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The Perish return
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > The Perish return
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Yo Mama
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Apparently, The Perish have signed a deal with Vancouver's Delinquent Record (who?). Here's what it says it on

The Perish is a hard working band that has produced a spectacular new sound by merging some of todays electronic goodies, with hard rock shredding guitars that can only be compared to 70's progressive rock thrown in a blender with Nirvana and Eddie Van Halen. The Perish debuted their first full scale performance the "Alien Rock Theatre "on May 24 2003 at the Royal Theatre in Victoria BC. The show combines intense theatrical displays with music that will lead you straight to the edge of your seat. The two main songwriters Jeff Noyes and Christine Battiston have many skills that contribute to their on-going success. Jeff Noyes is a talented singer/songwriter, guitarist, percussionist, bass and keyboard player who has worked hard to be successful at his music and producing albums with punch. Jeff was given the " Dream The Impossible Dream " awarded by the Times Colonist for his vast efforts to music and theatre.Christine Battiston shines on bass, keyboards and guitar as well as dancing and acting. The two songwriters share influences that range a wide scale of gendres. Some of those influences including Yes, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Supertramp, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Black Sabbath, Pearl Jam, Radio Head and The Glen Miller Band can be heard on the Perish debut album " Have You Seen Us Lately?" . Jeff Noyes Originated in Ontario and started playing guitar when he was five years old. Endless amounts of practice and playing hard for years in various bands from "Easy Way Out" to " Betty's Box " was how Jeff learned to hoan his craft and become one of the most original guitarists to date. Guitar is an instrument that The Perish feel needs to make a strong come back in todays' music. "Blending like pastels" is one way to describe the approach used to bring those hard rockin' guitars and the more modern instruments together to form an album of pure listening pleasure, from start to finish. Christine Battiston who also started out in Ontario displays fine keyboard playing that clearly shows her talent and the years of background spent with the piano. Along with the live music the talents of actor/dancers Sonali Perera and Alex Garcia help make the show a complete spectacle. Jeff Noyes and Christine Battiston have been hard at work in their secret laboratory to produce their first album together " Have You Seen Us Lately? " and from the great reviews so far the Perish feel confident that this album has what it takes to be a hit. A new " Alien Rock Theatre " is now in the works and will be announced shortly, as well as the official CD release party for the Perish debut album. - Thu, 27 May 2004 9:57am
Mr. Hell
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I've died and gone to heaven! If this means we get to see and hear more of The Perish it must be a good thing!
Apparently there is a video of the Royal Theatre show in some crazy guy's possession. He was threatened with a lawsuit if it was shown to anyone. I will find a way to see it. - Thu, 27 May 2004 10:12am
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Man I was at the show at the Royal Theatre. It was amazing! - Thu, 27 May 2004 10:13am
Ty Stranglehold
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I wish I could "hoan my craft". - Thu, 27 May 2004 10:44am
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I'm honing mine right now! - Thu, 27 May 2004 11:09am
Colin Sick
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I dont want to say much, but the man with the video is CLARKE ! He started that black sabath tribute band. - Thu, 27 May 2004 12:57pm
Mr. Hell
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I was trying to keep it on the lowdown in case they decide to come after Clarke again with their high priced corporate lawyers. They spend as much on their lawyers in a year as they spend on costumes and props for one of their live shows. - Thu, 27 May 2004 1:06pm
big poppa
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Are you serious about the lawyers ? . What is this award they keep talking about from the Times Colonist ? - Thu, 27 May 2004 1:22pm
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fact to Clarke....As an IATSE 168 guy in other words the theatre union...when the Perish put on their show I attended for their program there was no mention of banning video or audio recording. In the contract with the Royal this would come up as any artist has the right to forbid this....they failed to do so, therefore making that tape of that "show" public domain baby. - Thu, 27 May 2004 1:25pm
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These guys are the new american superstars. - Thu, 27 May 2004 2:37pm
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Interested in trading a six pack for a copy of that video?

