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Pamplemousse, Aquired Taste, The Cause, Vin Cat, Immaculate Machine
Message Board > Show Reviews > Pamplemousse, Aquired Taste, The Cause, Vin Cat, Immaculate Machine
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Not a horrible show, not a great show, to put it simply, i've seen better. Now, from what I remember, Aquired Taste played first, which....I wouldn't say I was disappointed, but, uh...they need practice. I honestly don't remember the rest of the bands in any order, one played some entertaining songs..the last one was pretty good. Someone else needs to post that knows who the bands were and such. I also am on a quest to find out who the girl was I was talking to for a minute while sitting against the wall, I can't remember her name, she was cool though. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 12:30am
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Yeah... let's see..

Acquired Taste opened. My personal opinion? We sucked. The horns got no volume, the guitars clashed with each other, Kelly messed up more than a few times, the levels were generally off. Gah. I was the sax player in the girl pants by the way.

Then was The Cause. They were ok, not really my thing, but did a good job.

Then was Vin Cat. I liked them a lot. not just cause the guitarist is really attractive. I thought they played some catchy songs and I like their style. The cowboy song was awesome with that fluty thing and the tumbleweeds were cool.

Then was IMMACULATE MACHINE! I love them. They played a good set I thought. A lot of people had left already, oddly. They played a lot of their slower songs with lots of emotional texture and all that. The levels were good. and I'm in love with Kathryn, yes it's true. But her singing came out a lot better at this show, compared to their last show. I bought a shirt and got TROY THE ROADIE to buy me their demo as an early bday present.

All in all, it was a pretty good show. The turnout was around 60 people who paid, which is pretty good considering that it wasn't UBER advertised. A bunch of people came who I told about it to. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 12:36am
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I had a good time. I thought all the bands were good. Immaculate Machine clearly was the best band there. It's cool to see bigger bands from the local scene play those shows when the turnout isn't that big. They were really tight and it shows. You can see they've played more and are at that higher level as far as the technical side goes.
I hope I can get my playing down that solid one day..

I enjoyed some of Aquired Taste's stuff. Not really my stuff either. You guys reeeally need to cover Propaghandi's Ska sucks, it would be so fucking awesome. I enjoyed the wah-wah solo. The beatboxing was like the highlight for me..but..I was pumped to hear a freestyle.....*le sigh*..maybe next time guys/gals?

I thought our band played alright. I tried to re-work all the songs for one guitar yesterday I think they just need some fine tuning. All-in-all I thought it was an improvement from our last show. Anyone that went to both care to elaborate?

Vincat always puts on a good show and I enjoyed them again..Kris has some mad wicked dance skills. We won't put any pressure on you next time I think you three give James an erection is all. Thanks for lending us your keyboard for the cheap made in 5 minutes Christmas song..and thanks for having us play with you and the other coolys! Last but obviously not least...much thanks goes out to everyone that trekked through the shite weather to come to the hat/pants...go off to you! - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 6:51am
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Good show. The elusive Mr. Knight missed a good one. Sure, some of the bands could have played better, but all of them had fun, and were cool and got into it. Now, I'm a Vin Cat supporter... even though I've sworn to kill all members (excluding Mr. Costello and Mr. North) and they put on a hell of a show. They aren't art rock and they aren't intellectuals. They're rock and roll and thats what makes them appealing. Everyone was moving. Immaculate Machine were not my style, but I liked them... good band. The cause had catchy guitar. Acquired Taste had a trumpet. Nuff Said. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 9:03am
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Thanks guys, it was a rocky start with Pamplemousse not showing up, but everyone pulled together and lengthened their sets and I thought it was a good show in the end.

Acquired Taste: I have a confession. I have outgrown ska. Its sad, very very sad. I was even in a ska band once called the Madd Hatters. But since I have moved on to, not greater, but other things. Ska is still fun. And from a technical stand point acquired taste owned where the Madd Hatters started out at. Its hard being in a ska band cause eventually some members are bound to fight. 3 or 4 is company 12 is a crowd.

