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Death Rape needs YOU*
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Death Rape needs YOU*
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*you if your a singer that can do low and high growls and screams

contact [email protected] - Wed, 5 Apr 2006 9:46pm Edited: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 9:47pm
Mr. Chkrlc
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sweet name, seriously - Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:36pm Edited: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:36pm
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thanks man, but we still need a singer - Fri, 7 Apr 2006 3:55pm Edited: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 3:56pm
Mr. Hell
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Get connon.docre to sing for you. - Fri, 7 Apr 2006 4:31pm Edited: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 4:31pm
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heh heh, he's up for it! - Sun, 9 Apr 2006 9:03pm Edited: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 9:05pm
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canon.docre will not be singing for you. - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 4:52pm Edited: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 4:52pm
Mr. Hell
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connon.docre might though.
(Damn typos). - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 9:42pm Edited: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 9:43pm
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damn i dont know who he is but i want someone who is 14-17 - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 9:55pm Edited: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 9:56pm
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canon.docre is in that age range, but unless I've misjudged him, I don't think he'd play for a band called Death Rape really under any circumstances. - Tue, 11 Apr 2006 5:41pm Edited: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 5:42pm
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Death Rape - I bet venues and females will be banging down your door with a cool band name like that...NOT !!!!

It takes a real fuck up/s to come up with a name like that

I'm sure that the majority of the users on this site would agree - Tue, 11 Apr 2006 6:08pm Edited: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 6:16pm
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HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA...dude funnyist thing I've ever heard, I bet people said the same thing about Cannibal Corpse or Carcass, and thanks for calling me a fuck up even though you don't know me, also I'm sure the rest of the people on this site would think your a judgemental peice of shit. - Tue, 11 Apr 2006 7:06pm Edited: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 7:11pm
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Ok, I'll spell it out for you.

Dead people = funny.
Rape = not funny. Never funny. Ever.

Look, I know you're young, and everything is funny when you're 14-17, but check back when you're 20-23 and you might see my point. There are any number of girls that you know personally that could tell you stories that would chill your blood. - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:14am Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:16am
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Hahahahahhaaha Dead people Are FUNNY

Raped People are NOT !!! FUNNY!!

but I have to ask what if the dead body had been raped after death so no ones feelings got hurt? - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:33am Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:34am
black_sabbath *at*
Messages Posted:

The Poppies, Mujeres, Night Mother.

Well, a dead body can't consent, so rape/not rape isn't really a valid distinction. It's not rape, so much as defilement. You can't "rape" a flag or a bible, but having sex with a flag or a bible would get certain people very angry. - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 4:06am Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 4:08am
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well I know rape isn't funny but its just a name and almost every goregrind,death metal,death black metal and any other death/grind or other extreme music uses rape in there lyrics so whats your point just because its in my band name its offensive and bad, I mean if you listen to cannibal corpse a shit load of there lyrics are about rape(AKA "Stripped,Raped and Strangled", "Force Fed Broken Glass", and almost everything off the ToM album) so I dont know why I'm so fucked to have it in my band name. - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 3:48pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 3:54pm
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It's mostly just that the hunnys won't be all apons. Which is why Cannibal Corpse formed up right? The ladies? - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 6:56pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 6:57pm
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well I never said anything about chicks so I dont know what your talking about, and I formed a band to have fun and I'm pretty sure thats why Cannibal Corpse did too. - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 7:42pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 7:44pm
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lol - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:02pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:02pm
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Frankly, I don't listen to any of that wing of metal (partly because the lyrics and aesthetic strikes me as really juvenile.

You're welcome to write songs about whatever you want, or call your band whatever you want. Just be aware that you'll look like a little kid to a lot of people, no matter how old you are. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 9:38am Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 9:40am
Andy McBeer
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I've been seeing the word rape around this message board a little too much lately.... It's starting to piss me off. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:31am Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:32am
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Why not just modify it a little....Death Rap? Create a new hybrid of death metal and P diddy-core or Death Wrap, like some kind of christmas wrapping paper manufactured in hell by Lucifer himself.

Cheers to Partial freedom of speech, a "politically correct" planet and censoring the constitution. NOT.

I don't think it's "cool" or intelligent either, but you can't ignore his rights. At the very least, he's not (hopefully) endorsing rape or belittling the crime.
I think everyone's diving on this issue because rape is awful and awful things draw attention, good and bad.

Kaleb. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 2:05pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 2:15pm
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This thread is most definitely very funny. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 2:28pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 2:31pm
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Ok, I don't see the point in warning you guys any further that you'll look like idiots. You seem to have embraced it. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:25pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:26pm
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hey there this is friggin hilarious and a bit ridiculous especially with all the hoopla with TARD comin' to town ... can't anybody have some fun in this town anymore - is there no one who takes things LIGHT heartedly? Take it from me dude, Jeff is truly just trying to have some fun man...and he is only 15...LOL and his "girl" friends don't seem to think it's such a NASTY thing, they seem to still COME AROUND the why the judgement call? KEEP THRASHIN JEFF, KEEP CREATING TUNES! - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:37pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:48pm
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"Look, I know you're young, and everything is funny when you're 14-17, but check back when you're 20-23 and you might see my point."

