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Bad Religion thread derailment
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Bad Religion thread derailment
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This came off a thread where someone was just trying to sell off his tickets in the LiveVic General Section. Nothing's deleted.. its just moved here:

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wow, bad religion... are they going to hit on teenage girls at this show too? or is that only over the internet that they do that...? - Fri, 15 Sep 5:28pm Edited: Fri, 15 Sep 5:30pm

User Info... Yay! Bad Religion are not playing Victoria, after the way the lead singer treated people at the last gig here, THEY SUCK!!! - Fri, 15 Sep 5:59pm Edited: Fri, 15 Sep 5:59pm

User Info... love punk, always have, never heard a note of bad re, never neede to, i guess... are they really a band? they seem to suck... - Sat, 16 Sep 9:46am

User Info... they do suck, second wave pop punk music, their singer founded epitaph records (or however it is spelled), which is what hell cat is run through, so basically a lot of shittly bands got major coverage because of these guys... Their shit is all over the radio, and the lead singer has been a heroin junky off and on for years. Just last year it came out that one of their members was stroling the internet trying to convince young girls (underaged) to strip for him on web camera, using his id card to prove he was in the band, and using the band to get them to flash him. Guy is a fucking pedophile. As well the band sucks, they don' do any thing except take really cleache news paper politcs, and lame punk retorhic and put it over shitty pop punk music.
fuck them - Sat, 16 Sep 12:24pm - Sat, 16 Sep 2006 3:27pm Edited: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 3:31pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Griph - are you referring to the White Eagle Hall gig back around '93 where the singer started whining to the crowd that a couple spotlights weren't working? The inestimable Tony Goluza, standing next to me, yelled out "What - you want a fucking smoke show too?!?!"
Right on. - Sun, 17 Sep 2006 8:42am
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Yeah, something about the local yokels not being able to properly put on a show. I thought it happened a few years ago actually. Heh... GO TONY!!! - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 1:34am
Adrenaline Animal
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If you watch the whole internet thing with him and the teenage girl closely you can see it's a fake, his shirt changes colour half way through. and Greg Grafin didn't start epitaph, the guitar player, Mr. Brett did. Last time they played here, I was on the same ferry coming over to the island as they were, and I sat and chatted with mr grafin, seemed like a cool guy to me.

just my 2 cents though, think what you want. - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 8:54am Edited: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 8:55am
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bad religion fucking rules

bad religion > victoria - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:26am
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fuck that, I knew a gal that he tryed to get to strip, back in my home town, lloydminster, she was only 16. - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 4:11pm
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oh, oh, O--KAY! Mr. Age-of-Consent Preacher...

Hey, so why don't you go preach to the masses and save some virgins in Alberta then!



The thing that bothers me the most about Bad Religion is that they aren't as BIG as the bamd thinks they are. Bad Religion has maybe one, half decent song. The rest, speak for themselves... *Yawn

Most walked out of the 2003 Vans Warped shows right after they took the stage.

Plus I have this *choke gag/forced autographed signed album of theirs... Someone who forced me to give the album to her to have it signed for me.

One of my major life mistakes, I will never probably be able to shun. - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 8:00pm
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Whatever. Internet rumours.

Bad Religon was great. - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 8:54pm
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Fuck MTV crap punk bullshit... there are great DIY bands that stick to the shit they preach, treat people good, and don't try and fuck underage kids... SXupport your local scene, and all the DIY bands that help build theirs. - Tue, 19 Sep 2006 1:20am
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See, there you go with the 'preach' shit again.

U suck - Tue, 19 Sep 2006 8:32pm
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noone cares what the fuck they did/didnt do, its the music that counts, pete townshend was a fucking pederast and people still idolize the who.

bad religion is/was awesome. (emphasis on the period)

oh! and who the fuck doesnt like teenage girls? - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:17pm Edited: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:17pm
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it is funny how much people will go on about what we should do to a pedo, then they will buy a t-shirt from a band that fucks underage kids. - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 2:04pm
shut up,bitch
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Well, unlike most pedophiles we read about,the "allegations" against a certin member of Bad Religion have never been proven, and are based on dubious evidence.