The Cause: Props to these guys for playing despite the loss of a player the day earlier. That rocks, and I actually enjoyed them more last night. So there you go, this band is great check them out.

Immaculate Machine: Immaculate Machine remain one of my favorite bands in Canada. A guy from california emailed me asking for some great Canadian bands and I tossed your name over to him.

Well the show happened, and I thought it was pretty successful. Thanks to everyone for dancing and screaming and whiping your feet at the door. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 9:06am
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I think the show turned out pretty well. Good bands, decent sized crowd, not much trouble.

Quick note to the people who were caught trying to steal stuff from the day care: that's really low.

Anyways, review time:

Acquired Taste - I have to agree with Tyler on this one. We didn't play very well, lots of screw ups, but I still had fun.

The Cause - Great stage presence, cool sound, they seem to enjoy themselves on stage. They do sound better with their fourth member, but I still liked their set.

Vin Cat - Excellent as always, they really put on an awesome performance. I'm still hoping to hear Somebody Stole My Applesauce soon.

Immaculate Machine - In my opinion they are easily one of the best bands in Victoria. Excellent musicianship, very danceable music, so much fun.

Big thanks to all the bands for playing, Kris & D'arcy for being cool, the volunteers for helping, & everyone who came out. I had a really good time. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 10:54am
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good show everyone! big fernwood didn't seem all that big tonight with the nice lights and where the bands started. good thinking.
let's start the reviews:
acquired taste was everything they should be (you know?) the cause was pretty neat, i liked them more this time. vincat was a pleasant surprise, man that kid can croon! i liked the first few songs best. they should use the keyboard more. how old are you guys anyways? immaculate machine was really good. i don't like when the drummer sings though, it kind of throws everything off a bit. but they are super good and i hope they play more all ages shows in the future. but then again, there's no such thing as the future... - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 11:27am
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I only really came for Vincat, but heard the two bands before them... The Ska band was pretty good, better than when they had that guy singer who stripped (oak bay show with Madd Hatters). I think it was the same group... maybe not... The Cause was ok, seeing as though there guitarist had quit the day before, which is pretty lame. Overall they wernt too bad, just the vocals but i cant say anything because i cant sing to save my life.

Vincat... All i have to say is wow. Its been a while since i heard all of you at once play (try the three songs you played at the school), but last night, it was amaizing. I almost died of happyness. I mean ive never really been a fan, but after last night, im hooked. Kris, your keyboard stuff was the best, your vocals were the best ive heard since the hatters, and danny... gotta be one of the best drummers we got, you rock my socks! and Crystal, as always wonderful and beautiful

Overall, from my point of view it was a tight night. Vincat should rule the world - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 11:52am
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Do you cats *chuckle* or anyone have a live recording of "Danny Wears Glasses"? I'm obsessed with that song and think it should be overplayed until everyone thinks it is a Nickelback song. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 12:42pm
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I was kind of disappointed by the turnout but I also didn't know what to expect so maybe it was good. But in terms of the bands Acquired Taste: we just completely bombed, it was fuckin' painful. The Cause: they played pretty damn well for missing a member. Vin Cat and Immaculate machine were by far the 2 best bands of the evening, they both seemed really prepared, had awesome stage presence (especially Vin Cat) and they both had really tight well worked, well rounded, smooth sounds. I'd also like to thank Nev (the sound guy) for all the work he did, and of course Kate Kris and D'arcy for putting the show on. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 1:07pm
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Werd on the street is the first Vin Cat disk is on the way. I suspect it will be here sometime in the next 2 years. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 1:09pm
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two years?! i cant wait that long!!! i need vincat now!!!
well i guess i can wait till next practice...
the show went alright for a cold rainy night.
good bands
good eggnog
good fun
thanks to everyone that helped to put it on and everyone that came. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 1:18pm
rusted rub cap
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nev recorded the set last night, and we played dannys glasses, email him, his address in under contact.
i'm sure he can send you individual songs.
and as for actual recordings, we want to soon, but don't know when. hopefully sooner then later.
ps. kris doesn't know what he's talking about, it wont be 2 years. we'll just have to record it without him. right danny! - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 1:54pm
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Yeah, we sucked. I screwed up a few of the bass parts, and kept missing notes to adjust the volume.