I hate having to quote myself. I know I can't change anybody's mind. I'm just giving the kid another perspective, and if he chooses to ignore it, he's welcome to carry on looking like a little kid. It's his choice. I'm sure he gets a charge from talking about things that people get weird about, but it wears off.

Oh, and there are plenty of ways to have fun that don't boil down to "LOL rape". - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:48pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 4:52pm
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ok i do not know who you all are with the nickname crap but please listen and respect this ok? i am A FEMALE AND I AM 34 years old and I know Jeff quite well - do you even know him? and why must you feel the need to JUDGE him? or anyone for that matter, who the f*** are you - are you GOD or SATAN or are you a certified JUDGE perhaps? What about Freedom of Speech - we are in Canada...etc...

PS One of my favourite songs currently is Statutory Rape by The Black Dahlia Murder a f***ing unbelievable band! - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 5:10pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 5:23pm
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Thanks to all the dumbasses(Victim,KnifeGhost you guys are really cool) that screwed up my post for a singer for my band.

PS still looking for a singer - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 5:32pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 5:36pm
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Wow. This thread has really exploded. I realize he's just trying to hook up with a singer and that's FINE.....BUT(yeah, you all knew it was comin'), I think some of the 'elders' are just trying TO HELP HIM. Imagine that!!!
Older people that have benefitted from the wisdom of aging!??! Yes, it happens. I think that some of the people that have tried to make him think twice about the band name DEATH RAPE are just trying to HELP. Not a single thank you or anything. All the sudden it's "I'm getting slammed!" "Don't judge him" victim! victim!.......gimme a fuckin break.
DAY on things much more trivial such as haircuts, clothing, bodyweight etc.
Just think, later down the road, someone is MORE LIKELY THAN NOT going to think twice about booking his band for a show based strictly on their name LIKE IT OR NOT. This is a world full of judgemental people AND WE ARE ALL IN THAT CATEGORY even if you can't admit it freely.

The people "attacking" Jeff are judgemental, the people "defending" Jeff are judgemental. It's part of the human condition.

For the record Jeff, I don't know you, I DO think it's a bad choice for a name, but you have your own ability and right to exercise FREEDOM OF CHOICE. I just think some of the people on here that have tried to offer constructive criticism about the band name choice have been labelled assholes for no good reason.

How about a pact from here on in that the only people that should post ARE INTERESTED FUCKING SINGERS????????????????

Good luck to you Jeff.

Judgemental/Asshole Kaleb. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 6:00pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 6:15pm
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yeah I understand thats what they were doing but saying things like "It takes a real fuck up/s to come up with a name like that" or shit like people will think your a little kid and shit how does name calling cause something to be constructive or trying to give me ideas about the subject,this is a a thread about me finding a singer not about my band name so just fuck off about it.

and I agree with the pact about only singers posting messages - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 6:19pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 6:32pm
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I agree Jeff, for sure. Calling you or your band mates fuck-ups or little kids is definitely not consctructive. Absorb what you need, what makes sense and what you respect and throw the other shit away.

Kaleb. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:07pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:10pm
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Hopefully you get a singer. Fuck these hippocrite douchebag PC pussies. - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:11pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:23pm
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These guys are douchebags, I know Jeff and you guys are WAY out of line .


STFU already .

You are bitching about this on a seeking musicians forum, so you should really give your heads a shake . Jeff has more knowledge and understanding of Metal then all of you put together and I could name at least 4 people on this board that would say the same .Learn your metal 101 on name yea bunch of church ladies ! Pitiful if you ask me !

Nice treatment of a young local player, if I was admin/mod of this site I would of banned you after your 3rd post .

Take it to quarantine if you must, but it's very disrespectful to be going on like this on this section of live Victoria .

Oh and .. he is with Littledina.. her SON at my house , - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:15pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:40pm
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Oh and here's Quin's tattoo , Jeff, Sue, and me after a jam . - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:46pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:49pm
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Apparently the afforementioned pact isn't working....... - Thu, 13 Apr 2006 9:58pm Edited: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 9:58pm
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Go pack it in your anus sheit ball !

Pact broken ?

I'm defending a friend of my personal family and a close friend, so pack it in already

Quote -
Wow. This thread has really exploded. I realize he's just trying to hook up with a singer and that's FINE.....BUT(yeah, you all knew it was comin'), I think some of the 'elders' are just trying TO HELP HIM. Imagine that!!!
Older people that have benefitted from the wisdom of aging!??! Yes, it happens. I think that some of the people that have tried to make him think twice about the band name DEATH RAPE are just trying to HELP. Not a single thank you or anything. All the sudden it's "I'm getting slammed!" "Don't judge him" victim! victim!.......gimme a fuckin break.
DAY on things much more trivial such as haircuts, clothing, bodyweight etc.
Just think, later down the road, someone is MORE LIKELY THAN NOT going to think twice about booking his band for a show based strictly on their name LIKE IT OR NOT. This is a world full of judgemental people AND WE ARE ALL IN THAT CATEGORY even if you can't admit it freely.

