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Is Mace the new LORDPATCH
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Is Mace the new LORDPATCH
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Well, I strongly disliked Lordpatchs' cut and post political agenda,
but Mace, well.....his rantings, and racial slurs are certainly a case for banning if ever there was a case....those in favour say "I"
I am no advocate of censorship for the masses.....however I don't think some of his posts are appropriate and POORLY represent Victoria's musicians by insulting our collective attitudes.

Is this how would like to portray its image?
Ban a guy (who is co-incedentally probably Muslim himself) and not a guy who refers to Muslims as those that would cause Victoria to lose land value?

Wow, now I've seen it all. I DEFINATELY didn't agree with Lordpatchs antics, but this guy has CROSSED A LINE. PERIOD. I urge the admins at livevic to consider how it is portraying itself just a little bit more closely,
I understand that you can't go banning someone everytime someone's opinions of feelings are hurt but, when someones race and or religion is being so obviously BASHED it is only logical to ban this guy. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 7:23pm
Hang The DJ
Hang The DJ
glassheartradio *at*
go away
Messages Posted:

Hey there, thanks for looking at my user info. (Please don't stalk me)

I sing in a band called Cablevision.

...... we're awesome.

I fully agree that racism has no place whatsoever on Livevictoria. This is a site which focuses primarily on the love and appreciation most of us here have for music, and on the support of local musicians and bands. I think that with the many words posted here against Mace and what he has said, he has been warned well in advance. If Mace doesn't cut the racist crap, he should be banned because he is full out offending others. If he stops posting racist comments and offending others as soon as possible, then he should still be allowed to post here on Livevic.
Of course it's hard not to be offended on this site, but when it comes to something like a racist comment, that's it. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 7:50pm
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They haven't even moved into the neighbourhood yet, so what the fuck are you calling me racist for!

Because I disagree?

Fuck you~.

You guys are hypocrite's, I am no Lordpatch fuckfaceMOFO!@
a far off cry from what you say about me, dipshit, fucking username stealing lowlife, low I.Q. shit4brains!
The 2 of you should think twice about what you're saying about me, because eventually, you'll realize how prentens
ious and prejudgemental-
your accusations against me are.
You are the racists! Hehez!

Say what you want, you might be wasting your time otherwise.. That~
I don't have a racist bone in my body!!!
I don't have to tell you what my business, is,
in this or that
neighbourhood is... Fuck you this isn't T.O. we live in here. This is Victoria, I'm all about the music, the embetterment of the community and the rights of those who live in this world! And for your
your own worthless
of justice, if you know what the fuck is good for you. k?


Or have the balls to say it straight to my face. - Sun, 22 Oct 2006 8:12pm
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"and not a guy who refers to Muslims as those that would cause Victoria to lose land value?

oh, no, would mean more definitively; that they 'would' but don't go thinking so-far ahead here, I was only suggesting that in fact, it could, not definitively 'would,' I was only merely suggesting that the land value and appraisel ship[s] for property and business in this area soley, because of the limited parking situation and the noise pollution in or of the residential affect- it would have surrounding the area.

It's a proven fact, in case you're wondering that people who are limited to parking or not, they don't have the same access to parking; will ultimatley choose to go elsewheres; or after being ticketed will be more apprehensive in going back.

So, if you were thinking that I was saying that straight up that these people don't belong here, because of the color of their skin or their religion, no, definitely 'no', only that I heard from some of the locals in this area that there is likely to be a backlash of some 'eroneous nature,' if they do move in?

This is not my decision, nor do I back this hypothesis of events that could arise, if the Muslims move in.

Car doors slamming, early morning kajanglings, loud chanting, this type of thing doesn't seem to be too popular with some of the residents around this area.

And me for one especially doesn't think it's cool, mainly because of the parking, but secondly, I don't really favour Muslims or any other religion for that matter.

So, f-u~. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:22am Edited: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:23am
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"They haven't even moved into the neighbourhood yet, "

Idiot, Muslims already live there. That's why they want to build a mosque -- so they have somewhere to worship. THEY'RE ALREADY THERE. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 2:45am
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Generally speaking, (that I have to answer to everyBODY over this~!) no, they're not already living in the bank. oR if they are- I haven't taken a look since Thursday or Friday, so, if you're saying they're already moved in, well, that's just fuckin' Gr8!