Weee. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 2:28pm
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*Acquired Taste*

Yeah, I screwed up some bass parts a small bit, and generally didn't like the volume levels... whoopdeedoo. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 2:30pm
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I'm so going to use this messageboard for my own personal gain. Does anyone know a girl that was at the show, short, black hair, jeans and a jean jacket, sideways hat. hung out with a few other girls and the guy in like, leopard pants? - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 4:30pm
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All hail Troy! (the roadie) - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 7:13pm
rusted hub cap
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this is for the guy that wanted to know how old we are, we as in vincat crew. (if you still wanted to know)
danny 16 maybe 17 can't remember
crystal 18
ok, thank you have a nice day.
you were talking to vincat right? HA...ha...k

and as for nick, one day i am going to get you, maybe at the next giver jam, maybe when you finaly show me the fricken fracken movie we spent so much dam time on, and i came to shoots without getting pizza and pop, let alone hair and make-up and all the jazzy jazzerson, and i had to kiss the icky boy, and i had to act like i was on jerry springer! I WILL GET YOU MUTHER FUCKER! NICK THAT IS!
ps. so are we still going christmas shopping? call me.
i got that magazine you want. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 7:39pm
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I think you're all missing the point here, I started this thread, so OBVIOUSLY it's only meant to further my needs. Get with the program people, this is an operation going on, one that's failing miserably at the moment. Get on it people. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 8:23pm
rusted hub cap
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I am sure it's just not meant to be if you cannot find your mystery lady, and if it is, you guys will meet again, heray! - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 8:30pm
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You make an excellent point. Which is also why i'm so disapointed that there are no all ages shows for like....ever. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 8:42pm
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A couple things I'd like to say about the show on Saturday first of all.. GOOD EGGNOG...mmm...
Thank you to the other bands you guys did a great job...
ACQUIRED TASTE-you guys were fun, I enjoyed... it was really cool you could play a longer set... I enjoyed the beat boxing as did EVERYONE... couple cool songs... maybe not eveyones favourite... but hey i guess your name has meaning.
THE CAUSE- this set was interesting from my vantage point... was it just from where i was standing but was the drum set on the left side of the stage? (or stage right for you drama kids) um besides that it seemed good... seemed empty like another quitarist should of been there?
(ps- that is my attempt to write a review of my own bands set if you didnt know haha im LAME-oh well)
VINCAT were really good i enjoyed all the songs especially danny's glasses and my oh my is fun but all kickass... i also enjoyed the cowboys and indians song... MAN that tumbleweed was impressive (again reviewing myself haha-EVEN LAMER)
finally IMMACULATE MACHINE- what can i say?...IMMACULATE!? (haha, im sorry haha)
um really really good set fun, I would agree with Kris great band... I dunno about one of the best in Canada but really really cool, really talented and troopers taboot.
ps I liked the pandacostume from the nardwuar show i was hoping to see it again really cute in a ferocious bear kinda way).
Thanks to everyone who came and to vincat and everyone ele that help put it on.
pps sorry its so long... im procrastinating homework hahahaha (wow im impressively lame) - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 10:37pm
rusted hub cap
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john you're funny. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 10:55pm
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No way you think he's impressively just don't know it yet! John I think we should just add like 4 guitarists so I can chill by the keyboard and drink eggnog. We should be able to get quite a few shows done if we only have one quit on us every four months....huzzah! - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 11:45pm
The Cause
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and by impressively lame she must of meant you ... mmm eggnog ....
PS to all you cause fans (yes, you mom) next time you see us we'll prolly all be fat on eggnog and it will be worth it - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 11:51pm
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didn't eggnog used to have alcohol in it? or was that some insane rumour that only i believed - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 11:55pm
The Cause
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its not that it used to, but certain people... lets call them alcoholics... put alcohol in anything... the way i look at it though... why mess with a good thing... i could have alot more fun drinking eggnog all night... the pure delight of it would make me as drunk as 10 men - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:07am
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agreed, a good cup of eggnor is more than enough to get me into the x-mas mood, or show mood, or x-mas show mood. whatever mood it is, i'm sure eggnog can do it better and with less side effects than alcohol - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:12am
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I didn't have any of this eggnog but I did overuse the secret password to get lots of chocolate.. whee. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:13am
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i wish i knew what that was, troy the roadie told me it existed, but wouldn't reveal it. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:16am
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It was the same as the last Acquired Taste show's password so that will remain a secret :) - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:18am
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pff, you guys need to put on another show.
Soon. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:24am
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I don't think we're going to have a practice until the new year anyway due to my bday party on the 11th, then kate is going somewhere, then christmas, then new years - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:25am
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well I meant in like, late january. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:26am
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depending on if someone's willing to organize another one. I'd do it but I'm not skilled enough. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:28am
The Cause
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hey any pic's of that shitty band before vincat? - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:31am
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what's involved in organising? I'd do it as long as i don't have to pay anything, i lack funds - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:32am
The Cause
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money is a big part. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:34am
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Well then, I'll find someone with money, and then just use it and organize the rest. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:37am
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booking the venue, getting a sound guy (by the way, as much as I said about the sound levels sucking at this show, he still did a really good job and always will have my respect for everything he does), promoting the show with posters and word of mouth and online ads, etc, getting people to help as volunteers, getting a cash float, getting any extra equipment if needed, getting some bands (duh) to commit to it (including a headlining band), and the little extra things that make it that much nicer (like candy!!!! or egg nog I suppose) - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:37am
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well if anyone wants to put a show on, they can contact me for a volunteer, i want to help the shows get going. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:42am
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you just want to find that girl again, don't you? Haha

