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Ecstasy - Dangerous? Discuss!
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Ecstasy - Dangerous? Discuss!
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bad cat
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So I did alot of ectasy last year and although Ive not touched it since about February I still feel burnt out.. Anyone else get that from this drug? I know they say the long term effects can be devastating to the brain and body, but what are other peoples experiences from it? I also have a friend who lost his career because of ectasy, but he was selling it. However replaced a longterm income with a drug record and a big fine. He cant go to the US anymore which sucks for him. I lost my girlfriend during the time I was doing alot of it, she says I used so much it turned me into a different person. ( i was usually in a pissy mood when not high )

Anyways I just wanted to see how this drug has adversly or not affected other people's lives who have dabbled, good stories, horror stories etc, I may even do an essay on it at some point.

Stuff Ive read online says after one usage the brain shows signs of bruising or damage and that too much use actually makes the brain physicially mushy which I suppose goes with the term 'drugs turn your brain to mush' but in this case it really does? hahah! - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:11pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:13pm
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just from the way your rambling on i can tell your brain is gone to mush. better start eating lots of veggies. might help you not be stunned for rest of your life - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:37pm
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Here's a question to all you E peoplez, can one become violent while on E, or would a combination of, say, E plus K make a person violent?!? - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 1:30pm
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FUCK E its the stupidist drug besides meth - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 2:35pm
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Ecstasy leads to obesity, hairiness and bad taste in swimwear and jewelry. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 2:59pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 3:19pm
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A lot of people have told me it changed the way they think. Even more have told me they don't enjoy sex any more with out it. I'd hate to touch a drug that could turn me into a raver. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 8:52pm
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C'mon, you know you wanna!!! - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:15am
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Wow, I didnt know Mr Hell's dad wears a speedo! - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:03am
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"FUCK E its the stupidist drug besides meth"

Agreed with Jeff. I would never associate with those drugs. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:49pm
Mr. Hell
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You didn't know my Dad wears a speedo? That must be because you only fantasize about him totally nude.
Ugh. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 3:59pm
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Still proud to have never touched either E or Meth.

Stupid drugs. Sweet speedo. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:06pm
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I've never touched any drug in my life, and i won't. espicaly now that i've seen Mr. Hells dad in a speedo! - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:32pm Edited: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:32pm
Nik Olaz
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the real title of this thread should be LAMPS: ON OR OFF? - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 2:36am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I seriously, really think they should be off.

/anybody saw where my glowstick went? - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 7:36am Edited: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 7:37am
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Yeah, it's illuminating where the sun don't shine. And the next day the ravers always blame it on the E. - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:15pm
Mr. Hell
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Some nice, clean MDA is a treat.
E tends to be mixed with other really bad things, I'm sure. Best to stick to V8 and bunches of cale. - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 4:03pm
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fighting on e is alright, but beating the shit out of a guy who hits a friend of yours with the blunt end of an axe is about 1000 times better. - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 6:30pm
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as mr.hell has brilliantly mentioned, the big thing to consider is purity. unless you're cooking or growing yourself, you never know what drug you're using.

overdoses are generally thought to happen when people "chase the dragon" (and no, i couldn't find a cheesier term) and go too far. however, the case usually is that someone will overdose when they use a drug that's a little more pure than they've been using, and stonger than they were expecting.

also, there's 'cross-addiction' where dealers, somewhere between production and final sale, combine one drug with another. now, i'm new to victoria, but in calgary, cocaine was getting to be about half cocaine and half crystal meth, which certainly was unfortunate for the cocaine users who had half a brain not to use crystal meth. recently, i've learned from The Crystal Meth Victoria Society that sometimes pot is being sprayed with crystal meth!

