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hot hot heat show
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doodlydoo My favourite quote I heard during the show:

"I don't even know what Emo is?" - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 1:06am
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HAWHAWHAW THAT WAS MEEEEEEE! - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 2:12am
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stupid word, really... deserves to be taken out and right beaten. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 2:13am
ladiesman_55 *at*
Messages Posted:
hey are you the guy from the gazebo? - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 2:25am
Gleamer It was SO weird having 1/3 of the room be 13 year old girls and the rest being roughly devided between thriftstore clad punks and guys in button up shirts and ties. they had their own bands to see and the punk Ak-47 crowd got along well with the ghost crowd (both bands ruled but being one of the "guys in ties" ghosts fans I really enjoyed how much they rocked out tonight.). but that 2/3 of the audience stayed moderately separate from the 13 year old girls.
There was a mosh pit of sorts, which I thought was moronic, going on in the middle of the room. led by five neanderthal chumps who most likely beleive falun gong is another word for their falic, ala "dude, go grab steve bays' Falun gong!"
but over the course of the show the mosh pit became a dance pit, which wasn't bad. but still rediculous in other ways.
It was a cool show though and next weekend in sidney is going to be even better, hope to see everyone there. goodnight. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 2:34am
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I was there for AK47, so it was too bad they were the first act. First up never gets as much energy from the crowd. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:13pm
Anonymous how was the turnout overall? - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:45pm
Neandrathal Wow gleamer, you burned those dumb moshers good, now how bout you go get a life instead. Just enjoy the show, or the way you see it, see your band and then get the fuck out of there. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 1:11pm
Gleamer Gear down big rig. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 1:18pm
Luke Puke I missed AK but I heard that they were outta ammo....Ghosts fucking ruled,HHhaircuts sounded great but I was hoping to see more keyboard playing by steve...200 kids i hope somebody made some $$$. - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 1:29pm
Neandrathal yeah AK 47 had some mic problems which was shitty but i was stoked to see them for the first time anyway, ghosts were wicked, and hhh was well...they were headlining, what can i say? - Sun, 17 Nov 2002 1:37pm
buddy hey man fuck off if you don't like moshing then don't but don't give us shit cause we do . anyone else see the fuck face who punched that dudes tooth out . it was crazy . if that shithead reads this i would like him to know that he is a crazy son of a bitch and i hope that other guy finds him and kicks his ass. ak 47 were awsome like usual in spit of the mic problums , the rest of the show wasn't realy my taste but i had fun anyway . - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 2:52am
buddy Where have i heard the name luke puke before ??? - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 2:56am
buddy ah yes the gazzibo , good times good times .... my name is buddy , do u like bondedge ?? - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 2:57am
Rob Buddy: Luke Puke and the babachucks, AK-47's original drummer and of course, Goatboy! - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 1:29pm
Anonymous who are the Babachucks? did they have a member with the same last name, first Randy? - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 4:57pm
Rob I have no idea...I never heard them before, I just know the name - Mon, 18 Nov 2002 5:30pm
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So, how was the music

(why you went to see them) - Tue, 19 Nov 2002 4:33am
Anonymous The singer and drummer played at Thursdays after (at the Rolling Stones night), playing what was possibly the whinyest version of homkytonk woman EVER. Sweet Jesus! - Tue, 19 Nov 2002 7:14pm
Anonymous Sweet Jesus is right! I felt like stabbing my ear drums with knitting needles after hearing it! - Tue, 19 Nov 2002 9:47pm
molly Hey guys, remember Hot Hot Heat? The headliners? I for one thought they were amazing. They've gotten so much better since they dropped the whole 'Sleater-Kinney', vocals don't matter thing. Before all you Sleater-Kinney fans get pissed off, allow me to mention that I love them too. I just happen to love vocals with melody a bit more.
I'd like to point out that going to a show where you don't know any of the bands, don't like the music and get pissed off when dancers accidentally bump into you, is not cool. And yes, I'm talking about those 13 year old twinks who sit on the stage between bands, stick their elbows into my ribs, swear at people who barely touch them and refuse to move so actual fans of the bands can take pictures. If you have a problem with people who dance, move out of the way. There's no need for attitude, we're all there to have fun. Other than that, the show was amazing. Although I've heard tons about both bands, I've never seen AK 47 or Ghosts before and I was highly impressed by both. We would love to have them at one of our shows sometime in the near future. Can't wait for the new Hot Hot Heat CD! Thanks to everyone involved for a great show.
Oh, and I have to mention this at least once...the Brit punk look is back. Do it. You'll thank me later. - Tue, 19 Nov 2002 11:35pm
Oh my God "Oh, and I have to mention this at least once...the Brit punk look is back. Do it. You'll thank me later"