The people "attacking" Jeff are judgemental, the people "defending" Jeff are judgemental. It's part of the human condition.

For the record Jeff, I don't know you, I DO think it's a bad choice for a name, but you have your own ability and right to exercise FREEDOM OF CHOICE. I just think some of the people on here that have tried to offer constructive criticism about the band name choice have been labelled assholes for no good reason.

How about a pact from here on in that the only people that should post ARE INTERESTED FUCKING SINGERS????????????????

Good luck to you Jeff.

Judgemental/Asshole Kaleb


^^^ That up there ,looks more like you're the one being the dick .

Case closed .

And all the other cowards who lurk this board and say nothing .... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE , music(metal) community .. pfft .. You're all a joke and most of you are posers who whine and complain that it aint Kvilt or what the fuck ever , you make me sick ...

Cheers and bye .

Oh and EDIT !!!

Are you a singer ?? Hmmm ?

Who's to say I'm not ?

Right , eat shit and die . - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:05am Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:37am
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Jeff, I get the impression that you get that I'm not trying to be a dick. If I thought you were just some idiot kid, I wouldn't bother. Think on it. You have an opportunity to be the bigger man, and if you don't take it now, you'll have it again later.

In the mean time, rock out. You seem like you'll take responsibility for yourself and your band. With that, I'm out. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 5:07am Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 5:11am
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Do you even know the "pact" I spoke of? Jeff agreed with it. Nice pointless rambling filled with unecessary profanity though. You put up a good (meaningless) effort. It seems obvious you have NO fucking clue what I was getting at.
I wish I could help you understand my point because it IS NOT disrespectful to Jeff and I was trying to point the thread back in a useful direction, i.e. GETTING A SINGER.

Thanks for all your "usefull" input though.
If you wanna keep talking shit though, let's not waste this space and everyone elses time. Do it to someone's face instead of flipping people of in an internet photo.

Kaleb. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 7:05am Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 7:17am
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P.S. I'm surprised you forgot who I am Lance. You had a lot more respect before.

Kaleb. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 7:21am Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 7:22am
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Sorry, I want to clarify that I am just venting at the people talking shit about being PC. It is the Shit Talkers I have a problem with. I have no problem with anything else. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 4:25pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 4:26pm
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Maybe Fuck up/s was a little stronger word the some of you kids can handle.

Rape is not entertainment period!!!!

If I were to have spelled my opinion out in a kinder way
the reaction would be no different and if your thread went for shit, too bad.

I could ignore your post and pretend rape is entertainment
but it's not and standing idly by while you promote it
no can do.

I hope you create a successful band and have a great time doing it.

Rape sill isn't entertainment - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 8:17pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 8:40pm
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how fucking stupid are you lets make this clear I AM NOT PROMOTING RAPE O.K. how many this do you want me to repeat that, how does having a certin name promote the band is called DEATH RAPE not LETS GO RAPE SOME PEOPLE,if you read any of my lyrics I AM NOT TELLING PEOPLE TO RAPE PEOPLE or hurt people OK do you understand that. So do everyone a favor and fuck off and never post on this site ever again. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 9:30pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 9:36pm
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About 100 years ago when I was in my teens I also thought that every choice I made was the right one. And I am glad that I was able to make those choices. They made me who I am today. Everyone will eventually learn what is the right thing to do. Old people like me know you can't tell anyone what to do. They should just have a reason why they are doing it. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:04pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:06pm
Ward Ensemble
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I've heard that there is no such thing as bad press. Everyone posting against this band name has made it quite well known, inadvertantly adding history and notoriety. Those who were offended should probably not read the honestly titled thread in the first place. Hope you have your choice of awesome singers man. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:18pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:23pm
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Death Rape is obviously tongue-in-cheek, Jeff is cool, his song titles are funny ("Wet Noodle Beating" CMON!!!! Comic gold), good luck on the singer. - Sat, 15 Apr 2006 3:34am Edited: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 3:35am
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Jeff, the point isn't whether you're promoting rape (anyone who thinks you are is clearly imbalanced) but that you should be well aware (and I'm sure you are by now) that with a name like that, people will _think_ you are.

