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Rek Magazine #1 out now!!!
Message Board > Up n' Coming! (aka Shameless Promotion) > Rek Magazine #1 out now!!!
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Rek Magazines first "official" issue featuring New World on Fire, Removal, Knucklehead, is out now.

Thanks to the writers, biz and bands who have gotten involved thus far.

Bands who are interested should get in touch
[email protected]

See ya at the launch shows at the end of July.
J Rek - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 9:10pm
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Excellent. I still haven't seen the actual, but the website's looking sharp. Good reading (what I've been able to get to)!

Looks like we've got ourselves a contenda here... - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 7:37am
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I picked one up a few days ago... worst magazine ever - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 8:58am
x Buddy x
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I wouldn't say the whole maganize was completely terrible , but the girl who does reviews for you is a total fucking moron. Who wnats to read a review about an all ages or hardcore show by someone who is 100% clueless about the hardcore scene. My grandma could probably write a better review. - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 12:47pm
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Reviews from outside observers can be just as elucidating as those from inside. You have to read between the lines is all.

The reviewer obviously wasn't totally clueless about what you are calling "the hardcore scene" (something that has been around since the early 80s so your grandma probably could have written the review actually). They just felt that the ninja dancing was annoying and that the first band sucked. If their description was even remotely close then they probably did suck. However, personally I think that ninja dancing is cool (being an epileptic dancing freak myself).

Screw non-critical "yes men" reviews up the arse. It's not all good and criticism will make you stronger.

IMHO of course.

Cheers - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 1:29pm
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"You have to read between the lines for a review"??

Who the fuck wants to have to read things into a review ,isn't that the purpose of the review ,to clearly let people know how the show went ?

"Reviews from outside observers can be just as elucidating as those from inside "????

… aahhh.. NO ! You have to have some knowledge or connection about the thing you are reviewing , I mean what would you compare things too ? Outside opinions are just that "someone with no knowledge", that might work for drapery or cloths but still you can't make an informed opinion without a taste for it . This is the reason you read someone’s column, for insight . - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 1:52pm
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The person reviewing was obviously familliar somewhat with both metal and punk. What part of the review do you deem makes them incapable of stating whether they thought a band sucked or not?

As to reading between the lines, what I am getting at is that just because you don't agree with the person does not mean that the review is not useful. Once you know a reviewers stance then you can draw your own conclusions from it based on this. I know for example that when I see movie reviews in Monday they will normally be the opposite of what I would think so if they hate the flick for certain reasons I look for then I can read that as "this is a must see".

Here the reviewer seems to be from the drunk punk / metal side of things so when an "alternative" influenced band plays they of course go "ick, get me outta here". If you like 90s alternative then you can read that in the opposite manner.

Just because one is outside does not mean they are clueless, in fact you may find they have a better handle on things than one that only focusses one small slice of what is out there. Still, in this case I would argue that they are not even outside, just not part of x Buddy x's particular gaggle of friends which is not the same thing at all. As I said, the ninja dancing thing is newer and mostly regional so you are not necessarily going to have seen that much if you grew up in Prince George for example (no idea where they were from, just making the point) or if you went to most of your all ages punk / hardcore shows a few years ago.


Cheers - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 2:31pm
Brian VIHC
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Just FYI, kids have been kickboxing at shows for 10 years on the east coast. It's just that Victoria is behind the times and the scene's been full of insecure snobs who hate it when anyone moves for the past few years. Can't violate the unwritten "arms folded with no motion except the head bob" rule at hardcore shows you know! ha ha
The magazine's fine. Reviews are about opinions, and the woman who wrote the review of the Compton show seemed to like the bands, so whatever. must chill... - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 6:03pm
x Buddy x
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What I said never had anything to do with whether or not I agreed with her oppion of the bands , its the fact that she was making fun of kids at the show for being 16 and for what they wear. WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT THE FUCKING KIDS AT A SHOW WEAR !! "This band deserved at least a few devoted metal heads swinging insanely long hair and bashing into each other" Murder Without a Trace is not a metal band their straightedge hardcore band with lots of breakdowns , if she knew anything at all about hardcore she would have know that their would be straightedge hardcore kids "ninja dancing" during their set. "Compton was undoubtedly the best band of the night and made the slam dancers bow down to the few metal heads finally taking the forefront." So to some up the jist of her review , she basically said that the bands(other than the first one) were good and it would have been a good show if it wasn't for the hardcore kids ruining the hardcore show for the metal heads . - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 9:29pm
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damn those fucking hardcore kids always going to hardcore shows... where are the metalheadz at?

