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Saanich PD fucked up
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Saanich PD fucked up
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Well, we just had one huge load of shit happen at the Tolmie Hell House over the last few days.... Let me tell you a story....

It all starts out Wednesday afternoon around 3:30pm... Since me and my drummer Shane both work nights, we were obviously sleeping still... I wake up to a loud bunch of knocking at my door.... I get out of bed, put on my bathrobe and my front door bursts open with a bunch of cops yelling "Hands in the air, get down on the floor facedown"... Of course, I comply with this and ask them what the hell is going on.... They tell me to shut up and cuff me, so I tell them that Shane is asleep downstairs and our other roommate Bruce is not home... I get handcuffed and led outside to a paddywagon... I first ask them if I can have my pants, they say no.... outside on my front lawn, I have to ask a cop to do up my robe for me.... we sit in the back of the wagon with one of our neighbours....

After about 10 min in the back of the wagon, they come back and let us back inside and tell us that they have a warrant to search both places for a Marijauna Grow Op... Well, our neighbour had one, we didn't.... They continue searching our house while we sit in the kitchen, find my 2 grams of pot and my set of scales, tell me that no charges are going to be laid for it... Then they get an electrical inspector in, who says that some of our wiring is faulty, and has our power cut off... The cop guarding me and Shane, out of the blue, tells me "I wasn't going to shoot you, you were listening to what you were told to do"... They proceed to treat us "white trash longhairs" like we were some lower form of life, toss our entire house, and leave it trashed... I asked who's responsibility is is to replace our front door, they tell me it's ours...

A couple of days later, we get an electrician in here, and a different inspector who tells us we have to fix a couple of minor things on the wiring, and the inspector who had the power cut was invalid... He was retired, his licence ran out in July and he was registered for Saanich, not Victoria... So after 3 days of hell with no power, we finally get some heat again...

There's so much more to this story, and so many fuck ups made by the cops on this one, since we are innocent on all charges... But I'll add more to this later...

I smell a lawsuit...

'ere - Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:03pm Edited: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:05pm
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Oh let me also tell you the additional info that both Dave and Shane did not witness my day started out quite nicely till I left my residence which just happens to be with Dave and Shane at the Tolmie hellhouse.

To make things short I was on my way to the VCP Station to pay them for some fingerprinting done for my new career in the Security Sector. So I left the house on my mountain bike headed down Tolmie ave... Made a left on Fifth Street when I was pulled over by two unmarked vehicles and stopped, detained, and arrested for the cultivation and the purposes of trafficking.

In the middle of them reading my rights they acquired the house keys and asked me what key it was but did not ask which lock it was for. So Put in the van transported around for 15 min roughly came back to rest on Tolmie ave. in the van. Sitting waiting to be transported to the station. Finally they attended to me and switched me into another police vehicle to send me on my way to the Saanich Pd station.

Upon arrival, they escorted me into the station, asked if I had been read my rights in which I had. Then proceeded inside to Search and detain me, after which I was put into an interview room where I sat and waited for another 20 min or so. Just to be notified later that no charges were being laid and I was let go. So I made sure I had all my personal effects. Upon doing so, I had realized that the keys to the house were not present. Asked the officer where they may have been he then got on the radio and asked the officers in charge where they may be they came back to me that they were still at the Scene. So I returned back to the house, just to bear witness to the Door keys being in the top lock... The Wrong Lock.

So I asked why the door had been forced open they had replied they had applied the 30 second rule before entry
And no visible attempt had been made to try the bottom lock before entry.

Just amazes me at this so called stupid monkey syndrome that was obviously present, then like my roommate said illegal cut of power with an unlicensed electrician from Saanich not Victoria - Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:26pm Edited: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:34pm
Dr.Doom XXX
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If the cops have their sights on you the worst thing you can be is a metal head. Bringing up your "rights" only angers them. They must be atoning for bangers getting all the chicks they wanted to fuck back in high school. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:41am
trevor corey
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for anyone who wishes to see the scan of the Search Warrant look very carefully at how they Spelled Marijuana
and the rest of the particulars of this document - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:31am Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:31am
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Sounds like a farce.. 2 grams of weed? wow what an operation you guys have going there, imagine if you'd had a $30 bag, they'd have really hit the motherload then. Well I for one feel more secure now that the PD have taken some more dangerous drugs off our streets.

