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Video Hizbullah Victory & List of Martyres
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Video Hizbullah Victory


"Think not of those who are slain in the way of God as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord." Allah the Almighty is Right.

Please recite Surah Faatiha for these Shaheeds (I listed what I could find, there might be others)


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ {1}
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ {2}
الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ {3}
مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ {4}
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ {5}
اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ {6}
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ {7}


The Islamic Resistance issued a statement, happily announcing that Mujahid Hassan Ahmed Nasser has been martyred while performing his sacred duty.

The statement was written with a martyrdom-fragranced ink and a quill of honesty and kept promise. It read:

"The Islamic resistance happily announces to the homeland and nation the birth of a rising star of victory that was promised by almighty Allah and his infallible messengers: This is martyr Hassan Ahmed Nasser:

- Born in Kuwait in 1965 (registered in Tiri)
- Married with 3 children
- Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1991
- Undertook several military training sessions
- Recipient of the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General
- Martyred while fighting against the occupation forces
Source:July 20, 2006 at 21:24. Date: 21/07/2006 Time 19:12

The Islamic Resistance announced the martyrdom of Hassan Wahib Yassin (Bilal), circulating a resume of the martyr:

Place of Birth: Majdal Silm
Date of Birth: 1970
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1986
Undertook several military trainings
Attained the annotation of Hizbullah Secretary-General
Martyred while fighting against the occupation forces
Source:July 20, 2006. Date: 21/07/2006 Time 21:44

The Islamic Resistance announced the martyrdom of Mujahid Haidar Awad Faitarouni (Abu Turab).

The martyr was a bachelor, born in Baalbek in 1978, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 2001, undertook several military trainings, and obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Source:July 21, 2006. Date: 21/07/2006 Time 23:22

Islamic Resistance Announces Martyrdom of Mujahid Waseem Talib Najdi

The Islamic Resistance announced the martyrdom of Mujahid Waseem Talib Najdi (Zakariya). And it said in a statement that the martyr was born in Sreefa in 1978, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in1998, undertook several military trainings, and obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Source:July 22, 2006. Date: 22/07/2006 Time 15:57

Islamic Resistance Announces Martyr Samir Dia

hizbullah_flagThe Islamic Resistance happily announces to the Moslem nation and Lebanese people another knight of the knights of the resistance, martyr combatant Samir Ali Dia (Abu Islam). He was born in Baflei in 1958, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1983, undertook several military trainings, and participated in several sacred missions. In 1984, he was captured by the Zionist enemy forces for one year. He was injured in 1990 and his leg was amputated. The martyr was married with six children, and attainted the commendation of Hizbullah Secretary-General. He was martyred in the south on Friday 21 July 2006.
Source:special: July 22, 2006. Date: 22/07/2006 Time 20:49

Islamic Resistance Announces the Martyrdom of Ali Mustafa Dilbani

flagIn the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful:
"Think not of those who are slain in the way of God as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord;" Allah is Right.
The martyr was a bullet that penetrated the bodies of his enemies; he was the strikes form the sword of the Messenger of God Mohammad (P). The Heavenly Power embraced him in ascendance, to reside where he will be satisfied through the satisfaction of Allah.
With pride and dignity, the Islamic Resistance happily announces the martyrdom of combatant "Ali Mustafa Dilbani."
The martyr was born in Sour in 1975; married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1995, received several courses of military training, and obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General.
Source:special July 24, 2006. Date: 24/07/2006 Time 18:28

Islamic Resistance Announces Martyrdom of Combatant Ali Hussein Wazwaz

flagIn the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful:
"Think not of those who are slain in the way of God as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord." Allah the Almighty is Right.
You were fully confident, opened your eyes to satisfy the thirst of the spirit while Al-Hussein (P) wiped your wounds to ease your pain, and he embraced you with a smile, surely you followed his traces to where the heroism is immortal.
Martyr Ali Hussein Wazwaz
Born in Meis el-Jabal in 1972
Joined the ranks of the combative recruitment of Hizbullah in 1997
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General
The Islamic Resistance
Source:special July 24, 2006. Date: 24/07/2006 Time 19:38