so, to be keen, grow/cook your own, or quit. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 9:21am
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It was in the paper a while back that some pot in the lower mainland is being grown with a meth laced watering process. When asked, the advice of the Vancouver RCMP was to know your dealer. My advice is if you buy a bag of weed and it keeps you up rather than makes you want a nap, throw it out and boycott that source. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:19am
The Box Drone
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Real E is amazing stuff. Basically what it does is open up the 'doors' to the seratonin (happy chemical) supply in your brain, dumping all the seratonin at once resulting in a euphoric feeling. This seratonin is meant to be released slowly, so this results in a "mood dip" usually hitting a few days after doing the E. The vitamin 5HTP however, stimulates rapid seratonin production in your brain, so using this is combination with E can get rid of most of the negative side effects. Since that's all real E does, there's really no reason it would turn your brain to mush (although some theorize overuse can short out your seratonin receptors), or make you feel cracked out in the least.

However, real E is all but a myth these days. What passes as E these days is usually AT LEAST half meth, and is often cut with any number of other substances which are more addictive & more energizing. Lots of folks prefer this stuff to "real E" because the pure stuff just makes them want to sit down on a couch & bliss out, and is not actually all that condusive to staying up & dancing all night.

If anyone tells you their shit is pure, they're probably either lying, or they don't know what they're talking about... and unless you know FOR A FACT what you're doing is pure, or you like meth, I would say it's not worth it. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 4:21pm
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5HTP?!? I wonder if I can get that prescribed to fight my depression, since I get the blahs from all the acid I've done. Oh and if you partake in E, get it tested out before you do that batch, gawd knows what people put in the E. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:59pm Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:00am
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Yeah, I'm clean as a whistle, but my brother's been getting in to some stuff lately, and I had to chase him down the other night after hearing he'd taken too much E and was really fucked. His friends figured they wouldn't take him to the hospital, and that the best idea was to deal with it themselves... amazing people. Turns out that his dealer/'friend' gave him some E and some meth. He took some E, then a bit later, probably thinking that his drinking 'abilities' transtlated to other substances, took some more, and a bunch was meth. He won't tell us who the dealer is, but if I ever find out which of his friends tried to turn a profit by getting him into meth, I'll do some severe damage.

Sure, know your dealer, but everyone thinks they do, and most really don't.

PS My brother was also driving that night... he's an idiot. Didn't even understand why we took the car from him. A few days before, when I didn't even know the extent to which he'd gotten into this, he drove me home from school, and I could tell by his driving that he had gotten into hard stuff. He was passing people in single lane traffic on the line when there were cars on both sides of the road... if you can make sense of that. He was doing 100 all the time, and never even came close to stopping at stop signs, even when there were cars about to hit him... he'd constantly jump between lanes, and at one point, some pedestrians made a 'slow down' gesture and he flipped out. Oh, and I noticed he drank an entire box of apple juice. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 5:25pm
Mr. Hell
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Sounds like he ate too many Junior Chickens with cheese. They're on sale every day, you know! - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 5:41pm
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This man can claim to have synthesized the stuff intially: Alexander Shulgin. US Govt sponsored, now held captive by ex-employers.

The ultimate book for anyone interested in phenethalmine chemistry:

More specifically to this thread:

For those who prefer the Indole alkaloids: (ie Me) - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:53am Edited: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:57am
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Well. I have had nothing but amazing experiences while under the influence of "E", however, it completely ruined my drive to party without it. I was a recreational/weekend user for a year straight, and i have had nothing but negative side effects from it. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 1:15pm
The Box Drone
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Griphin: 5HTP is indeed great for depression & It's over the counter... you can just buy it in the vitamin section of most drug stores. It's not cheap though if I remember correctly. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 9:48am
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Oh?!? Something I should look into getting, as well as fish oil for the brain. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:37am
bad cat
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thanks for all the responses. some very interesting opinions! a shitty drug Id reccomend staying away from doing alot as the long term effects are so harsh. Im sure in 10 more years theyl discover it causes brain cancer too! - Thu, 27 Jul 2006 2:09pm
Aidan Logins
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"FUCK E its the stupidist drug besides meth"

What about heroin? that shit is nasty. - Thu, 27 Jul 2006 6:02pm
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Actually, heroin isn't that bad of a drug. The only major side affect is addiction. Over dosing can kill, but the build up isn't anything like cocaine or E.