Oh and that is another way to spell marijuana.. marihuana.. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:57am
trevor corey
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I can't erase the image of Flee stadin in his front yard in cuffs, in his housecoat with his goods dangling in the breeze. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 5:53pm
trevor corey
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Maybe I could get in on this "law suit", ya know, I might start having nightmares - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 5:59pm
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Wow, that's really harsh, I empathize with you guys in how the police treated the three of you. I know how it's like to be systematically abused at the hands of the vermin police authority...

Did they have their guns drawn when they burst into your home, or physically assault any of you guys- with no warrant?

Was there a warrant for them to enter the premises?

This sounds really fucked. I heard from a buddy yesterday something of the same privacy invasion scenario.

(Can't really talk about what took place with him/her and his/her- buddy's here at the moment, but if at all you fear for your safety or the future of your safety against these unwarranted and calloused pigs, that I'll suggest the same exact thing to who I was talking with yesterday- that I'm about to tell you the exact samething..)

Look up the P.C.C.O. (Ombudsmans Office on Fort St.) and try to remember who you were dealing with when they did this.

Then file a complaint and see if the two intimidating related 'unwarranted officers' match up.
Seek out an Attorney if 'affordable'

Remember be careful, there are many instances where cops have used violence and even murder to covering up their tracks when dealing with cases like this, they deserve no better treatment than the way the treat unsuspecting innocent victims of theirs.

These cops need to be taught a lesson in conduct of how to respect the public rather- than abuse them just because they possess a badge. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 8:03pm Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 8:09pm
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Shaw sux, anyhow, (I couldn't get a clear spec on it) I see where the Warrant was issued by 'telecommunications' to bust down your door. Oddly, there were no-less than two of you at home and didn't hear anybody knocking? Another odd thing, coincidentally, is that your other roommate was on his way to the police station to get his own finger-prints, until they had spotted him and then apprehended him for their own liking.

Odd thing #3-
The same thing happened to me, while I was on my way down to the police station to fill out a 'F.O.I.P.P.A' because one of my neighbours had filed a false complaint to the scandalous pigs because he was jealous.

Unfortunately, for you guys, I smell a rat here, even if your security roommate buddy was on his way out the door, the police suspected this guy was trouble, however, it may turn-around and blow up in all your faces, on both sides of the fence here, as this situation seems to provide that your neighbours could be pissed off about them bein' pinched.

Not, that I would directly accuse your security guard roommie of being a snitch. But, he was let go with a warning after-all.

Maybe he'll have a job offer or two, come time when he decides he wants to bump it up a gnotch and join the police force? - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:51pm Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:54pm
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Odd thing#4-
I think I know who you are sickfuck, the guy that works the counter at Husky, anyhow dÕÕd, everytime I come into your store, you're an unfriendly disuasive guy to me, and generally I think to myself- how much I could easily just reach across the counter, grab you by 'the collar' and pop you in your bitch-ass mouth. (I see the way you look at me and I don't like it)

You remember me from Thursday? "Yeah, $10bux for gas. The pump won't process my card,"

You> "I can't process it, you have to go back and try and run it through again."

Me> "I just ran it through like 4 times and it won't work, what's going to make it work this time?"

You> "Well, I can't actually do anything to make it work without you trying to run your card through,"

Me> "Well, how's it going to work then?"

You> "Go out to the pump and pump the gas in,"

Me> "Okay, *throws card onto counter* here hold onto this, I'll be~ right back~ :roll:"

Odd thing#5- I retract my post about empathizing. Cuz, it looks like you guys have a rat of your own you might want to deal with. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:07pm Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:07pm
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HOLY CRAP MACEN WILL YOU JUST STOP POSTING HERE???!! You're just being obnoxious and kicking these guys when they're down is NOT COOL with me. I'm not telling you in any official capacity, I'm asking you before I have to tell you - and I've asked you before to quit with your b.s. on here and as I recall, you said you'd do so! These guys have been posting here a long time, support a lot of cool stuff that goes on, and don't deserve to come on here and get harrassed by YOU. Go pick stupid fights somewhere else.

