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The Mayor of Esquimalt has rocks init's head?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > The Mayor of Esquimalt has rocks init's head?
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Yo, you probably ain't heard this shit yet.... But the Mayor of Esquimalt wants to put a Moslim mosque on Esqimalt Road, where a former Bank of Montreal used to be..

You'd think no-one would have a problem with this, because most people are a sleep at the wheel most hours of the day when it comes to community events n'such as this... They aren't going to care...

Here's the scoop, the plans are Lordpatch setting up across the street from one of my most beloved restaurants in the entire city, and what puzzles me the most is that the Mayor of Esquimalt- wants to have this Moslim group come in a set up shop in a otherwise business and shopping neighbourhood. (Not really known too well for its religious and espicially Islamic community centres where, in the background lays... well....)

I'm going to freak out if I see one of those full-fledged berka-faced freakshows walking around the street like they own the place.

I don't think certain sheeoples are going to like this once they find out...

I believe shit will go down there if they do decide they are going to move in. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:25pm
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Muslims getting place of worship
Religious facility first of its kind in Greater Victoria
The Bank of Montreal building at the corner of Esquimalt Road and Grenville Avenue will be rezoned as a jamatkhana.

Published: Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Esquimalt will be home to the first permanent place of worship in the Greater Victoria area for the Ismaili Muslim community.

"It's going to be really, really positive," Mayor Chris Clement said yesterday. Esquimalt council voted 6-1 in favour of a zoning amendment that will allow the vacant Bank of Montreal building at the corner of Esquimalt Road and Grenville Avenue to be used as a jamatkhana -- a place to pray, as well as an educational and cultural centre.

"We're humbled and pleased by the council decision," said Mehmoona Moosa-Mitha, one of the 150 local members of the Ismaili Muslim faith.

Ismaili Muslims belong to the Shia branch of Islam, which has about 20 per cent of Muslims worldwide. The other 80 per cent of Muslims are Sunni. Local Ismailis have been leasing a building for several years. The Esquimalt Road site will be the first they have owned. There are 17 other jamatkhanas in B.C.

A public hearing about the zoning amendment saw a standing-room-only crowd pack Esquimalt council chamber Monday.

Clement took a firm stance at the meeting from the outset, saying that council wouldn't tolerate comments focusing on religion or ethnic origin. That was prompted by a letter written to council by two residents who said even contemplating the idea of a mosque was "insulting," and suggested that mosques be banned in Canada. Municipal staff also received a couple of "nasty" phone calls denouncing Muslims, Clement said.

"I think the comments come more out of ignorance," Clement said. "There is that little bit of paranoia from people, because of some of the societal reaction to the word Muslim these days."

Public opinion was split at the meeting, but not because of the building being used by Muslims. Several residents spoke out against the building, which is in the middle of Esquimalt's commercial core, being used as a place of worship, regardless of the faith. Some said the commercial core should remain commercial. But the building has been largely empty for the last five years, used periodically as a call centre, and during the federal election.

Numerous people said parking will become even more difficult in the 1200-block of Esquimalt Road, and also had concerns over tax exemptions generally given to religious organizations.

But several others, as well as council, liked the idea of mixed use in the commercial core. They also liked that the building will be bought by a group with a long history of community involvement, as well as plans for an esthetically pleasing renovation to the building. Tentative plans call for wall mosaics, as well as landscaping, including a fountain.

All council except for Barbara Desjardins voted in favour of the zoning amendment. Desjardins said she couldn't support amending the bylaw that applies to all the commercial core to include assembly use. Assembly use includes gatherings of people for religious, charitable, philanthropic, social, entertainment, cultural, private educational and private recreational purposes. The facility could be operating by spring.

© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2006

________________________________________________ - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:22am Edited: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:23am
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Mace, have you ever met a Muslim? - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 1:17am
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You mean a moslim?

No, but where I might be headed in the future, I think I'll be sooner or later meeting this 'Mayor,' face to face.

How's that sound to you? - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:36am
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you racist cunt, join the 21st century. Get a grip. Stop buying into american propoganda. - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 8:24pm Edited: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 8:26pm
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I'm sorry, but you called me a racist cunt?