E kills a persons personality, heavy users often go into a state of depression which sometimes last the rest of their lives. As said before, E initiates serotonin secretions but blocks the re-uptake. With depleated sources of serotonin the mind suffers depression, sleeping and eating disorders. - Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:35pm
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"Actually, heroin isn't that bad of a drug. The only major side affect is addiction. Over dosing can kill, but the build up isn't anything like cocaine or E."

Isn't addiction to heroin bad enough??? I'm thinking you haven't lost any friends or family to this drug yet have you?

Personally I think heroin and meth are the worst drugs because of how quickly they steal your soul. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:56am
Indole Derviative
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It's very possible get over addictions. Not usually possible to recover the personality problems commonly associated with heavy methamphetamine or methylenedioxymethamphetamine (mdma) use (I think it might be anything that shares the amphetamine"skeleton"). Don't forget pharmaceutical grade morphine and hydromorphone are more addictive than diacetylmorphine (heroin) but they still see it fit to hand out big bottles of the shit to anyone who whines enough... Opiates (in general) are a bit more forgiving in the head... Just agreeing with wanless I guess.

And 5-htp is good shit. If you find yourself waking up feeling like you got more sleep, have more energy during day/eat more regularly, then you definitely needed a serotonin boost. anyone who does drugs should really check into it. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:49pm
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I know more people that have gotten over using E than heroin or meth. Most people I know that got into heroin or meth are either dead or still addicted after many many many years. Those are the only 2 drugs I have never touched and never will. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 2:10pm
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Ya...E will bum you out after use cause your body has to start producing its own happy juice after the E wears off. My sister used to be depressed for weeks on end after a stint of "parting". Meth fucked her right up but I'm happy to say that she doesn't use that shit anymore.
Shit I can't even stand cokeheads (now there's a comment to make me popular on this board).

I decided to finally try coke one night (months ago) to see what all the hipe was about. BIG DEAL. I won't do that again. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 2:37pm
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see thats what happened to me alot I think. I did it all the time and end up being completey bummed out and burnt out and just an asshole to all those around me (friends AND family) but without provocation. I guess I just got impossible to be around and lost alot of fun times in my life, which just depressed me more. Does the serotonin come back naturally? - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:21pm
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Eventually...but it takes time. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 3:37pm
The Box Drone
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Seratonin comes back... how fast or slow depends alot of your diet & lifestyle. I knew some e-heads who were also total hippy health freaks & they seemed to cope pretty damn well. I think lots of vitamin C and the such tends to help your body produce seratonin faster. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 5:39pm
jonny B. swell
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tried E for the first time a couple weeks back. My friends tripped balls and were border line gay they were touching everyone so much, but i didnt get anything out of it, so's they told me to snort some, so i did, and nothing. Turns out the anti depressants im on (fluoxetine) counteracts the effects of the drug. Also turns out that if i was on a different depression med, it could have seriously fucked me up. Dont do E if you allready take meds that effect your mood. Or if you do, look into it a bit first. - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 8:56pm
bad cat
datbadcat *at*
Messages Posted:
wow ere's the post, I thought they deleted it! Took me forever to find it buried over here in cuntroversy!

Yah man ectasy does turn guys sorta gay doesnt it. I never had those feelings but some of my friends got sorta touchie and uncomfrtably weird when they were high! Maybe because I was gettin some regular from my girlfriend at the time I didnt have the urge to touch my freinds penises.

this is the future of our youth..
mushy brained short tempered and gay! - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 2:32pm
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why the hell would you allow your body digest a nice mix of fucking random chemicals?..sweet guys cool...lets rave and chew on pasifiers..stick with smack - Thu, 24 Aug 2006 4:33pm
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