Islamic Resistance Announces 3 martyrs of its knights

flagIn the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful:
Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God: of them some have completed their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least:" Allah is Right.
The Islamic Resistance happily announces to the Moslem nation and Lebanese people the martyrdom of three of its knights.
1) Martyr Hisham Mohammad HAMOUDI (Abu Ali):
Born in Sreefa in 1973
Married with 2 children
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 2005
Received several courses of military training
Participated in several sacred missions
Died as a martyr in the south on Saturday July 22, 2006
2) Martyr Anees Neeme Fakeeh
Born in Bayad in 1966
Married with 3 children
Joined the ranks of the resistance in 1996
Received several courses of military training
Participated in several sacred missions
Died as a martyr in the south on Sunday July 23, 2006
3) Martyr Hassan Mohammad Abdul Karim (Hadi)
Born in Kafra in 1986
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 2001
Received several courses of military training
Participated in several sacred missions
Died as a martyr in the south on Sunday July 23, 2006
Source:special July 24, 2006. Date: 24/07/2006 Time 18:49

The Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of Harb and Kallas

hizbullah_flagIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God: of them some have completed their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least"
Koran 33:23
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
The Islamic Resistance announces its two martyrs Harb and Kallas
Martyr Combatant Ali Malek Harb "Haj Diyah"
Born in Jibsheet in 1975, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1993, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General for "Hizbullah".

Martyr Combatant Ali Ahmad Kallas "Mousa",
Born in Nabatieh in 1973, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1990, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General of Hizbullah.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special July 25, 2006. Date: 25/07/2006 Time 17:25

The Islamic Resistance happily announces two martyrs of its heroic combatants

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful:
"Think not of those who are slain in the way God as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord"
Allah the Almighty is Right.

With pride and vigor, the Islamic Resistance would like to happily announce two martyrs of its heroic combatants. They are:
1) Martyr Mohammad Yusuf Asaili
Born in Teeri in 1978
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1995
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General
Victory comes from no one but Allah the Almighty
2) Martyr Mustafa Ali Zilzli
Born in Deir Kanoon El-Nahr in 1977
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1994
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary-General
Victory comes from no one but Allah the Almighty
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special July 24, 2006. Date: 25/07/2006 Time 09:56

The Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of one of its combatant knights, martyr Haj Amin Khalil Shibli

flagIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God: of them some have completed their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least" Koran 33:23
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
With added faith in the victory Allah/God promises
We announce to the Islamic nation / Ummah and to the Lebanese people the martyrdom of an Islamic Resistance knight, the combatant Haj Khalil Amin Shibli "Abu Jaafar".
Born in 1962, in Qulaileh
Married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1985.
Received several courses in military training.
Participated in several combat missions, obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
Martyred in the south on Monday, 24 July 2006".
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special. July 25, 2006 at 18:41. Date: 26/07/2006 Time 11:14

The Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of 2 of its combatant heroes

flagIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"Think not of those who are slain in the way of God as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord" Koran 3:169
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
The Islamic Resistance announced the martyrdom of 2 of its combatant knights
Martyr combatant Mahmoud Mohamad Haydar known as "Jawad"
Born in Duwair in 1972
Married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1990, received numerous military courses, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Martyr combatant Mohamad Ali Qubaicy known as "Abu Saleh"
Born in Zibdeen in 1978
Married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1999, received numerous military courses, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special. July 25, 2006 at 17:27. Date: 26/07/2006 Time 13:02

Thirsting after the satisfaction of Allah (The Exalted), the Islamic Resistance happily announces the Martyrdom of Martyr Hussein Ali al-Mikdad

flagIn the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision."
Allah the Almighty is Right.
"The belief in its entirety stood out against the disbelief in its entirety". The sun has set earlier than usual; still, they did not sleep. Their arms keep their hearts on alert while they are thirsting after the satisfaction of Allah (The Exalted). The entire universe is puzzled because they maintain their alertness, bearing flags that will only fall to the sky.
Thirsting after the satisfaction of Allah (The Exalted), the Islamic Resistance happily announces the martyrdom of:
Martyr Hussein Ali al-Mikdad (Haidar)
Born in Makna in 1969
Joined the ranks of the general recruitment in 1986
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1988
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special, July 26, 2006 (18:01). Date: 26/07/2006 Time 20:18

The Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of Shalhoub and Saleh to the resistant people

flagIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"To him who fighteth in the cause of God, - whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value)" Koran 4:74
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
To the blueprint of eternal light itself, they pass..
The longing to reunite captivates them..
To there..
Where names of men are written with eternal ink..
With their blood they embody the honor and pride of the nation.
With increased certainty and steadfastness, the Islamic Resistance announces to the nation and country
Martyred combatant
Hassan Hussein Shalhoob (Haj Akram)
Born in Qana in 1971, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1994, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General of Hizbullah.
Martyred combatant
Shaker Ali Saleh (Khudr al-Haj)
Born in Markaba in 1975, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1994, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General for Hizbullah.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special, July 27, 2006 (15:09). Date: 27/07/2006 Time 17:12

Islamic Resistance Happily Announces Martyrdom of 2 martyrs: Merei and Makki

flagIn the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
"Let those fight in the cause of God Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of God,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value)."
Allah the almighty speaks the Truth
Out of further certainty and steadfastness, the Islamic Resistance happily announces to the nation and homeland:
Martyred Combatant: Ali Abbas Merei
Bron in Majdal Zoun in 1981
Joined the Ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1997
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary General
Martyred Combatant: Kassem Mohammad Makki (Abu Saleh)
Born in Habboush in 1970
Joined the Ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1985
Received several courses of military training
Obtained the commendation of his eminence the Secretary General
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special July 27, 2006 (20:21). Date: 28/07/2006 Time 10:12

The Amal-The Lebanese Resistance Battalions announces 4 martyrs

amlThe Lebanese Resistance Battalions of Amal announced in a statement today four martyrs in the south during their confronting and resisting the Israeli aggression.

They are:
- Martyr Hussein Aydibi
Born in 1977 in Jibal al-Butm, a member of the Civil Defense
Fell Martyr while rescuing the wounded and transferring martyrs from the ruins of a house destroyed by an Israeli raid in Jibal al-Butm town.

- Hayder Martyr Hassan Saad
Born in Hanawaeh town in 1967,
Commander of a regiment in the Civil Defense,
Martyred in the course of serving his town Hanawaeh.

- Martyr Hassan Ibrahim
Born in Beit Leef in 1970
A member of the Civil Defense martyred in the al-Asi locality - Jibal al-Butm Junction while performing a relief mission of trapped those trapped.

- Martyr Jihad Ahmad Murtada
Born in Ayta al-Jabal,
Martyred in the locality Al-Asi area, Siddiqin Road - in Kafra while performing his duty".
Source:National Media Agency. July 25, 2006 at 19:29. Date: 26/07/2006 Time 10:56

The Islamic Resistance announces to the people of the resistance martyr Ghandour

flag_02In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"Think not of those who are slain in God way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord" Quran [3:169]
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
With all glory and honour the Islamic Resistance announces to the people of the resistance the mujahed
The Martyr
Hassan Hussain Ghandour "Abu Mustafa"
Born in 1965 in Nabatieh al-Fawca.
Married with 3 children, he recruited for mobilization in 1995, participated in numerous combat missions in South Lebanon, recipient of the commendation of Hizbullah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special, July 31, 2006. (at 18:47). Date: 31/07/2006 Time 20:34

The Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of Shibli and Hashem

flag_1_120_04In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of God, forgiveness and mercy from God are far better than all they could amass Quran [3:157]
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
In all pride and honour the Islamic Resistance announces
The combatant martyr Hadi Ismail Shibli "Hossam"
Born in Bazouriye in 1981, he joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1995, Received several courses in military training and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General his eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The Combatant martyr Hussain Hassan Hashem "Wissam"
Born in Haret Sidon in 1979, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1994, Received several courses in military training, obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
The Islamic Resistance