I think the consequences of that is pretty clear by now. If you still like the name, go for it and have fun. - Sat, 15 Apr 2006 2:16pm Edited: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 2:18pm
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Wet noodle beating ? dood that is the rapeyiest thing I have ever heard are going to hell

Seriously that sounds like its going to be a fun band.
All the best in gutting a gnarly Vocalist. - Sat, 15 Apr 2006 3:26pm Edited: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 3:31pm
Mr. Hell
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I've never seen so many whiners on Live Victoria since it's inception. Thanks for entertaining the rest of us and reminding us why taking message boards so seriously can actually cause your IQ to drop several points.
Good luck, Jeff. Hope you get on the next Anal Cunt tour as the opening band if Seth doesn't get killed or OD again. - Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:17pm Edited: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:21pm
Swingin' Joe
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What a bunch of self righteous assholes. - Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:07am Edited: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:08am
Nik Olaz
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Trolls. Fooling everyone. So funny. - Sun, 16 Apr 2006 3:00am Edited: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 3:00am
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Nik Olaz, when are we going to 'experiment' again buddy, only this time I want the cock in my ass. - Thu, 4 May 2006 2:37pm
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is there anyway to save this thread forever cause if it gets erased i would be sad - Thu, 11 May 2006 7:39pm
Ward Ensemble
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Hmmmmm... This was a case of "Thread Rape". - Thu, 11 May 2006 10:38pm
Nik Olaz
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I'm a 24/7 business hon, you know the alleyway behind Chapters is my town. WINKZ!!1 - Sat, 13 May 2006 2:12am
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haha I just read the whole thread. It made my day I must say. Thank you... Death Rape, hmm... well see when I hear it, to me it's not like "oh my god RAPE" it's just a name. SO WHAT!? Controversy over a name, the mention of rape and so on is much more innocent than rape itself. Maybe writing about rape brings out the brutality involved in it and therefore raises awareness... And so what for writing about shit that happens? Or having a name relating to directly or indirectly to it.... And Jeff, he goes to Oak Bay and looks like a pretty harmless guy.. I don't think he's going around raping kids in the creek...

Poor guy, all he wanted to do was find a singer. - Sun, 14 May 2006 2:35pm Edited: Sun, 14 May 2006 2:37pm
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if you want to Death Rape it ill burn you a copy for free. just email me at [email protected] - Sun, 14 May 2006 7:31pm Edited: Sun, 14 May 2006 7:32pm
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god damn grammar

*if you want to hear Death Rape ill burn you a copy for free. just email me at [email protected]

Also i dont think ive seen you at Oak bay, what grade are you in? - Sun, 14 May 2006 7:36pm Edited: Sun, 14 May 2006 7:40pm
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Gr.12.. oh and instead of burning a cd, do you think you could just email songs? I'm interested in hearing what you guys sound like.

Rockin'.... - Mon, 15 May 2006 6:48pm
my cock, your mouth....
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Well, it seems to me that this "band" deathrape, and it's "lyrics" are only as harmfull as a bunch of skinny skids writing songs in thier parent's basement can be. - Mon, 15 May 2006 7:11pm
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Aaahahaha !

The basement is true , but who didn't?

But the mofo's taller and as big as me, sooooooo....

.. put the cock back in your mouth .

And get ready to be DEATHRAPED ! - Tue, 16 May 2006 11:40pm
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WORST BAND NAME EVER! - Wed, 24 May 2006 8:48pm
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It's funny reading all the 'free speach' flag waving going on in this thread. This isn't the US folks. Canada has limitations on freedom of speach... - Wed, 24 May 2006 10:06pm
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Wow i cant believe i started this, it was fucking joke band,stop posting on this thread.

Yes it is the worst band name ever but thats why i had to use it because its so horrible and stupid, and for the free speech thing, i think i can have a band called Deathrape if i want, i really dont think that canada is going to care that much and one last thing can you fill me in on our limitations of free speech and why that would apply to this thread. - Wed, 24 May 2006 10:29pm
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How does it apply to you, or any other pubescent idiot that thinks rape is even remotely humorous? Rape can be considered a hate crime since it has absolutely nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power and hatred. Anything that can be construed as hate, or a hate crime, falls under the statute in the charter of freedoms and rights. Pretty sad none of you learn about this in school considering the precedence was set a decade ago... - Wed, 24 May 2006 11:07pm
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Wow that "thought crimes" thing you gave me had nothing to do with this.

". . . Keegstra told students in Eckville, Alta., the Holocaust was a fraud and described Jews as treacherous, evil and responsible for depressions, anarchy and war."

That is why some kid served 2 years in prison, understandible, but I'm not telling kids that rape is fun and happy or that its right, in fact not my lyrics or name says that either so whats your point that. Rape isn't funny, I agree rape is not funny, maybe you should have read the whole thread not just some of it because I have stated that already

"how fucking stupid are you lets make this clear I AM NOT PROMOTING RAPE O.K. how many this do you want me to repeat that, how does having a certin name promote the band is called DEATH RAPE not LETS GO RAPE SOME PEOPLE,if you read any of my lyrics I AM NOT TELLING PEOPLE TO RAPE PEOPLE or hurt people OK do you understand that. So do everyone a favor and fuck off and never post on this site ever again"

having to quote myself is lame.