Sorry to hear about all this you guys... please try to ignore Macen this time. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:28pm
trevor corey
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The problem with Mace's "rat" theory is that there was nothing going on to "rat" about.
I still can't get over the fact the cops couldn't let a brother put some pants on, geesh.
Also youd think that with all the "gigs" at Tolmie Hell House over the years that the cops would have this place sussed out a long time ago. Everyone knows that whole house from top to bottom. They grow metal in that basement not weed.
Kinda freaks me out that the cops didn't do better homework first. Then again, maybe this was just an opportuinity to fuck with some metelheads.
Oh yeah, one more thing for Mace, Sickfuk does not work at the gas station, but if you ever mess with guy(physically, that is)that does, I'll come after you. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:51pm
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"you're an unfriendly disuasive guy to me"

Disuasive? He talks you out of doing things? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:01am
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Sorry to hear about the harassment Flee. From the cops and Mace.
Mace: you're still an idiot. Shut it already. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:54am
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Ok, I regret posting the way I did, but I'm missing a show tonight and am in a crummy mood.
All I'm saying is Mace, watch your mouth, cuz one day you're gonna come across someone who doesn't take shit-talk on a msg board lightly. I just don't want to have to hear about any violence and wonder if its cuz we tolerated or indirectly encouraged it. I don't mind when things come up btwn ppl who know each other here every once in a while but you seem to call random people out over and over again, over nothing.

I mean "grab you by the collar and pop you in your bitch-ass mouth"? I honestly would find it hard to blame any guy who heard those words and then lost it on you. You take your life in your hands talking like that in some circles, learn some respect. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:13am Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:20am
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Well lets see....

First of all Mace...

The reason we didn't answer the door is because we were asleep... and they gave us 30 seconds before they rammed it down... We both work night shifts, so we sleep during the daytime...

As for who I am.... Shane is the guy at Husky, and if you touch him, you'll regret it... the reason he takes on that attitude at work is because he has to deal with jackasses like you every day... And considering Thursday night was like 36 hours after we'd been raided... I think he was entitled to a bad mood...

If you had a brain, you would think to go to our website and guess what... there's my picture... Introduce yourself to me sometime asshole...

And as for Bruce being a rat, hell no... I've know him for about 15 years now, never did anything of the sort that I know of, so quit talking BS about people you don't even know...

And for Sati, etc....

Thanx for the support... We've been talking to a lawyer, should be having a sitdown with him soon about this... We're not going to simply let this go to the wayside... the cops should get their facts straight before they start terrorizing, humiliating and inconveniencing innocent people...

Anyone else heard of this kind of thing happening to someone they know? drop me an email at [email protected]

'ere - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 8:17am Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 8:33am
sonic the hemp hog
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"the cops should get their facts straight before they start terrorizing, humiliating and inconveniencing innocent people... "

Correct me if I am wrong but after reading the lyrics to your band isn't that what you sing about "terrorizing, humiliating and inconveniencing innocent people..."


Murderous intent plagues my mind

Sense of reason and control have been declined

The taking of a life is what I crave

I take my first victim to his grave

Feel my erection rising up

As I realize I can never stop

Pull my knife from his limp corpse

With no feeling of remorse

At least these cops aren't pussies, they practice what they preach. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 9:46am
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Lyrics are one thing, actions are another... Does it make me a pussy because I don't go out and murder people?... it's called satire, look it up... I sing about Demon worship and heroin too and don't do either, guess that makes me a hypocrate...

Guess I'll just have to go get jacked up on Heroin and kill a few people in the name of Satan now...