Source:Special July 31, 2006 (at 14:53). Date: 31/07/2006 Time 19:33

With glory and pride the Islamic Resistance announces the two martyrs Shehab and Qarouni

flag_01In the name of God most merciful, most compassionate
"And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of God, forgiveness and mercy from God are far better than all they could amass " Quran [3:157]
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
Ambassadors from home to higher realms .. they are martyrs.
Banners of triumph, heroism in the fight, their voices echo so long as there is existence
To their souls we give salute
In the fields of honour
With all pride and glory the Islamic Resistance announces
The Combatant Martyr
Khalil Kamel Shihab (Salem)
Born in Barasheet in 1966, Mtahl.
Married joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1984, Received several courses in military training, obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.

The Combatant Martyr
Hussam Nazih Qarouni (Jaafar)
Born in Bazourieh in 1978, married.
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1997, Received several courses in military training obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special July 31, 2006 (at 12:22). Date: 31/07/2006 Time 19:31

The Islamic Resistance announces 2 martyrs Ahmad Bzayh and Adnan Bzayh

flagThe Islamic Resistance in 2 statements announced:
"The martyrdom of combatant Ahmad Reda Bzayh "Abu Mahdi", born in Zibqin in 1961, married with 5 children.
Joined the ranks of the resistance in 1984, undergone numerous military courses, and participated in several combat missions, Mayor of Zibqin municipality, fell martyr in the south on Friday, 21 July 2006".
Also announced was the martyrdom of combatant Adnan Bzayh "Abu Ali", born in 1962 in Zibqin, married with 7 children.
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1986, has been subject to numerous military courses, and has participated in several combat missions. Fell martyr in the south on Friday, 21 July 2006".
Source:July 30, 2006 (at 16:53). Date: 31/07/2006 Time 09:59

With the grand Husseini gallantry, the Islamic Resistance announces Mohammad Tuflah, a martyr

flag_1_120_03With the grand Husseini gallantry, the Islamic Resistance announces Mohammad Tuflah, a martyr
In the high-Husseini gallantry, the Islamic Resistance announces
the martyrdom of the combatant
Muhammad Ali Tufla (Nasser)
Born in Qulaileh in 1967,
Married, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1992, has undergone numerous military courses,
Recipient of the recognition of his eminence the Secretary-General.
The Islamic Resistance
Source:Special, (July 30, 2006 at 19:24). Date: 31/07/2006 Time 09:51

The Islamic resistance announced in a statement today the martyrdom of four of its resistance fighters.
Martyr Mohammad Hussein Yusef Atwi, known as "Hamzah".
Born in Harouf village, in 1985.
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 2000, received several courses in military trainings, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
Martyr Jamal Issam Abu Khalil, known as "Alaa".
Born in Qulaileh town, in 1975.
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1995, received several courses in military trainings, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
Martyr Mohammad Ali Sweidaan.
Born in Yatar village in 1985.
Joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 2003, received several courses in military trainings, and participated in various combat missions.
Martyr Hassan Ali Karim.
Born in Yater village in 1982.
joined the mobilization forces in Hizbullah in 1999, received several courses in military trainings, and participated in various combat missions.

Source:Special, August 3, 2006 (At 17:16). Date: 04/08/2006 Time 08:56

UPDATED 08/07/06:

The Islamic Resistance issued a statement announcing 3 martyrs that said:
With honour and pride the Islamic Resistance happily announces
Martyr Ibrahim Musa Muwasi (Abu Mustafa)
Born in Aytaroun in 1968, married, and joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1991, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.
The Resistance also happily announces
Martyr Hussein Ahmad Kurani (Abu Mahdi)
Born in Yatar in 1969, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1990, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General; and
Martyr Musa Yusuf Khanafir (Rabih)
Born in Bint Jubeil in 1977, married, joined the ranks of the Islamic resistance in 1996, joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance in 1990, received several courses in military training, and obtained the commendation of the Secretary General.