That's the problem with you crazy anarchists..., you'd throw away the rule of law and start shooting each other after you've run out "class enemies."

I think I'll go find some video footage of ole' Noise not Bums, alter it in some half-assed way to give the appearance of him in a compromising position with a minor, then spread unfounded and unproven allegations that he's a pedophile all over the internet....

Dipshit. - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 5:37pm
Swingin' Joe
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Zing! - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 8:23pm
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nice rationalization... just like the people that claim BFG don't fuck minors, yet I know pleanty of girls that have been hit on by steve goof personally, repetedly, and it is known as common in their scene there. - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 1:08am
shut up,bitch
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Hmmmm...,you clearly don't have a clue what rationalize means in the english language do you..., lol.

But then again,Kropotkin wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed either. - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 2:58pm
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According to rationalize means (nuber 7)
to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes: He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.

American Heritage dictionary defines rationalize as
To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior): “Many shoppers still rationalize luxury purchases as investments”
American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary
To devise self-satisfying but false or inconsistent reasons for one's behavior, especially as an unconscious defense mechanism through which irrational acts or feelings are made to appear rational to oneself.

As long as you stick to the whole party line of it can not be proven, despite the numerouse allegations, and internet photos, and the fact I even knew a girl that he hit on, then it is alright for you to keep listening to bad religion, even though they have members doing some thing you would (hopefully) concider immoral, and other have stated they would kill other people in horible ways for the same actions.
This is also putting aside all the other resons that people have stated to boycott the band, such as the way they treated locals in the past here in vic.
It sickens me that our scenes preach (and they do) about how sexual assault and pedophilia are so imoral and then they allow pedophiles and sexist bastards to be part of that same scene, the entire time turning a blind eye to the bullshit these bands (and people) do and pretending it isn't happening, using excuses like yours, or the earlier one that it dosn't matter cause the music is good.
Often I hear people making observations about the lack of women, and non whites in our communities and scenes, and then you wonder why with bands like dayglo abortions, BFG, Anal Cunt, Big John Bates, and many others I could list, being poppular and treating women like shit, or objects to fuck. I am sure "punker bitches" really helped, I am sure that none of this has any thing to do with that... I see kids walking arround with patches for bands like skrewdriver, the exploited, fear, or combat 84, all verry right wing bands, and yet we wonder why so many coulored people think all punks are nazis? (note fear was not racist, just verry right wing)
You hear people bitch just as much about scenster crap and all, but when a band like bad religion, the casualties, or rancid comes to town, people rush out to buy tickets.... The local bands are practically plowing over each other to get in line to open for these bands, and we claim to not support MTV and all, we calim to be underground, yet we will continue supporting this kind of crap, cause "the music is good" NO IT'S NOT, It is generic, pop, built on a formula, that usually rips off older rifs and songs, with little thought put into most of the lyrics.
up the punx. - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 4:57pm
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quote: "and yet we wonder why so many coulored people think all punks are nazis?"

No, but you obviously do, and you obviously are displaying some serious issues... And I also, think by what you just stated, that, 'The Proof is in the Pudding.'

