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Taxpayers Don't Go To Heaven (A.K.A. Death Before Rent)
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David Arthur Johnston
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Taxpayers Don't Go To Heaven (A.K.A. Death Before Rent)


This is the extent we go to to save the world. It is how far we will go. The 'crown' is not going into the future and its justice system will not be saving us.

Democracy is brainwashed bull****. Truth is not determined by vote. Just stop it. Just stop it.

Wanna help? Get out on the street. Promote fate and patience so those around you may have a catalystic moment of fearlessness and liberation.

The answer is tent-cities. Not throwing rocks at cops.

You are a knight of God. Label yourself whatever you want, just save the world.

There is a point of zero originality and warriors must pass through the big sadness. The world of trust where communities no longer lock doors and food grows on trees is not an impossibility. Hold on. Hold on. Be strong. Don't eat when in custody of the monster.

When will the words come that convince the population that a short life focused on Heave-on-Earth is much more palatable then a long life as a slave?

It will take as long as it takes. You are not only not helpless, you are the saviour.


You are the Buddha. Now save the freakin world.


patience... Don't let Hollywood own the hero spirit. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:02am Edited: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:13am
Rotten Ravanol
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Yep..., nothing like the rantings of a lunatic to brighten up an otherwise dull day.... - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 3:00pm
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Because you must be crazy if you're not happy in this paradise!


... right?! - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 6:04pm
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Sorry man , I'm still trying to figure out what "the Taxpayers Don't Go To Heaven (A.K.A. Death Before Rent)" means ?:/ - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 6:49pm
Victor Von Doom
drdoom_30 *at*
Messages Posted:

It's O.K., I'm a doctor.

It means that DAJ is the new pinetreewillem/lordpatch/mace. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:46pm
Jeremy Baker
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this board gets better and better everytime I log in.

Tent Cities are the answer? - Wed, 13 Dec 2006 8:54pm
David Arthur Johnston
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Yes. Remembering that community does not need funding, only loving support.

Too many times I have seen 'ordinary Joes' cry and have nervous breakdowns around a burning barrel as a dirty street punk brings them tea.

More, tent-cities will be a result of a remembrance of why pride should not be supported. - Thu, 14 Dec 2006 9:15am
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David, explain to me in english what the fuck pride has to do with any of this?
How does my pride get in the way of supporting a bunch of people who CHOOSE to set up fucking tents and look pathetic as they grow hungry because they CHOOSE not to work and CHOOSE not to live in the system?

I am sincerely interested in knowing what you mean when you refer to pride being of some kind of obstacle.

It befounds me and any logic how you can sanely suggest that the community does not need funding...
Sure you can pull all that John Lennon all you need is love horseshit, but guess what in the real world it doesn't work, nor will it ever. It is unfortunate but it doesn't change it from being a cold hard FACT!

Money is a neccessary evil, like it or hate it, love it or lust for it, its there, just like the air...however polluted it may be. It makes this sad sad world spin on its economic axis, if not for currency I dread to IMAGINE what the world would become...simply because those of us who are realistic know that there is ONE irrefutable and never ceasing constant variable that will NEVER EVER CHANGE...its called HUMAN NATURE! Your nature and human nature are not the same David and that is something to be admired, however misguided and rosey tinted.

You may say love is a currency, I say spend it wisely if you've got any, cause most are already fuckin bankrupt, we're running on red. - Thu, 14 Dec 2006 2:22pm
trevor corey
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I was trying real hard to NOT to get trolled here, BUT, I say bullshit.
I have been through a severe health crisis that almost killed me and bankrupted not only me but family members who were assisting me. When a person goes through an illness expenses go up and income goes down. Money is not evil, money is wonderful. Some people just can't handle it. Money CAN buy happiness, but it does not guaranty it. Money is the ultimate tool that can buy any assistance you need in life.
Tent cities are breeding grounds for disease and human filth, that if allowed, will spread into the entire community, killing babies and old people first. How can you preach peace and understanding and yet be so careless and crass about the people that have to live around you?
Oh, and one more thing. Did you happen to look outside today at the weather? You fucking moron. One of my dogs won't even go out and take a piss it's raining so hard.
Your a fool.
I can't believe I just wasted soooo much time on you. - Thu, 14 Dec 2006 2:50pm
trevor corey
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Go and hang out at the Willowstream Spa for an afternoon, then try to tell me money doesn't buy happiness. - Thu, 14 Dec 2006 2:59pm
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If this guy doesn't use money, then who's paying for his internet? better not be my taxes. By the way david, if you're using a computer shouldn't it be to check out what kind of mental help you need? if not, why not try using it to find a damn job you smelly hippie. p.s. this is the real world not middle earth! - Thu, 14 Dec 2006 6:11pm
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"p.s. this is the real world not middle earth!"

