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Pro or Anti Jack Layton?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Pro or Anti Jack Layton?
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I have to do a Bio on Jack Layton for my S.S. class. Please help me with your opinions and insight on Jack and the NDP. So far I have this website Some help would be greatly appreciated. - Mon, 4 Apr 2005 7:48pm
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Great guy in my opinion, i'll be voting for him. It comes down to if you have left wing values, and think education, enviroment, and social expenditure for the public are important, then Jacks the man. - Mon, 4 Apr 2005 9:26pm
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Maybe he'll buy us some Fast Cat Ferries!! Oh wait..... - Mon, 4 Apr 2005 11:28pm
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but what about his constant lying in the media? my mom had him as a teached at U of T and said he was a good guy but disorganized and never arrived to class on time. She also told me none of the other students liked him either. They all gave him bad reviews at the end of the year. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 12:30am
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I heard him speak at UVic earlier in March and the guy had a logical, well thought out solution to every problem posed. I'm deffinitely PRO Layton!!! If it also means that he will drop my tuition, Layton is my man. I know that BC is jaded against the NDP for fucking things up, but it seems that they have their shit straight with leadership under Layton. I don't know anything about him lying, but I guess we'll see when the time comes. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 11:18am
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Perpetual burn: Oh wait..... you're talking about the provincial NDP, dumbass.

Jack Layton rules. No doubt about it. I only wish that he had gotten 2 or 3 more seats- then there would be a Liberal/NDP coalition government. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 1:39pm
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Also ODIN, it's really not fair to judge Layton on his university teaching skills from many years ago. And as for that website, of course its gonna trash him, they're the opposition!!! Im sure if there was a message board on the liberals it Would be alot worse. I'd suggest reading a paper like the Globe and Mail as it should have information on Layton daily - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 3:00pm
The One After Two
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Do you read the Globe Duece? From what I gather, the NDP will be a weirder Liberal government. The stance on military is poor. Taxes, poor. Business, poor. Environment, barely a pass. US relations, poor.

Would the tourism agency move to BC under the NDP? No, they would fold to the protests of the union and stay in Ottawa.

We need courage and thinkers in Ottawa, not dogma. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 3:49pm
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thank you for all your insights, keep'em coming. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 4:50pm
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i agree with you that the liberals are pretty good, but i disagree with your assessment of the federal ndp. but wait, there is no assessment, you only describe it as "poor". maybe back that up with a real analysis of their actual platform... if you know it, which i doubt. just wondering, are you a Conservative?

the globe is a liberal paper, so don't take your info on the ndp from it. thats not to say it isn't the best canadian paper, cuz it is, but keep in mind that of course they're gonna be all over the liberals' nuts. go out and see layton speak. i have. - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 8:43pm
The One After Two
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Mi*coll*, you're right I didn't back up what I said and I did drop some shit... but I ain't one of "them." In fact, I voted NDP last time b/c I couldn't stand to vote Liberal b/c they stole OUR money. google "Gomery Commission"

I do follow the goings on in this country pretty closely but alas, I have nothing off the top of my head for you right now. It really comes down to the fact that the NDP are so far off base that they don't register on my radar (right now).

If you want to know whats going on in Canada and the world, here is THE BEST site on the net:

its a little right of centre, but as they say: "Know your enemy."

In all honesty, I'm looking more forward to the Provincial and Municipal elections as it matters more to us in our everyday life than ALL (doesn't matter party) those idiots in Ottawa.

Mi*coll*, I wish I were a conservitive, it would be so much easier to explain my ignorance :-) - Tue, 5 Apr 2005 9:13pm
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Haha- sorry for accusing you like that.

As far as the federal NDP's platform, I'd say that they are very heavy on the social left issues of the environment, post-secondary education, gay rights, etc. They are not some old left party focussed on income redistribution or anything. Their platforms are consistently in line with my views and Jack seems like a good guy, so I support them. That said, the Liberals have done a fine job- balanced the budget (!), maintained a fairly high level of social services, exercised excellent foreign policy, improved the economy, etc.

