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Message Board > Up n' Coming! (aka Shameless Promotion) > GALLOWS END CD from the RATS NEST
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Wreaker of Havoc
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Thats right you losers. GALLOWS END has recorded a 6 song demo cd that fits into your quality metal collection better than my caaack in yer moms ass. BRAINLESS is the new Master of Metal!!!!!! Stay tuned for mp3's and disks for you to buy your whole fuckin ugly family for xmas! - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:25am
Anonymous put an mp3 online, and we'll be the judge... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:49am
Anonymous Gallow's End. I-BOMB-A-NATION. 'nuff said. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 1:15am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
mr anon. tell ya what, keep your hand on your dogs balls and off the keyboard and dont bother being the 'judge'... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:54am
ML7Mike Hey, we get a CD soon too.. only took us a year! - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:51am
Anonymous Gallow's Poo.

Heh. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:23pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Took us a weekend of booze, bong hits, loud metal, tasteless humour and voila! And wouldnt ya know it, it sounds fucking great. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:41pm
Anonymous settle down...permit us the opportunity for some constructive criticism.. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 2:02pm
Anonymous ML7Mike you're always trying to one-up people. Someone posts a cd notice, you post yours in the same thread. Someone posts a video or website, you post yours in the same thread. Competitive much, need attention, what gives? - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 2:58pm
Anonymous ML7 is feeling very threatend by Gallow's End. The band hasn't been together for even a year and they are already becoming the new local favorites. And they also suffer from singer envy. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 3:05pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
I love this 'contructive critism' bit. What are you critisizing? My post? Moron... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 3:25pm
Anonymous Nope I am an anon, answering a stupid anons comment with a stupid anon reply. If you want you are more than welcome to take it as insult towards your post as long as it aggrivates you in some way. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:29pm
Anonymous you mean AGGRAVATES? - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:32pm
Anonymous ML7 has style...perhaps weaker can show us something a little more than just talk... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:39pm
Anonymous Hahaha is this going to turn into a hack wreaker anonymously thread? That would be mildly entertaining. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:43pm
Anonymous he sure is fat and ugly.And he sings like a woman. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:48pm
Mr. Hell
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If they had a different vocalist, then we'd have a reason to feel threatened if we gave a shit.
Fortunately, we don't look at music as a competition. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 6:43pm
User Info...
It isn't? Damn! I came up in the vic scene where it's all "(fuck they suck)...oh hey dude! you guys ruled man!" I thought that's the whole reason i spent all my $ on gear and gave up going out ever to jam every second. I'm doing this wrong..... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 6:46pm
ML7Mike First of all you anon fuck, Gallows End are our jamspot roommates and friends.

Secondly, we will eternaly hack them as long as Aaron CLark is their singer, because he is our old singer who quit on us years ago. Good friend, but eternaly a target of our jest, as Im sure we are to his.

Thirdly, their guitarist Matt and our singer Bram have been buddys for many years.

Fourthly, my poke at them was actually a poke at myself for being in a band that took a fucking year to put out a cd ( one that isnt out yet )

Fifthly, when I posted a link to my bands video it was because 5 minutes earlier I had uploaded it to the net, and 1 day before that the video was actually completed.. And I posted it in its own thread.. How is that trying to one up somebosy I do not know.

Sixthly, I dare you to say something to my face you cowardly little maggot. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:40pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
We share a spot with you guys??? What the fuck is this shit. I knew there was another band!! ML7 though!!! Ive been hoodwinked, ive been bamboozled!!! Next your going to tell me that Ive been using Brams PA!!!!!! Or that I did Mr Hells taxes. This is fuckin ridiculous - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:51pm
Anonymous Seventhly, i posted that shit just to get a rise out of you, and I'll say it to your face, if I wasn't a scared assed little pussy. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:52pm
ML7Mike hehe, Singer Envy.. riiiigghghhtt... I'd forgotten how when we begged Clark to rejoin the band he laughed in our faces and walked away.. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:54pm
ML7Mike Eighth, you should never try and get a rise out of me until after I have smoked my first doobie of the day. Dont you know anything?

I figured as much, but its still fun to be a hatefull asshole. After I smoke a joint Ill be somewhat passive. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:55pm
ML7Mike Ohh your the fucker that blew the PA huh? Thats ok, we leave beer rings all over Matt's amp. ( bad habit ) - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:57pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
The PA is blown? I thought it was just my vocals were disappearing with old age etc....oh and I dont smoke that hippy shit so im a surly bastard always... - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:58pm
Anonymous Isn't PA your boyfriends nickname. ok that was lame even for anon. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:06pm
Anonymous I like how GE's CD release thread turned into ML7 defending themselves. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:07pm
ML7Mike nonono.. not ML7 defending themselves, but ML7Mike defending ML7. BIIIIG difference, trust me. I only use words. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:18pm
Anonymous Ohh, because the rest of your band is going to punch me through the computer screen, right. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:20pm
Anonymous Mike you're such a baby. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:30pm
ML7Mike Actually our drummer is illiterate when it comes to puters. Our porkchop lurks, our singer actually has a computer screen that punches, but it keeps crashing, and our bass player, well, he probably already dry humped your girlfriends ass, which is better than a punching computer screen.. And so what if Im a baby? At least Im a cool little tyke.