(NOT) - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:53am
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nice try on the about face there Mace...your words on this and other posts CLEARLY indicate your disaproval of other races and religions....and you are more than free and entitled to that opinion (however white-trash Esquimaltian of you).

You seem a little frazzled...did we strike a nerve?
Ahhhh muffins! - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:35pm Edited: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:41pm
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Now I'm for the bannishment. I can't stand that attempt at sarcasm. (But I LOVE the irony) He has backpeddled his statements so much I'm not sure who he hates anymore. Dare ya to wear a shirt at the next show you go to that says, "Hi I'm MACE". Might as well paint a target on it while you're at it. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:41pm
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Words of wisdom from Mace,

"I'm going to freak out if I see one of those full-fledged berka-faced freakshows walking around the street like they own the place." MACE 2006

"you don't have worry about me burning the building down.

(It will just happen to catch fire, on it's own...)"
MACE 2006

SURE THING THERE MACE that doesn't sound even the slightest bit racist eh?

"This is going to devalue the neighbourhood value, even with all the dope dealers there." MACE 2006

"The Sikhs' told me, "Never Trust a Muslim never Trust and Arab." MACE 2006 - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:43pm Edited: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 1:44pm
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Words of wisdom from Mace,

"I'm going to freak out if I see one of those full-fledged berka-faced freakshows walking around the street like they own the place." MACE 2006

What, like is it illegal if I were to laugh at one of them... Come on, pull that big berka-wearing stick out your ass... They look stupid.

"you don't have worry about me burning the building down.

(It will just happen to catch fire, on it's own...)"
MACE 2006


You're right, and without probable cause either.

So, aren't you going to arrest me Constable Mofo?

"SURE THING THERE MACE that doesn't sound even the slightest bit racist eh?"- MOFO 2006

Then, why don't you go eat some poutine you Quebec Separtist Flag waving jerkoff and leave me alone, eh? Oh wait, your too busy licking maple syrup from your pristine picture plates collection of famous Liberal Politicians ...


"This is going to devalue the neighbourhood value, even with all the dope dealers there." MACE 2006
I should have included the words 'probably,' and 'more-so'...?

I could be wrong, but then again, as to the self-serving- something that is, what your point in that towards- about exposing me of
%100 discrimination against these people..? I'm not, but most definitely the surrounding context, I'm not the only one thinking the same thing about them. (And City Hall won't listen, yet Victoria City Hall won't hear one of it's own former Mayors raise an issue over the failed Crystal Gardens either.. BUt you don't hear me calling 'Alan Lowe' a racist do you?)

Unfortunately, this isn't what my dwelling is in life on a daily function, "CALLING PEOPLE RACISTS" to say something that you'd interpret as being degrading? Not my style- Not so, in it's entirety, how you're viewing this- but one thing for certain- it is going to 'devalue' the neighbourhood, if I don't go there. These people don't accept us in their Countries, why should we be here with open and vunerable arms here to welcome them? (Especially, if I wind up with a parking ticket because of them)

This is an abhoration!
"The Sikhs' told me, "Never Trust a Muslim never Trust and Arab." MACE 2006

True story, but I read people by how I see them, and not by their religions.

So fuck religion altogether.

Muslim's are religious.

Sikh's aren't. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 3:34pm Edited: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 3:51pm
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I hated lordpatches multiposting too, and I disagree with a lot of mace's comments, but man this site is getting dull with out patches, don't ban onme of the only people posting any thing, the site will be even lamer - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 4:31pm
trevor corey
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So your mad at Mace for being racist and then turn around with a "white trash" comment.
Get off your horse
I live in Esquimalt. Does that make me an "Esquimalatian"?, amd if so, what do you mean by that.
I think your cruisin for a big "futch you mang" - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 4:39pm
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"Dare ya to wear a shirt at the next show you go to that says, "Hi I'm MACE". Might as well paint a target on it while you're at it."