Will we really? Stupd me. I thought it was about the music. how about a bit of brit terminology instead

you're a WANKER - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 2:42am
Oh So Mod Oh ya, lets look gay too. Nice helmet hair buddy. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 3:14am
Vicious Haha Molly, I knew it was you! And yeah, the whole Brit puk thing's gonna be back in a big way I bet. Give it a bit longer and YM or some other shit magazine will cover it eventually, and thus take out all the fun... I missed the show in Victoria but wanted to go so bad, I've heard so much about all of 'em. Hopefully they'll play again and have a 16 and over rule or something. Why would people go to a show when they don't like the music, or have NO idea about the scene? Back in my day (ok, like 5 years or so ago) I would have been in the back of the room. I swear kids are getting cockier and cockier every year... Damn. We need to crush their spirits earlier? j/k - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 11:28am
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Great show. Kudos to Malcolm for putting the effort in, including getting the black hanging backdrop, the sound, the lights, the stage, postering as much as he did.

It was unfortunate that AK47 had mic problems, but I think they pulled together and put on a great show regardless.

HHH were great performers, Dustin's hat was great, and I assume that the majority of people dancing about (foolishly or unfoolishly) are indicative of impending success. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 1:42pm
Trends Suck Musical trends like "brit pop look" are idiotic. Is that all music is about? A trend? A look? All these wiggers wandering around pretending to be black isnt far off of wussies wandering around pretending to be British. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 2:27pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian Trends are for sheep. That is why when I see a bunch of regular average looking people playing kick ass music I get excited (like AK-47). They're doing it for the love of the music. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 3:25pm
glenstefani just because you are a 'trendy' band does not mean that you are paying attention to music.
how about bowie and glam. nirvana and grunge. the who and mods. beatlemania.
music has always had a face to it. it is not such a black and white thing that if you put some effort into 'image' you are ignoring the musical production.

plus if a band sets out to not have an image, that immediately becomes their image. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 3:55pm
Anonymous im trendy. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 4:14pm
Oh my God Music doesn't have to do with fashion. Fuck bowie. People are so obsessed with labels and image it's gotten out of hand. There used to be Rock. know there's brit rock, alt. rock. alt. country, indie rock, art rock, folk rock, math rock, emo, punk, pop punk, grrrl punk, blues punk, cow punk, metal, black metal, white metal, punk metal, death metal....WHO CARES? There's a reason there's so much musical apathy..."Holier than thow" record store clerks and trendy parasites suck the blood out of anything before it even becomes remotley interesting. The rest is left out to rot and be devoured by the YM and Details type magazines.

Good musicians don't need costumes. Never trust a grown man who uses a hair dryer.