and Mr. The Cause, there were some pics I believe of you guys, ask Kate (k8) for them since I don't have them - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:43am
The Cause
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have u seen em? are they good? i will do that... um i would put a show on... but our band is not exactly playing right now - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:46am
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I'm not sure how she feels about me linking to her lj but here are a bunch of show pics, as well as other pics she took: - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:49am
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dear picklehammer, I certainly do, that's my main reason. My other is that I want more shows to go to. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:49am
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if there is an all ages show anytime before or just after Christmas I bought a shiteload of candycanes for that last show but was jamming with a friend right before we left for the show and forget them. show I go to or candycanes out the wazzoo! - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 1:21am
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great pictures
if you have anymore everyone would love to see them - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:04am
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Me and D'arcy were thinkin of puting on a show in the new year, but thats as far as we've gotten in the planning stages. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 1:24pm
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Dude, justin, get in touch with tyler soon, or make darcy, or either of you contact me, as me, tyler, and troy want to put on a show around the same time, let's share ideas and see what the 5 of us can come up with - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 1:30pm
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Me and D'arcy were thinking of doing an all ages all ska show, but if you want to do something else thats totally cool. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 1:57pm
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Ska sounds perfect to me. A show is a show. I just think it would be easier if we all pooled together on the effort. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 1:58pm
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hey mike, we'd love to play, we arent ska but by january who knows... - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 3:36pm
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hey crystal... what magazine? what the crap? buy me a house - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 4:06pm
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Nice to know John, it doesn't nessecarily have to be all ska as far as I'm concerned. So sounds good to me, i'll get back to you as soon as I can with more information about the possible date of it etc. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 4:19pm
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why cant I get into the pics - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 6:09pm
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don't do it... people hate ska - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 6:13pm
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Go listen to Ska sucks by Propaghandi. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 7:04pm
rusted hub cap
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um, i tried to look at thoes pictures, and it said error, you need be loged in, and i am loged in, and i don't understand cuz i just want to look at pictures. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 7:34pm
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Thats the exact same thing that happened to me. What the fuck! I'll just blame Dylan, everything's his fault, even though he has nothing to do with it. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 8:32pm
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We found a small black hoody left at the show. Email K8 if it's yours. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 9:17pm
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yeah I just realized that all those pics are posted as friends only... damn... maybe K8 will put them up somewhere public - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 10:36pm
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vin cat pics from the fatal error show:

Pics from this show we're talking about in the thread: - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:06pm
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I will. There are more photos I'll put up later.