'ere - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:10am Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:19am
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"guess that makes me a hypocrate"

No, not exactly, more-so of a wiesel-ing and knieving written 'subjective-contradiction'; rather than being a full blown 'hypocrite'. (But you're still working on that, many of us here are certain...)

btw- I don't see the 'satire' maybe 'satyre' (i intentionally mispelled) because you mispelled 'hypocrite', I know I might be coming off a bit bossy sounding here but...'maybe you should practice what you preach'-

ere' and one more thing.... am I going to be your 'first victim'? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:22pm Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:22pm
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Mace... before you go and start the accusing game better get the facts straight about some things. The Saanich PD let me me go from the Station, because they had "Nothing" on myself and my roommates. Two, So what... I'm training and switching careers that require sec clearance from Ottawa. Now how many Careers require such? Quite a few my misinformed lackey. Three... I would never roll over on them nor anyone to better my position in life. Four... if you even knew who I was, in which you don't, obviously. I have a multitude of friends who would back me up 100 percent on my character and background. So my suggestion to you would be, stop talking shit and out of your ass, on the net, for it just causes problems for everyone. For if I ever catch you directing comments of this nature again, towards myself, you better hope you don't meet me in person. For I'm one of the few, that can back it up in person - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:43pm
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holy crap you are an idiot. (Mace)

screenshot, the first time I ever insulted someone on Livevictoria, and actualy meant it. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:44pm Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:45pm
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Okay, so, I read the last post first. OVer-all you guys sound superly paranoid, I suggest you relax. It's nice that you guys are all friends n' shit, but like I'm seriously thinking there is a rat amongst your tribe/clan.

Now, that you know who I am. You can ALL calm down and not fret the rest of what you idiots are thinking that I'm going to go and do something to him? Sati I remember you (like over a year ago) were all super paranoid about some stalker.. W.T.F. is your trip now?

As I too know what it's like to be dragged outside, with basically as much clothing as 'buddy', was clad in. Kind'a sucks doesn't it?

Pigs are pigs, everyday, and they'll be pigs everyday- no question -I've dealt with these clowns time and time again- (I'm still out on bail and on probation at the same time) There's rats in the 'scene', I think I've heard a couple 'of those rats' have left town... Not that it matters because at the end of it all the accusations I've sacraficed being a ton of events, as hinderance to 'these rats', and because you guys are all fucked up over your neighbours (which I can relate to)

Just don't include me in your survey of your friends or family or whatever it is that's going to pull you out of it..

I just don't know anybody who would run out onto a web forum of any kind and say, "Oh, oh, but my!~ Next door Neighbours got busted with a grow-op,"
(Don't blame for your shit rat problems?)
Like I said, as much as I would like to side with you, You guys are on your own...
Straight-up I'm not in the state of affairs within 'my own reality', to go out and punch one of your buddies in the face for his sub-par service standards, or start shit with you fuckheads. ALthough, it happened twice to me the last time I was there over a period of time.. Big fuckin' deal, so I was thinkin' it, wow. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:50pm
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Well you know what they say about the Human Race
Two Species:

Homo Sapiens == Stupid Monkey Syndrome
Homo Adeptus == Thinking man

Mace most definitely falls under the Sapiens Classification - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:51pm Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:53pm
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It's fuckin' funny how you guys are directly all your shit at me..

lol - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:53pm
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You guys are the 'Rat Untouchables'...

lol - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:55pm
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Why do i even bother wasting my time with peeps like this,
Another Fecking Williams Syndrome Patient we have here Folks!!
Holy Feck
loll lmao
Get a Life, or Better Yet!!
Give it back to whomever you took it from!!!

lmao - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:02pm
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" Four... if you even knew who I was, in which you don't, obviously. I have a multitude of friends who would back me up 100 percent on my character and background. So my suggestion to you would be, stop talking shit and out of your ass, on the net, for it just causes problems for everyone."

Security Clearance in Ottawa eh?

Interesting none-the-less.

How am I causing shit for you guys? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:15pm
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Williams Syndrome Patient-

Seriously what the fuck is that? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:18pm
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You're on the net right now... fecking use the damn search engine lol

Case in Point
roflmao - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 1:48pm
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So what does that have to do with me?lol - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 2:26pm
trevor corey
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Whats wrong with Hemp Dog?
Did you smoke a seed or something?
Mace- I think somewhere in all the rambling you "retracted" your threat on Shane, so we're good. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 2:38pm
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sigh dont even read mace's posts he has no life so he sits on here picking internet fights. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 3:04pm
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sorry to hear about that guys, thats the shits BIG time.
Hopefully you guys can do something about this.
I would definately be talking to a lawyer at least to get a consultation.
Sounds like they were WAY the fuck out of line and hugely inconvienced you guys as I am quite sure it was not your intention to be spending the weekend without power.