You refer to as-

[GIANT WTF>!!>??] - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 8:20pm Edited: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 8:20pm
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what am I not pc enough for

either way, the issue is true no matter what you call it.
Yeah I am white, and was raised in a white neiborhood, with racist parrents, and now I do what I can to fight this inherant racism, but I can not forget that whether I like it or not that is my background. I am refering to people that are not white, call em coulored, visible minorities, or what ever...

the fact still exists, this is a prodominantly white male scene, and racism and sexism exist, and are even some times promoted with in it. I want to see that change.
I feel we need to quit supporting bands that are racist and sexist first, or all our efforts are just superficial - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 3:48pm
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why does everything allways have to sound like such a fucking battle with you? you think youre gonna change the world by posting on internet forums? if so youre more naive than we thought. The simple fact is people have allready decided whether they like em or not, so just push your tampon in a littl[e further take a seat, and leave the world changing to people who are qualified and intelligent. - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 4:58pm
Swingin' Joe
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And don't eat from dumpsters. - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 6:33pm
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So sure NNB, tell people what you know and then step aside and let them judge what to do with that info. I don't believe everything I read on a message board from some guy I've never met either. Especially some guy who's taken to kinda raging (no offence). That may not seem fair, or make sense to you, but try to see it from another perspective.

I've been idealistic my whole life, and I've been known to get pretty preachy as well.. but what I've learned is that it doesn't work. Getting all riled up and sarcastic and condescending and bitchy (not saying that describes you) isn't going to charm people over to your way of thinking. Its just going to make you more frustrated and rob you of energy you could be putting into more effective ways of getting your point across. Also, it'll make you depressed, fixating on people who're defiant, rather than on your successes. Raging will just make you ill and then you won't be of any help to anyone, or worse, you'll give up all your idealism. I'm kinda with you NNB, and I know of what I speak.. I'm on my own warpath!

And I may have said this before on these forums, but I believe that all activists should be given a piece of advice and that is, be careful not to alienate those that are with you, or just about there, by venting all your frustrations AT them. If I go to some gathering and the speaker is getting all angry and directing that anger at the crowd who came to see him/her speak and actually consider his/her views, they're gonna lose them. Maybe I am too sensitive, but I can't take it - its a bummer and worse, it hurts. I usually leave gatherings like that cuz I don't tolerate being yelled at by anyone, whether I empathize with their frustration or not.
I know we're an easy target, cuz we're your audience here, but come on, are people on LiveVic really the enemy? It doesn't really seem that way to me. Its mostly just assholes looking to see who they can annoy, haha!
On that note, I'm gonna go out and dig up some dirt on Hesher so I can wreck your show! - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 6:59pm Edited: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 7:01pm
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mmmm.... dumpster food....

why is every thing such a battle with me... cause I am an asshole on live vic trying to see who I can piss off. N' no, I don't think I will change the world by posting on internet forums, but shit, it can be fun to see people react. it is funny, I am occasionlly wrong, but no one ever critisizes those points, they just attack my lifestyle, or spelling.

anyways, off to work, then I got apile of organizing to do, a dumpster to hit, some phone calls to make, and an all ages show to go to. - Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:14am
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Trying to piss people off... You couldn't 'piss' your own racist mother off. - Sat, 23 Sep 2006 1:23pm
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Haha Macen, nice. Do people on here know you have your own section on the Cobalt board? Hours and hours of.... Macen, in all his glory.

Anyway yeah, I sometimes think everything's a battle with me too, its just cuz I get pissy.
And for the record I think its total bullshit when people on here attack anyone for their spelling or for living off of nothing. I know a lot of people who won't post cuz of their spelling, and they have a lot to say... those who post anyway are inspiring for keeping on. (Same way this tenured university prof I used to work for kept on despite never being able to spell the simplest thing.)

And lifestyle... I often wonder whether most people on LiveVic are privileged & living with their parents, or have inheritances waiting for them. Life is tough and learning that you can live on nothing means you don't have to give in whoring yourself out in whatever ways for (as my friend Eddy called it, "the rent addiction"). And when you do you CHOOSE to with joy because you know that whatever cause you're doing it for is absolutely worth it! YAY! - Sat, 23 Sep 2006 4:24pm
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cheers! - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 7:09pm
Indole Derivative
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I fuck underage girls. Imagine that. And if you disagree that high school hotties have the best bodies out there you are: 1. A LIAR 2. A Homosexual male. 3. A straight female. 4. A liar. 5. An a-sexual (or I don't know, dogfucker?) anyone.