They ARE the modern day Klu Klux Klan, you idiot, and as for the place they want they want to move into, you don't have worry about me burning the building down.

(It will just happen to catch fire, on it's own...)

Besides, I don't see why putting this place across- virtually right across the street from the Naval Base-, that it's necessary for them- to be placed in the middle of a business district- that they have to make their religion part of others personal business in this neighbourhood?

There are a ton of other places, where they can subsequently keep their 'ritualized prayers' and things there, music @ 5:30 am in the morning (like Pandora St. next to McDonald's I don't have a beef with)- and all the traffic that's going to prevent me from parking with out worrying about getting a ticket on Esquimalt Road.

The rent on Pandora is probably cheaper and houses more space than the former Bank of Montreal.

Nevermind the Navy boys who come home drunk from the bar. Or the Natives who mostly don't like Moslims to begin with.

So, don't be a dick! - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:04pm Edited: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:08pm
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Hey Mace!!

You know what I really fear, not muslims...white trash inbreds like yourself.
Take your fucking pathetic sorry ass and go find somewhere else to gloat about your pathetic life.
I'm not suprised your favorite restaurant is a fuckin slum ass donair shop....Oh wait, that ain't white trash food, what's up, there is a MaCdonalds a little down the way! - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:38pm
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noU! - Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:57pm
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I'm curious if Brian VIHC has anything to say to Mace. Besides that he's a fuckin knob. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:46am
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"modern day KuKLUXKLAN"... aren't they still around? and that would de-funct the term "modern day... klan", wouldn't it? So before you accuse a certain race for "racial hatred" or "racial purification", think about what you type... it might help.

"...Besides, I don't see why putting this place across- virtually right across the street from the Naval Base-, that it's necessary for them- to be placed in the middle of a business district- that they have to make their religion part of others personal business in this neighbourhood?..."

-why put anything anywhere? and why referr to mUslim people the way you are? And to further why it 'has' to be where it is... just the same reason i see your catholic churchs/cathedral's downtown, ITS FUCKING CONVIENIENT.

"learn it, live it, love it" - (dumbest shit ever) - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 9:10am Edited: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 9:15am
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Mace, I repeat my question. Have you ever met a Muslim? - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:02pm
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""learn it, live it, love it" - (dumbest shit ever)

Uh, that's not actually my coined phrase... another web internerder's moxies... I actually stole somebody's else's moxie, my bad..^^^ above the INFAMOUS^^^

oh, and I mispelled the K.K.K. and added an 'L' too- the 'Ku', but wtf do I know about the 'Klan', not much as if in terms that the Moslim garments/berkas noticiably resemble that of the 'K.K.K.' hence, making them out to be the new 'K.K.K.' from the middle-east, much in the same fashion sense as how they dress at 'Tim Horton's' just like the like's of the Holy Rollers Klan- Where poligamy runs rampant- Winston Blackmore and
Warren Jeffs, the Westnized version of multiple marriages in comparison with Middle Eastern Marriage who let's face it are going to be the successors of geneology to our Country. Apparently, it's now refered to us 'Mosque & State'.

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Een moslim (Arabisch: مسلم, moeslim) is letterlijk: iemand die zich overgeeft, waarbij gedoeld wordt op de overgave aan God. Moslim kan dus ook in een bredere context gebruikt worden. Meestal wordt met een moslim een aanhanger van de islam bedoeld, ook hier in dit artikel. Andere westerse termen voor een moslim zijn islamiet of de verouderde benaming mohammedaan.

Moslims zelf gebruiken meestal het woord moslim, in tegenstelling tot de door hen fel afgewezen verouderde, Europese aanduiding mohammedaan. De aanduiding "mohammedaan" is volgens moslims onjuist omdat het zou betekenen dat je alleen in de profeet Mohammed gelooft. Een moslim gelooft echter boven alles in één God en doorgaans wordt daarop volgend Mohammed 'slechts' als Diens profeet of boodschapper beschouwd.