/i almost pissed my pants when i read that lololol - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 7:43am
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MoFo- by thinking pride is a virtue one becomes psycotically naive. Pride is wholly foolish (purely delusional) as no body is the creator of original thought or deed. You can say that fate is a fucked philosophy, and you may be right, but it is also true and obvious with consideration of the 'choosing' process.

The moment a fence is put up in the name of private property a delusion is asserting itself and interupting the nature around it. Private property will not stop until everything is owned... capitalism is not sustainable. (it is pride to think one owns things, as the things share the same infinite history you do).

Death is better than fear.

peace - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:48am
David Arthur Johnston
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You wasted just enough time.

peace - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:50am
David Arthur Johnston
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You pay taxes? I forgive your sorry ass for perpetrating retarded slavery. I forgive your naivity in condemning the world to blindness of its potential of freedom. Your thoughts can only be what they are when you have them, just like everyone else, so I forgive you. May your want of wisdom overwhelm your acceptance of martial law in the name of owning a PS3.

May your love of freedom transcend your childish defences.

Peace. - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:54am
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yes I pay taxes and I helped pay yours while you were in the can. who's naive now. If you have soooo many great ideas maybe you should run for parliament. I hear that they're looking for mp's in east hastings. (seems like you'd fit in with the rest of the nutjobs) before you do that though, I would take about three baths, get a haircut and suck it up and get a job like the rest of the world. Oh and lay off the lsd freakshow. As for the ps3 comment, for someone who apparantly doesn't use money, you sure are on the ball with your electronica. Did your parents buy you one too???? - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 2:18pm
James Stewart
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I've figured you out David.
You're a sado masachist.
You enjoy the abuse that you can elicite out of others.
It has worked brilliantly on this board. You have baited everyone that has responded to your (non music related) posts. I for one, find myself rather embarassed to have been manipulated by your perversion.
Good luck in your quest, don't hurt any innocent bystanders along the way.
Merry Christmas. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 1:31am Edited: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 1:33am
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I remind myself of patience when vampires continue to attack without their hosts coming to terms with the idea of 'innocent presumption'.

It is more fun saving the world than pretending hopelessness and flailing in defences that ensure truth remains hidden.

peace be with you guys. Patience be with you.

Just because many pay taxes does not mean that they are right- it means that there is a lot of work to do and a lot of strength needs to be gained by a lot of people to face off against the lazy ones that attack. Patience be with you. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:59am
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Still wondering where you are logging on? seems hypocritical.
As before we are ALL entitled to our opinions.

So Lets live Davids way, abolish all taxes

no health care
no schools
no social programs

hell lets either let gangsters control everything since there will be taxes or governments...

shit lets just give this land back to the first nations whom we stole it from in the first place.
I belive rightfully so most of us whiteys would be offed.

there would be no free internet for D.'s rantings, no " public" land for him to sleep on, no food to scavenge

shit sounds like utopia, I'm glad I collect guitars and GUNS - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 12:51pm
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"When will the words come that convince the population that a short life focused on Heave-on-Earth is much more palatable then a long life as a slave?"

Not words, David, deeds. People won't believe it can be different until they see it. Even then it'll be hard.