You have a case if you ask me, go for the jugular on this one! - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 5:21pm
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What threat?the guy could've been anybody from all I know, I'm not retracting shit. The guy's the same guy, that favours his select few locals he deals with at the counter. As he gave me my receipt- I told him 'Thank You' after the while; I was leaving. Fuck I told the
guy 'Thankx'-
what the fuck more- you guys want from me!? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 7:05pm
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Shane's been nothing but gracious when I visit the Husky. He takes my money, gives me change, I almost got a smile out of him last time. I hope he kicks some Mace ass. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 8:42pm
Dr.Doom XXX
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As do I. Mace you really need to take a deep breath and come down. You're obviously on drugs. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:22pm
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LMAO HOLY FUCK!!! What shirt size is THAT!? oh mercy... - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:44pm
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'what the fuck more- you guys want from me!?'

How about walking in front of a speeding bus? I'm sure we'd all love that bit of news. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 8:26am
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Williams Syndrome
So what does that have to do with me?lol -

Still... Case in Point
Can't figure it out...
Not Surprised at all Lmao - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 9:23am
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You know, if Shane didn't do that then he wouldn't be doing his job properly. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:29am
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I thouht Mace retired, dude didn't he say he was done posting because he found Islam and was moving to Surrey or something? - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:32am
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You know what's retarded?
You know what I think your biggest mistake was, that you, (and I know it's your own business to write what any fool could be stupid enough to write- but I did already tell you, you are completely stupid for saying what you did about your neighbours. Now, that it's out, if I were you- for your own safety-(Not that it's your last concern of anything related to me about your neighbourly affairs) to take down what you said ^^^)PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE *EDIT

You could seriously be asking for trouble you don't want.

Fuck you Sati. 2 faced weasel.

Shane kick my ass?

Okay, Shane could kick my ass.


D_T_F- you suck, quit stereotyping man, that's not cool.

Griphin_- n' yeah, as much as I don't know Shane, that seems to be typically how he is or how his Character is.

Gotta' run. (Apparently I've got steroids to take,and to be the gym at the moment) Have a nice day everybody. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:08pm
Rubber Box
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Quit taking those steroids anally, you are a big enough ass hole now - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:17pm
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yeah I thought you said you we were not going to see or hear much from you Mace? But, I guess you just can't get enough of stirring the pot and chapping everones ass can you? - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 1:21pm
Masturbating The War God
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Holy crap, stop feeding the troll people! - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 5:50pm
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What troll people? - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 6:43pm
Messages Posted:
Battle of the Troll people! - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 7:59pm Edited: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 8:00pm
I'm a fukin' Terrorist
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Mace said that he had friends. That creppy internet weirdo must be ambidextrous. I shall not address it directly. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 9:38pm
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like.....Oh...MY GOD! LMAO ROFL, LOL LOL, like totally, OMG,
(internet lingo Mace can relate to)
we are all awaiting Maces's reply....somehow we all enjoy this shit chucking.... - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:43pm
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Troll does not indicate a mythological creature. It's the same as the fishing term. You toss out bait, generally negative and personal in delivery, and hope some dumbass bites onto it and can be reeled into a nice exchange of negative BS. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:02am
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trolling the that a more amicable way of putting it? - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:46am
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Trivium, I hate to agree with Mace, but I don't see how your Williams Syndrome comment applies to him.


"Overly friendly (excessively social) personality

Individuals with Williams syndrome have a very endearing personality. They have a unique strength in their expressive language skills, and are extremely polite. They are typically unafraid of strangers and show a greater interest in contact with adults than with their peers."

That's NOT Mace. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:58pm
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KnifeGhost try reading all the ailments associated with this disease not just one Section of it there are a variety of symptoms that differ from patient to patient


Near Bottom

Developmental delay, learning disabilities and attention deficit

Most people with Williams syndrome have some degree of intellectual handicap. Young children with Williams syndrome often experience developmental delays; milestones such as walking, talking and toilet training are often achieved somewhat later than is considered normal. Distractibility is a common problem in mid-childhood, which appears to get better as the children get older.
Older children and adults with Williams syndrome often demonstrate intellectual "strengths and weaknesses." There are some intellectual areas (such as speech, long term memory, and social skills) in which performance is quite strong, while other intellectual areas (such as fine motor and spatial relations) are significantly deficient.