And buddy if I'm breaking the law why don't you call the cops on me, along with the other Canadian bands that have rape lyrics.

Thanks - Thu, 25 May 2006 12:28pm
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Here are the lyrics for the 6 song demo(the first track is an intro)

Intro to Devastation
(Music - Jeff Mathieu "Voices" - Kevin G., Tommy T. and Jeff Mathieu)

Prostitute Massacre
(Music and Lyrics - Jeff Mathieu)

I search the streets
there is one
the first one to start my massacre
I pick her up
then I kill her
I burn the mutilated body
it decays in flames

Kill Yourself for Satan
(Music and Lyrics - Jeff Mathieu)

Die for Satan
kill yourself for him
do i now
now satan is your master
and hell your new home

Death Rape
(Music and Lyrics - Jeff Mathieu)

It kills you
it rapes you
then you DIE

Stabbed in the Eye(with Penis)
(Music and Lyrics - Jeff Mathieu)

Everythings going so good
hes such a nice boy
until hes in your room
you start to suck
All of a sudden
your stabbed in the eye with penis
it burns
you scream
he cums
its all over
then you die

Wet Noodle Beating
(Music and Lyrics - Jeff Mathieu *Tommy T sings on this track)

Your come home
expecting dinner
all you get is a wet noodle beating
why did you this happen
because no one loves you

There you go, the only tracks that seems alittle unexceptible is "Stabbed in they eye(with penis)" and "Prostitute Massacre" but they don't really have anything to do with rape. - Thu, 25 May 2006 12:33pm Edited: Thu, 25 May 2006 12:35pm
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You asked how it applied. You are now educated how it might/could apply to this situation. The link was just info on the actual legal precedence. As for calling the cops? Not likely, it's easy enough just to follow what bands you're involved with here and not support them or the halls/bars they would play at.

BTW... Your lyrics are ass... - Thu, 25 May 2006 3:11pm
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What your link went to has NOTHING to do with this, and yes my lyrics suck because it was a fucking joke band. When will you people learn that it was a fucking joke. - Thu, 25 May 2006 5:50pm
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Well me boy , this is the depths of the dank rotting Controversy and Quarantine section .

Only trols and insects and the rare twit ( that would be you and me ),
Mr Shag is of course from the stanky trol tribe .

Be careful in this world of perfect thought and smiling wax faces . Don't look into their yellowish dead eyes,

They might ,

DEATHRAPE YOU !!!!! - Thu, 25 May 2006 6:17pm Edited: Thu, 25 May 2006 6:19pm
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Right Lance. Having morals equates to being a troll. Not finding rape, and everything it stands for, humorous and voicing an opinion on it is also being a troll. Suggest you actually learn what the term means before using it, as you obviously haven't a fucking clue what it actually means. - Thu, 25 May 2006 6:24pm
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Well shag, a person who brings a thread back to life after it was driven into the dirt, is either TROLing for an argument or a oozing rash hole ... take your pic bro?...

…… and come on Shag , this thread was like a moth to a flame for yea .

Whoever said rape was ok ?

..hmm? NO ONE !

But you would rather lord over a young person and try to give them advice that is unwarranted . I know Jeff if you haven’t read this thread in entirety . Which I suspect you didn’t or you got that uncontrollable urge to wag your finger at someone .

Now… before Good old Jeff blows another gasket on this.


It's a tongue in cheek joke reference to being grimmer or shockinger ( no idea if those words are real :p) then the next band ...

Yea know like ,

Dying Fetus

Anal Cunt


But I'm sure you'll have some self-righteous , condescending scripture you’d like to enlighten us with .
I haven’t read anyone giving the thumbs up to rape . …nope.

And this thread started in the Musicians form and was soon side tracked be jerks like you to get it spewed into the TROLING friendly section , hence me having to have this creepy conversation with the likes of you .

Oh and one thing before I go ,


See the world didn't come to a end chicken little . - Thu, 25 May 2006 11:57pm
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I know you have kids Lance. Let's spin some realism here. Say one of your daughters was raped and it made the news. Someone finds the story humorous and writes a song about it that gets played to whatever 'scene' they're involved in. Still funny, read tongue in cheek, or not so funny? How anyone can even remotely think it's funny or tongue in cheek just shows how fucked up society is and even moreso in certain social/musical scenes. Maturity seems to be lacking in some scenes... Glad I don't associate in those scenes.

But then again, I guess being an individual is better than being a sheep. Take that as you will. - Fri, 26 May 2006 1:22am
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What the fuck is wrong with you, I don't find rape funny, I don't write about rape,did you read the lyrics or just assume that they were about rape.

And as for the "scene" I don't belong to any scene all my friends listen to different music, and I go to almost every all age show that I can, also the only people that have heard deathrape is like my friends and a few other people. Also deathrape was never a "real" band it was just me.