Oh noez, teh boogy men iz goonna get me...?! - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 4:48pm
Mr. Hell
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I believe trevor corey put it best. A truly non-racist person wouldn't even notice a difference between people of different backgrounds, therefore wouldn't be able to recognize the ridiculous statements this fellow is making as racist. He is goading everyone into a frenzy. The guy is getting a big rise out of many people on here.
If someone is dumb enough to be swayed by Mace's obtuse outlook to burn down this unbuilt mosque, shouldn't they be subject to a reach around in the slammer?
Keep trying to change his outlook. It'll be more entertaining!
Lordpatch was a bore. Don't confuse irritation with boredom. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 9:56pm Edited: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 9:58pm
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Yeah, and don't confuse me. Seriously, I'm not really racist... And I like people of all cultures... Just not when they are trying to imitate other cultures vying to fit in and then criticize eveyone outside of their circle or what their position is in this country AND WHAT EVERYONE HERE CONTRIBUTES TO THEM and then turn around and say you don't have a family history. (I'm not as 'friendly' as I used to be..)

I'm just going by the history books here... And everybody...
- it was the Italians who invented Pizza, not the Mohammedans who think they re-invented it under 'Halal' corporate sponsorship funds of oil 'prophet money'or even money sponsored by the BDC.

Remember barrels of money can make a 'prophet' out of almost anyone- depending on what you'll order on your pizza. (Me? Tell Lordsmack I like extra ham mine.)

I'm gonna' go out and make a martyr of myself, and then a 'profit' too!

Allahu Akbar babiez!! - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:30pm
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If you don't take Mace serious, he's worth a chuckle. And no Mace, I don't owe ya a twoney, or a $2 bill, or 2 loonies damnit!!! - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:41am
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alright...INTERNET ANGST. - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:23am
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So, it's finally gettin' to yeah, eh Phil?

No, more drinkie, drinkie, for U~!

(Just count your lucky stars that censorship has played out to your advantage) - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 3:02pm
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Hey, NO $2 FOR YOU!!! - Tue, 24 Oct 2006 5:25pm
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*grin* I should get a T-Shirt made which uses that graphic. - Thu, 26 Oct 2006 5:42pm
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actually, the chinese invented pizza. but keep up the wild commentary on different races and their plans for domination, i'm amused. - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 11:19am
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If you're so offended by his racist comments and spreading hate, feel free to get the courts involved. There is no such thing as Freedom of Speech in Canada, especially when it comes to spreading hatred. Ask Enrst Zundel And Tony McLure what happens when you think you have this right. One was deported (Zundel) and one was jailed (McLure).

You aren't going to get rid of him by feeding his trolls, and it's obvious that the administration of LiveVic could care less if this moron is using their forums to make racist comments and spread hatred. - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 11:37am
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" actually, the chinese invented pizza. but keep up the wild commentary on different races and their plans for domination, i'm amused.

You're wrong, the chinese invented pasta, stewpid. - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 5:42pm
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The truth is, I only want to spread love,,,, 'love and pizzas.' (and 'TEENAGE DUDE' = J)

"The Age Of Pamparius"- TURBONEGRO

From the ashes of this golden age of confusion,
the denim recruits came to be
known as the apocalypse dudes.

So you think you had an Opera
So you think you had a Napoli
So you think you had a decent pizza
Well not like this

You got nothing to lose at Pamparius

So you think you had a calzone
So you thought you could make your own
So you thought you could take it home
Well not like this

You got nothing to lose at Pamparius
gonna wear them happy shoes tonight
You got nothing to lose at Pamparius
Gonna bake a motherfucking pizza tonight
Apocalypse dudes got nothing to lose
Gonna stomp some teenage ass tonight
Apocalypse dudes got nothing to lose
Gonna bake some motherfucking magic
tonight - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 5:53pm
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I love this shit! - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 6:16pm
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What, Turbonegro, or pizza? - Fri, 1 Dec 2006 6:25pm
sober jake jackoff
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so did mace get banned or not? - Sat, 9 Dec 2006 2:11am
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No, he wasn't banned Jake. Read the "Move to Ban!" thread if you want to know why not. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 1:29am
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Shut-up pimp bitch - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:44pm
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