Send me an email if you left a small black sweatshirt at the show. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:12pm
The Cause
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k8 i heard you put most of this show on, well thanks, sorry we didnt stick around to clean very long we were tired and it looked like everything was covered... if you ever do another show wede love to play, and we can always help out, at the door etc all you gotta do is ask,
ps. any cause shots? - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 12:57am
vibrationsintime *at*
Messages Posted:

That's how it happens livin' life by the drop..

Yeah thanks time I'll bring my paddle....anyone caught trying to steal stuff from the daycare WILL get the paddlin' of their lifetime..a la dazed & confused! - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 11:46am
rusted hub cap
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some good pics, however they arent really of vincat, they are of kris from vincat! woot. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 12:38pm
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But theres only 2 Vin Cat pics. And only one of them is of Kris, the other is of you. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 2:49pm
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"some good pics, however they arent really of vincat, they are of kris from vincat! woot"

there's one of you in there! and there'd be more if I got ahold of the camera.. but I make K8 take it away from me cause I get carried away - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 5:19pm
The Cause
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mike we definitly wanna play in january some time... you should contact belmont see if wee can play there... - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 9:02pm
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The show in january looks to be a go so far. We just need 1 or 2 bands, we've got: theset, hours before dawn, and you guys. With at least one more we'd be set and I'd confirm the hall date and sound guy. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 9:23pm
The Cause
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y not vincat again or pushin up daisies? - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 9:31pm
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Vin cat can't, I don't remember why, but they e-mailed me about it. I am going to ask Pushing Up Daisies though. they'd be a good addition. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 9:56pm
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hey Mr. The Cause, while this could be a different show, I know that Belmont has hosted a couple shows in the past few years during lunch. One was in a drama room which didn't work that well in my opinion, one was outside the school which seemed to work pretty well, one was in the Skate Park which I didn't go to. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:10pm
The Cause
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id love to play at yee old stompin grounds... - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:23pm
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Whoa my. So much to plan lately. I'm going to talk to the people at belmont about it this week, see what i can figure out. THen i'll get back to you and the rest of the cause. - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:28pm
The Cause
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THAT IS JUST AWESOME! - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:46pm
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Good place to play is the ridge theatre at claremont...stage and awesome'll rock your socks - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 3:28am
Teags (Zephyr Kage)
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Hey everybody. This is Dylan (trumpet player) from Accquired Taste (as this is my brother's user, I'm too lazy to get one right now.) I seem to have dropped in on this conversation far too late, but in case anyone's still interested here's my take:

Accquired Taste: This definitely wasn't our night. We really messed up on timing and when specific people (I included) were supposed to come in. Not to mention when to come in to the chorus or end the bluddy song. I'm not going to say we completely sucked though, I think we had our moments; the solos and the beatboxing were good, and Mario worked well, considering we learned it a week ago. I think that for that whatever reason we fell into a negative flux and couldn't seem to relax and enjoy the music. Thanks to everyone who supported us: Sean G. and friends, you guys rule!

The Cause: Good band. I think it's awesome you guys played without one of your key members, a lot of bands would have canceled the gig. Good stage presence. Hope to jam again sometime in the future.

Vin Cat: So this is where the talented Kris North is at! ( Remember me? I'm the trumpet player who jammed with you and a bunch of others at the G.N.S. gig. That was so cool!) Anyways, quite a solid performance. The whole wild west thing with the recorder was sweet, but perhaps it went on a bit too long. Oh whatever, stage presence, stage presence.....good luck with your band, we'll probably catch you later.