"But then again, I guess being an individual is better than being a sheep"

well buddy in this case you're not being an individual at all considering that most of these posts are people telling me how fucked I am.

Maybe every one should stop assuming that just because had a band is called Deathrape, it just maybe MAYBE doesn't mean I like rape, or even write about it.

God you are an asshole.

Stop posting on this website. - Fri, 26 May 2006 11:06am Edited: Fri, 26 May 2006 11:21am
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Learn how to read Jeff. Your name obviously isn't Lance now is it? Did I say your lyrics were about rape? No, I said your lyrics were ass. Oh and go read your own lyrics for Death Rape. You don't write about rape eh?

As for stating you personally are fucked up? Haven't aimed a single barb at you in this entire thread other than the lyrics comment. I made generalised judgements/statements on bands and their naming/lyric choices.

This is the joy of being a human son. We all don't share the same ideologies. What is acceptible to one person is offensive to another. Learn to live with it, especially when you post to a message board.

I don't know you Jeff, nor do I have anything personal against you. My 1st post in this entire thread was a comment concerning the statements people made regarding freedom of speach, and how most people seem to confuse the charter of rights and freedoms with the US constitution. The discussion just went downhill from there. - Fri, 26 May 2006 11:31am
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Wow dude, lets all read the lyrics to deathrape

It rapes you
It kills you
Then your dead

how is that ABOUT rape, it just has the word rape in it, also notice that it doesnt go into detail or say how fun or cool it is.

Now your first post which had NOTHING to do with anything with this thread at all,the link went to a site that has storys about how people went to jail because they had there own oppinions about the holocaust, now what the fuck does that apply to Deathrape? you never explained that to me.

Wait just dont reply.

User Info...
My original post wasn't necessarily aimed at you Jeff. It was, in my own special way, an attempt to educate those who seem to think Canada has the same rights as people from the US do in regards to free speach. We don't have the same rights and that article was the precedence set in regards to hate and the ability to freely speak/publish utter nonsense in regards to it. That precedence covers more than just racist remarks and racist publications. And I explained just that in the response when you asked.

Seriously dude, no need to get so defensive.


Her's another link that explains a lot more detail as to the limitations on free speach we have in canada, - Fri, 26 May 2006 3:39pm Edited: Fri, 26 May 2006 3:51pm
Swingin' Joe
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Then why the fuck don't you start your own thread about it? Since you have just RAPED this one.Don't keep that vag of yours too dry now. - Fri, 26 May 2006 6:05pm
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The thread was derailed LONG before I even posted. Go troll somewhere else. It's not my problem mommy and daddy don't give you the attention you crave... - Fri, 26 May 2006 6:24pm
Swingin' Joe
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Your right. Maybe I was raped of my childhood because of it. Hmmmmm. Let the pointless controversy ensue. - Fri, 26 May 2006 6:41pm
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Sounds like shaggy's off his meds again.... - Fri, 26 May 2006 10:03pm
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Looks like Tracy needed another login. Good to see you're still so lonely you need attention from me... 2 failed trolls... Next? - Sat, 27 May 2006 1:52pm
Mr. Hell
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Arguing with a teenager online about morals and freedoms is a truly worthwhile way to excercise one's brain and show people how dang witty and informed one is.
Let the young ones have their years of boundless creativity without the old ones trying to piss on their parade. - Sat, 27 May 2006 4:35pm
Swingin' Joe
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Saving the world one thread at a time. If I were as pure as you Shaggy I wouldn't be such a failure. Next? Snorting Ritalin and never getting laid. Rock on. - Sat, 27 May 2006 5:55pm
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I drove by Shaggy's place today and saw the EMI's white wagon parked out front, and as I drove by, I swear I could see in the rearview mirror some skinny dude being hauled away in a strait jacket writhing around like a lunatic. The paramedic stated , that while patient was suffering paranoid delusions about someone named "Tracy", he also had a case of terminal rightiousness..... - Sat, 27 May 2006 9:39pm
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Wow. I'm off my meds? I'm not the one having coversations with EMT's as I'm supposedly driving by someone's house. Let me guess, they needed a lil workout so they were running next to the car right? You and swingin should seriously hook up. Together you might just make a single troll. These trolling posts are fucking! - Sun, 28 May 2006 1:09am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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XY?: about fifteen or so posts ago you mention Dying Fetus as being "being grimmer or shockinger ( no idea if those words are real :p) then the next band ..."
Maybe their admittedly weak name might suggest that, but dude - their lyrics - maybe some of the only deathmetal lyrics I can tolerate. They're not even really deathmetal lyrics per se, which I guess is why dig them - they're quite sensible, heartfelt, socio-political barbs directedly mainly at corporatism and the christian right.
A.C. is a different matter, of course, but Seth is God anyway..... - Sun, 28 May 2006 9:35am
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Actually Shaggy it was a truck, not a car.

