.
What's even more humorous is what his afterlife is going to consist of. While Allah calls those worthy to ascend, during the Muslim equivalent of judgment day, his corpse will continue to rot in the ground with it's soul trapped in that cursed rotting husk. Far better karma than him just being hanged. And you kinda know it's coming when you allready know you're going to be hanged, publically. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 8:10pm Edited: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 8:13pm
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saddam a go-go anyone?

more like saddam a bye-bye - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 8:17pm
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It's going to be vidiotaped as well from what I've been reading. The Iraqi govmnt is going to be in charge of the taping and distribution, so expect it to get leaked to a few choice sites that carry these things. Like or Hell I wouldn't be shocked if Al Jazeera aired it and linked to the video off their website. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 8:21pm Edited: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 8:22pm
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who? - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 9:07pm
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no video yet on al jazeera - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 9:23pm
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wow guys, dont get too excited to see a mans matter what he did he's still human. imho he didnt even do shit compared with the dozens of war criminals from rwanda living happy and wealthy lives in france and sweden. ah well, c'est la vie. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:35pm
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Excited is an understatement, but hanging was far too humane for him or any other tyrant. And I'm sorry, but his inhumane actions towards his own people rightly stripped any humanity he deserved to have recognised. What's the difference between slaughtering 100's of thousands of Iraqis and millions in Africa? The only difference is, this wasn't tribal warfare. This was 1 man attempting genocide on the Kurdish people or anyone that didn't bow to his will. If he was an African leader his death toll would've been in the millions.
Pol Pot was never truly brought to justice either, but his end made more than a few people in this world happy. Nothing like going from a tyrant that can have anything his heart desired, to dying destitute and being tossed on the garbage pile and set ablaze. - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:16pm
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who? - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:18pm
trevor corey
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Remember, Dead Kenedeys,

Is a holiday in Cambodia
Where people dress in black
A holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll kiss ass or crack

Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot [etc.]

And it's a holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll do what you're told
A holiday in Cambodia
Where the slums got so much soul - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:35pm
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Fucking A Shaggy - Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:36pm
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"What's the difference between slaughtering 100's of thousands of Iraqis and millions in Africa? The only difference is, this wasn't tribal warfare."

my dear, i didn't mean to say that it wasn't right for justice to be served. all i meant is that there are a very many people who deserve to be punished but aren't, and that's a shame. but please, recognize the difference between "100's of thousands of Iraqis" and "MILLIONS in Africa". There is a difference, which I hope you can see. each person's life is as valuable as every other persons. there are plenty of nasty folks out there, but i do not wish them to be hanged. there has to be a better way of dealing with these people, although im not sure what it is at all.

ps- millions of africans did not die during the genocide in rwanda. it was just over half a million of tutsis and hutus.

peace and happy new year! - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 1:13am
Messages Posted:

darkness at full-moon dot com

1st story to come out of Iraq concerning the execution. Looks like the video might not be released after all. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 1:55am
Mr. Hell
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We can only hope that GW and his puppetmasters are next. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:55am
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They should've hung right next to Saddam. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 3:29am
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The videos and pics are up on Fox, CNN, etc. Still, I'm not convinced he's actually been executed. He had at least 3 perfect lookalikes and several stand-in's he used for special occasions. In my conspiracy-filled mind, he's in a detention centre in the US being interrogated still and they killed a doppleganger - it just seemed too sudden. I hope he's dead but you just can't trust the news any more. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:25am
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That could actually be a much more entertaining scenario to be honest. I'd much rather picture him being tortured, for months, than a simple hanging. His lookalikes served a purpose back then, but I seriously doubt they've decided to use one of them. Three's nothing to gain by keeping him alive. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:45am
Mean Mike
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he should have been tried in an international court and he should have answered to his other crimes commtted against the Kurds and Sunni's before he was sentenced, or before the sentence for Dujail was carried out. Now the Kurds and Sunni's feel left out, they didnt get their personal justice, and with the current factional strife going on in Iraq, all this does is drive a wedge further into the problem of Sunni's feeling like the Shia are ignoring their voice. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 12:44pm
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lol fuck look at the US war crimes in guatamala, nicaragua, vietnam, panama, cuba (before the nukes were even there).

how about the attemted genocide on the aboriginals by george washington?

Or how about soviet war crimes that were overlooked during ww2 because they were our allies.

i guess dropping poison gas is Much worse than marching in and shooting people....? There is no doubt that saddam is a sick man, and should die. He commited genocide on a gruop of people that could do nothing to stop it.

but we all have to realize Why this is happening and stop buying into the america's "cruisade for peace" Front.....i mean, wasnt iraq an allie before the gulf war? One who othe US supplied with weapons?