Cheers - Thu, 27 May 2004 2:50pm
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Methinks this record label is of their own doing. I mean, really, who in their right mind would sign them? This text from the website is written by Jeff, I think. He kept using the word "gendre" instead of "genre" in my interview with him. Good reviews? Ha! Like my lambasting of their ill-fated show at the Royal? I don't remember seeing any good reviews -- only before-show fluff in the TC. And everyone at the show came away just shaking their heads.

Jason Schreurs - Thu, 27 May 2004 5:09pm
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FUCK YEAH! There's an MP3 ont he website!! - Thu, 27 May 2004 6:46pm
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did you guys look in the "critics been saying" section of their site?

They quote some Livevic'rs and also Jason Schreurs.. haha!

" The most fun I've had in a long time. " - Jason Schreurs, Monday Magazine, Victoria, BC

"Passion and perserverence are not in question here." - Jason Schreurs, Monday Magazine, Victoria, BC

" The Perish gig was something rare and in my opinion worthy of extensive documentation. Personally, I would have liked to have seen a several page article on it plus pictures. "- Moron,

" Way to go Perish, when is the album due out ? "- green with envy,

My my my, Ive not had such a jovial laugh this early in the morning in years!

On another note, good for The Perish.. that isnt the most obscure label, take a look at some of the bands on the roster.. - Fri, 28 May 2004 2:20am
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The record label isn't their own doing, but could have been done by friends of their on the mainland. Not hard to do a WHOIS on the url to find out who reg'd it and where the registered owner is situated.

Delinquent Records
#5-920 Tobruck Ave.
North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 1V8

Registered through:
Created on: 29-Jun-03
Expires on: 29-Jun-06
Last Updated on: 08-Apr-04

Administrative Contact:
LaFrance, Marc [email protected]
Delinquent Records
#5-920 Tobruck Ave.
North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 1V8
6049843153 Fax -- 6049862421
Technical Contact:
LaFrance, Marc [email protected]
Delinquent Records
#5-920 Tobruck Ave.
North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 1V8
6049843153 Fax -- 6049862421

Domain servers in listed order:

edit: OMG that MP3 was the suq! Did his voice sound that bad during their show? Fucking guy's tone deaf for christ sakes! - Fri, 28 May 2004 3:39am
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Actually the T-C Award of part of a list of tongue in cheek awards the newspaper gave at the end of 2003. The full citation reads:
"Dream The Impossible Dream Award: Winner -- Jeff Noyes. Last May Noyes, a former small-engine mechanic from Sooke, spent $20,000 staging a rock-theatre show at the Royal Theatre called The Perish. The byzantine plotline concerned alien interventions, abductions and "implant scenes." One performer was costumed as a tremendously large piece of cheddar cheese; props included a shopping buggy. Sadly, the TC missed the show. So did most of Victoria, apparently -- only 137 showed up at the 1,400-seat venue. Noyes bravely vowed to restage The Perish in July, however, nothing has materialized to date. But you've gotta hand it to him for trying." - Fri, 28 May 2004 4:45am
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"Please Please bring back the Cheese!" - Fri, 28 May 2004 5:52am
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That guitar solo is incredible! He's been playing since he was 5, eh? - Fri, 28 May 2004 5:58am
lapriders hommie
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I thought the total people in attendance was 37 - Fri, 28 May 2004 7:09am
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I think the PAID total was 37. The Parish were out front shortly before the show began just handing out tickets. Their friends and family sat up front as a group. Sweetgrass and I were up in the balcony with the unpaid riffraff. If there were 60 people there it's a generous estimate. We sat with an usher who was nearly speechless through most of it. She was well aware how much it was costing just for the facility.
We know the lighting tech at the Royal. If it weren't for some last minute lighting additions, that he did out of the kindness of his heart, the show would have gone on mostly in the dark. The Perish had maybe two tiny spots of their own that cast a sickly yellow glow over the stage. It was the Royals techie that made the show look half decent at least in the photos taken of it. - Fri, 28 May 2004 1:54pm
The One After Two
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I think the concept is decent... I had a similar vision once... but well, the cost is prohibitive, if you talk someone else into paying for it, have at er...

Did anyone see TOOL last time they came to Vancouver?

Sorry to ramble but it is in a similar vibe...