And Sati? You know people who are afraid to post online because of their spelling? Those people are fucking wankers. Why does spelling matter THAT much to them? I think you are lying. I couldnt imagine someone saying "Oh no I wont post on my hometowns music scene onlife forum because I can't spell anything". Liar!

Bad religion sucks. If you disagree... BIG WOOP! WADDA FIDE ABOUDID?

THERE IS FOOD IN DUMPSTERS! If you really have nothing going for you in life that you feel you have to eat garbage, knock yourself out! Whats a little food poisoning to a bum?

I love the following: Skrewdriver, combat84, Fear and the Exploited and I am not a nazi. You, however, are a WANG!

And predominantly in this scene I see mostly coloured people and women.

LLOYDMINISTER SUCKS! most boring 2 hours of my life were spent there.

Alcoholism benifits the human race.

Can't find anymore things to disagree with. Post more, you fucking cretins. - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:43pm
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Quote (Sati):Haha Macen, nice. Do people on here know you have your own section on the Cobalt board? Hours and hours of.... Macen, in all his glory.


It's great, to be the King!

But you'd think that NNB would get out of the 'binning business' Sati, since, most of his friends, himself included, being exposed to the 'Tuberculosis' n' all..

Because we all know, 'There's no justice in being a binner or binning.' - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 9:26am
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I know a lot of people don't like me and all, but joey only and david parsons would not include most of my freinds...
oh and lloydminster dose suck... thats why I am here...
and Indole Derivative how old are you? if you are 19and you fuck 17 yr olds that again is not the subject here...

um, and bad religion dose suck...every thing else you posted was crap, just to disagree, good job. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 1:18pm
Indole Derivative
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No kiddin. I'm seventeen, by the way. Just tryin to see if posting an bitchy wang will give me any entertainment, as it seems to do for others. Honestly, it didn't do it for me. Maybe I'll try again some day. Maybe I'll just go look at the boring boards, like gear buy and sell or something... Who knows what will happen when idiots are bored on the internet. surely not me. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 2:42pm
Macen Mansfield
stereobiomace713 *at*
Messages Posted:

Blacklisted by the Trudeau Gov't @ the age of 10. (circa. 1980)

I don't know of anybody who quite gets a 'boner' out of digging through the trash can..

Other than...^^^ - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 4:01pm
User Info... is

1. a message board

2. a music message board

What do u expect? - Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:14am
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STFU? U^^^ - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 11:24pm
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i dont like bad re. for one reason and one reason only.....thier songs suck.....the rest of this is just a bunch of gossiping idots who dont even know what they are talking about....half these post are filled with missinformation .....heres something i cut from an interview with brett......

Though his understanding of music has grown far beyond even rock & roll, on many levels his attitude remains as punk as they come: “Now it’s gotten to the point where I’ll put out whatever the fuck I want on any of my labels. Maybe I’m just past the point of caring what some 16-year-old wants to flame me about on a message board.” - Mon, 9 Oct 2006 11:38am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Like - what in the flying flippity fuck?!?!?!?!?
Derailment, indeed!

I am sincerely hoping, Scott and Nev, that the EGREGIOUS scumbag-osity in the post directly above mine was merely an oversight that will never EVER the fuck happen again.
If I see many more of those I will stop logging on to LiveVic. - Fri, 15 Dec 2006 6:16pm Edited: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 6:36pm
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(btw, the post was deleted.)
The extensive staff of web technicians we've assigned to the job are doing (my) best to keep up with them! And Nev's going to make it tougher to get accounts here as soon as he's back from tour.
Living up to your name Curmudgeon! - Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:19pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I do my best.
Thanks for deleting the thread, Sati. - Sun, 17 Dec 2006 7:37am
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you know what im fucking sick of?
nnb and the fucking anarchos saying support your local scene when all you do is preach it and DONT DO IT becuase young people dont sing about shit! FUCK WE JUST WANNA ROCK OUT AND NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH POLITICS WE PLAY MUSIC CAUSE WE LIKE MUSIC NOT CAUSE WE CARE ABOUT POLITICS..i saw bad religion play in vic in 2002 and they fucking ruled..bad religion fucking rules can hell be anyworse? is a sick album.and for fuck sakes enough bashing epitaph..nofx,br,rancid,bouncing souls,dropkicks,converge,refused...those bands are GOOOOOOOD!!!! i seriously could care less there "pop punk"