And Aaron Clark is a bitch. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:31pm
Anonymous Ok, you win, Aaron Clark is a bitch. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:35pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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No he is - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:44pm
Anonymous Did that take you a long time to think up? - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:46pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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well you ran out of ideas fast. Im afraid you have to be a bit above dimwitted to rattle me rookie - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:47pm
Anonymous If you want intelligent banter, go ask someone who does not post on this site. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 8:54pm
Mr. Hell
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Turning this into our thread was a friendly way of bumping their thread up. We do what we can to help out our friends.
Plus we are like blackberries...we just keep growing and if you try to get rid of us, we'll thorn you until you bleed to death.
And it isn't a question of whether I've dry humped their bitch's ass, it's a question of whether she is walking normally yet from the pounding she got after she was juiced up.
Plus Anonymousness is a sure sign of small penis syndrome.
(Right now Aaron is making a promise to himself to stop posting anonymously).
And for the record, I tend to just attack the people who try to hack on us. Defending us is boring, so I don't do it much. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 9:36pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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just cause i post anonymously doesnt mean....uh er i mean just because i have a small penis doesnt mean i ...uh I have a large giant should see it, its ANONYMOUS!!!! - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:07pm
Mr. Hell
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Dildos you hold in front of yourself in a mirror don't count. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:10pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Yo mama says it does. Heres an MP3 for ya'll - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:36pm
Anonymous It sounds pretty cool, although a little thin compared to ML7 and ERD. You should record 2" next time, put some grind into it. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:52pm
Anonymous gallows end are all ass-licking fags - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:53pm
Anonymous all metal is gay,who cares get a haircut. - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:09am
ML7Mike Sounds good Aaron! Are you guys pressing or burning? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:23am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Sounds great for a weekend demo! Excellent job, Dickless Clark!
To the bonehead who compared it to full on 2" recording projects...get a clue. It was a weekend demo. - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:35am
FANG sounds rad...holy shit could the drums be any louder?.yayaya demo and he is hella sick but the guitars werent decapitating me (through my 3 inch computer speakers)
did you guys record yer a.t.g. cover? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:40am
slaybacinate23 *at*
Messages Posted:

Fucking Eh Rights! I play metal, I like skateboarding too, Its killer!

Holy fuck, that sounds killer! Guitars could be a bit louder, but thats about it. How much does the Rats Nest charge for a weekend? Fuck man, Brentwood... BRENTWOOD!!!!!!!! Its gonna be fucking amazing! - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:49am
ML7Mike Cant wait! Hey jesse, you look into any of those fests? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 1:00am
Anonymous 'It was a weekend demo.'

So was the ERD demo I heard. Good tune, woulda liked to have heard a ballsy 2" sound. - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 1:43am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Thanks for the comments. Mike we are just burning this one. Cheap demo. Gary did a great job seeing how we recorded and mixed it in 16hrs. Gary charges $25/hour and is totally cool to record with. Hats off to Karl who had to learn all the guitar parts for no show Matt. Aaron B's first time in the studio and fuckin show off Howard recorded all his tracks on the first go. Pretty proud of these young lads. Fuckin stoked! - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 2:02am
Anonymous Matt didnt even show? wtf is up with that? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 2:27am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
If you mean the track from Electric Mountain, that was a test run, I believe. They spent time getting sounds and tweaking and they were going to 2" because that is the medium used at E.M. ERD's intention wasn't to release that as final product, whereas this is Gallows final product. Big difference.
Brainless doesn't have 2" and is as good as his equipment allows him to be.
Matt didn't show for recording? Ouch! - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 8:35am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Well im glad the only complaints are of the non 2" production. I feel it turned out awesome. We didnt do this to market and distribute internationally, we did it for you local losers to bone your girlfriends to while the wife is outta town.....ah the sweet sounds of Gallows End love.... - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 9:01am
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Holy fuck, that is really impressive for a weekend's worth of recording. Good job boys. ML7 Mike, thanks for the heads up on those festivals, we were too late for both of the interior festivals, and the Lethbridge one is too far for four bumbs like us to make it to. I hope we can save up some of our piggy bank money and talk to this individual at the Rat's Nest and get a decent recording before we move to Vancouver this summer. See y'all this Saturday, if not then Thursday. - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 2:35pm
Anonymous Nice work. The singer sounds like a cross of buddies from DRI and Obituary - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 3:20pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Ill take that. 2 of my all time favs - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 4:54pm
Anonymous Gallow's End is the best metal band to ever come from Vic. No more Matt? Going to be auditioning for a guitarist soon? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 5:07pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
What the hell you lookin at!??!?! Ok its shameless.... - Wed, 16 Apr 2003 9:32am
Anonymous Shameless, shameless. Hey, that would be a good name for your mom when she comes over to visit. - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 1:38pm
Anonymous get a life Clark - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 2:05pm
User Info...
I actually heard one of those songs that were recorded @ the Rats Nest, very impressed. When is the EP being rls'd?!? - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 3:59am
Anonymous Arent they selling them at the Brentwood show tonight??? - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 12:37pm
Anonymous $10 or a straight trade for your mom. - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 1:52pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
I think we have decided on $5. Being Brentwood and all. Best price for the best fans on the Island!!!! - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 2:16pm
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