Just dont forget to bite down on the wooden mouthpiece while you're getting your shock treatment in the EMI. It would really be a shame if you bit your tounge off and no one could listen to your rants and raves anymore. - Sun, 28 May 2006 9:40am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Slight correction I gotta make to my previous post - the first two D.F. lps could be filed under the grimmer/shockinger category, but from "Killing On Adrenaline" on, the lyrics took on more social commentary, not that I'm particularly the biggest pc freak, myself. (orelse I guess I wouldn't have an AxCx tat, I spose) - Sun, 28 May 2006 5:00pm Edited: Sun, 28 May 2006 5:01pm
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(8)too much, time on my hands, i got, too much, time on my hands(8) lalalala - Mon, 29 May 2006 5:14pm
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dude is that one of our new MBL songs? - Mon, 29 May 2006 6:01pm
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The Dayglo Abortions - Kill the Hosers

Let's kill that kid cause he's a jerk
Let's kill his friends cause they look worse
Let's rape that chick cause she's a slut
And we're real horny and we wanna get fucked

Thats my favorite dayglos song - Sun, 11 Jun 2006 1:48pm
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Again Good luck on bringing more metal to this shrivelled island - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 9:57am
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you shouldnt look at your dink right before you describe this island, its embarassing for you.

Nick? time/date? my balls itch. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 11:28am
The Grand Poo-Bah
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So I just sort of skimmed through this unnecassarily long convo, but something I've noticed is that no one seems to mind a violent name, or a merely sexual name for that matter, but when you combine the two you've suddenly crossed the thin white line between good and poor taste. These guys obviously aren't rapists, and this shock value routine has been played out a million times before, now let's all hug and make up (WITH BLOODY MEAT HOOKS AND CHAINSAWS BABY!). But seriously, the internet needs to be destroyed or atleast removed from the reach of opinionated assholes like myself. Good day - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 6:47pm
Me myself
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Fuck all PC nuts. You people are fucking wacky and take yourselves way too seriously. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 2:21am
User Info... that you Maxwell? - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 4:19pm
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Maybe the best song for you ever written by DGA, was "SUICIDE".

Hez. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 6:14pm
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awsome song

but kill the hosers is better - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 8:05pm
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Will Death Rape ever materialize - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 8:55pm
Hang the DJ
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So Death Rape needs YOU* has risen from the dead.... not like it ever died... Sigh, nothing like a good comedy such as this. Funniest thread in LiveVic history other than LordPatch's suspension one.... - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 1:32am Edited: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 1:36am
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Jeff, keep the name. Look at how many people are pissed off about it and any publicity is better than no publicity. You know if you add a word at the end name you can attract the hippie crowd: DEATH RAPE (OILSEED) . Perhaps Rapeman would be a name.

Whoops that's already been used. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 2:11am Edited: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 2:11am
Jeremy Baker
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I disagree with any publicity is good publicity.

Know your audience.

There is nothing "wrong" with a name like Death Rape but you won't count me as a new fan... doesn't matter how long this thread gets.

So ask yourself, what is the point of being in a band?

I think it would far more worthy to have publicity about how great your band is rather than you picked an immature/insensitive name. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 1:03pm
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blah blah blah. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 3:02pm Edited: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 3:02pm
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this is way too late...but, the black dahlia murder song is not called "statutory rape," as "littledina" pointed's "statutory APE". that is witty shit. serious. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 3:02pm
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Bill Cosby looooves " Death ape " like pudding skin !!

LMFAO !! - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 4:59pm Edited: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 4:59pm
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Make sure that your first album include a cover of Cobain's
"Rape me"

Over cover possibilities:

"Rape" by Journey, Ian Hunter, Coil, and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra

"Rape Zombie"
by The Bronx

"The Rape of Rake"
from Starship Troopers 2

"Rape of the World"
Tracy Chapman

and everyone's fav "Hit and Rape"
by Frankenstein Drag Queen from Planet 13

As you see, the word rape isn't exactly a taboo word in music. Perhaps you were thinking of a withered plant when you thought of the title.

Other meanings to the word rape:

1. an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force
2. an Old World herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food
3. an outrageous violation (ex. the environment)
4. grape pomace - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 6:38pm
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Ah, so many questions

Q:"Will Death Rape ever materialize"
A:probably not, unless you want to try out LOLZ

"There is nothing "wrong" with a name like Death Rape but you won't count me as a new fan... doesn't matter how long this thread gets."

good, why would i want you as a fan, you work for the lamest radio station in vic

Q:"So ask yourself, what is the point of being in a band?"
A:to play music and to have fun, dumbass

"Make sure that your first album include a cover of Cobain's
"Rape me"

Over cover possibilities:

"Rape" by Journey, Ian Hunter, Coil, and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra

"Rape Zombie"
by The Bronx

"The Rape of Rake"
from Starship Troopers 2

"Rape of the World"
Tracy Chapman

and everyone's fav "Hit and Rape"
by Frankenstein Drag Queen from Planet 13

As you see, the word rape isn't exactly a taboo word in music. Perhaps you were thinking of a withered plant when you thought of the title.