I remember going to the Starfish Room in Vancouver a few years back and they had this "Dance Troupe" on in between bands that was pretty cool. It must have been a couple guys and a three or four girls, and they did this performance that was sort of erotic, interactive and funny. They did a series of sketches to contemporary rock songs and the people went ape, goodtimes, I wish someone would put something like that together. - Fri, 28 May 2004 4:38pm
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They should have gotten the reward for "Taking Quotes Out of Context to Pad Your Press Kit."


Here's my full review as printed in Monday:

The Perish
Royal Theatre
Saturday, May 24

Spinal Tap eat your heart out. The Perish�s alien rock show stunk up the Royal stage within minutes. During the following hour and a half of monotone alt-rock and the most nonsensical plot imaginable, I kept expecting Christopher Guest to pop out from behind the curtain and let us in on the lark. I�m still struggling to find the connection between nu-grunge, aliens, strippers, Eyptians and a giant piece of dancing cheese (who got the best response of the night, by the way). Luckily, less than 50 people had to endure the musical and theatrical stench. We also got tons of belly laughs and heckling opportunities from the hilariously low budget stage props, the highlight being a sleeping bag alien pod. Perhaps the worst show ever to grace Victoria, it was also the most fun I�ve had in a long time. We can only hope the band and dancers were in on this over-hyped joke. Either way, this was one heck of an expensive ego trip.
- Jason Schreurs

I think the quote about "passion and perseverance" came from my original preview of their show. They even managed to spell perseverance wrong! I mean, you got to hand it to anyone stupid enough to go out on a limb for a show like that. Or at least be totally dumfounded by their dedication to such a hilariously overblown undertaking.

-JS - Sun, 30 May 2004 6:06am
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where is their website? - Sun, 30 May 2004 7:39am
#1 fan
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lol Zappnin Black has a pretty funny story about these guys up on their site. except they call them the Disapearance. It really is too funny not to share. this is just some of it:

'After being absent from the web site for a couple of months, 'The Disappearance' popped up again promoting their upcoming CD release party at the Royal. In their post they spoke of all the big-wigz from the muzic biz that were going to be there, along with a ton of media people, AND that the tickets were selling like hot cakes.

Months later, I wuz preparing for a show of my own when I got a phone call. It wuz the guitarist of 'The Disappearance' and he wanted to talk to me about my band. He told me how he and 'hiz people' thought that all the bandz from our city sucked, they all had bad attitudez, bla, bla, bla, that me and my band were the only onez who had it together, and they wanted to come n' see my band for future consideration. I found it all extremely funny especially with him sounding like he drooled the entire time he wuz trying to explain this to me over the phone. Basically he sounded none-to-bright.

when I did get home, there wuz an email waiting for me. It wuz very in depth, and from 'The Disappearance'. When I finished reading it, I wuz flabbergasted.

To sum it up, it said:
The Program Director of the local rock station and 'The Disappearance' were palz, and together they were putting on a Battle of the Bandz. The winner would get to go on a world tour with them az their supporting act. It also stated that we were the prime candidates for the job, but we had to 'watch ourselvez and stay cool' then they would help us out. We were not to mention anything to anyone becuz of the mysterious stealing of their mail and tapping their phonez. It wuz all top secret information. Then, they accused my camera-guy of video taping their show, and not giving the tape to them. Better yet, he wuz apparently showing the film publicly infringing on their copyrights which called for legal action. (my mouth hit the floor)

I contacted the Program Director to confirm my suspicionz of their liez, and I think he wuz az baffled az I wuz. After some correspondence with him regarding 'The Disappearance Emails', I had an urge to vizit the web site that they had so frequented irregularly before, and wouldn't ya know it... the email that they had sent me wuz posted for everyone to read. I wuz aghast. I sent them a mail saying that I didn't want to be a part of their freakin' gong show, and to go f**k themselvez! They sent me back claiming that someone had stolen the email from their web server and posted it. I forwarded the mail that the Program Director sent me, then they sent me back again, but this time asking me if I wanted to join their band! F**kin' maniacs!' - Mon, 31 May 2004 6:55am
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The Cheese Stands Alone. - Thu, 3 Jun 2004 7:09pm
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