Immaculate Machine: In my opinion, the most seasoned band of the night, and without question, the most experienced. I've already told the lead male singer this, but I enjoyed your last song the most, I believe it's called " The View"? Keep on playing, you have a very strong sense of groove. Oh and I must mention that the female lead vocals has a very attractive voice.... - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 4:30pm
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I agree about the attractive voice, Dylan. I fell in love with her when I heard a recording, haha. Hey do you have details about my bday? - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 8:01pm
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Now listen here you horn chumps! I don't wanna hear any more bitching about horn volume levels! You, the vocals, and the keys are the 3 loudest things on the recordings of the gig. If anyone should be bitching it should be me because I can't hear myself for most of it, especially once I let dan use my other guitar which is hella loud. The only other person (aside from dan for 2/3 of it) should be Will, but it's a good thing you can't hear him. The Cause may have had their guitar and bass off by a SEMI-TONE but we had ours OFF by A WHOLE-TONE!!!!!!!! beat that Cause. If you listen to Skank that's where it gets painful (Bass and guitar). - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 8:16pm
The Cause
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is there a recording of this show id love to hear it - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 8:44pm
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The Ridge is a nice little theater, but that's what it is, a theater. No room for dancing unfortunately. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:06pm
Teags (Zephyr Kage)
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(Dylan Again)

Well Justin, why do you think I play an instrument that soars on top of everything?

Hahaha. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:25pm
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on the recording, the trumpet is very much louder than the sax. I'm glad the guitar doesn't come out though. The "smooth" tone doesn't really suit ska, at all. I suspect that this may have been mastered out by Nev in an attempt to make it sound half decent. The only time the guitar sounded decent, in my opinion, was during improvisation.

The trumpet, however, always sounds wonderful. Good job Dylan. - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 12:31am
The Cause
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you guys should cover ska sucks its a great tune... or anything by propaghandi really - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 12:34am
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There's a recording of the show but they never recorded us, thinking back in hindsight I am glad and miffed about it. On the positive side we were missing our rythm which created lots of dead space. This really just made it me soloing over the vox bass and drums which I could tell got tiresome fast..

On the shitty side it seemed since I had a few drinks my creative side jumped out and took my guitar out of my hands..I don't really remember what I played...I vividly remember some cool improvisations though so I wish I could have a chance to sit and hear what my brain spat out... - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 1:39am
The Cause
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dude it was good... - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 2:55am
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The Arcade Fire=God
The Arcade Fire Sold Out=Me Pissed Off - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 7:54am
The Cause
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arent you tooo young anyway? yeah it has been sold ot since the like 20th of november, nobody in victory sells out that quickly, if i hear a way to sneak in i got your back - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 10:20am
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I'm too young but I'd find a way if it weren't sold out. Funeral is the best album of the year, hands down. - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 1:12pm
The Cause
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yeah i was thinking about buttering up to Imaculate Machine cause they are opening... but i have SOME dignity... we could both be roadies...
oh an woops i typed victory instead of victoria, wouldnt that be a better name for our town anyway? - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 1:15pm
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Anybody wanna play trombone for Acquired Taste? We have cookies... - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 2:34pm
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Just teach me Trombone and get me a Trombone and I'm totally in! ......... - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 4:03pm
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buy me a hammond B3 and I'll play that. and lead electric triangle. - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 4:41pm
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Whens this Vin Cat site gonna be up? - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 6:08pm
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Soon i hope. someone has been working on it, but i'm not really in touch with him crystal is. we are technologically unintelligent you see. - Thu, 9 Dec 2004 9:44pm
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I hear that......*BLADES...OF STEEL!* - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 3:24am
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"FACE OFF" - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 7:51am
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Acquired Taste may suck but at least we can be proud of how long this thread has been goin. - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 12:55pm
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no shit eh? lets top the 100 mark. and then keep it running for 20 years - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 3:01pm
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yah, we gotta make a record for longest running and most posts. - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 3:04pm
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101? - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 3:28pm
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YES!!! AHAHAA! WE MUST NEVER WEAKEN!!! 102! - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 4:14pm
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103!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHQAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 6:50pm
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does it count if i post again?
if so
i feel special - Fri, 10 Dec 2004 11:24pm
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yah it counts. But we can't just keep on posting the numbers of our posts, we can do that every once in a while, but we gotta actually have proper posts that are about something. Or else it doesn't really count, because i could just go start my own thread and just keep posting in it 100 times saying nothing but: "100!", "101!", "102!" etc. etc... so that's how dumb it would be, it's like cheating, but it's not really something you can cheat at, because you can't win, and it's not a game. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 9:08am
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Too true, lets talk about fish! Now I am partial to a good salmon every now and then. There should be a super duper new years all agers. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 9:13am
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I like sockeye salmon.
& there should be a new years all ager. Acquired Taste & Fatal Error play my basement. Remember how crowded it was when we were a 4 piece? Now that there are 7 or 8 of us it should be good fun. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 10:26am
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no... I don't remember.. who are you? HA! oh. yeah... never liked red snapper.. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 4:45pm
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If you don't mind me bringing a sock full of pennys and smashing your windows I think we can handle hardcore Acquired tate vs. Fatal Error. As we eat fish, anykind, it's all good. - Sat, 11 Dec 2004 6:54pm
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fatal error, fatal error, fatal error? i believe so. - Sun, 12 Dec 2004 10:00am
Teags (Zephyr Kage)
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(Dylan again, man am I getting sick of posting as my brother...Does anyone know if you can have two different users on Livevic?)