and for fuck sakes man like lighten up please a little bit..should i stop listening to music because bands do bad things? should i give up on music because you tell me to?
andrew you rule so much

majority of young people dont give a shit
we want to
a)put on shows
b)get drunk/stoned
c)be stupid
d)thrash out
e)live at home and get drivin to shows by our parents(fucking tobaccaine fucker)
f)and rock the mother fucking shit

no one supports the young people punk scene
mbl,dtbs,rotten fiends,wp,CYBORG JUSTICE are all great bands
and no one gives a shit..its alwasy the same people at cordels/meat circus shows

i would like to say the guy who puts on hardcore shows is a great dude as well he knows how to put on a good show

and fucking most of all thanks to the hoosegow they rule soo hard and have played all ages shows with us becuase they know that young peeps know how to rock out.ok im not making sense anymore

this picture shows that the hoosegow rule the all ages scene - Mon, 1 Jan 2007 6:15pm
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i dont like bad religion, but nofx rules

PS - so does the hoosegow - Mon, 1 Jan 2007 6:30pm
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i sometimes wish it wasn't always about getting drunk and thrashing out...but not as political as the anarchist stuff. there must be some middle grounds , possibly between the lines. lol.

getting drunk and thrashing out is still the shit and whhere i get all my angst out. its a shame i didnt goto shows when i went to school...i just feel old now. - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 2:45am Edited: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 2:46am
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awwwwwwwww dont feel old andrew, your one of the few thats can buy us silly kids beer and smokes....aka YOU RULE - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 7:42am
rip skinny
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and the reason their no multiculturalism in our "scene" is cause everyone in victoria is white - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 10:27am
Masturbating The War God
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last time I walked down town I saw lots of 'non white' people.
Maybe you need to look harder. - Tue, 2 Jan 2007 5:59pm
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Assphincter says what? - Wed, 3 Jan 2007 10:30pm
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I mean really , what's white these days ?

Oh noes... There's too many whites on the streets ? I should feel guilty about this....?!I'm white :(

What a crock, calling us all white is like lumping all white, pale or off black into one race . Walk through a mall sometime. I see every race out there amongst us, you’ll see English , Native , Chinese, Sikh , Scottish ,Italian , Protégées , Japanese’s , ect.. ….. Canadians really

But damn those white people , they might drive down the property value . - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 1:05am
masturbating the war god
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Bwhahaha, what the fuck is a 'Japanese’s'? Lol... - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 10:24am
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I care about politics....

It's a place that goes against the grain, and we all come from different grains. There's the big one, but then there are the smaller ones in that.
Like, for me, punk isn't about getting messed up and thrashing out. It's just a fun thing to do, but I don't see anything "punk" about it, becuase, well, there are tons of bands that don't get messed up (but still thrash around), and I regard them as "punk". To some people though, punk is nothing more to them then a way to let loose and bring out their rage and anger at, what is usual a lot of different things, the MAN...and Tuesdays. Punk is a lot of things to different people. To me, it is a lot of positive energy, but also a place where communities can talk and exchange ideas about how WE would like to run OUR lives, and not have it run by 30 seconds of democracy every few years. To some, again, it's a place to let go and just get away from what takes them down. It's a party! Bring the hats! - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 5:19pm
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