The rest of you are reading alot into DAJ's posts that he isn't saying. POretend for a minute that he's not completely crazy (only about 75% crazy) and you might learn somthing. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 1:27pm
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learn what? Id love to hear what I could gather from reading all of these posts and thinking to myself(much like everyone else) what a nutter... Now that said, I still cant get behind what he says/thinks... simply because i am happy the way i live, deal with it. I dont need someone telling me patience be with me, i dont need him to fuck everything up our society built over generations, im not going to waste my grandparents time in the war(1 and 2) by tearing up OUR land that they fought for. Now, just because I've managed to save money(somehow on my pay lol) and have a cozy pad to live in, doesn't mean im going to hell. Not once in my life have I sacrificed someone elses way of living/earning/being to further myself. So this one guy comes along, telling us tax payers dont go to heaven etc... what the hell do you think most working class people's response would be? FUCK YOU GET A JOB! i can garentee every single person would react the same. Im no slave to anyone, if I feel that way id find another job or another means to make money. And to further the money is the root of all evil comments made.... its not my problem your out there and im in here. Sorry but its the truth, I work my ass off to get food on my table, clothes on my back, and strings for my guitar. To have this guy come in and say money should be abolished becuase its evil, what else are we gunna do? People will not and could not live in the dream world that David wants. Simply cannot be done because of human nature, We always want more. That's why we're at where we are. I dont mean to offend david or anyone else, im simply sharing my opinion... whether you agree with me or not, that's how i feel! - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:12pm Edited: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:13pm
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right on j - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:23pm
trevor corey
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David is cultivating our angry posts like a farmer and feeding off of them like a vampire. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:35pm
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this thread sure puts me in a great mood. Keep farming for more thrashin davey boy we forgive you. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 3:01pm
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J, the "money should be abolished" stuff is pure old-fashioned crazy. The "paying tazes is evil" stuff is pure old-fashioned crazy, too.

But that's not all he's saying. He's also saying that the way to a better world isn't by voting for the leser of two evils, and it's not by "ripping the system". It's by going out and making good thigns hapen in real life today. Or tomorrow, if you've got band practice tonight.

He's saying we can have a better world than this,a nd bitching about it isn't going to make that happen. I agree with that.

And if he's so crazy, why do you feel you have to justify yourself? - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 4:03pm
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So he's a vampire farmer? Ok, I've heard it all. Personally I don't even read his rants. Too annoying after the first sentence. I just read the comments afterwards. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 4:09pm
trevor corey
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It can be entertaining. I guess we're all vampires
Troll on! - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 4:28pm Edited: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 4:29pm
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knife, i do it cuz he keeps comin' back for more lol...
I can agree that 'our' world could use a change for the better. But I do not agree at all about the 'old fashion' crazy stuff, I just cant. I can see what he's trying to get at, but is what he's doing the best way? (and im not just talking about coming on here preeching patience and goodness... im talking about tent cities, tearing up the church ground, dissrupting the public out front of the conference center for a "protest" etc...) What did tent city do as a statement to the rest of us as a whole? I can tell you how i felt, but im sure as hell I would offend someone on here... and that's what I dont want, is to offend... so much as just let DAJ know that while he feels the way he does... not everyone(and we're not blind or crazy or slaves to 'the man') will back up his beliefs. As some might describe, a part of human nature is to advance and yearn for more, taking a step to living without alot of these so called material items would be stepping back IMO. Now, Im not saying my material items are my life, but I worked dam hard to buy a TV, bed, a place to live... why would i give that up? Even if I saw a "utopia" of sorts, I have my utopia in my apartment and everything i need is right at my finger tips... Play your cards that your dealt the right way and you might just see a royal flush soon enuff, but until then... IMO, work your ass off and reap the benefits later in life. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 4:55pm
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J, I know what you're saying. The North American materialistic lifestyle isn't all that great, but most people prefer it to living on the street and refusing to touch money. People won't give up their toys until they have something better to give them up for. And why should they, y'know? I'm doing what I can to make the world better (and once it gets going, I'll be able to do a lot to make the world better) but I reserve the right to come home to my PS2 at the end of it.

DAJ is wrong about a lot of things. Mostly in demonizing people who aren't like him, but also in that he sees money and material object as a... I dunno, an infection or a taint. Like once you touch money, it's infected you and you're a slave to it. Of course that's bullshit.

Preaching hellfire and brimstone never did anything except to make you and your followers feel better than everyone else. Every moment you waste feeling like you're better than someone else is an lost opportunity to learn from that person. DAJ is really bad for that. A lot of "activists" are.

What I will give DAJ is that he lives it. His life is in line with his beliefs. And he's doing something. Which is better than all the people "raising awareness". If he can get over himself and learn from other people, he might do great things.

He also has a strong belief that we (IE: anyone who wants in) can make the world better. I admire that. "Better", to me, means where people are more able to make the lives that work for them. DAJ probably has a different idea about what it means.