Other meanings to the word rape:

1. an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force
2. an Old World herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food
3. an outrageous violation (ex. the environment)
4. grape pomace"

i love you Begbie....LOLZ

thanks everyone for posting, i love you all - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 6:45pm
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Whathafuk ?!

Wa,aboot "Raped and freezing" by Alice Cooper ? - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 7:41pm
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OUCH! @ the shot on jeremy baker.

The zone isn't THAT bad....It's alright for at work. Better than the ocean/Q.

My only beef with the zone is

1. How much they remind you that you are "in the zone" lol.

2. How they play the killers

3. How they say they play oldschool punk, but really don't.

4. How they havn't given me a fucking laptop.

5. how they would never play Mind Between The Lines.

Especially 5.

Thank you very much. - Fri, 29 Sep 2006 1:00am
Nik Olaz
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My only beef with the Zone is that they have this "rule" about Jeremy not drinking on air. Oh and they keep playing Gob. - Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:22am
Hang the DJ
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I stopped listening to the Zone because they play too much Arctic Monkeys, Wolfmother, Mcr..... Same songs over and over again. I think I heard them play "Holiday In Cambodia" by one of my favourites, the Dead Kennedys, once at like midnight or something. Once every so often they'll play the Sex Pistols but only the known songs like God Save the Queen, Anarchy in the U.K... Heard them play the Dead Milkmen a couple times... Played Rob Zombie "Dragula" once, late at night.... Overall the Zone's not really a bad station... I prefer the Seattle stations music-wise but the dj's are extremely lame and there are way more commercials than songs. With the Zone, they do give mention to local bands (band of the month etc) which isn't a bad thing... And they've helped out The Armchair Cynics, even though I really don't like them.... - Fri, 29 Sep 2006 1:50pm
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Fuck the radio, its hella lame - Fri, 29 Sep 2006 3:39pm
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Gob was cool until the skinny guy started singing. I went to 2 gob shows when i was in grade 7. During "how far shallow takes you" how ironic? That was actualy the first fast rock (dare i call it punk) cd i had. Even before i got dookie. ahh..back in the day. Did anyone goto that show in the old lounge downtown (dont know the name) but the singer was all like "FUCK YOU UPSTAIRS" or something.

pretty eye opening for grade 7 kid who's friends were all getting into rap. - Sun, 1 Oct 2006 1:13am
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is this still about death rape or what?

ps: death = wicked
rape = no comment
death + rape = fucing slays all human existance and yet one worrior yealds the sword of truth to destroy mongolath in a fight between evil and eviler.

thats how epic deathrape is - Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:16am
death rape fan
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i have the deathrape cd, it rules!!!! o ya fuck the po-lice - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 2:32pm
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Jeff there is a lot here you are missing, no offense, but there is a history to all this, much from when I first got here, or before.
canon.docre is scott from iskra
and bands dealing with rape are fucking retarded, and seam to legitimise it, read into info about rape core crap... you will see what I mean. I also suggests going back in the C&C thread to fin HOA, and TARD, read that thread. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 4:59pm
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dude this was a joke, honestly, i made it to piss people off, i made it to have fun, i made it to poke fun at the death metal genre, if you listen to the "music" its pretty much the genric shitty "rape-core"(i dont even know why i used those words)

it was a joke
it was to make fun of the metal genre
it was cause i was bored
i dont live by the "lyrics" i wrote
they werent even graphic well not as graphic as others
i dont even think about it
eveyone should just look at it as a joke as i did and many many many others have, and just have a laugh and stop being so "PC" and just fucking laugh
it was a fun harmless joke no one was hurt or raped

and last but not least the moral of the story is
JOKE....JOKE....JOKE....JOKE....JOKE....JOKE.... - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 6:57pm
Hang the DJ
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This thread raped my brainnnss - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 9:07pm
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Other meanings to the word rape:

1. an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force
2. an Old World herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food
3. an outrageous violation (ex. the environment)
4. grape pomace

The bands name sounds almost = to, but not > birdshit - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 9:13pm Edited: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 9:15pm
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Note to self: get a Death Rape t-shirt. - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 4:25pm Edited: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 4:25pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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with flames and rabbit carcasses - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 7:25pm
Hang the DJ
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Yeah and one that says "I was Death Raped" - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 8:02pm
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moron if you make a shirt make 2 ill give you money and shit

but make sure it has the logo and shit on it

cause that would kill me analy - Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:55am
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Well everyone, im finally buying a 4 track at the end of the month and one of the first things im going to record is a new death rape demo, i hope it will be done around late dec./early jan but who knows - Sun, 5 Nov 2006 1:55pm
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SUCKIT - Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:17pm
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The death rape has begun. - Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:34pm Edited: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:34pm
Hang the DJ
User Info...
Fuck yeah Death Rape's back! - Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:54pm
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