Hope you had a good birthday Tyler!

The length of this thread is quite impressive.
Hailbut is the best kind of fish, ESPECIALLY when you get it from the Willows Galley. :) - Sun, 12 Dec 2004 1:06pm
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acquired taste? acquired taste? acquired taste? i dunno i've only seen the once - Sun, 12 Dec 2004 3:48pm
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That's one too many times. - Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:29am
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is it? i'm pretty sure you say the band name three times - Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:48am
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who likes dans facial expression? - Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:53am
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I just meant you've seen them one too many times. - Mon, 13 Dec 2004 7:26pm
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ohh... well it was their first show... and now there's like a billion new members... psh... ska bands... - Tue, 14 Dec 2004 1:54am
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well now there was slightly less becuase now one of the guitar players is taking on the bass. but now it's back up because we found a trombone playa. - Tue, 14 Dec 2004 1:21pm
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That we did. Is she hot? - Tue, 14 Dec 2004 4:41pm
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Clearly her musical skills come second on the priority list....because lets face's not about how you's about how much eye candy you have in your band! - Wed, 15 Dec 2004 1:42am
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And how hot your trombone player is. She shoiuld have experience lubing up long, round shafts, that need lubing. - Wed, 15 Dec 2004 6:50pm
holy moly
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sicko-slash-mysogynist. - Wed, 15 Dec 2004 7:07pm
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I was being sarcastic...he was being a dumb-dumb. - Wed, 15 Dec 2004 9:58pm
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remember that band fatal error? what ever happened to them? - Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:23pm
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I feel this thread is dying...

WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Thu, 16 Dec 2004 6:10pm
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RIP THREAD. 2004. - Thu, 16 Dec 2004 6:17pm
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that went on way too long with the whole BZZthp, CLEAR, BEEP thing - Fri, 17 Dec 2004 1:05pm
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Now we must kill you. - Fri, 17 Dec 2004 5:55pm
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130!!!!!!!!!... I think... - Sat, 18 Dec 2004 2:48pm
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who think fatal error and acquired taste should play a show in the new year? *raises hand* - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 2:21am
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i do, and i nominate kate's backyard. - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 3:26pm
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Werd. Come see vin cat at the fifty fifty on january 7th. - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 7:04pm
rusted hub cap
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haha, i love how you just throw that in there.