Het synoniem muzelman komt van het Turkse musluman dat weer afgeleid is van het Perzische meervoud musliman. Moslims wijzen er vaak op dat de woorden islam en moslim verband houden met het Arabische woord voor vrede: salam. Ze zijn alle drie afkomstig van dezelfde drieletterige wortel S-L-M, die onder andere "zich overgeven, onderwerpen" betekent. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 1:24pm
trevor corey
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Mace man, don't worry so much.
I'd hope the naval base could protect itself wether the mosque was across the street or across town.
Now every body hates u.
Take a deep breath, chillax. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 5:17pm
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Yes, apparently there has been a 'fatwa' issued against me... I'm still wondering if this is the type of madrasa crowd that wants a piece of me, and if so, you know where you can find me, and I'll be waiting.

But, thankx Trevor anyhow, these stupid Muslims want to move into this place, which has nice property and houses behind it.

Not that it matters much to me because I don't own a house in that neighbourhood, but real estate and housing prices of those who live there and work there are going to decrease, significantly.

Food for thought, I don't know how anybody could thrash on The Donair Shop[the family of Michael Dunahee who owns it and raises money for missing children] I guess with that energy, it's a sign of things to come and the energy transcribed above to damage the establishments including the Tudor House, Panago, and Timmy's..?

I still can't get over some skid who, Man, that's low-class to thrash on that place. (You're a fucking scumbag loser.Laprider)

ALthough, it's still not going to change my mind now.
This is going to devalue the neighbourhood value, even with all the dope dealers there.

At least they have sorm form of self-worth. Dope dealers are smarter than 'whack-job' [Laprider]- above. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 5:43pm
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"But, thankx Trevor anyhow, these stupid Muslims want to move into this place, which has nice property and houses behind it."

Mace, dude, Muslims already live there. The Mosque is a service for people who live there already and need services to address their needs. You seem to think that Muslims grow out of Mosques. No, dude. Muslims build Mosques for their own communities. Like any other religious community.

And I don't know what you're smoking, dude. Chances are the average income of Muslim families in Equimault is higher than the average income for white families. If anything, this will raise property value. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 5:52pm
Hang the DJ
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"I'm going to freak out if I see one of those full-fledged berka-faced freakshows walking around the street like they own the place."

Fuck you! - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 6:23pm
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why doesn't someone ban this joke - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 6:38pm
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I've grown up and around Equimault , and I went to school with Muslims .
The families were there back in 77 when I went to Esq. high , So I'd think the people I went to school with have families now growing up in the area so a Mosque makes perfect sense !

So shut your racist mouth Mace. - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 6:49pm Edited: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 6:50pm
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Assholes, I don't want to sound like I'm coming off here on this thread like and entire KNOW-IT-ALL... But the thing isn't going to resemble 'a mosque' it's going to resemble nothing like a mosque, and I'm really glad n' all for all you who take it serious in your relgious conquest within your support of friendships in Islam that I'll hope you'll understand that it's not the factor for which you think that, you don't know what I'm thinking about ('Extreme Islamism', and 'Terrorists') besides you and your: regular everyday happy-go-lucky-canadian-Islamism, which is very nice n' all... The thing that troubles most residents of the area, so I've heard already that many are opposed to the Esquimalt's City Counsel in passing the zoning permits that allow them to move in.

I mean there's already a pizza place across the street, I mean why do we need another one.

Fuck, it's like they've reinvented the 'pizza' for crying out loud, every fuckin' Italian out there knows, these people are out to steal, their pizza making businesses.

THe Bank of Montreal is a shit hole, anyways, fuckem' let move in..

My only advice was that in my neighbourhood, there's a way better location, more space, more convinient parking, next to an already Middle Eastern Foods Store.

But yeah, lets move right out there on the front lines of the Naval Base.

It's not that I don't like Muslims. It's that I don't trust them.

The Sikhs' told me, "Never Trust a Muslim never Trust and Arab."