P.S. MWAT arent edge
P.P.S. "ninka dancing is better than that other mosh crap anyday... bashing into each other all night... at least we have some variation" - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 10:39pm
Brian VIHC
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Geez guys, just chill. Who cares. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 5:23am
jay brown
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now here is something I just dont understand, and it seems to happen all the time now. You xxx hardcore kids talk about unity all the time which I think is cool, but you never ever ever practice it. All I see on here is "hardcore" kids bashing metalheads or punks every chance they get. The punks and rockers, dont dance like you, they dont dress like you and their bands dont sound like they were cut from a sick Of It All mold... so that for some unknown reason seems to mean that you are better. For future reference I like the ninja dancing too, I like anything new that comes along for the most part, change is good. Granted if I am standing there watching a band and you do one of your roundhouse spin kicks and hit me I will clock you one, but thats just me.....and for future reference if you all can take up the whole dance floor doing karate class, then dont start to cry when some punk rocker comes along and starts slam dancing, he is just showing his appreciation for the band in his own way. That's what that little area in front of the bands is for...... Almost every "hardcore" song out there seems to sing about unity yet the "hardcore" scene is by far the most uptight and definitely seems to have the most issues with everyone that doesnt look just like them. Dont get me wrong, I like the bands, and have a lot of friends in that scene. But, if your going to preach it, maybe try to live it as well. Hey Hunter how do you figure a floor full of kids two stepping is variation? - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 5:48am
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In my defence I would like to say that I'm not pushing other moshers

and Jaybrown: maybe I just dont notice it but there only seems to be one type of slam dancing, but I know of multiple types of "ninja dancing" - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 8:02am
jay brown
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well actually there are several types of slamming but nobody cares about that anymore you are right it's all one type nowadays. I am sure you see my point though, variety means things are essentially different, Punks smashing into each other definitely dont fit into that category anymore, but at the same time twenty kids two stepping and windmilling their arms, or punching at the floor doesnt strike me as ever so much variety either. Now if you had a drag queen pogoing in the middle of that crowd, then I would be impressed. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 8:32am
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We definately need to find ourselves a drag queen. I nominate Leo. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:40am
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I nominate Jay Brown - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:11am
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I second the nomination for leo.. that kid has nice hair - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:47am
Kim Schtahphlar
Kimberleykaos *at*
Messages Posted:
I 2nd a nomination for Jay, and think back to that oldschool pic of him and Dustin, maybe he could pull out the long sexy black hair there, or find a nice, suiting, similar wig. :) - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:11am
x Buddy x
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To Jay Brown ; I never said i had any problum with how kids who slam dance at shows , just when when the come along push when my back is turned to them and not trying to take part in thier moshing. Second i have no problum with punks or metalheads and what you said about hardcore kids and unity i completely agree with you. I love punk rock and punk shows and that is was got me into hardcore in the first place, and I certainly don't have a problum with the way anyone dresses. That was part of my complaint to the reviewer.

Also i never said i had a problum with the magazine as a whole just that one reviewer.
Lastely if anyone should be noninated for Drag Queen , I think it should definately be Elijah .