oh yeah, totally, cool, my mom was telling me about that time -come see vin cat at the fifty fifty jan 7- when she went to alaska, and she got attacked by my uncles pet eskimo. - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 7:11pm
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i have a sudden urge to go see vincat play at the 50/50 on the 7th. - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 9:46pm
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well kids... one time I was ice fishing in crystal's eyelid and come see the fillmores before Vin Cat and then I caught a big one and named him ohmygodalot. - Sun, 19 Dec 2004 11:49pm
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anyway, back to the fatal error acquired taste show :P i vote kates backyard, even tho i've never seen it - Mon, 20 Dec 2004 1:46pm
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...once we get oour drummer acquainted and we dont suck.... too bad - Mon, 20 Dec 2004 1:49pm
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My backyard sounds cool, maybe for my birthday in March.
I will look into getting a permit to play loud music outside. - Tue, 21 Dec 2004 7:34pm
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my birthday is in march aswell. i should get one 'o them things aswell, somehow record the sets. take the best of both bands. bingo - Tue, 21 Dec 2004 7:41pm
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we can get this guy to headline

AS PROMISED... THAT SKUNK GUY! - Tue, 21 Dec 2004 9:38pm
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whoa. is this thread still alive? if it were a horse, i bet they'd have shot it by now. - Sun, 26 Dec 2004 5:25pm
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yup, it's still alive. when you think it's gone it just keeps coming back for more. just like vd. - Sun, 26 Dec 2004 10:44pm
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I gotta say this vin Cat show looks like it'll pretty good, hopefully, actually I think it's just cause Crystal Dorval is in Vin cat... but still. - Mon, 27 Dec 2004 10:09pm
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But more importantly come see Acquired Taste at the Oak bay High School talent show or "Student Showcase Showdown" because we all know talent shows are where its at. - Tue, 28 Dec 2004 4:28pm
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is this why i havent gotten anything good in 4 years? - Sun, 2 Jan 2005 6:33pm
Teags (Zephyr Kage)
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( Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan)

I can probably do the show with Vin Cat, if someone actually organizes it.
All this talk about Ska Sucks. Now I'm downloading it. - Tue, 4 Jan 2005 3:50pm
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good song - Fri, 7 Jan 2005 12:28pm
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good show - Thu, 20 Jan 2005 9:20pm
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My band won the talent show last year!! - Fri, 21 Jan 2005 3:24pm
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do you play lame pop-punk covers, c? - Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:23pm
[email protected]
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Haha far from it. This was my old band, we played 2 orginals, one pink floyd style, and the first one was more zeppelin influenced. - Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:31am
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that's cool.. are you in a band now? - Sun, 23 Jan 2005 4:22pm
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He's in Acidwash. Jeez, Tyler. - Sun, 23 Jan 2005 7:13pm
[email protected]
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Someone knows who acidwash is????????????????????????/

wow crazy,, that just made my day - Sun, 23 Jan 2005 7:15pm
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ohh acidwash

yeah I went to that one show where you guys didn't have a bassist. I didn't like anything except for the awesome guitar solos - Sun, 23 Jan 2005 7:40pm
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are you the sam Colin from...

THE BALANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bum bum bum bum! - Mon, 24 Jan 2005 6:39pm
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i cant believe this thread is still going. what the fuck - Mon, 24 Jan 2005 6:39pm
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it's cause we're cool - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 5:12pm
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Yeah haha same colin - Tue, 25 Jan 2005 5:34pm
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Wow what a wicked thread. If anyone is looking for a guitarist The Cause died some time ago so now I am doing crap all musically but practicing, reading up on recording, and saving up for another guitar and some recording gear.... - Wed, 26 Jan 2005 2:22am
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this thread is dead - Tue, 1 Feb 2005 10:06pm
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I'm fairly sure it just got reborn - Tue, 1 Feb 2005 10:16pm
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come to practice you fucker - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 6:49pm
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I'm coming tomorrow - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 11:34pm
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why is this thread alive? I wish i could shoot it already - Sat, 5 Feb 2005 1:01pm
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yeah sorry i havent been able to make it, family shit, but im for sure coming next saturday, if i dont i give the whole band permission to kick me as hard as they can in the sack - Sat, 5 Feb 2005 7:55pm
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what? what do you play? - Mon, 7 Feb 2005 1:11am
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bass, i was invited to jam, but im not totally sure if im joining or not. - Tue, 8 Feb 2005 4:13pm
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