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Im sick of this bullshit
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Im sick of this bullshit
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Im sick of the mods/lordpatch putting his shitty posts in controversy and quarantine area, its such a joke

I say make his own area, he has enough posts, or delete them all

and I know Im "bitching" about this but its a huge bother trying to sort though all this crap to find some real controversy. - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:22am
trevor corey
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What about "When Lighting Farts Goes Wrong"
Very controversial. - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:33am
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dude didnt you know, lordpatch is a witch! BURN BURN BURN! hah - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 7:05am
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Does he float, like wood?!? - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:44am
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Only one way to find out!!
*fills sandbags* - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:54pm
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Im sick of the mods/lordpatch putting his shitty posts in controversy and quarantine area, its such a joke

I say make his own area, he has enough posts, or delete them all

and I know Im "bitching" about this but its a huge bother trying to sort though all this crap to find some real controversy.

Oh, you know, you luv it!!! - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 4:43pm
Hang the DJ
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It is really annoying. It's like *Click* "What's new in Controversy and quarantine? Hmm let's see...."

Lordpatch x 300

"Well guess there's nothing worth reading here, nothing worth replying to... Maybe next time there will be something."

Maybe if he summed some stuff up in his own words or something I wouldn't get bored of reading the articles (If I even do)... You know..make his own summary..instead of just copying articles and links.. I kinda feel bad for the guy because lots of people are against what he's doing but at the same time he's being a board hog. Hey he could always start up his own website? - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:55pm
Ha Ha Ha
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maybe when school is back in he`ll just go away till next year. - Thu, 31 Aug 2006 6:15am
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hmm i dunno... but i think what he posts is fairly controversial enuff... And really, most of it is relevent to whats happening now over-sea's. If you dont like it, then dont read it. At least what he posts isnt just "wow, fucking emo kids" or "i hate it when people bash other people on the board" or even better "im metal, im punk" arguements... tho i do agree one can become a 'board hog', but when the board of controversy has nothing better than "victoria's worst bands" then i gladly welcome his politicaly charged mayhem - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 9:07am
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FTW - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 12:05pm
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And how is what he posts relative to the local music scene J?

I know it's the controversy section but I'm pretty sure it should be relative to the Victoria music scene.
I don't mind his related posts but I do hate to see him jam up the board with all his links and posts (which are just copy/paste articles) about the invasion of the middle east.
We get our news where we choose and we come here to talk about music and light hearted ranting.
Quit trying to educate us. We were fine before he dominated the board. - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 12:56pm
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You're killing 'the Victorian Music Scene,' man, with the the 'Controversy and Quarrantine' comments.

Idea, ever, heard, of, 'Counter-threading', his or hers' redundacy in posting the same shit over, and over, and over, again...

Show the board ADM's. you can act like him and then see what happens?

Like just only spell the first syllable of the word Leb-a-non.

(W/o the -anon- attached to it n' see what happens..)

Me, I just hate fucking hate people in General, so why should I hate Lebanonese people any less than others.

Freakin! 'L' word!! - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 1:18pm
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OooOooh- Bee Careful... - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 1:20pm
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"Controversy and Quarantine
The place for heated debates and anything that was too distasteful for the other sections but too funny to delete.
You've been warned! -- *Shared btwn Vic & Van sites*"

that is what this board is listed as... and what he posts is relevent for a place with "headted debates... and whatever else comes after"...

dumpster: i dont think any board has to be about anything specific. as its described above, this is a place for conflict and debate... and theres been some really good topics here. And besides, you know as well as me, if this controversy section was only related to the victoria music scene... it would def. turn out to be a)a slag fest, b)rumor mill, c)over-run by morons who care more about what they look like and not how they play ;)

but i do agree that his posts can be a bit annoying, but in the end i just scroll down the page... its not really that much of a setback... unless your realy that lazy, in which case... get outside and do something other than live here lol(hmmm... as i look outside from my office at work) - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 2:42pm Edited: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 2:47pm
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I don't read them....I'm (not just speaking for myself here) sick of his posts dominating the boards and bumping down all other posts.