PS. I also wanna state that it seems like other groups have way way more of a problum with us than we have of them , i am constately reading thing on here bashing hardcore and straightedgers . But for some reason whenever one of us says something were the first to get called on it. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 2:23pm
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I wrote the review. I knew that it would anger many people, but i would rather be honest. I'm not going to bullshit my way through things: I’m honest. Writing in general is about honesty, and whether what I thought pisses you off or not, it is what i thought about the show. It's a review and I’m not writing it to make friends, im writing it because I love music and whether or not i relate to the hardcore scene is irrelevent. If i was at a metal show and i wasn't feeling the music i would be honest, i wouldn't cater to my personal taste. My opinion on the scene is objective and therefore it is not biased. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 2:56pm
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Since when does hardcore get bashed on livevic? Got some examples?

Straight-edge is a totally different story of course (there's always been some friction between religiously straight-edge types and everyone else).

And what's with the phony line between "hardcore kids" and "punks"? Hardcore is a form of punk, duh.

Cheers - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 3:05pm
Brian VIHC
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"there's always been some friction between religiously straight-edge types and everyone else"

There are no religiously straight edge types in Victoria, you must be confusing this city with Syracuse NY or Salt Lake City Utah.

I support all types of dancing at shows. I want to see someone do "the worm" at Chuck Norris.
Honestly, the smashy smashy moshing that is a bizarre mutated version of actual slamdancing is what turned me off going to shows in the mid-90's. I was sick of getting pummeled from behind when I was trying to watch the bands. Now at big city shows I have to worry about getting punched in the head, ha ha.
Somebody bring back the pogo mosh. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 3:39pm
the hesher
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Here is what I think. If you review a show you better damn well know what you are talking about. If you don't listen to punk or hardcore don't review it. It makes an ass out of you.
I gotta say that the mag is well done. But make sure youre reviewers know what's up.

I laugh out loud when I see the ninja dancing its great. Peace - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 3:39pm
jay brown
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That's it I nominate Brian for the drag queen pogo dancer, and I hate to tell you Ron but there is nothing in common between punk rock and most of the modern hardcore stuff other than guitars and distortion. Sure it came from the same place but it isnt even remotely close anymore. It has a lot more in common with metal musically.I mean really the talking heads came from the new york punk scene but nobody calls them a punk band.... How about the Go-Go's they used to play with the Germs..... - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 4:08pm
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Whatever J. Since early 80's hardcore did the crossover thing in the mid to late 80's it's been a mish mosh since then with the core influence straight up punk but with bits taken from everything else to flesh it out (mostly metal but noise rock, indie rock and the odd bit of jazzy stuff making an appearance).

About the only major difference these days is that the production is better and people tend to tune down a little more.

IMHO of course.

Cheers - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 4:31pm
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wasn't this supposed to be about that fucking magazine? - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 4:34pm
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Ha Ha Nat, you fuckin suck, as per usual. (Just like throwing your insulting opinions on a band you were not even familiar with in the first place; the first time I learned of your attitude and musical insight, and the birth of my ever growing disgust for you)

I suggest going back to your career in Social Work, as you boasted before. Although I am guessing you do not have the skills for it anyways. (And I don't mean what you learned in school)
Keep up the good work sweetheart :) - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 4:44pm
Brian VIHC
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In an effort to further promote scene unity I will bust out the drag queen pogo mosh for The Hoosegow this Friday; I think Rek Magazine should sponsor me in this venture. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 5:33pm
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"there is nothing in common between punk rock and most of the modern hardcore"

I agree, listen to almost any new hardcore album from this year, you most likley wont find any punk in there - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:38pm
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LMFAO!!! WHAT?! It has everything to do with punk !

Late 70's early 80's was that obscure Skinhead kinda punk era , white power and shit .They were kind of a enigma . Everyone (including me) was brought up on Zep , Black , Yes , Deep , Alice , Kiss , RUSH , Priest , SLADE , T-REX , Hendrix etc. Then came along this contrived band "The sex pistols " who were hated by most rockers as no talent disorganized noise with screamy and broken voc's.