Case in Point - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 2:06pm Edited: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 2:50pm
Masturbating The War God
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Nice picture Trevor. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 10:12pm
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There are a lot of mental disabilities that result in low (or inconsistent) intellectual capacities. Williams Syndrome is characterized by a particularly pleasant personality. I think _you_ needed to read further. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:26pm
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FYI: I have had more than enough of my share of experiences with patients of this nature for Close to Ten Years now, along side Specialists dealing with this rare Disability. You may think what you wish to, and are entitled to your opinions. For in this case I am well versed in the symptoms and causes. Mace is still in my opinion, an under classed homo-Nemesis Riduclii, suffering from delusions of paranoid schizophrenia and Grandeur.

Wish to continue this Debate? lmao

Taunt Taunt lmao

Btw Trevor Nice pic... good depiction of someone - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 8:56pm Edited: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:22pm
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Yes, I said I wouldn't post anymore @ Live Victoria, but so, I think it would be apparent that you are a 'nobody' Trivium, and on top of it..

A rent-a-pig?

ANy of you fuckin' nobodies want to step to me at any show or concert in Victoria, or anywhere, and you'll find out who I am, (this includes 2 faced Sati, who I could told straight to your face what I think of you. "Bitch of Rent-a-Pig")

Btw- good luck in your pursuit against justice, I'll be amazd to hear if the outcome doesn't work in your guys favour, after-all, becuz, you're a rent-a-pig. - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 9:48am
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Geez that wasn't a very long reprieve Mace.....seriously, you need to stay on the meds, as for "steppin to ya at a gig"

well you only bitch on here , so I doubt you actually support the scene, infact I wonder if you actually play anything, other than the fool of course. - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:42am Edited: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:28am
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I'll have to straight-up disagree with you, Steve. You seemed to miss the sheer basis of someone who is trying to provoke a fight here besides the 'Police', and that bitch is Sati.

You know, it would be better for me to play the fool than a 'KNOW-IT-ALL', you seem to know all too well, there ~Mr. Know-it-all.. Steve. - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:28am
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"If you had a brain, you would think to go to our website and guess what... there's my picture... Introduce yourself to me sometime asshole..."

Hey Nice 'New Balance's' there buddy, what r ya' trying out for the Cross-country running team or what? - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 2:45pm
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"Mace is still in my opinion, an under classed homo-Nemesis Riduclii, suffering from delusions of paranoid schizophrenia and Grandeur."

That I can fully get behind. My point is that it's very unlikely that Mace of all people has any condition characterized by an unusually pleasant personality. Cause that ain't Mace. ;) - Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:39am
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god dam... Mace just loves causing shit around here. Steve/Laprider was pretty much right, that you play the fool... and that's pretty much it. Pick a fight here pick a fight there, yet your too much of a bitch to back it up. Admit you would get your ass kicked by someone and then run and hide. I get a good laugh outta you mace, and im sure just about everyone else does too. Its too bad your a fucking dickless troll with nothing better to do... with that 'intelligence' you could actually probly get a jorb that would keep you away from this 'internet life' you have going on and actually relate to the 'real world'. Again, your probly going to go on a tirade of how your justified in saying what you want to who you want... i dont disagree... but that doesn't mean you dont look like an asshole... dont care about me all you like, but at least live a real life and stop being such a little immature bitch hiding behind a fucking computer. post a pic of yourself up here, if you have the ballz. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 2:17pm
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btw- I now make more money in one month than you would in 4 or 5 little bitch? I dunno this 'internet life', why don't you go ask that mutual 'nobody' who might tell you they've a court subpoena to appear on behalf of a certain liberal justice system, (against me) and then maybe we can meet up there during the trial or once I'm acquitted?

Beware a few of my friends might bite though...

fyi- only wanna' be' cops, security guards and cancer patients wear NB.) - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:28pm
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That I don't think even Jay Brown, would dare to thread over that line of shoe wear... - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:30pm
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I now make more in one week than you do in 4 to 5 months. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:42pm
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Grow up.