As far as the Gomery inquiry goes, I am fully aware of the scandal. Have you read the recent testimony by Brault? I'd link it, but that may be illegal. Here's my position (borrowed from Cretien- who I think is great):

There are two kinds of ad agencies in Quebec: Federalist ones and Separatist ones. Of course when you are promoting national unity you go to the Federalist ones. And of course the Federalist ones all contribute to the Liberal Party- its the only strong Federalist party in Quebec! This is not to excuse the scandal, but puts it in perspective.

Checked out that site. It doesn't seem like a news site at all, actually, but rather an opinion site that links to actual news sites- and heavy on the "celebrity dish". And yes, very selective and right-wing. Why not get your news from actual news sources, like my favourites:

or, hehe, - Thu, 7 Apr 2005 12:47am
The One After Two
Messages Posted:
Neale links to all those sites.

I like Neale for the mix of gossip, editorial (mainly right) and political news. The fact thats its very right wing is what is so darn funny about it. Its gets blood boiling then I have to breath and remember, its just the internet.

Other than that, CBC's site is good. for my lefty propaganda I like and the king of all media sites just click on news. Their forum is so good. - Thu, 7 Apr 2005 9:28am
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Pro-Layton... Some of my Torontonian politics indie-rock buddies have met him on a few occasions, and speak well of him on the interpersonal level....

Voting NDP runs in both sides of my family, and they still feel like my home party. I voted Green in the 2000 federal election, and Liberal (for my Dad) in the 2000 Provincial election in Alberta. I voted NDP (proudly) in the 2004 Federal election, mostly because I was confident in the leadership under Jack Layton. I still am. I like the guy, and hope he can do good things in whatever government comes out of the next election. I don't believe that the revolution, to the extent that we need one, will come from Parliament. But I'm glad we have people like Jack Layton there in the mean time.

Provincially, I'm not excited about the NDP. I have the opportunity to vote for Rob Fleming, though, in the Victoria-Hillside riding. I'm not confident in the ability ot the provincial NDP to govern the province (under present leadership), but I want to see Rob Fleming in the Leg, as a vocal member of a stong opposition. - Fri, 8 Apr 2005 6:36pm
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thank you everyone. I finnished my report and I've taken all you opinions into consideration. Mucho Gracias Amigos! - Fri, 8 Apr 2005 7:45pm
Harry Truman
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Layton is a communist who should be locked up, along with the rest of the bleeding heart wishy-washy fools who follow obsolete political rubbish. - Sat, 9 Apr 2005 6:06pm
The One After Two
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Harry, you're so cool. What should the wishy washy fools be worshipping? - Sat, 9 Apr 2005 11:37pm
Harry Truman
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Something that doesn't subscribe to the bankrupt notion that social equality and "fair" income distribution can be legislated by government. - Sun, 10 Apr 2005 6:18pm
The One After Two
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Hey I'll agree that the federal NDP are living in some Saskatchewan 1950's utopia world, however, if you asked me to choose between them, The Liberals stealing my money and giving it to Quebec mobs and the pig fucking anti-EVERYTHING Reformers...

I'll just blaze one and pretend to live in some Saskatchewan 1950's Utopia World.

What I think we need (b/c I know you are all dying to read what I have to say) is a party that can figure out the solutions to the upcoming energy crisis. Our world will be very different within our lifetime and our politicians are too busy calling American's names and oppressing Gay people.

They need to screw their heads on straight, repair the military (we are going to need it soon), shore up enviromental policy and protect what can be protected and then get ready for a massive demand on OUR water, coal, oil, and gas from the US and the world beyond. If we choose not to provide it, it will be taken from us.

There is nothing wrong with generating great wealth (in fact I hope to one day), but the government has to be there to check and balance compitition. If it is left to the private sector, they will cheat and steal and the damage they do is far greater than being called names (Like a commie).