And I'll admit I was wrong back then , it's music with hardcore energy being released any fucking way ! Be it hate and despair……JUST ! Scream it , yell it , growl it , shred it , bang it , ASSAULT IT !!!!!

…... but it's still rock and roll to me !

Too funny , ....and then really LISTEN to death metal today .


Metal is now influenced by punk !

Just look at HATEBRED , there is the evolution....

…sorry , I’ve been fortifying my body with some B(ud) Complex supplements . - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:07pm
x Buddy x
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Maybe if you only look at one particular end of current hardcore and compare it to one particular end of punk rock. Their are plently of hardcore bands that are more punk sounding than metal sounding , look at Chuck Norris , Tear it Up , Hit the Deck .. etc. Even in the more heavy metalish end of hardcore i think it has more in common with punk than metal in that most of it still is rooted in the D.I.Y. ethic of punk rock. To me Black Flag is just as much a hardcore band as Hatebreed or Terror. - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 2:33am
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Me likey music
...twang twang...rata tatta tat...
music...sound...good - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 6:38am
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No Brian! Pull it out for Chuck Norris! I won't be there on Friday :(. - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 8:00am
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its ok tambo... I garauntee tyler will have picture - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 8:34am
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Hey Jay I think of the Talking Heads as punk. David Byrne could teach us all a thing or two of the true meaning of the music. I dare someone to dance like him at a show.

And Buddy; it's problem. - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 10:27am
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"its ok tambo... I garauntee tyler will have picture"

I actually wasn't sure if I was going to that show or not until later, so I didn't bring my camera.

Anyway about the article and everything. It was all from her perspective. Sure there are some things that are blatantly wrong and misinformed. But a review, like she said, is honest. She said what she liked and what she didn't, and that's what I like to read in reviews. I wouldn't have written the same thing obviously. But I'm biased based on my musical taste just as everyone is, in their own way. You can't expect everyone to know all the details of hardcore. Maybe coming to more shows and writing more reviews, in turn promoting the scene more, will expose her to more of what hardcore is about.

If anyone is wondering what this is all about, the article is at

Here are the things mentioned that I disagree with.

"First up was Heart Carried Heavy, self-described as alternative, progressive and hardcore. They sure as hell did not open the show because of their intense energy or riveting lyrics. The lead singer looks like some guy out of a Gap ad and screeches out vocals like he’s listened to nothing but Nirvana his entire life."

I'd disagree there. I think the energy was good and most people seemed quite interested. I didn't see any similarity to GAP or Nirvana.

(on FNM):
"The audience complied and five or six kids dominated the pit with their version of slam dancing-if you haven’t seen this, don’t go out of your way to find some poor kid to demonstrate it, you would probably end up kicking his sorry ass. Slam dancing, or hardcore dancing as they call it, looks a lot like a few people in a pit having an insanely bad acid trip."

Putting down something that has been around in the hardcore scene for a long time seems a little off. Also, points in error: slam dancing is not the same as hardcore dancing at all.

(on MWAT):
"This band deserved at least a few devoted metal heads swinging insanely long hair and bashing into each other. "

It sounded very much like straightforward hardcore to me. And by those standards, I think "devoted metal heads" would seem a little out-of-place in that setting, considering the music was far from metal. But yes, again, opinion.

"Compton was undoubtedly the best band of the night and made the slam dancers bow down to the few metal heads finally taking forefront. "

Another biased point formed from opinion.

All that being said, I know that no matter what a reviewer says, someone is bound to disagree. I mean no offense.

It's cool to see my name in print as having taken the pictures though. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 5:18am
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I'm totally offended by this post Tyler !!!

.......Or maybe it's just all the anabolic steroids I use ? lol - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 12:38pm
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I picked up an actual copy of REK today and it's not bad at all. I'm sure it can only get better and better if people give it a chance. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 1:04pm
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