I just hate seeing people give up their dreams. I understand why they do it and I don't condemn them for it, but I hate seeing it. I think that's why I kind of like DAJ. Behind all the crazy, he's a dreamer. - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 10:37pm
trevor corey
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Davids dream is to suffer abuse and intolerance.

Flame on. - Sun, 17 Dec 2006 1:12am
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wonderful points Kghost.

I belive if David chooses the life he has stated, maybe a city is not the place for him...I too would like to see a lot of things change, especially the availability of reasonably priced housing.

I think that DJ could very easily realise his dream if he was to move to the country and go off the grid so to say.

I have flown accross BC probably 300 times and you can't tell me there are not a load of people living "outside" of society in this province.

I know personally I will before I die spend a year living in a cabin in total isolation, as a choice.

David keep your ideals and dreams, just stop condemning people who don't share your views.

I'm sure if you spent some time with me you would see not all are tainted by money or the man.

Personally I have "blown" a fortune this year on my daughter for Xmas the biggest of all the commercial scams....but she is 5, still has the innocence of youth, believes in the "myth" of Santa....and lets face it in a couple of years she will begin to realize the world she is living for me, I am glad to partake in the commercial madness for the sake of her irreplaceable memories. You can be ethical though, I do not shop in malls, but only spend my money in locally owned business whos ethics in business I feel are worth my support.

In a way at least I feel thats doing something good.

I don't feel trolled by DJ, just want him to know the world is not always as ONE thinks it is. - Sun, 17 Dec 2006 1:25am
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I say patience so much because I need it, as well. It has become 'normal' to act against the world... it seems most are aware that something is horribly fucked, but it's hard to see the root of the problem when people are so intertwined with it.

Capitalism is not sustainable. Many are coming to terms with this and many more would not turn the consideration aside.

I'm cursed with knowing why pride is a sin and in knowing this I know the core of capitalism and hate. So, when I get to a computer, I preach (o.k. I admit, I preach) fate and patience because I know it is these things, directly, that when understood, save the world. It is very deep and seemingly complex- we have been naive of the sin of pride for a very long time and have built a pervertedly brutal system because of it, a system that will hunt you down and try to break your will if you don't bow to it. It will take your children away and make your grandparents shun you. The multitude that believe in the lie will be forced to hate you or become enlightened themselves.

If you don't have kids, your happiness will be best served if you give your existence to facing the monster.

Fate is not a philosophy. It is the nature of motion, obvious with humble consideration.

Lose everything to gain everything. If you support pride, in your naivity, you support every atrocity. It is not about changing 'systems', it is about rather being dead than condemning the world to retarded slavery- it is just a bonus that the alternative is a world of trust and respect where food grows on trees, where we see much divine inspiration to pull us out of the incredible hole we've dug for ourselves while we've been dependent on a lie.

Again- pride is sin because no ego is the creator of any thought or deed. You, like all life, are a conduit of experience that has no beginning. This IS the transcendent thing that saves the world.

Rage will always bow before patience.

peace - Sun, 17 Dec 2006 1:47pm Edited: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 1:50pm
trevor corey
User Info...
pride /praɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prahyd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, prid·ed, prid·ing.
1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
2. the state or feeling of being proud.
3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
4. pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
5. something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.
6. the best of a group, class, society, etc.: This bull is the pride of the herd.
7. the most flourishing state or period: in the pride of adulthood.
8. mettle in a horse.
9. Literary. splendor, magnificence, or pomp.
10. a group of lions.
11. sexual desire, esp. in a female animal.
12. ornament or adornment.
–verb (used with object)
13. to indulge or plume (oneself) in a feeling of pride (usually fol. by on or upon): She prides herself on her tennis.
14. pride and joy, someone or something cherished, valued, or enjoyed above all others: Their new grandchild is their pride and joy.
[Origin: bef. 1000; ME (n.); OE prȳde (c. ON prȳthi bravery, pomp), deriv. of prūd proud] - Mon, 18 Dec 2006 2:34am
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Pride: original sin; condition responsible for all suffering; delusion that ignores the eternal non-varying variable of all motion being fated- eg. no ego is responsible for its actions, as every action (including thought) is dictated by experience (which has no beginning).

Your existence is preceeded by a line of experience that regresses back through time for infinity.

g'day - Mon, 18 Dec 2006 6:48am
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This looks like a 'worthy' thread...

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to read any of it yet, and I'm just leaving the City again, so I won't be waiting around to read it..