Source:Special, August 6, 2006, (At 16:54). Date: 06/08/2006 Time 20:22

The Islamic resistance happily announces 2 Matyrs Ahmad Enaisy & his son martyr Ali Ahmad Enaisy to its honourable people

flag_3_120_02In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God: of them some have completed their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least Quran [33:23]
God the exalted and the great told us what was true
With honour and pride the Islamic resistance happily announces to all its honourable people of believers the two martyred combatants Ahmad Enaisy (Habib) and his son Ali Ahmed Enaisy (Karrar).
Martyr Ahmad Enaisy
Born in Sh'hour in 1952, married with 5 children.
Joined the mobilization forces in Hizbullah in 1997, received several courses in military training and participated in various resistance missions.
Martyr Ali Enaisy
Born in Sh'hour in 1988, single.
Joined the mobilization forces in Hizbullah in 2004, received several courses in military training resistance missions.
Source:Special, August 7, 2006, (At 15:08). Date: 07/08/2006 Time 17:06


4464 martyrs, 47440 wounded, 9800 Palestinians in captivity since Intifada

The National Data Center of the Information General Committee in Gaza issued a report stating that 4464 Palestinians have been martyred since al-Aqsa intifada sparked in September 2000 until June past. In addition, 47440 have been wounded and more than 9800 have been placed in captivity. The report stated that the number of martyred children below the age of 18 reached 826 with 289 women. Moreover, 845 students have also been martyred.
Source:special July 24, 2006. Date: 24/07/2006 Time 18:09 - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 5:35pm Edited: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 5:45pm
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*From the Ramparts*
Junious Ricardo Stanton
*Goliath Takes A Thumping*

/“So what has happened to the Israeli army? This question is now being
raised not only around the world, but also in Israel itself. Clearly,
there is a huge gap between the army's boastful arrogance, on which
generations of Israelis have grown up, and the picture presented by this
war... On the 32nd day of the war, Hezbollah is still standing and
fighting. That by itself is a stunning feat: a small guerilla
organization, with a few thousand fighters, is standing up to one of the
strongest armies in the world and has not been broken after a month of
"pulverizing." Since 1948, the armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan have
repeatedly been beaten in wars that were much shorter. As I have already
said: if a lightweight boxer is fighting a heavyweight champion and is
still standing in the 12th round, the victory is his – whatever the
count of points says.” / What Has Happened to the Israeli Army? by Uri