This whole site is based on the local music scene, and I'm not intolerant of the random post going way off but I can hardly think of what Lordpatch does as random.
He's gone postal!! Get it? God I'm funny! - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 2:51pm
Messages Posted:
fair enuff

i wouldn't say that lordpatch is random either, but of what he posts... some of it is actually worth a read. Granted the younger audiences probly wont tolerate it as much as someone older who's actually intersted in the rest of the world.
take other sites with boards for example, ... is an automotive forum but also has a couple sections on crazy things found on web and other such mundane headlines that have nothing to do with auto-sport and these sections have people posting links and other such random shit.... i guess what im trying to say in more words than i should be using, is; every forum/msg board will have people as such who feel its their duty to "inform" you of the goings on in the world(even tho they're asswipe communist supporting fools)... so here's to lordpatch and having nothing better to do than spark this discussion

(ps, i wouldn't mind seeing the useless threads deleted but what i find useless can be useful to someone else;) - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 4:28pm
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I don't recall any one taking a huge interest in anything lordpatch cut 'n' posted. - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 5:30pm
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Personally, I think the World would be a better place for both you, me and everybody -if- he just kills himself.

But, he won't, because, he is too much like one of them coward, women and children killing, communist, falafel making, anarchist posering, terrorist, STICK-A-MALATOV-COCKTAILUPYOURASS-ANDLIGHTIT-YOUFUCKINGDEGENERATEPOSTWHOREMONGERINGFUCKWIT!@!!! - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 5:40pm
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LORDPARXH! - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 5:41pm
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J, i am a part of that younger crowd and you know what, when people force feed shit down your throat you just stop caring, its not helping the world by what hes doing, i dont see him enlighting people on this board or changing the way people think, hes just a board hog thats it plain and simple

My school did the same thing last year about Meth, we missed so many classes learing about the samething, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, so i just stopped listening and going to the assemblys because there just force feeding us shit we already know. - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 7:10pm
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+1 to jeff


-1000 for cut and pasting .

Posting what you read on the internet news boards is neither controversial or in need of quarantine .

I'll be honest , that's the fucking use of this section in the first place ? Nothing but dumbass shit and slagging on bands/people . Why admin or mods would not just delete these cut/paste,slanders and immature posts is beyond me ?
When I see a post that has dragged on for ever and ever about some rant over nothing at all ?!
It’s just a waste of space.
Put it in general or don't even post it at all . We don’t need someone to tell us world affairs, I CAN READ THEM ON THE SAME PLACE YOU SNAGGED IT FROM .

How threads that are useless and are poisoned trol scribbling get in this section are retarded .
Grow some balls, take some control of your site and give then heave ho or be prepared for more users leaving .

Nothing new here for this site , no control of anything and trols always prevail. And threads that should be eradicated, get put it here to fester and puss or threads taken out of context to vamp up animosity towards the poster for the stupidest things (death rape, etc) .

But alas , this falls on deaf ears and who fuck cares . - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 7:31pm Edited: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 7:38pm
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It's a bloody internet message board! - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 7:38am
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Never, use, that, word, again, you, know, ~which, ~one....! grrrrrr....!

Unless, you are from:

A. British.

B. Austrailian


C. The Eric Martin Institute - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 12:08pm
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maybe he is british... ever thought of that?

and its eric martin pavillion now ;)

also, we(BRITISH columbians) have a very british history to our province... so deal with it you git ;) - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 1:19pm
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Well, it sure looks like you, told me... - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 7:19pm
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"Never, use, that, word, again, you, know, ~which, ~one....! grrrrrr....!

Unless, you are from:

A. British.

B. Austrailian


C. The Eric Martin Institute"

hahah thats perfect. i wasnt aware you could be from british? i guess i'm wrong, i always thought british was the language, and britain was the place. i may be wrong mace. but i think your wrong.

now who's pwn3d!!! biatch.

_NH - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 8:09pm
Hang the DJ
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Why doesn't BoardLord, I mean Lordpatch, ever have any say in this? - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 8:40pm
Hang the DJ
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Oh, one more, BoredPatch - Sat, 2 Sep 2006 8:41pm
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Hez, that was funny... Hez

Contrary, to Anonymous's Post of my inadequate grammar- of being a fuck up...

So, sorry, Hitler.
Yeah, well, that's what happens, I suppose, when lacking sleep. Or, simply, I'm assuming, I was hax0red... I was in the midst of something When this post slipped through, without proper inspection. Yikes?! Oh noez.... - Sun, 3 Sep 2006 9:54am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I think Lord Pooch er I mean Gored Snatch - (sorry!) - Lord Patchouli shoud write for Monday.

/horrorscopes? - Sun, 3 Sep 2006 2:25pm
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"i guess i'm wrong, i always thought british was the language"

You are wrong. "british" is the adjective, "english" is the language.