S'no wonder why I've never eaten pizza at Ali Baba's. Then again, I've never eaten pizza at the Brickhouse/Brickyard either.. WiErd...:? - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 8:32pm
Mr. Hell
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You lost me when you stereo-typed Muslim people as untrust-worthy. Dude, there is lying scum in every culture, skin colour and beliefs do not necessarily make the person. Everyone who is aware of the comfort and well-being of others has as much right to facilities they require as anyone else.
Plus, Ali Baba has killer Pesto Pizza. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 4:16am
trevor corey
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No way man! El Greco has a 5 cheese thin crust with pesto instead of tomatoe sauce.

KILLA! - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 4:28am
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President Ahmadijinad^^^ as 'Taxi Driver'

" You lost me when you stereo-typed Muslim people as untrust-worthy.

Yeah, I know, but the Sikhs are almost always right... I gotta' go with a better average people and recognition towards peace these words of wisedom here instead are better than any muslim saying or Islamic reich.

Sikh's are cool...

btw- you ever heard- "don't take no wooden nickels from nobody"?

FYI Mr. T-
Domino's Pizza is owned by one of the richest arabs in the world, he owns the Empress Hotel too.

Although, I'd have to admit that I didn't eat Domino's for the longest time, because (Dominos owner says that the U.S. deserved 9/11) and then everytime I did eat Domino's after 9/11, I wound up with these totally harsh,gut wrenching stomach pains; and then one day, I adapted to the pizza, and everything was all good, but then they jacked up the price of their pizza at the end of this summer, then I quit them again.. 'Cause that bitch there who works on Pandora is a fucking rude twat.

(I hope she's fired)


Massoud - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 1:34pm Edited: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 1:34pm
matt c
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Gotta agree with what Mr. Hell said -- you can't stereotype an entire group of people based upon the actions or beliefs of a few.

I certainly wouldn't appreciate it if I was looked upon with the same disdain as Hitler. We're both white guys, after all. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 4:46pm
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"Yeah, I know, but the Sikhs are almost always right... "

What? They are? Sikhs have superhuman powers of perception that make them infalliable?

It's obvous Mace doesn't have any racist beliefs. He just doesn't trust Muslims cause Sikhs told him not to, and, well, you know how Sikhs are a bunch of clairvoyant superbrains. I hear they're really good at engineering, too. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 5:19pm
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lol i liked the line "there are scum in all races"

totally true.

mace, ban yourself. No1 wants to hear ur fucking racist bullshit.

and for the record, the twin towers etc were blown up by the us govt for obvious reasons. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 6:28pm
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Interesting, and why was this?
[STOP CALLING ME RACIST- stfuplznthx, I'm as harmless as a kitten. btw- Sikh's r>Muslims] - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 7:32pm
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it was to spark anger towards the moslims. Give the people something to think about as tweety and his daddy send 18 and 19 year olds to iraq to further the military monopoly that the u.s. has over the world.

they even sent bush II on vacation prior to, to make it look even better. i should jsut write a big report about this with souces.

the biggest superpower in the world isn't going to let planes fly into their two largest buildings. Once a plane goes off course, fighter jets that can fly faster than the speed of sound are automaticly sent.

it was planned. it was done to make americans feel vulnerable, and to make the "Terrorists", seem threatening. and it worked. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 1:56am
trevor corey
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Why do u think u know anything about anything that is what they tell you to believe. Me I never even been to newyork so i only know it exists because my wife told me she danced there and . Conspiracy people think your sooooooosnart. What do you really know, what do u really matter. Most of us are just peons that know only how to wipe our own ....well u get my drirft. We are so lucky to have the luxury to sit around on our pcs and bitch about each other. Then again my friends who have travelled tell me the simplest and poorest are usually smiles. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 2:40am
Swingin' Joe
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"and for the record, the twin towers etc were blown up by the us govt for obvious reasons."

Wow...Yeah ok. Give your head a shake dude, for obvious reasons Maddox is right. I am drunk and you are wrong, also everyone, including women read the Alphabet of Manliness, it's a great read! - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 4:25am Edited: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 4:27am
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"it was to spark anger towards the moslims. Give the people something to think about as tweety and his daddy send 18 and 19 year olds to iraq to further the military monopoly that the u.s. has over the world.

they even sent bush II on vacation prior to, to make it look even better. i should jsut write a big report about this with souces.

the biggest superpower in the world isn't going to let planes fly into their two largest buildings. Once a plane goes off course, fighter jets that can fly faster than the speed of sound are automaticly sent.

it was planned. it was done to make americans feel vulnerable, and to make the "Terrorists", seem threatening. and it worked. - Sun, 22 Oct 1:56am - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 3:02pm
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lol ok homie...

they wouldnt go kill the guy who made the video, and his family, because it would agree with his own theory.