Where were their morals then? - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 1:38pm Edited: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 1:42pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:26pm
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I'm sure the majority of people agree that the US and numerous other countries, Canada included, need to face up to their past transgressions regarding human rights.

Saddam was a sick fuck long before the US got involved and he overthrew the government. But whether the US supplied copters and the basics for Iraq's chemical warfare program, isn't the issue. It's how Saddam used the tools that were given to him. You don't sue a gun manufacturer for a murder caused by one of their weapons. And this is really no different. He was given tools, under the guise of foreign aide, and decided rather than using them for their intended purpose he'd twist it so they could be used for attacking the Kurds and launching his chemical weapons program.

I could care less whether this is some Illuminati type conspiracy. The man should've been taken out 15+ yrs ago.

Governments don't operate on morals, believing they do is naive at best.

Edit: LOL Trevor! And some redneck dumbass will probably think they're getting the real thing too. The rope isn't even the same colour. They didn't spend a ton of money on a high quality nylon rope, he was hanged with a natural fiber rope. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:28pm Edited: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:30pm
trevor corey
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Hang George Washington!

edit; I think my Songhees pals would give you a blank stare if you called them "aboriginals" - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:30pm Edited: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 2:31pm
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I think a lot of the posts are misguided.

You think by having one backed tyrant hanging anything is going to get better? Saddam was USA's right hand man in the war against the middle east until they needed a scapegoat and control the prices of oil.

The only difference now is we have a more media friendly dictator who will never lose in those farce elections, and will do exactly what the US wants for 5+ years before they start doing thier own thing again.

Hell, even the outcry and eventual conviction of Saddam for using inhuman chemical weapons on civilians to quell an uprising was repeated by the USA in the war in Iraq. It took a couple years, but the US government did admit using "Willie Pete" aka white phosphorus which is a deadly and cruel chemical weapon on civilians in Iraq (collateral damage) to do the exact same thing Saddam was hung for.

You can bitch, whine, celebrate, dance in the fuckin' streets and all that shit over this, but it doesnt change a thing in the world, other than more civilians died from this war in Iraq taking Saddam down than would have died leaving Saddam in.

If anything, all this business with Saddam and Iraq really did was show just how many laws and rules governments are blatantly willing to dismiss and break.

To end this with a couple things:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

And sadly this short flash video explains the Saddam situation and events easier and better than most of the mass media. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 4:05pm
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i cant believe that people bid on that rope lol... i kno its a gag, but still.

well put shaggy, i have to agree with you on most points...
but the only thing I would sort of have any disagree-ment on would be the gun manufacturers. I do believe they are as responsible for death as cigarette companies are and should be liable for smokers deaths too. But on one end im torn to use that example because i also feel its the smokers fault for smoking, but never the less the cigarette companies are considered to be liable by some... I know guns dont kill people; people kill people... but if we keep at that philosophy dont u think after enuff uses/hiding behind the old addage it becomes more of a scape goat instead of an excuse? (kinda like weapons of mass distruction was an "excuse" to invade iraq)
But in the end Saddam did use the 'aid' he got in an inexcusable manner(genocide) and got what he deserved. (tho i think they should've put him in a firing squad, or at least gas him).
conspiracy theorists are going crazy right now i bet... I cant wait to hear the "theories". - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 4:06pm
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That's what I hate about the new way of thinking J. Everyone has the ability to make conscious decisions. Why do we need to blame a multi-national corporation for what we do with their product? Anyone that kills with a gun, makes a conscious decision to do so, whether they be hunters/street thugs/psychotics. Do we hold computer manufacturers liable for what script kiddies/hackers do to private and government systems?

And Doomie, I'm more than aware of Saddams ties to the US and the CIA. Do I not hold the US just as accountable? I sure do. But the reality of having anyone, involved in past transgressions, brought to justice is a lofty ideal at best. It's just not going to happen (Iran Contra affair anyone? Wounded knee massacre? I'm sure you get my drift). I really don't care how we came to rid the world of Saddam, and I'm sure more than a few of the Iraqi people would agree. My sentiments and morals on this subject cover anyone who's a dictator in this world. I don't care what creed or color or religion they are, if they kill at will or attempt genocide they deserve to be drawn and quartered very very slowly. 'Get medieval on your ass' is something I firmly believe should take the place of humane execution. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 5:13pm
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the video is up on banged up but it doesn't look real. I mean the camera pans out at pretty convenient intervals. Also, there were no wounds or blood on his face in this one. Most likley a fake. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 8:47pm
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I just think more people will and have died from bringing Saddam down, and violently, torture, and all that other shit than if he had stayed in. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 8:48pm
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And Deadyeti, yeah, theres a cameraphone version out thats already even out on CNN.

I would personally say that the initial reports of Saddam shaking with fear dont really seem to appear true, seems like he went out pretty well.