And Mace? Sod off you bloody wanker. - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 1:02pm
Mr. Hell
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Ever thought that perhaps Lordsnatch is a mod and could easily delete all the complaints against him, but doesn't because that's what gets him off? - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 1:11pm
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quote: And Mace? Sod off you bloody wanker.

Shaddap, jerk off.

LP doesn't have an opinion. Niether, does KG. Becuz, they are both PC GOOFS. - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 4:36pm
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LOL cause speaking against isreal in the middle east is SO PC hahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahhaha.

lord patch's "cut and paste" is highlighting issues that seem to be the ones that dont get through public tv, and go against the grain. I personaly believe in going against the grain, because following mainstream popular belief (in regards to viewpoints on world isssues) is kinda just like saying bah bah bah give me more bullshit.

but i guess that is missed because of some need to shun out people who aren't like you and me.

oh yes, he MUST be the enemy.

lol - Mon, 11 Sep 2006 6:35am
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If you're just going against the grain for the sake of going against the grain, you only make yourself look like a pompous ass and expose yourself as a traitor. As I've said before, these "underground" organisations have as their agenda the destruction of the "establishment," and will feed you whatever they think you need to hear to get you on their side. Only an idiot could miss that fact. As far as "shunning out people who aren't like you and me" goes, you and people like you do the exact same thing by exhibiting the same ignorance you claim to be above. Being TRULY patriotic (from an educated and informed standpoint) does not mean blindly following whatever your government says. But blindly following some underground media source- as it seems you do- solely because they defy the government at every possible turn sounds just as stupid. Where the fuck do you think these people get their "facts" from? Lordpatch IS the enemy. He is clear about his opinions, and takes every opportunity to cram them down our throats. What the fuck happened to showing loyalty to your country? Reading this shit makes me ashamed of the fact I live in Victoria. - Mon, 11 Sep 2006 4:18pm Edited: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 4:19pm
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Then move? What makes me ashamed is how there are still people that believe what their country tells them to believe. - Mon, 11 Sep 2006 5:00pm
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Just because ones believes are contrary to that you yours, it does not make them wrong, nor does it make them sheep. It merely makes it different than yours and thus worthy of being your opinion.

Theres a saying out there that goes...
"Everything you know is wrong"
kinda says how easily we judge each other, the truth is we are usually wrong about each other. - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 1:21pm
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agreed - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 4:53pm
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Reading this shit makes me ashamed of the fact you LIVE in Victoria

I would be nice if there was a voting option for board members to use, to have him voted off.

I don't think it's just the fact that I don't like what he inherently posts at will, it's just that hardly anyone reads what he copy n' pastes, then hits' the back button to make it look like he's actually 'tallying peoples' interest'.

Because, we know that the seemingly, angry majority on this forum, dislikes what he's attempting to do?

Which is....

If I didn't see you on the board today, *Nameless Copy n' Paster'- that I would've guessed it was you- who stormed the school and started shooting everyone there today. or possibly Griphin... :? - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 7:56pm
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This guy supports Hezbollah and McVeigh. Who's next - Pol Pot and Stalin. I wonder if CSIS is reading his email. - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 8:32pm
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No, er, maybe, aside from that- his life would seem like a living walking nightmare.
(Trippy re-edit, hijacked my writing, note: 'Living and Nightmare were erased, even though it was written when I posted it..._ then re-edited note:'n')

I wouldn't post most of the shit of what he does, and not be thinkin'of having to look over my shoulder, or who's going to lead you out into intersection of a crosswalk and not get hit by a bus. - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 9:06pm Edited: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 9:08pm
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lol mace Your nationalism makes me laugh. Ha Ha Ha. Are you in a band? - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 1:11pm
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That's bizarre, I actually know Lordpatch, he's like that, no reason to get mad at him over silly posts. :) - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 6:15pm
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When all he does is spam the boards, damn right people have reason to be a little pissed off. Maybe if he actually posted about things that the majority of people could give a shit about... - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 6:18pm
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No, I'm not in a band. I was rejected, by a band about joining them a couple of months ago...

(That I play guitar and can sing and I own really nice equipment. Oh well, their loss..)

Yeah, I think I know who Lordpatch is, I think we might have talked in person a few times (if it's the person I'm thinking of..) Lordpatch is not like, what he seems to be making himself out on the board...

(As a career 'Threadjacker'.) - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 9:43am
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