Why kill him when you cal laugh at him and have a whole coutnry of sheep laugh with you? killing the guy after he made a movie about it all would just prove that they dont want the people to see it. instead, they say, it's bullshit, and laugh.

its like a bunch of kids in a kid says that little tommy pisses his bed. IF tommy starts getting all upset and gets his brother to beat up the bully, it will be obivous that he DOES in fact piss the bed.


if little tommy just laughs it off and says yea right , no1 will believe it. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 3:03pm Edited: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 3:04pm
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This thread isn't supposed to be about 9/11, (yeah, I know I had that attributed to the pizza n' all) but the main token of why I wrote this thread was basically, that I thought the whole thing was bullshit about the people who want to move into the old Bank of Montreal and that yeah, I realize everybody pretty much jumped to the occasion in calling me a racist about not agreeing with the article or the Mayor of Esquimalt or his Counsel who out-voted the only one other opposed to the idea in Esquimalt City Hall.

Who fucking cares. It's not a 'Mosque' retards. A 'Mosque' resembles that of the picture above, is there another name for a church that isn't a church, but is a dwelling in a neighbourhood that works outside of a business/shopping district? (Chapel? Community Centre? I don't fucking know exactly...) In my opinion it doesn't fit the picture for being there, that you've realized by now that there are other options and something more convenient for everybody?
Instead of rushing to dogpile on somebody over their concerns, over their parking accomodations for future consideration of neighbours who live in that neighbourhood, for SHAME!!!

And It's no wonder to me why people, don't challenge, the sometimes reckless and hasty decision makings behind their 'elected civil governments' more often?
Typically it's the self-centered stubborness and convoluted ideaologies of the Leftist mentalities that have people brainwashed into thinking there is a standard way of accusing people of racism- on a whim- if they disagree with that would-be or apparent function with Islam not just here, but anywhere else in Canada.

It reminds me of something out of the Trudeau Era for crying out loud!


Now go get your education at that new Muslim hole in the wall, in case somebody out there wants to attack you they can always hide you in the old Bank Safe. (Bombshelter) - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 3:21pm
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A mosque has Minnerets and looks a lot different than a bank does.

BTW- Andrew, I've seen Dylan Avery's film, and am just about to finish watching, Dr. David Ray Griffin take... - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 3:25pm
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Ahhhh Mace,......we meet again dickbreath shit for brains.

Here I was just enjoying my Sunday and now I have to step in and put you in your place.....
although YOU do a pretty good job of that yourself everytime you sit in front of the computer and try (keyword) TRY to type a coherent thought. Go back to jail or whatever white trash cunt you should'nt have slithered out of fuck stick.....

Yes I am insulted, ...but certainly not out witted, nor anywhere near out classed.

Now off with you loser....go do your google image search for some seemingly witty and wannabe insulting image that is supposed to hurt my feelings and have us all reeling at your incredible audacity..... - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 7:09pm Edited: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 7:11pm
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Hey man some of those are my own creations.

So GOOGLE that fuckhead, scumbag! - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 8:16pm
trevor corey
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Can you all just stop calling each c*nts so much. Damn, some of you guys are pissin me off! - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:03pm Edited: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:10pm
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~ - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:42am
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Mace, whether what they're building is a mosque or a community center or what is beside the fucking point, but what makes you think you have any idea what makes a mosque a mosque? - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 2:39am
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Or what makes you think, you have any idea what makes a mosque a mosque...?

I kinda' seen what you're getting at here, and that you're still not going to change my mind about, the parking issue.

I could careless about the noise factoria, but, if I wind up with a ticket there, it's more than likely I'm never going back. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:57am
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