The government also needs to stand up to the massive subsidies given to BIG business and start charging the players the true cost of doing business. If we had to pay for our hydro and gas the actual costs involved with producing it, we'd all be lining up to buy a bike and cover our houses in solar panals... Policing Iraq ain't cheap, and yet the invasion is not paid for out of gas tax, its paid for off the backs of the seniors and poor people who don't get social security or medicare... thats fucked and its moving north.

Hope some of that makes sense... its just a rough draft on a message board so sorry for any spelling errors. - Mon, 11 Apr 2005 5:01pm
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This is easy ...... SPOIL YOUR BALLOT !

...or vote The Marijuana party, at least they stand for something .

The rest .....Lame ducks.

or criminals. - Mon, 11 Apr 2005 7:29pm
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What are we ever going to need a military for . . .? Plus as far as energy crisis go, Layton had a decent solution to it. All of his solutions not only solved the problem in an eco-friendly manner but he also stessed the fact that they would create new jobs. I agree it is a bit utopianist, but at least it's better than hating gays and stealing tax payers' money.

. . . the Marijuana party is the biggest joke it's not even worth commenting on. - Mon, 11 Apr 2005 9:55pm
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Well if you mean antiquated laws over controlled substances and control of the population to protect us from ourseleves I would disagree .
.... one piece of the puzzle ...... Uncle Sam. - Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:06pm
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Dang rights dude, we are gonna need a military soon. Why? Because we have shit that other people are gonna want. That is one place where I disagree with lefty wisdom.

As for you, Harry Truman, you oversaw a massive increase in the American welfare-state, so pah!

Anyhow, joking aside, you are clearly uninformed. The NDP are not an "old left" party, they are a new left party that recognizes the advantages of the free market. They wishe to create a society that is oriented towards the well-being of its citizens (instead of business), and part of that is having a strong economy. - Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:28pm
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NDP was the only party who really bothered to get the student vote last federal election. Based on the information & campaigining I saw, they also didn't make promises based on money figures. People really have to get past this whole socialism = communism = NDP thing. Take a PoliSci course sometime and get back to us.
Also, not that I agree with or support both, but the NDP is the only party that is united as both a federal and provincial party. That can be seen as a negative or a positive, depending on how you look at it. - Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:03am
The One After Two
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Trust me, will need to have a military pretty darn quick. The shit is going to hit the fan... lets just hope its after the Olympics in 2010.

Canada is the second largest holder of Oil (after Saudi). The world is running out of oil, people will look on the map and go, hmm Northern Alberta is full of the stuff and come help themselves. If we want to keep the shores of BC nice and pristine and not dig up the oil, we better be prepared to stop an oil starved and economicly desperate nation from coming in and helping themselves too.

I read some scary scenerio where the US falls into Chaos when gas prices skyrocket, we'll need some serious Mountie action to stop the flow of refugees into Canada (the article said Washington and Oregon will fair all right, so it won't be too bad for us in BC). Global warming ain't gunna be pretty either, the US will NEED our water really bad to keep the casions in Nevada busy and the air conditoners on in Pheonix. A lot of this stuff I read is pretty doomsday scenerio stuff, but we should still be prepared.

A strong military can also kung-fu fight their way into Sudan and other ethnicly cleaning areas and stop the carnage, right now, all we can do as a nation is say to oppresive regimes, "Hey, seriously, don't do that." Yeah we make good photo ops with Bono but we're not really doing our part for our fellow man and woman. - Tue, 12 Apr 2005 3:15am
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I like his mustache - Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:29am
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word - Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:22pm
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Canada may hold large reserves of oil, but it is of such low quality that it is very costly to refine. I wouldn't get too paranoid, but yes, a military is always good.

And, to stay on topic: Jack Rules! - Wed, 13 Apr 2005 3:38pm
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Call me an Anarchist for Layton... *thumbs up* - Fri, 15 Apr 2005 11:13pm
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im pro layton. not too hot on provincial ndp, but better than tank/missile toting conservatives, and tuition hyking libs.(i have no money!) - Mon, 2 May 2005 12:07am
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