One more thing...

There is no comparing 'Lord Patch or DAJ' to 'The Mace'.

Understood/Capete? - Mon, 18 Dec 2006 2:40pm
Devil's Advocate
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How can you be a functioning human without taking pride in something?
Laprider- I too would like to live off the grid one day, but not in a tent in a city park. I think your (and my) idea of off the grid ts a very differant idea than Daj's.
Tent cities once flourished. In the days before labour unions. They were filthy, and rampant with disease and crime. Certainly nothing to be proud of.
I have way too much time on my hands to be arguing this idea. - Mon, 18 Dec 2006 3:19pm Edited: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:16pm
jonny B. swell
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If you accomplished getting people to live there lives the way you think is right, and the way you believe would better the world, wouldnt you be proud of yourself at all?
Pride is just an emotion, its always going to be there cause its just another way our brains work.
If i couldnt take pride in my accomplishments, i wouldnt have any drive to get anything done in my life. - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:26am
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Why you all continue to allow this moron to use these boards as his soapbox is beyond me. Ignore the fool and he'll go away. There are so many flaws in his ideologies. And anyone that was sane could see that. I'd get into details, but I promised myself I wouldn't be trolled by this expelled psych patient. - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:37am Edited: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:38am
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trevor corey, jonny B. swell and Shaggy,

Patience be with you. You are at a brunt end of an invulnerable virus. Patience is stronger than all of Babylon's defences.

peace and have fun... have no doubt that there really really is a place where all spirit is obvious.

in humility,

you - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 1:23pm
trevor corey
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Are you proud of yourself? - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 2:58pm
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"continue to allow this moron to use these boards as his soapbox"

Pot. Kettle. Black. - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 3:48pm
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Yeah, I spam utter nonsense on the boards on a regular basis. Try to troll someone else dumbass. - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 4:30pm
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this is the most useless bullshit thread ever, DAJ has nothing to do with music, why is he even posting on this board - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 5:01pm
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I don't see how he's spamming. He posts and replies to you. He's local to Victoria. This board has never solely been about music.

My comments were more about the "moron" and "soapbox" which you seem to have missed though that's what I specifically quoted. If you ask me, which I'm going to assume you did, your insults are moronic and these forums are nothing if not soapboxes, so the old saying "the pot calling the kettle black" applies.

A buddy of mine used to say "they can't get your goat if you don't have a goat".

Lose the goat, Shaggy. Lose the goat. - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 8:15pm
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Do not feed the goat/ trol /lunatic’s , their all free range fed in here !

OH and …..this site stopped being a musicians site a few years ago , or was it ever ? Hmm? lol! - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 9:54pm
jonny B. swell
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In the thread you started entitled "saving the world"
you said you've never made a choice in your life.
Didnt you choose to continue sleeping at St.Annes although you were repeatedly told not to? Didnt you choose to not eat food while you were detained? Don't you choose to continue posting on this website?
If i didnt make any conscious decisions and left everything up to fate, im pretty sure i would have died a long time ago. It seems like you contradict yourself frequently.
Now, if you'll excuse me im going to choose to eat a box of crunch and munch. That shit is tasty.
-Jon - Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:11pm
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My insults are far more appropriate to this board than some psychosis riddled religious zealot spewing this BS. And check the board. There's more than a few of these useless posts from this guy. If he could put 2 coherent sentences together that weren't riddled with complete BS... Not to mention the serious flaws to his anarchist/christtian (never knew the 2 could co-exist to be honest) ideologies, especially when it comes to tent cities.

Let's also not forget I know more than a few facts about this guy and he contradicted his supposed belief system more than once on these boards, let alone on a daily basis in RL. Also knowing his mother thinks he's Christ reborn pretty much cements the psychosis that runs in the family. The guy's a 1st class nutter. Can't argue that fact. - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 2:22am
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garlic and sunlight


poisoned troll food
taints the eater and they bring it back to their queen, then you get the whole hive

nothing can be done to unsee the transcendent

wouldn't matter if I flailed and flailed, truth is the truth- and the truth begins this thread and the other threads that I initiated. So, accept or go really bad wiggy insane.

peace - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 9:53am
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no truth can come from preaching. fuck off. - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 10:28am
Elvis Hitler
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This thread is full of all kinds of crazy. - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 1:56pm
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So he's still got your goat then... - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 2:31pm
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