I somehow doubt I would have taken it half as well. - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 8:49pm
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"The only difference now is we have a more media friendly dictator who will never lose in those farce elections, and will do exactly what the US wants for 5+ years before they start doing thier own thing again."

- What we have is a well-placed puppet dictaorship put in place by the US.

"I could care less whether this is some Illuminati type conspiracy. The man should've been taken out 15+ yrs ago."

- Of course they should of killed him years ago, so why didn't they(US)? Why didn't they kill him years ago? Why haven't they found Osama Bin Hiding? They haven't "found" him because they (Illuminata/US/Whoever) can't perpetuate the "terroist game" and get more money for "the ANTI-terrorist war over there in I-RAK", without keeping you afraid. I think people are forgetting that this war has already cost, in dollars 200 billion, and forget about the human cost.
Oil/gold/whatever is more important than human lives, apparently. Can you imagine want 200 billion could do for Africa? For the Middle East? For the homeless? For cancer research?

I'm tired of this campaign of fear. And I'm shutting up now - I sound like DA Johnson for crying out loud.

Next? - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 9:32pm Edited: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 9:33pm
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Elect DA Johnson for 'Green Party Candidacy'! - Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:33pm
Nik Olaz
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theres a cameraphone version out thats already even out on CNN.

IT's CRAAAZAY. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:47am
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"The only difference now is we have a more media friendly dictator who will never lose in those farce elections, and will do exactly what the US wants for 5+ years before they start doing thier own thing again."

"- What we have is a well-placed puppet dictaorship put in place by the US."

Yeah, my point was that once again its another US backed guy who will probably become a scapegoat in a few years.

Its the cycle of love! - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 2:15am
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Hang the DJ
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This pisses the fuck out of me.

The U.S always has to make themselves look like the "hero".

Killing is wrong, no matter who the victim is. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 3:57pm
trevor corey
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I second that opinion.

But.... it's easy for us to say killing is wrong, we havn't suffered the death of loved ones at the hands of oppresion. If Saddam killed your relatives, you might want revenge. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 5:59pm
Johnny Grass
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Was he really as bad as he is made out to be, or was it propoganda? There are many worse men in the world than Saddam. His hanging was a political vendetta. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 6:04pm Edited: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 6:06pm
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Considering the international outcry when he attacked Kurdish townships with mustard gas, almost 20 years ago, I highly doubt it was propaganda. Not to mention the horror stories a lot of Iraqi expatriates brought with them when they fled the country at the same time. The only propaganda was the WMD situation. And the US milked that for all they could. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 9:02pm Edited: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 9:03pm
Mr. Hell
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Why can't people have a steady hand when filming an execution or a concert? Fucking irritating. - Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:00pm
Mean Mike
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One theory I have is that Saddam was the way he was to his people because the anarchy in Iraq today was always hidden just below the veil of his heavy handed system.

He HAD to be that way.. Look at the place.. he had enemies everywhere, and if he hadnt been a tyrant and kept his people living in fear, these issues would have surfaced many years ago.

Now that a so called 'democracy' is in Iraq and people have gained a small voice, they are pissed and have alot to say, and they say it with violence, and this would have happened eventually with or without the 'Coalition'

The US precence has only allowed Al Quaeda to gain ground and momentum and in battle training for their soldiers.. All the homegrown insurgents probably wanted to kill eachother whether the US are there or not. - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 12:18pm
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Too true. But that's the joys of a different culture than our own. There's always going to be stress between the 3 factions in Iraq.
Let's not forget, Saddam was imprisoned for attempting to assassinate the president of Iraq. Yes that's right, imprisoned. If the government at that time was anything like his, he would've been tortured and killed. So in actuality he was treated much more humanely than anyone was under his rule. Had the Iraqi government just gotten rid of him back then, we wouldn't be having this discussion, we'd just be discussing a tyrant of a different name. - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 1:36pm
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I usually agree with my old friend shaggy ....but i watched the video and i thought it was a eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind....
here's what amnesty international has to say......

Amnesty International said it had greatly welcomed the decision to hold Saddam Hussein to account for the crimes committed under his rule but this should have been done through a fair process. "His trial should have been a major contribution towards establishing justice and ensuring truth and accountability for the massive human rights violations perpetrated when he was in power, but his trial was a deeply flawed affair," said Malcolm Smart. "It will be seen by many as nothing more than ‘victor’s justice’ and, sadly, will do nothing to stem the unrelenting tide of political killings." - Wed, 3 Jan 2007 9:14am Edited: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 9:14am
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"As long as George W. Bush is President." (fix0r3d) - Wed, 3 Jan 2007 11:06am Edited: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 11:07am
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They should leave the rope up for Cheney and Dubya Bush. - Wed, 3 Jan 2007 8:04pm Edited: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 8:04pm
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