(oh yeah, Nirvana wasn't grunge. They were stamped with the label. Being unshaven and dirty isn't a fashion trend. If it were, hobos would be getting laid left and right in this town) - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 5:36pm
Jay Watts
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Holier than who? - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 5:57pm
Trends Suck Starting a trend is one thing.. to be yourself and have others want to copy your style is nothing short of flattering. but to say a band that has adopted a look like say "Brit Pop " look isn't following a trend becuase that's how they dress naturally.. well.. geez.. sorry, but the 60's happened before your mamma learned what a penis is. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 6:14pm
glenstefani fuck bowie? - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 6:36pm
Molly Well well well children. It looks like we have a full on debate on our hands. For the people who call themselves 'oh my god' and 'oh so mod', I was only trying to pass on a little friendly advice (not directed at you personally, I might add), it's your choice to take it at face value or make it into something it's not. It is about the music, I do agree there, but where does it say that there can't be a fashion trend that comes from the music? All I'm saying is, I like the Brit punk style. It's my opinion and if you don't agree, I can accept that and refrain from juvenille name calling. Does anyone else happen to notice how overused the word 'wanker' is? I've been saying it for years and suddenly it's on everyone's lips...what's the go with that? As the Clash once said "You have the right to free speech." Unfortunatly, that line happened to be followed by "as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it" but we can leave that part out. My point is, get over it. We happen to have different ideas so lay off on the judgements. And 'oh my god', maybe while you're at it, have a nap, drink some soy milk, do whatever it is that you do to calm down a bit because judging from the limited contact I've had with you, you seem to be really high strung. Once again, this posting is entirely my opinion so if you choose to be insulted by it, that's your call. Feel free to carry on with calling me names because this is, after all, a free country. And besides, it's been a really long time since anyone called me a wanker! Thanks for that, you made my day. Unfortunatly, I doubt a repeat performance would have the same effect.
"play it again, boys. in d minor this time around...." - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 7:29pm
OHMYGOD!!! Sometimes a get up is alright if the show has some sort of theatrical value (Kiss, Devo, Gwwar, Man...Or asroman, Nashville pussy) But when dumbass bands have to compensate their lack of talent with gloss and tinsel it REALLY bores me.
Growing up that's sort of what bugged me about the punks I knew...Why should any man spend more time on his hair than a middle aged woman? Talkng shit about conformity and how they hated people in the malls because they're "fake" when they're doing the EXACT same thing just slightly modified.
So many shitty bands are popping up now with the same "indie uniform" and matching hairstyles, everybody looks like 1980s male prostitutes.

spend more time learning your instrument, and less time with the hair and nug-huggers. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 8:28pm
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You ALWAYS need to have "banalas" and "jalupes" to fit in and be considered even remotely part of someone's field of vision. - Wed, 20 Nov 2002 8:54pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian A person's style is a person's style; fair enough. I think it's cool that people dress and look any way they want. I just think it's lame when what a person looks like becomes the focus rather than who they are, or in the case of musicians, what they create. Fashion and trends change constantly and are all about conformity and makin' a $ off of someone's insecurities and their needs to feel attractive and to fit in. Frankly, I feel kinda bad for anyone over 20 who cares about what's looks cool or does things to conform. To each his reach I guess.... - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 12:43am
Vicious I totally agree that the look can be overhyped, and the focus is down on the music. I am the biggest punk fan and I don't look punk at all, and you wouldn't believe how many times I'm branded as a poser (not like I actually care, just taking an example). And um, David Bowie's cool, cause not only is his music great, but he looks cool doing it. And he did his own thing, and he did it first. What I hope is happening is that individuality's gonna open up a little more, rather than people slagging on everyone else, which is bullshit. And this board has a hell of a lot of it, not that anyone should really care, just take it as extreme feedback. Oh, and to bring this back to topic, HHH kick ass, and they should play Nanaimo (all ages venue). I also think people should be quizzed at the fucking door about the band's name. I hate when people go to shows to be "seen" or whatever. - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 3:13pm
I-BOMB-A-NATION HHHeat suck shit...that fucking guy cant sing. I dont want this crap representing my city! I cant believe there are people out there who like this crap. Keeep following the trends you fuckers. - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 3:45pm
go fish tits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass ttits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits its and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass titstits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass ttits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits its and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits tits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass ttits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits its and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass titstits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass ttits tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits its and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits and ass tits - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 4:28pm
go fish that's ALL you need to fit in... to have someone fit it in - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 4:29pm
Scott Laming
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I think if we found a way to get Jay Brown playing in the Hot Hot heat we could have the most flame ridden chat board in this history of the internet! Just think of the possibilities! =) - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 5:04pm
RAZOR im just jealous cause they look better in tight pants than i do. - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 6:33pm
Areo The Live Act has always been the focus of rock and roll, and music in general. Certainly the melodies and rhythms are important, but music has to have a communal aspect to really effect us affectively. Fashion helps build a sense of belonging; if artists use it well, it helps us to raise them above us (which is necessary for everyone's enjoyment).