It's too bad all your money doesn't seem to make you happy.

Seriously though if you're going to insist on trolling here you might as well post a real pic of yourself so we can bask in your glory in real life too. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:49pm
Ward Ensemble
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finally! conclusive proof that money doesn't make you cool, OR popular! Thanks Mace! - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 12:51am
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THIS JUST IN....this just in....Mace is incredibly rich, Mace is incredibly rich! He has friends in high places, and Jesus himself couldn't top his bling bling!
Sources say he has become somewhat untouchable...even the courts are intimidated by him!
Whhheewwww Mace, women wanna change him, men wanna be him.

Man, with all that income you must have fancy sports cars and some really shiny things there smegma for brains...too bad it can't buy you some IQ and popularity while your at it you washed out loser.... - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 8:33am
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Yeah I'm sure he's making a lot cleaning up the parking lot at McD's. If you think this moron does more than minimum wage, menial work, then you're obviously pretty gullible. - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 10:28am
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put your hands on the SCREEEENN! beLIEve - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 11:53am
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Under my profile, and under Mace's Dump link. (My Picture. red shirt and diving off of a Thetis Lake Cliff- so CoO!)

(* MOFO wishes he works at the Ministry of Finance.)
This is so great- how I get characterized as cleaning up parking lots at McDonald's. And even more-so labeled as 'this' Moron. Like a third party nobody."~this"

However, I am starting to feel like one of youse (nobodies) now.

Oh noez, WhAT A FEELING!!! - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 4:27pm
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oooo civil servant eh! wow whats that, take home $1000 every two weeks?
Thats like a day and a half on a union film shoot! - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 4:57pm
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Well, at least then, I know I paid someone's salary for the next '3 and 3/4's weeks..'

"Please make the cheque payable to: the Minister of Finance." - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 5:35pm
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Shut up! $1000/two weeks? That's my minimum take home. I thought he was talking about REAL money! Not that I'm mocking my own income (I'm quite proud of how hard I work), but please. Mace must think we are all really roughin' it.

I know that a lot of you make a LOT more money so feel free to donate to the church of Macen where he clearly needs the funds. Look at those empty pockets up there people!! - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 1:22am
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The only real thing Mace needs donated to him is a parade boot to the head a few hundred times. I'd be more than willing to give that donation. - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 9:40am
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"ANy of you fuckin' nobodies want to step to me at any show or concert in Victoria, or anywhere, and you'll find out who I am"

Hell ya that's a good idea Stop hiding behind your lousy cum drenched little Screen and show up at the Metal Church Show on Feb 19th my friend :D
Then I'll Show you just how much I can bring the game to your Door Step... you game, I am. I'm sure half of this Community would like to meet you in person as well.

And if you don't well I Wouldn't be suprised at all. So Stop wasting our time by acting like a little lamer script kiddie who's been thrashed, buttfecked, and neglected by his Right hand.

OMG did i just say this.. I'm Sorry folks... this just erks me when someone needs to be shut up with a good thrashing behind a whorehouse. - Thu, 7 Dec 2006 6:44pm
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Trivium sucks - Fri, 8 Dec 2006 12:25am
Lord Digital
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yea titties, clitties and beer :D - Fri, 8 Dec 2006 6:52am
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" Stop hiding behind your lousy cum drenched little Screen and show up at the Metal Church Show on Feb 19th my friend :D

I can't make any promises at this point. Metal Church where?

(I've been out of town lately) - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:36pm
trevor corey
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I have ticket number one for Metal Church and a promise from an under a rock dweller to join me. - Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:00am
Lord Mace
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wow you really were fucked by the police. This picture proves it. - Wed, 13 Dec 2006 1:29am
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AHHH hahahahha........

So the loser looking to meet some ladies to get high is a buddy of Mace....or are they one in the same?

Like either of them has friends....

Wicked photoshop buddy, I can really feel the gay love. - Wed, 13 Dec 2006 1:51am
trevor corey
User Info...
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Haaaaaaaaaa, ohhhhh, hehe.
The look on Flee's face is one of wonderment. Wonderment and curious intrigue. - Wed, 13 Dec 2006 9:45am Edited: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:35am
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