Things must be really bad, if an Israeli antiwar activist is pointing
out the drubbing the Israel army is taking in their ill-fated invasion
of Lebanon. I find it ironic the Khazar impostors masquerading as
descendants of the Biblical Hebrews again find themselves playing the
role of the giant invader Goliath, who was felled by little David the
sheppard boy. The Israeli invaders were befuddled, flummoxed and fought
to a standstill by the extremely disciplined, prepared and well trained
Hezbollah guerrilla militia. Not only did the Israelis encounter fierce
resistance, they experienced devastating setbacks and losses, especially
to their vaunted tank corps despite their ruthless and genocidal aerial
bombardments of innocent civilians targeting roads, bridges and
infrastructure. The Israelis may not have been defeated decisively by
Hezbollah and run out of Lebanon, the fact of the matter is the Israelis
certainly have not won. Not only have they not won militarily, they have
lost the propaganda war.
The Israelis have long lived off of their self-created image as the
“victim”, that their aggression, killing and murder are merely defensive
responses to attacks by their Arab neighbors. The fact of the matter is
this latest Ashkenazim debacle was planned long before Israeli soldiers
and tanks crews were captured (not kidnapped as the Israel spin machine
claims) inside Lebanon territory. The Zionists used this as a
provocation to begin their version of “Shock and Awe” using US made and
supplied ordnance, planes, missiles and materials. Unlike the US
blitzkrieg in Iraq, the Lebanese while devastated by the onslaught did
not crack nor wilt under the Zionist barrage. Hezbollah remained firm
and fought back with valor as the world watched in horror as the power
mad Israelis violated international law and humane sensibilities in
their deliberate and indiscriminate killing of civilians, rescue workers
and wholesale destruction of Lebanese cites towns and villages.
Hezbollah gained much respect not only from the Khazar invaders but the
whole world as the Lebanese found something to believe in. The Israelis
made matters worse by attempting to spin their genocidal incursion into
Lebanon as a defensive move! That was a bit much given they were also
doing the same thing to the Palestinians in Gaza, bombing defenseless
bathers on a beach! The Zionists went to the “defense” justification
once too often. Now they have lost all credibility and the world views
them for exactly what they are, bloodthirsty maniacs who enjoy killing
the innocent, the elderly and children.
Some of us have surmised the invasion was really about gaining access to
Lebanon’s water which is why the Latini River figures so prominently in
Israel’s occupation strategy. “Diversion of the Litani is not all that
easy for the Israeli planners. In order to facilitate diversion near
Beaufort, the river must be managed from central Biqa'a to Beaufort. The
entire course of the Litani would need to be controlled to have the
necessary water level at the inlet to the tunnel. Also, at the inlet, in
order to maintain the suction pressure needed, one or more weirs would
be needed to raise the water level. To further complicate things,
throughout the seasons, the Litani's flow greatly varies and the result
would be too much water at the flooding season and too little water
during the dry season. Therefore, the River would need to be controlled
from the Biqa'a Valley, which the Israelis would need to occupy in order
to do so. Additionally, much of the Litani flows through a deep gorge
and is not only very difficult to manage but for Israel to conquer.
Obviously, it isn't simple to use this water for irrigation. In order to
use the Litani, one would have to, through civil works, control nearly
the whole upper part of the river. In order to control the needed part
of southern Biqa'a, including the valley and its river, Israel would
need to control the ridges on both sides of the valley. For this, money
is available. Nasrallah and the Shi'ites hope to defeat Israel's plan.”
War about water? How Israel wants to steal the water of the Lebanese
river Latani by shola r. Monday, Aug 7 2006, 8:22am.
Hezbollah has succeeded in defeating Israel’s plan because in order to
control the river Israel would have to occupy Lebanon again. Hezbollah
despite what the UN says is not going to totally disarm nor is it going
to disappear. Given Israel’s barbarity against Lebanese civilians which
was witness by the whole world, Hezbollah would be foolish to disarm and
disband. Given they won’t do either, the Zionist are looking at yet
another potential long term PR and military disaster, being run out of
Lebanon again! The Khazar Goliaths are now in the same position they
like to trap others in, stymied by a no win situation; damned if they
do, damned if they don’t. Having lost both any military and PR
advantage, the Israelis foolishly made matters worse as they kept on
bombing, kept on killing, kept on reneging on their cease-fire promises
to the point the scales of public opinion have firmly tipped against
them despite their gargantuan influence in the US media. Goliath is
taking a serious drubbing, militarily and in the court of public
opinion. There is no way the Israeli lobby or the NeoCons can spin this
in a favorable way. Around the world the real axis of evil: the US,
Britain and Israel are being exposed as the degenerate psychopaths they
are. Their only solution at this point is another diversion; can we say
false flag terrorist operation boys and girls?

Source URL: - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 5:46pm
User Info...
/Halva, nagila, Halva, nagila,/.......Dance on your fucken grave!- LORDSNATCH! 'YOU don't even pay attention to what's going on in the rest of the WORLD.' POSEUR.
(You vant I should fix this...? With a capitol 'U'!!!)

U- the poster boy for "Amnesty 'Media Sensationalism' Intl. CAN." I'm talking to 'U'...
Sri Lanka ever heard of it? Study it bitch. Otherwise...

(First shot the Hezbollocks take, I'm coming collecting my $50 sheckels from you LORDSNATCH!) - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 7:03pm
Jimmy Jones
User Info...
Ain't no fucking god. They just die for nothing. Dumbasses. Waiting for their virgins and they just fade away to nothing, just like they were before they were born. God. Biggest manmade farce ever. God is War. - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 8:28am Edited: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 8:31am
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