The recent advent of recorded music has changed our perspective ("it should be all about the music"), but a band's live show is still the focus.

Maybe Bach hasn't stood the test of time because of his "look", but live performances were the focus of his career (and indeed all musicians until the beatles).

HHH's fashion effect their live shows, and at the end of the day that's what really matters. - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 7:21pm
Omar Leadbelly didn't wear tacky stage attire.

Neither did hank Williams, or Robert Johnson,
or Johnny Cash...

James Brown didn't start wearing tacky outfits until he was way past his prime.

Elvis started using rhinestones and junk on his rediculous outfits when he started to get fat and shiny, and take the attention away from the fact that he became a horrific beast.

Some people have a presence or talent that demands attention.

I've always found people that try so hard to look different do so because of the simple fact that their interior is bland and they are just boring people. Why would someone have to use such blatent means of getting attention? Vanity is reserved for those who seek to compensate for themselves.

I'm not "flaming" or putting anybody down. I'm just simply stating a belief that I have.

And yes there is a HUGE difference between fashion and style. People who rely on fashion don't have style. - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 1:52am
bond. james bond ...the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick... - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 1:26pm
bertuzzi HHHeat are pretty cool....but girls in hockey jerseys are hot. yowza! - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 2:01pm
Trends Suck Wrong. I like HHH and am proud of their accomplishment. But when Putzy above comes in and says the brit pop trend is IN and so we should all follow it, it makes me want to ring that fuckers neck and tell him the beating up homo's trend is back now too. - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 2:04pm
cockbiter beating off homos is back in style?? - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 2:28pm
Kurt Cobain ...the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and 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victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick... ...the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick......the victoria scene is jealous of Hot Hot Heat and it makes me sick - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 5:36pm
Chicken hey you stole my schtick! Peep! - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 7:09pm
dave i'm not the biggest fan of their music (different tastes and all), but i'm a fan of how hard they have worked together as a band to get where they are. if more vic musicians had the same kind of work ethic this would be one of the most thriving and diverse scenes around. it benefits the whole city to have musicians from here do well. - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 7:56pm
harhar HHH are fucking posers. They ripped their image off some amerikkkan emo bands and used as their own. Too bad they couldn't stay "indie" or even sign to Dischord(BAHA!)....oh wait they are totally FOR selling out and selling their souls, for that matter. CHUMPS. I can't wait until I see a music video so I can bust my gut laughing. Monkey see, monkey doo doo. HAHAHAHAHAHA! - Fri, 22 Nov 2002 8:43pm
Ex-Humungo Unlike the rest of you fuckers/\ I am going to talk about the show. It was a good show at that. Ak-47 did a fantastic job even with the mic's. Ghosts also were quite gnar. It was really neat seeing the two bands befor at tea house shows where there were 20 or so people and now seeing them play on a stage infront of 250+ people.Those were the two bands i went to see. All that week however i had heard HHH this, HHH that and i was a tad sick of hearing about HHH but not hearing there music. I must say they were not bad but i think they were a bit too much hype. Ak-47 and Ghosts are far better then them. But yet you would never pay $10 to see them headline a show. That was another thing, $10 !!! what was that about. The dayglow's show back in June(?) was only $8 and they are much older, more famous and more talented then HHH. thats what i think. oh and who cares about what the people look like and what the trends are. Dont you folks go to shows for the music? - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:23am
Anonymous gnar? - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 5:26am
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